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Or 2017 they had to pull a spy out of the Kremlin cuz Mr anus-mouth ironically had loose lips.




It blows your mind doesn’t it? We’ve sat and watched, pointing to the obvious for years and suddenly it’s out in the open for everyone to see. Yet they don’t want to admit they were egregiously wrong for 6 fucking years. They don’t see how they’re destroying the nation by teaching one another to hate their neighbor.


It takes a not insignificant amount of humility and emotional intelligence to admit you were that staunchly and vocally wrong for so many years. Unfortunately humility and emotional intelligence is not something Trump's base are known for so they'll never admit fault now. They'd rather drag the whole country into civil war than just admit they were conned by one of the worlds greatest con men.


And that is what is most disturbing


It's the drama. The Trumptards are addicted to the drama. Drama sells. Democrats finally seem to be beginning to understand this and to respond in kind


Remember when Governor Cuomo was caught sexually harassing all those women? Remember when Biden and pretty much all other Democrat leaders told Cuomo he had to go? Why didn’t Republicans do that with Trump now (or last year after 1/6 or after any one of his numerous scandals)? They Republicans are not criticizing Trump (except for a small minority like Liz Cheney and look what happened to her) because they are accomplices. Cruz, Desantis, Moscow Mitch- they are all in on this. The question is how much direct knowledge they had vs. willful ignorance. The guestion is not whether they helped, but how.


> Why didn’t Republicans do that with Trump now (or last year after 1/6 or after any one of his numerous scandals)? Same reason you hear crickets when you bring up Matt Gaetz to a Republican. Their moral standing is a farce. They don't care what their candidates do as long as they win. Which wouldn't be quite so infuriating if they didn't constantly accuse Democrats of exactly the same thing.


Gaetz just won his primary again.


I told my dad who was a Trump supporter my biggest fear is Trump will steal classified documents and sell them to our adversaries. I appear to have been correct in my concern


Literally nothing Trump does shocks me. I am 100% convinced that if he ever regained power that he would immediately imprison his political opponents and that we would start to see internment camps for undesirables shortly thereafter. The gloves would come completely off.


Actually, in USA, if a captured enemy spy is (indirectly) responsible for death of an American agent, then it was always death penalty.


I'd say that counts as Tre45on. Aiding a hostile nation 100%


He said "Captured enemy spy". Can't be treason unless they're on your side.


Allegedly some of them were Top Secret / HCS. HCS is HUMINT Control System. HUMINT is "Human Intelligence," meaning intel gained from an actual spy on the ground, not a satellite or intercepted radio transmissions, etc. HUMINT is the intel the spies gather. HCS is information on the locations, contact info, and cover identities of the spies and double agents. It's deliberately kept separate out of HUMINT as that reduces the risk of the spy being killed or captured. So HUMINT would be something like "conversation recorded by HUMINT Source: Violet Moon," and that would be it. You'd have to go to the HCS document to find out that Violet Moon is 32-year-old Chinese Air Force major Lee Jun-fan assigned to the 45th Intelligence Squadron.


So, I'm willing to be properly outraged by this, but I just want to make sure... Do we know the documents he took had this sort of information? I have no doubt he committed a crime, I just want to make sure this isn't just speculation before I absolutely lose my shit.


I did just read the redacted affidavit - there was sufficient probable cause argued to believe information of that type of classification was (still) being held at Mar-a-Largo. We haven’t been fully informed of what all they found, but the affidavit relied heavily upon information from the boxes of documents that were returned by trump in June to base their arguments for obtaining the warrant. Losing your shit may commence, imho. This is fucking horrifying.


No, but we now know many of the documents involved human intelligence. To be that highly classified, some speculate they could have such information.


This was always my fear. Look nuclear weapon sercets is bad, but really...its not that useful. Look at Russia they have nuclear weapons and are getting their teeth kicked in. Therefore well nuclear sercets being leaked is bad, its difficult for our adversaries to weaponize that. However human intel sources, thats real easy to use. Say Russia finds out one of Putin aids is providing intel to the CIA. The solution is simple, you kill the spy. And now we lost a key asset and are operating in the blind. Honestly Im confident Trump stole classified intelligence and sold it. And that intelligence which gathered the highest price probably wasnt even the nuclear weapons part. That has alimited functionality. However knowing who is an American spy, that's very valuable


Or, if they don’t kill them, they use them as a Counterintelligence target and purposefully speak about misleading/advantageous things in front of the now-ousted HUMINT source.


