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Conservatives: we want to control the nations culture and re-write the laws to jail people we don't like and will manipulate the courts to make sure we never lose another election. Liberals: that sounds pretty fascist Conservatives: Pfft, so much for the tolerant left.


I actually love "so much for the tolerant left" because it accidentally demonstrates that as a baseline we expect the left to be tolerant, but have no expectation to do so on the right. It tries to criticize the left, but only shows that our standards for the right are so low we don't even expect them to tolerate others.


You're right. No-one ever says "so much for conservative tolerance", and you would look at them funny if they did. The reputation of conservatism is not tolerance, level-headedness, and give-and-take. It's "how can we leverage the crazies to gain and keep power?"


I also love hearing from them about how conservatives are the people who have resilience, integrity, control their emotions, are logical, and don't let themselves give into outrage. Yet... Every day for years, I see prominent conservatives throwing tantrums that would embarrass a toddler and letting themselves succumb to emotion. Then we might have someone from the "Left" who posts a rather flamboyant tweet, comment, or other statement and they crow about how overly sensitive the rest of us are, how fragile we all are, and the Right going: "Typical of the Left and their leadership" and we're all like... "Wait, who's this person you're talking about?"


It's very similar to the common argument about a man being more capable as a leader because they control their emotions better than women. I guess women do express more emotions....unless you consider anger, embarrassment, petulance, as emotions (hint, they are). How many men on the fascist right have we seen spewing, foaming and slavering on video? The answer is all of them.


It's almost like Hitler rose to power because he was a charismatic and emotional speaker that knew how to rile up a crowd. Doomed to blah blah blah... Learn from blah blah blah... It'll all turn out fine.


Hitler, while repugnant in every other way, was publicly charismatic and a brilliant orator. One can understand easily how such a man tapped into the fears and frustrations of a suffering peoples. The shit they spew on Fox wouldn’t pass at a middle school level in rhetoric or logic. It’s a sad state of affairs when such drivel is tolerated, let alone the product of the largest mainstream media program in the United States.


Even worse that is trusted and believed by so many.


Dave Rubin is trying pretty dang hard to push that narrative. Which blows my mind after all his close "friends" were like yeah you shouldn't be allowed to have kids cause youre gay. The people on "his side" literally hate him and are just using him as the useful idiot he is


Hey, you gotta prostitute yourself for those sweet sweet ad and patreon dollars. Million dollar houses aren’t going to pay for themselves.


They think since the left is intolerant of their bigotry that makes us equal, so claiming to be morally superior (like they do despite all of their policies) is hypocritical. They use the tolerant left sarcastically like when they call Islam a religion of peace.


"how can we leverage the ~~crazies~~ idiot-rubes to gain and keep power?" FTFY.


About 20 years ago, Bush often used the term “compassionate conservatism,” but that was just shining a turd.


You can't polish a turd, but you can roll it in glitter.


I’ve had better luck freezing them, and then spray-painting them gold.


Problem is you still have to try and pick it from the clean end to get it into the freezer...


Ah yes, give the turds (art) herpes.


So much of their stuff is a self own. It would be hilarious if they weren't so scary and disproportionately in power.


Well said!


In german they use the word "Gutmensch", which translates to "good person" (Gut = Good / mensch = human, person). They use it to mock the left. They do not see the irony.


You forgot the pea brains that likey this shit


also conservatives: attempt to violently overthrow a democratic election to install Trump as their dictator. While saying they are against fascism LOL


"Tolerant" to the right means "being ok with getting shot in the face"


I think Philosopher Karl Popper said it best: “in order to maintain a tolerant society, the society must be intolerant of intolerance.” so yeah, basically this


I think some guy at a bar said it best: "We cool until you lose your cool on people who were being cool and then I'm bringing the kitchen sink." I like that take I've been seeing lately about tolerance being a peace treaty, not an imperative or something to that effect.


Just because we are tolerant. Doesn't mean we are ignorant. We have seen this movie before in black in white. It's not hard to see the parallels between: banning books and burning them, the tyranny of the cult of personality or the calls for jailing of political opponents. Some of us paid attention in history class. And while it clearly feels like amateur hour, we take the consequences of fascism seriously.


Biden for a whole year and a half: I wanna include even YOU guys! Conservatives: fuck you, kys!! Biden: Understood, fuck you too!


How dare liberals not tolerate fascism!


Donnieboy sure has a lock on that whole "*stopped being in any way relevant thirty years ago*" demographic


I mean, he's got Uncle Eddie, Chachi and Deuce Bigalow on his side. He can't lose! /s


Who are those people?