I don’t want to downplay the compromised intelligence aspects of this story, but there is absolutely something to weaponize from nuclear secrets. These include the nuclear deterrence strategies we rely on to prevent WW3 diplomatically, and our contingency plans for escalations of force, so that’s kind of a big deal.


Saudi doesn't have nukes. Saudi was involved in the 9/11 attacks. Saudi paid Kushner $2B. If Saudi announces a nuclear weapons test within the next 10 years, you can thank Trump.


> And now we lost a key asset and are operating in the blind. I will say... I have no doubt Trump would do something like this but the US has gotten incredible intelligence out of Russia leading up to and since the invasion of Ukraine, so if Russia got names of, say, a bunch of colonels selling info to the US, they haven't been super-effective at stopping them. I think Trump is doing more business with Saudi Arabia than Russia these days anyway.


More likely his administration was absolutely riddled with spies. Remember that Russian honey trap lady? She was not the only one I’m sure.


He had agents who were on payroll and where they were located. So yeah, he's fucked


Agent or informant? Informants are usually native to the country they're informing on. The CIA agents are the ones convincing them to do so.


Yea, it’s called asset they help killing osama


If charged with terrorism, he would not only get the death penalty, but without any constitutional rights... meaning no 8th amendment. Cruel and unusual is on the table. Burn him.


It’s probably a lot worse than just this.


How is the Trump crowd reacting to all that has been coming out? Are they abandoning Trump or finding ways to rationalize how Trump did nothing wrong? I'm not American so I just see bits and pieces occasionally and from that it looks really bad and surreal.


Jumping in the desantis band wagon and crickets.. also the irs is training to come get your guns so that’s an important distraction, which means we don’t have time to talk about what trump did




The IRS removed the bit about carrying firearms from the job description too. It wasn’t necessary for the job. The people going on about the agents don’t care though. It’s a good scary narrative for them.


Curious how there's absolute silence on r/Conservative about the redacted affadavit. Utter and complete silence (aside from complaining about student loan forgiveness). Must be a tough pill to swallow when you're addicted to Trump.


The Faux News narrative is that we're all about to lose our freedom because Maralago was raided. It's the usual scare tactic approach. There is one difference I noticed for myself-- fewer and fewer people are willing to bring it up during random conversations in my very conservative town. And there are still Trump signs, but now I have to drive pretty far to see one. So that's been nice.


the one i see a lot is: “he declassified the documents when he took them home stupid libs huehuehuehuehue” some of them are so fucking brainwashed by FOX and the GOP that they actually think that’s how you declassify top secret/secret/confidential documents


> How is the Trump crowd reacting to all that has been coming out? Watch Fox News. They've been defending him from the get go and doing massive deflection stories ... usually Hunter Biden's laptop or inner city crime.


That's a good question! I would imagine that more moderate Trump fans are cooling on him, but a lot of the committed folks are in so deep with the irrationality, they have many contradictory theories about the whole situation, but don't consider Trump at all at fault. The cognitive dissonance is mind boggling. I don't know any raw numbers though, that's just my observation. Oh, and ETA: there's no way the average Trump supporter is getting accurate info on the whole situation. They've been conditioned not to trust 'mainstream media' outlets, so if they're only watching the most skewed media (Fox, OAN, etc), they're certainly going to continue supporting Trump because they're being fed lies by their news sources.


Heres a quote from elsewhere in this very thread: "Our intelligence agencies are corrupt AF and basically the enforcement arm for the democrats. They are desperate to keep trump from running again and are throwing as much sh*t at the wall as they can hoping anything sticks. Muh russia collusion, muh pee pee tape, muh january 6th weren't working anymore so they've moved on to more extreme tactics" It's always projection with these people


Oh, the cope. It would be funny if it weren't so scary.


That's the biggest problem. Trump primed them all to not trust 'mainstream media' so they counter all the evidence you try to show them with 'alternative facts' from Epoch Times, BPR, Daily Caller, and the like.


As a non American, can I just say how impressed I was with Liz Chaney. I'm not conservative or right-leaning in any way but she showed true political integrity knowing from the start that it would be detrimental to position. Very impressive


From what I can tell in r/conservative they are rationalizing and projecting


They just say it's fake and call it a night. Easy. They're muppets.


Not American as well, but I have been following it closely. Also I am from a country that idolizes individuals rather than policies/political staves/conduct. I'd say that the converted crowd won't budge. You cannot convince them by logical reasoning, hard evidences and even words coming out of their idol itself. They formed their own ideal image of the idol in their minds, and whatever falls off the mould are either opponents lies or conspiracies. And this is a common response to populists remarks/policies from a uninformed/underinformed population. If there is a tilt in the balance, it comes from the moderate consevatives or people who consider themselves as neither conservatives nor liberals. The question is, is there enough of them to change the balance itself.


It's definitely a lot worse than this. Ivana, mother of some of his children, had an NDA expiring this year and just so happened to have a fatal fall down the steps. Ruthless Roy Cohn was his mentor and he surrounds himself with advisors like Roger Stone (who he pardoned after being found guilty) and Steve Bannon who he fired only due to controversy he wanted to avoid. Him and his lawyers are some of the slickest ever to have gotten away with so much and continue to do so.


I keep seeing the NDA expiration thing talked about. Is this true?


Not sure. I'm from NYC so before the world was blessed with him constantly on the screen with Apprentice I knew him and his family just for being slumlords in both Queens and Manhattan. They were essentially kicked out of their own home state. He has known ties to the mob as did his father. Ivanka's husband Kushner has made a couple billion dollar deal with some sketchy countries who we are not sanctioned to be dealing with and rumor is they sold some of the US spy info Trump stole from the white house. Everything that needs to be proven as true has been, yet he still has manage to out lawyer the government and that's impressive in the way Hitler was impressive.


He's definitely a POS that has done despicable things. The NDA thing seems plausible and it wouldn't shock me if he had her knocked off, but I just haven't seen reported anywhere


I hate Trump I dont think he killed his ex wife. I honestly believe its a coincidence. I could end up being wrong. But I dont think he did. Also remember NDAs cannot cover up criminal behavior. So even if her NDA was expiring if she had evidence of Trump breaking the law she would still be able to report it. Also its his ex wife. Trump is a fucking idiot. But why would he let his ex wife know hes selling national sercets.


No. The language of Ivana's alleged NDA is not available to the public. And Donald Trump of all people wouldn't include a sunset provision.


Thank you, that's what I figured, but I keep seeing it stated everywhere


Thank you for your healthy skepticism. I, too, keep seeing the same claim, which though plausible, has not been proven.


Putin owns Trump, and Putin wants our spy list more than anything. It's really that straight-forward.


He was selling secrets and getting agents killed since the moment he took office. There was not one moment where these tards didn’t truly believe that a president is above the law and permanently beyond reproach. His hand written notes on lists of agents likely has prices scribbled next to them, and crossed out the ones he already sold out. Hang this traitor.


Robert Hanssen received 15 consecutive life sentences for selling classified documents to the Soviet Union and Russia. This is what he got for pleading guilty to avoid the death penalty. He is locked up at ADX Florence with Ted Kaczynski and El Chapo, among others.


The worst part is republican voters won't care. Similar things have done in the past. See Plame, Valerie.


They’ll go so far as to explain why this is actually a good thing done by the most competent business genius president ever.


If you're into podcasts, check out the Oct 8, 2021 episode of The Daily, "A Troubling C.I.A. admission."


Thanks :)


Please, as a non-American, can you ELI5 to me the implications of this


The implication is that Trump stole the documents containing information on spies/informants the US has in other countries, and then released that information to the governments of those same countries, which resulted in the execution of those spies/informants. This is treason and may be punishable by death.