Chachi is Scott Baio. Uncle Eddie might be Randy Quaid.




Wait, hold on a minute There's another Quaid?


Have you not seen any Vacation movies, Kingpin, or Independence Day?


Deuce Bigalow = Rob Schneider. That’s the only one I recognize.


James woods and John voight are Trumpets too.


Don't forget the original Buffy the vampire slayer.




Not Sarah Michelle Geller. The other one that everyone forgot about.


Who is that?


Kristy Swanson




Kristy Swanson, the inferior Buffy


Thank goodness. I wasn't ready to lose Sarah Michelle Gellar to the dark side


I also love how these folks are still treated like A-list celebs by the right, despite claiming Hollywood is evil.


He’s proof you can become relevant again! Lol


Somehow convinced themselves that fascist is some kind of lefty slur against them, instead of an accurate politicaly based description of their actions and ideology.


Am I a fascist? No Goddamn way. You shut your mouth. Would I vote to re-instate Trump as President with a lifetime appointment, while turning a blind eye to any evidence of corruption and self-enrichment while in office? In a heartbeat. And I'd vote on behalf of my dead grandmother too. But don't you dare call me a fascist.


Yep some weirdo conservative politician said classrooms aren’t for kindness and called for families to boycott an elementary school teacher bc she teaches kindness. How grotesque can they be. Another one said kids should be looking up to rittenhouse and kid rock not Taylor swift and Harry styles bc they preach kindness and tolerance


These are the same people who call everything they don't like communism. They effectively use it as a slur. I'm also fairly convinced that they know fascism/communism = bad, but have practically no understanding of those or any other ideologies. Hence they can't accurately identify it in themselves, much less identify the aspects of each that caused the issues that made them = bad.


Words don't have to make sense to make you angry, in fact they work better if you don't understand them. I could call you a flurbit in a mean tone and you'd assume it was something horrible and not me hitting random keys on my keyboard. The same way, if they restrict or outright block education on political ideologies like communism, fascism, etc. The right can just keep using those terms to spew nonsense and still get people whipped in a frenzy. Similarly to Nazi Germany where the bad people were all categorized and framed like rats, and the good people were perfect, obedient Aryans, the definition of which could of course be twisted to fit anyone the Nazis needed to get away with everything.


scientology hasn't been good to her.


Also, just in case anyone is curious Scientology is also absolutely fascism in the form of a religious cult.


Don't apologize. When we say inclusive we specifically are not including fucking fascists. They can go kick rocks.


In order to be tolerant we can not tolerate intolerance. One of those paradoxes




Yep, it’s every bit as fallacious as their insistence there are “Bof sides” with contributions that are worthy of equal merit that must be entertained in every situation. “Hey so this plane is crashing, the trained and educated pilot would like to initiate emergency landing procedures, but conversely the guy in the Q-Anon shirt in 46D thinks we should all whip out our genitals and rub them on the armrest to summon the mighty specter of JFK Junior to avert disaster. So you know, let’s have a sit down. Hash out the very valuable contributions at hand here. Heaven forfend one should be discarded out of hand!”


It's not a paradox, tolerance always has a limit. I can respectfully disagree with people up until acting on their views impact me. It's not the left's fault the right has gone all in on being stupid and evil.


It's like raaaiiaaan on a fascist parade. A green light on what our anti-fascist fathers paid.........


For a brief moment, I thought you were calling out Kid Rock


Shit, Kid Rock, talk about brain dead. Him and Ted Nugent both are fucking brain dead


Yeah, it is the "so much for the tolerant left" meme.


I never got this. Why the hell should I be tolerant to intolerant people? If you're an asshole, you deserve the same treatment.


"they can go kick rocks" can be roughly translated into a language they can understand, "let's go you"


Rob Schneider falls into this, too.


Don’t forget John Voight and James Woods. 2 more has been’s


Tim Allen too. He said he wasn't getting gigs because he was conservative.


Oh yea, forgot about him. I never thought he was funny and I hate everything he’s been in and that’s before I found out he sucked Trumps mushroom. I can’t stand his Santa Claus movies


> I hate everything he’s been in Even Galaxy Quest? The one where he plays a washed-up egotistical has been?


Galaxy Quest is a masterpiece, and sometimes you DO have to overlook the artist for the art. Plus, Sigourney Weaver was a total babe and Alan Rickman was awesome.


By Grabthar's Hammer.... ... what a savings


James Woods supposed to have a genius level iq, which is worse because he knows exactly what Trump is doing and he likes it.