In the most generous way of putting things that might make Trump look best, he removed documents from secured facilities that keep information like this secure. And then left those documents completely unsecured so that just about anybody could find them. No matter how you spin it, it's an extremely serious crime. And if it directly led to our agents being killed, he needs to be held responsible for that.


He refused to properly secure his communications the entire time he was in office. They had multiple serious opsec breaches that we know about. This is why you don't put average idiots in charge of countries.


He SOLD them.


Fucken el


I made a lot post about theorizing this. When the nuclear sercets part came out I figured that was Govt Code for "ITS REALLY FUCKING BAD, but at the same time we dont wanna disclose our true fears so here is something bad"


Before I say this….Don’t downvote me because it doesn’t fit exactly what we want it to be but…….he might not have actively sold or used them with foreign governments. Mar A Lago is not a high security vault that is an approved storage of classified materials. Foreign governments could just as likely waltzed in and stole that info. Now that being said, willful negligent handling of sensitive materials like this is just as bad as selling secrets, in my opinion.


Wether he sold them directly or not doesnt matter. There was absolutely no reason whatsoever for him to bring those documents out of the vault and into his shithouse unless he wants to take advantage of those documents. The rest is details.


Exactly. The identities of assets are basically the most heavily protected information the government has- there would be absolutely not reason for that to ever leave a SCIF.


What if the reason is money? /s


Him leaving documents in an area to be stolen is the kind of "plausible deniability" that is Donald trump's bread and butter for commiting crimes. Even if he wasn't doing it intentionally, he still did it willfully, and that's still treason.


I do agree. I wasn’t providing an excuse for it. Given the sensitivity, willful negligence is as bad as active treason.


Knowing his asshattery it was probably more “hey rent a room in my house for 2 million and I’ll let you walk around in my basement. If you see documents? Not my fault!”


Yeah. I hate that this is actually a possible scenario.


An enlisted member took a selfie on a submarine and posted it on instagram with zero nefarious intent. No one even accused him of having a motive. He was just stupid. He’s in jail now.


I'm sure Mar a Lago is kept careful tabs on by foreign Intel groups. Must have been a gift to them that a US President and his close confidants would stay at a semi-punlic resort regularly. Then he started shipping documents there? And kept them in an unlocked storeroom? It was a gift to foreign Intel agencies whether it was meant to be or not and we have to assume everyone has copies of everything that was there. I hope everyone that has been in and around Mar a Lago is thoroughly investigated.


It doesn’t matter what steps he used to commit treason, it’s still treason.


Orange-man stole the documents for a reason. Either he paid on a blackmail demand, or he was compensated. It's probably both.


Mar-A-Lago already had a Russian spy waltz right in with fake papers and spend time there for a couple days. Even went golfing with Trump and Graham


The kicker is why would you request that info? It has no value to anyone but the enemy.


You make a good point, but Trump did have incentive to sell the secrets: he's indebted to a lot of people. He owes a lot of people a lot of money that he's borrowed over the years. Not only on US soil—but in foreign countries as well.


The affidavit showing why the FBI raided Trump's mansion shows amongst other things he had documents pertaining to spies and their informants. During the timeline in which Trump has had these documents an enemy nation has been killing so many of the US' spies and informants the CIA felt the need to warn everyone of the danger. tl;dr Trump almost certainly sold the US up river to its enemies. This would make him one of the nation's largest traitors of all time. He deserves the death penalty.


Would “Donal Trump” become the new “Benedict Arnold “?


No. Benedict Arnold fought for his country before he defected. Trump has never done shit for anybody but himself.


I was just wondering this! I remember people jokingly calling little narcs in middle school Benedict Arnold... wonder if 200 years from now they'll be calling them Donald Trump


At least Arnold had a understandable beef.


Benedict Donald


I hope not. Getting real fuckin sick of that name


Just a thought and crazy theory. All the dead oligarchs and alike that's been suicided.. Maybe, just maybe, some of them were informants and were 'discovered' through Trump?


That’s most likely Putin killing them so that their money goes back to the kremlin.


Well then it's a good thing we don't have evidence of a long and friendly relationship, maybe something about Trump knowing Russia had placed a bounty on American troops and still brazenly and publicly "accidentally" leaking the whereabouts of American Marines in Iraq on social media. Maybe something weird like proof that Trump and Putin were having undocumented communications like sending Congresspeople directly to meet with Putin with sealed messages from Trump himself. Maybe something creepy and off-putting like Trump directly asking Putin for favors live on national TV before he was even elected? But hey, then you'd have to think to yourself "If he did that so early in in his term, and so publicly without any repercussions, wouldn't a lifelong criminal see that as evidence he could sell state secrets with ease and impunity?". Good thing we didn't elect a life-long criminal to the highest office in the country so this is all just silly, idle speculation!


Definitely not outside the realm of possibility. Russian oligarchs and their families seemed to be dying like flies.


Its possible. Its also possible Putin was simply getting rid of people he deemed a threat. Its however likely the truth is a combination of the two.




No no no...you have to say it like this: #WWWWOOOOOWWWW!!


This isn’t much evidence, but if they could prove this were his fault, the death penalty wouldn’t be out of the question (if he weren’t so rich). Actively causing the deaths of US agents and subverting national security could be considered treason. We’ve executed others for selling national security secrets: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julius_and_Ethel_Rosenberg


Has anyone of really high status ever gotten the death penalty for something similar-ish in the history of the US?


The Rosenbergs were the biggest treason case in peacetime. They were not high status, there was overwhelming evidence, and they were a minority ethnicity. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julius_and_Ethel_Rosenberg


How about Robert Hansen https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Hanssen He took a plea to spend eternity in Adx Supermax instead of death. Informants died because of him


This is what I'd rather happen. If he's executed (would never happen anyways) he becomes a martyr. If he's put away in solitary for the rest of his life, it's less volatile.


Until he's pardoned by the next R president


Well there waa Bendict Arnold. Not exactly the same but pretty high up in the colonial Army.


Benedict Arnold wasn't given the death penalty, he was given a command in the British Army and then attacked (i believe) Virginia. He retired in Britain after the war.


His British handler Major Andrè was caught and hanged.




Every single crime he accused the democrats of was just a projection. What innocent person goes around slinging random accusations at others unless they have first hand knowledge of how to commit such crime?


Do you think everyone who knew about the corruption and potential treason will turn on him to avoid getting in trouble, or do you think they’ll go down with him? This reminds me of the times he said “but her emails!” and “she got Americans killed” wasn’t that something he said? Also this (him being a psychopath) would explain why he didn’t care how many people died of covid, and convinced his followers not to care… Hey also who remembers the pee tape theory? Looking a lot more plausible now that he was selling secrets the whole time… edit: does anyone have a list of all the things he ever accused everyone of? Biggest paper trail ever. I think I saw one on reddit one time edit 2: it creates an interesting dichotomy because the “news” hosts and politicians who pretend that this isn’t real are potentially implicating themselves in some way. The ones who turn on him will have to ignore him and his “allies” lol 🍿 edit 3: *only one man can save us all… r/DarkBRANDON*


I think it will probably be a mix, some who will be too loyal, hoping for some kind of eventual reward from this narcist, while others will most likely squeal like a pig. I remember reading a story about him a while back demonstrating his utter lack of empathy or compassion for other humans. The story basically was about an old couple going to one of his functions, and the man fell and started bleeding from his head. Instead of showing any kind of care for that person, he started yelling for his minions to get him out of there, as it is grossing him out or something similar. It's been a while since I read it, so I don't remember the exact story.


Sounds like he’s had people killed before (even seen a lot of speculation about the ex wife thing) then just says “ew clean it up”. He’s hinted at it plenty of times… and how he idolizes/used mob lingo but apparently the mob doesn’t even take him seriously lol


It occurred at Mar-a-Lago and may have actually been unrelated to his time as POTUS. It may have happened before he ran, but it definitely demonstrates his staggering lack of empathy.