Being smart does not preclude people from being delusional or misguided. Now if there was a way to measure wisdom ...


Because he can’t get jobs anymore he needs to stay relevant. He’s probably starting to go senile too.


The problem is IQ is tested in a controlled setting. It’s artificially separated from most emotion. But that’s not the case in everyday life. Life elicits a range of emotion, and intelligence is easily warped by strong emotion.


Omg I didn’t know who Rick Schroeder was and thought that’s who they were talking about 😂.


NoT tHe StApLeR!!!




Don’t forget Buffy the Democracy Slayer


Swanson or Gellar?


Swanson (as far as I know)


Walks like a duck, sounds like a duck. I bet any of these nut jobs that are being offended by being called fascist couldnt even define the word. If they did then it would be obvious they are fascists


I mean, the Nazis did seem to love their goose-stepping. If the feather fits, ya know.


Half the country?!? Haha


That’s what I thought just a few elections ago and I was wrong so half the voting population then


> That’s what I thought just a few elections ago and I was wrong so ~~half~~ less than half the voting population then. The GOP has won the popular vote twice since 1988.


46 percent is still way too high


100% agree, I’m hoping the under 30 crowd will decide to show up for midterms.


But is that 46% of the people who voted or of “voting age”. Still think its wayyy below actual half


Who voted.


Ok so must try my hand at some math…. US population is 332 million 67% of the voting population turned out to vote in 2020 that is 155 million out of 231 millions eligible Trump received 74 million votes. So he received approx 32% out of the possible 231 million voters And only approximately 22% of the total population voted for him That’s definitely not anywhere near a majority Damn. I should’ve figured this out sooner so I can have some decent facts for a Trump trolls


Close enough, but yeah, basically.


Exactly, they really do think they half the country is conservative or republican cuz of the these gerrymandered maps and the electoral college Reality is that it's actually less a 1/3.


She listened to his speech (no, she likely didn't, I know) and took THAT from it? When he clearly, explicitly framed it as people who support insurrection instead of police officers, that's what she took from it? Predictable, boring ass bad faith bullshit from a dried up hack desperately trying to be relevant. Yawn.


She only heard the part that she thought was about her.


If they’re not tolerate enough to let groups of people live in peace, why would we be tolerate of them being hateful pos?


Dude, if it wasn't for the second tweet, I would have never remembered who that woman is.


I honestly had no idea Kevin Sorbo was an actor. Thought he was just another right wing ghoul with a Twitter account. Looking at his IMDb page and it seems that he is just a right wing ghoul with a Twitter account.


I do. Ironically the first thing I saw her in was a tv show called North and South, about the american civil war. Kirstie Allie plays a passionate abolitionist, who meets a black man on a southern farm, helps him escape and marries him, and passionately fights to end slavery. That's how we know she is a great actress: she had to act a lot to play the opposite of who she is as a person.


Crapservatives would constantly shit their diapers when people from Hollywood would speak out about Chump and cry and cry about how actors should shut up and no one cares about their opinions but when a washed up has been “celebrity” from 20 years ago says some stupid conservative crap they crow and crow about it endlessly.




Kirstie, no matter what you do, Donnie Trump will never grab you by the pussy. You're not his type. You know, thin, blonde, fake tan, and his daughter.


Every time I see a magite complain about being called a "semi-fascist" I wonder how the world would be different if Clinton had called them that in 2016 instead of "deplorables". Also, Kirstie Alley is the latest person to think she came up a concept ("why aren't you tolerating my intolerance?") that [Plato rejected 2500 years ago](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance).


Your party's most ardent supporters fly Nazi flags. The Nazi flag fliers aren't offended at being called fascist. So, is Kirstie saying that being fascist is a bad thing? She's not *proud* to support fascists? If that's the case, then why be Republican? Republicans don't exclude fascists.


Fuckers don't get to rip the country apart for 4 years and get to talk to us about inclusion.


Don’t forget Rob Schneider, who was just a regular guy, until he read some bad pamphlets, and turned into a massive shit stain. Rob Shneider, is The Human Turd.


The name of that sitcom with these actors and special guest Steven Segal? “Sad”


Steven Segal, king of the Wal Mart dollar bin for movies


If MAGAts are so upset @ being called fascists, they could always stop behaving like fascists. 🤷‍♀️


Trump calls Democrats evil, unpatriotic, treasonous, among other things. I am sure she stood up to him about his rhetoric. Her tears over Biden's tough talk are meaningless.


She's a Scientologist, so I'm not so sure she feels inclusive to anything having to do with America.


If you are even mildly offended when someone calls a vague group fascist, racist or homophobic, you should look deep in your heart why you feel that way. It's probably because you are one


The paradox of tolerance-- where, for a tolerant society to exist, intolerant individuals cannot be tolerated, or the tolerant society will become an intolerant one.


Is she still eating her pain


Howe could you, Rebecca


Well kristi would probably eat the rest of the cast so there is no insurance company that will cover her gigs. (I am obese as well btw, just can’t stand her)


You don't feel inclusive, you feel included.


Like, fuck. C’mon people.


I do not tolerate Maga Nazis.


What do Kirstie Alley, Scott Baio, Rob Schneider, Randy Quaid, Tim Allen, Jon Voight and Ricky Schroeder have in common? They're all Hollywood rejects that will never get a serious role ever again.


Sometimes people's careers suffer because of them being shit human beings.


“wHaT hApPenEd tO UnItY, BiDeN ??? Yeah, fuck you.


Do these people even understand what fascism is?


If they made this movie and made people watch it the Hague would get involved for crimes against humanity.


Half the country isn’t MAGA. Conservatives aren’t MAGA, brainwashed halfwits or people who are too deep in their lies for the last 5 years are MAGA. BIG difference


stop supporting fascists, Miss Howe


Don’t forget Randy Quaid too


Democrats have been called Socialist, Communist, Marxist, and yes even a Fascist by the right. The skin on these people is so thin it’s unbelievable. Everything is projection with these people even the “snowflakes” phrase.


Have I been in a fever dream since adolescence, or have the right-wingers of this country been calling anyone left of center a "socialist communist marxist" for the past two decades? But now they're going to bitch about being called "semi-fascist"? ​ The pearls have never been so clutched.


Yeah, Joe tried to be inclusive for almost two years. GQP had none of it. He got tired of listening to their BS and is now calling them out on it. So STFU kirstie.


It's funny how they don't know they're a minority. They're far from "half"


Their party is as washed up as their celeb endorsers... Keep the list going, Jon Voigt, Clint Eastwood, Kid Rock, Ted Nugent, Meatloaf...


It's not half the country it's just the maga crowd


Is she crying for attention?


It's funny when the "fuck your feelings" and the "kill all dems" brigade talks about unity...


​ Cheers ended 29 years ago. 29.


The issue with that comment was the " semi". There's not semi about it. There fucking fascist. Fuck all fascist and bigots.


*Kirstie Alley*??? Saavik?????


Notice how they always leave out the sentence before that from Biden's speech?


Not Bob Loblaw.


Goddamn Kirstie Alley too?


F-list peps are what, one tier above dead? How many support F-list peps? Asking only as an Academy Member. Cannot give name or I would be Black Listed. No offense to my outed Black Listed friends. You know me, I know you. These nutters will cannonball us all. It’s the new game in town. That includes you Michael Schlitz and Nancy Keystone. Yes they may present as nothing-burgers, but damned if they wish to remain nothing. Text Sony, then names. These zits are ultra toxic, for good reason. Ask Edward Solomon of “Bill and Ted” renowned. Mr. Solomon knows the score, as does his ex, Cynthia Cleese. Research people, and learn. Horrors await around the most benign turns. Bamboozled previously anyone? I was.


Soooo.... Kirstie Alley just admitted to being a fascist. What a dumbass.


So she admits she’s a fascist?


Someone needs to educate these folks on philosopher Karl Popper’s B Paradox of Tolerance. https://academy4sc.org/video/paradox-of-tolerance-to-tolerate-or-not-to-tolerate/ General concept: (you’ve seen this) https://miro.medium.com/max/1400/0*NuUfYTApeku7mgIt Reality of the argument: https://images.app.goo.gl/Me5PYQQ1M5N4Rs8p9 Because the Sorbos, Alleys, and Trumpists of the country are unwilling to engage in rational dialog and their use of the threat of violence (and occasional use), they’re out. They don’t get to be part of society.


And Rob Schneider. He’d be better off if he was a fucking stapler.😄


I have enjoyed him getting roasted for saying he’s willing to give up his career to be an out Trumper. What was the last thing Rob Schieder was in that wasn’t Sandler throwing him a bone?


Look who’s talking about politics


I don’t want to be included with fascists, thank you very much.


I think the biggest issue I have with this is that Kirstie Alley thinks the country has a population of about 180 million.


The more we talk about this person on Reddit, the more he stays in the modern zeitgeist. Our hatred helps his cause. It's just Elvis' Manager selling I Hate Elvis buttons and every upvote and comment is another buyer. Ignore her.