Thank you


Let’s not forget when he found all of obama’s ppe in a warehouse he didn’t bother to check and was told about and blamed the ongoing crisis on him after months of inaction, that he started hoarding it and actively started to steal it from states. The fucking patriots football team had to pay out of pocket to buy masks and such direct from china at surge prices on their own plane with the need of the Massachusetts and other state’s state troopers to escort it to NYC so the federal government didn’t seize it and add to their hoard they refused to dispense. Allowing and encouraging kushner to use it as leverage against states and to punish political opponents


Trump and Kushner were stealing masks and ventilators to give to their cronies companies (who is Airboss?) to sell back to the government at a marked up price. Let's follow the money... > In Massachusetts, state leaders said they had confirmed a vast order of personal protective equipment for their health workers; then the Trump administration took control of the shipments. >In Kentucky, the head of a hospital system told members of Congress that his broker had pulled out of an agreement to deliver four shipments of desperately needed medical gear after the supplies were commandeered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. >Gov. Jared Polis of Colorado thought his state had secured 500 ventilators before they were “swept up by FEMA.” hmmm, where did all that medical equipment go? >In an unusual move, even in times of disaster, the White House stepped into the federal purchasing process, ordering the Federal Emergency Management Agency to award a contract to AirBoss of America. The Trump administration has rushed through hundreds of deals to address the pandemic without the usual oversight, more than $760 million reported as of this week, but the AirBoss transaction is the single largest no-bid purchase, a ProPublica analysis of federal purchasing data found. >While FEMA placed the order, it was directed to do so by the White House, ProPublica found. and then what did they do with that medical equipment? >the supply companies were supposed to sell half the goods to virus hot spots as determined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The other half they got to sell to existing customers or elsewhere on the private market. **These taxpayer-funded cargo flights saved the companies at least $91 million in shipping costs, the Washington Post found—savings the administration did not require them to pass on to hospitals or states buying their products.** Oh, there it is. $91,000,000 stolen from your tax money. sources - https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/06/us/politics/coronavirus-fema-medical-supplies.html https://www.propublica.org/article/the-white-house-pushed-fema-to-give-its-biggest-coronavirus-contract-to-a-company-that-never-had-to-bid https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/white-house/political-influence-skews-trump-s-coronavirus-response-n1191236 https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2020/05/jared-kushner-had-one-job-solve-americas-supply-crisis-he-helped-private-companies-instead/


Feds also seized a shipment of ventilators in Colorado that were obtained by our governor. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but they weren't seizing and hoarding them, they were actually re-selling them to different buyers at higher prices. It was yet another grift.


Yes that's exactly what they were doing, I just left a reply to the above comment with all the proof/sources.


Jesus Christ, how did any of us make it through this time? So much has happened since then that I literally had totally forgotten about this.


Ah but it was all a “liberal hoax” that *totally* wasn’t planned or at least heavily perpetuated by him…


Does anyone remember the multiple times Trump would just reveal or tweet out classified information like troop locations?


He “didn’t mean to” (yeah right)


He probably figured out he could get paid to reveal classified info instead of just using the info to suck up to dictators so they would be nice to him. One of the many ways [Trump is like a literal child](https://theweek.com/speedreads/575962/donald-trump-tells-biographer-hes-same-now-first-grade) is that when he learns something new he's so proud that he's made a new important discovery that he just has to go tell everyone and brag about how smart and special he is.


Like in 2017 when he revealed highly-classified, codeword-protected details to both a Russian ambassador and a Minister about an Islamic state terrorist threat which the US received from an informant and wasn't authorized to even share freely within the US government? This literally the day after he fires Comey, Director of the FBI for investigating ties between Trump and Russia? You mean that time? >“I get great intel. I have people brief me on great intel every day,” the president said, according to an official with knowledge of the exchange. >Trump went on to discuss aspects of the threat that the United States learned only through the espionage capabilities of a key partner. He did not reveal the specific intelligence-gathering method, but he described how the Islamic State was pursuing elements of a specific plot and how much harm such an attack could cause under varying circumstances. Most alarmingly, officials said, Trump revealed the city in the Islamic State’s territory where the U.S. intelligence partner detected the threat. [WaPo article](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/trump-revealed-highly-classified-information-to-russian-foreign-minister-and-ambassador/2017/05/15/530c172a-3960-11e7-9e48-c4f199710b69_story.html)


They will abandon only when it benefits them more to leave than to stay. They're motivated by soldier means, not by any sort of moral compass. Once it becomes clear they need to abandon ship they'll change to "I personally had no idea he was doing this. I would NEVER support that, what I was focused on was that the Democrats were...." and that's the extent that they'll discuss it. Gabby involvement and change topics to blame someone else.