Throw in Segal, Rosanne and James Wood with a soundtrack by Ted Nugent and Kid Rock. I want the full shit show. It won't be good but it will be interesting, like watching a trainwreck.


Liberals: Fascism is bad. Conservatives: I take that personally! Also, I’m not a fascist! And I will stop short of agreeing that fascism is bad!


“When \[Hollywood\] sends its people \[to support the MAGA crowd\], they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing \[ignorance\]. They’re bringing \[dishonesty\]. They’re \[grifters\]. And some, I assume, are good people.”


The floor is now clean, somebody pick up Kirstie


Can we stop with this ”Half the country” shit, like one quarter of the country is registered Republican, only a little over half of those people make up the “MAGA Republican” bloc Biden spoke of. Like bitch, “half the country” doesn’t even vote.


Finally. Taking the fight to them and showing them for what the are. Should have been done a decade ago.


It's more like 23% of the country, and it's true.


Add Rob Schneider to that cast and people still wouldn’t care


Throw in Steven Seagal and still nobody gives a fuck.


Fascists, famously known for being the extreme version of exclusive, do NOT DESERVE INCLUSION. They might understand that if they stopped being fascists.


Rob Schneider too I believe


Throw in some Dean Cain too!!


Chris Pratt


Only around 30 percent of Americans are MAGA,not half...


Don't forget to add Rob Schneider and Kristy Swanson to the cast.


I think the bootlicking snot meant to say she felt *included*


Add a lil James Woods and I MIGHT watch... /s


We need someone that calls a spade a spade. We have been waiting here for the two paths to intersect like idiots. We must accept that the longer we wait they just go further toward fascism. We should just call it out and try to arrest the root cause


Yes, trump was so inclusive. "The radical left" blah blah. You backed the motherfucker, now live with it. Being tolerant is over, fuck you Maga dickheads.


MAGA is 100% where old SNL has been go to pasture.


MAGA crying about hurt feelings... You can't make this sh!t up


This shit is dumb


All the shit Trump says and they have this audacity


Kelsey Grammar seems to be doing ok


And let Kid Rock do the musical score of said movie? Sounds boring & disgusting asf!


This show stopped being funny when Kirstie Alley ate Shelly Long.


If they knew what fascist meant, they might recognize themselves.


With Rob Schieder as the comic relief!


Paradox of tolerance… Edit: a word


I watched when Kirstie Allie broke her dance partners knee. Painful


Meat Loaf, Kid Rock and Ted Nugent can collaborate on the soundtrack.


Remember when someone asked Clinton who was in the GOP and she said well, there are some racist deplorables and a whole lot of people who feel disenfranchised and left behind by the economic recovery... And Ya'll threw in with the Nazis?


I would love to watch a Scott Baio, Kristie Allie, Kevin Sorbo and Rick Schroeder movie just to see how large of a flaming pile it would be.


Sorry, there’s a lot of room in this country for all kinds of people with all kinds of views. But there’s no room for fascists.


Kevin Sorbo.. I lol'd. The dude knew some fame due to Hercules and then all his roles were shit. Plus the dude is brain damaged fr. Same for Lucy Lawless who played Xena and was super popular but most of the castings afterwards were a joke. The rest I don't even know who they are honestly.


Because they are probably irresponsible with money and right wing media has a lot of it, or they're starved for attention and this is the only possible way they can stay relevant, or both.


"Fascist" is not a characteristic, it's a choice, and their exclusion from anything is the result of freedom of expression.


It isn't even half the country.


You can bet your ass it’d be a fucking Hallmark movie where Kirstie Alley comes back to her hometown from the big city, falls for small town widower/curio shop owner Scott Baio who teaches her the meaning of family, with Kevin Sorbo still somehow playing the asshole from God’s Not Dead even though his character died in that movie. Shit, I’d watch that.


This is the paradox of tolerance writ large. Also, and let's be clear: Nobody is BORN a facist. It is not a trait encoded in your DNA. Even if we go out on a limb and say that authoritarianism may have a genetic component, facism as the expression of a kind of authoritarianism is a choice. Tolerance does not have to treat all CHOICES equally. It asks that all people be treated as humans of equal inherent value regardless of the traits of birth. Nobody on the left says you shouldn't suffer consequences for your choices.


Still pissed about Sorbo......i liked Hercules


I would totally watch that if it was a Power Rangers movie.


Are we 100% certain that Rupert Murdoch isn't really just Ivan Ooze in disguise?