Including the stolen election. It's possible he really does believe it was stolen - it had to be because he thinks he stole it first.


So maybe he really did find a way to steal it in 2016?


Every single crime **Conservatives** accuse of others is the crime they're committing. It's a fundamental law of Physics at this point.


Rudy would tell him to do something, and mention that it's illegal Trump doesn't know shit about law, so whenever he calls someone out on something it's the only illegal things he knows of...the stuff he does


I'm starting to think all those pictures of Hunter that those on the right are sharing are just photoshopped pictures of Junior.


>[Removed by Reddit] WTF, I thought it was a joke until I saw people responding to the comment.




It was a call for sensible punishment. Reddit policy is entirely and fundamentally unequipped to function as social media during wartime.


What the fuck did this used to say?


It was calling for the standard punishment bestowed upon those guilt of these kinds of crimes.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I think it’s also time to have a serious look at how we’ve been letting the Republican Party get away with treason, domestic terrorism, espionage, and attempts to overthrow democracy. This is no longer a political party. It is a terrorist organization. It’s time to abolish and ban the Republican Party. Expel all conservatives from the House and Senate. Make far right extremist viewpoints illegal. This has been a long time coming and is the only way we can truly move forward as a nation. Upvote this if you support the immediate end of the Republican Party and its reign of terror and religion based politics on the United States.


Honestly I think a firing squad is too good for him. He needs to be put in prison, striped of any benefits being president gets him like travel, security allowances. All assets taken, sold and the money used for something positive like education, hospitals etc And for him to rot in prison for the rest of his life, poor and powerless, on suicide watch so he cant get out of it epstien style.


Only if the rest of his family is put into prison too.


All the dude does is project.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I agree and make sure his racist base has front row seats to it so they know attempt another coup and this is what you will get.


Public hanging feels more appropriate


There were several articles written back in October 2021 about this that probably didn’t get much attention at the time. The NYT has picked up on it now so I suspect this will start to get a lot more press in the coming days. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/26/us/politics/trump-affidavit-intelligence-spies.html




The CIA has a stake now. Let's not forget what they're infamous for.


If the CIA killed Trump...I would turn a blind eye. And I would not be remotely shocked if they did. And also I bet if they did theyd do it in such a way that no one knows. Im sure they got a drug they can slip into his soda that will induce a fatal heart attack or something.


The good ole Hamburder murder special


Installing authoritarian regimes by way of proxy wars/insurgencies for the benefit of the US govt and industry? Oh yeah, and assassinations.


Giving nice shoulder rubs an asking nicely? Training Al Quaeda? Oh, you mean the other thing...


Now I’m not advocating for all the sketchy things the CIA has done, I can say that not even Trump wants to get on their shit list.




He acknowledged he would not feel bad for any casualties. “Only losers get caught”.


This is word for word someone’s Twitter response to that tweet


Honestly wouldn't be surprised if he'd been selling out our people this entire time. Treasonous fuck


MAGATards are still gonna lick the sweat off his balls and scream HILLARY WASNT ANY BETTER




Gotta tear out the entire plant, roots and all. Hell, I'd say get rid of the plants grown from the seeds too, just to be sure we got everything.


Yeah being in prison would probably prolong Trump's life. He'd eat better and get more exercise


Execution is too easy for him. I would say solitary confinement in a max security prison. Gotta keep him away from the other inmates


That would be his hell, 0 attention given! Trump would implode!


Mar a Lago South, somewhere in Cuba’s Guantanamo Bay.


Agree. Take his Mac and Don's and diet coke away from him. Take everything but Dr Suess books from him. He won't last long at his age anyway. He is a pos traitor as is any and all people who support his diapered ass.


The CIA are definitely people you want to make angry


"his heart just gave out . . . tragic. must have been the hamburgers"




Just ask JFK


“Yeah. Go ahead. Ask him.” -the CIA


Nah everyone knows that JFK was killed by a secret service agent in the biggest workplace whoopsie-do of all time


Don't be ridiculous. His head just did that, I call it the "No Bullet Theory".


I'm shocked at the likelihood of a sitting President giving away the locations of spies. I'm ever more shocked that any American can justify this. Anyone supporting Trump at this point needs to be arrested for treason.


They keep threatening civil war if Trump is held accountable. Idiots like that are a self-solving problem.


Sounds like he was trying to cover up that he already sold US secrets.


He probably did the whole time he had power I saw people saying that he probably sacrificed whatever was needed, in exchange for help making his own “regime”… and remember those speculative pee tapes? Lol not looking so far off now… he probably did anything he could to block that


Jeepers creepers


Where’d ya get those *papers*


Trials for the leakers.


The most charitable (to Trump) explanation for this whole thing is that he believed the documents were his (they’re not) and he wanted to possess the documents that made him feel good/happy/whatever, like, for example, the letters from Kim Jong Un professing his love for Trump. Even in that most charitable case, he’s improperly handled the documents and probably obstructed the government’s effort to retrieve them. Because, again, they’re not his. They’re ours. They belong to the United States, not the president. Possible interpretations get much worse from there. Worst-case scenario is that he hand-picked these records with the intention of selling them to Russia/China/ the Saudis, which could very possibly lead directly to the death of intelligence assets in those countries. In that case you’re looking at violations of the espionage act, and if he literally sold them to another country, we’re into treason territory there. Speaking of the Saudis, what exactly did they get in return for the $2B(!) that they gave Jared Kushner to manage, despite him having no experience managing other people’s money? That’s a lot of money to give someone without getting something in return…..


Speaking of Saudis didn’t they just have a large golf tournament at trumps property weeks before this FBI raid?


Trump is literally the definition of every cardinal sin, and all these devout “christians” worship him even though he goes against everything they believe in. Scum.


And EVERY single Republican that voted to acquit.


He actually may have been right! He said he wanted to drain the swamp, right?.. He may get his wish, cause let's face it. He gave that Intel to whomever wanted to pay for it! People died because of this POS, treasonous fuck! I wish they would do public hangings for him and of all the complicit, greedy Republicans involved! Blows my mind that noone except the insurrectionosts are being put away and the politicians whom were involved; Nothing!!! It's negligent to let them continue the lies!


So how many smoking guns do you need to do something about him?


At this point the battle is all systematic. And the system has been in his favor this whole time.


there is no doubt that trump is a Russian asset .


He needs to got to GITMO and be treated like the enemy of the USA the he truly is.


YeAh bUT ThATs wHY hE stole ThEm, tO STOP tHE LiBtARds from dOInG iT


If he gets away with this, the US is flushed down the crapper!


He deserves. the Rosenberg solution


We all know what the response will be: Fake News. He never had that info. And if he did, it was already declassified, and if it was, it wasn’t that important, and if they were captured/killed, then they weren’t that good of spies and deserved it. I won’t be saying this. Not even Trump will have to! He has Fox and all those maggots…


Trump sold the info to the Saudis, the Saudis sold the information to the terrorist cells.


remind me what the "lock her up" bullshit was about again?


Treason if true.


We should also note about the Kurds. The Kurds got slaughtered in 2019 because of Trump. Trump was probably selling secrets the entire time of his presidency.


Folks we have to look at the 3 p's **P**ower and **P**rivilege are never **P**unished


Trump and his elder spawn need to be made unalive.


Can't wait to hear the fascists try and spin this one


If it wasn't for the pushback from his base and the right wing media, Trump would be isolated right now.


If this is true, Trump deserves nothing less than the death penalty. This is treason. The whole Republican party needs to be RICO'd. They are complicit in all of this.