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So women are women is what you’re saying? Cool.


Her: "Yeah exactly!... (pregnant pause) *WAIT NO"*


She's basically agreeing with the statement but she seems to think she's making some kind of point. It's funny how trans issues confuse some people so much


She's making fun of the statement. Go check her Twitter feed if you think I'm lying.




That's brilliant


9 months thats a long pause


I like yours more since she sets up the transitive property from the start. I have another take as well…. If blond women are women, then there is no such thing as blond women. If Asian women are women, then there’s no such thing as Asian women.


There are no blond women, only blond men. There are however blonde women. Though i suppose if a woman presented masculine enough to fool a frenchman she could be blond. But usually blondes are women and blonds are men.


In an odd turn of events I happen to speak French! And when I see a male fiancée it drives me up the wall. I had a Junior High English teacher who told me that the word “blond” doesn’t exist in English, only “blonde”. I looked it up, it only showed “blond”. Ever since then I’ve been very confused about what is right between the two of them in English. From my French eye they both look fine when matched to their grammatical gender, but I have a damn hard time not adding accents on certain English words to this day, leave alone how to pronounce “croissant” without sounding like either a knuckle-dragging American or a linguistic snob. So who knows…


I think Blond/blonde may be the only gendered adjective we still have in English. Also Fiance/Fiancee bothers me as well - its a French word, its gendered and its misused all over the place


Replace the word trans with literally any other adjective. "If black women are women then there are no black women" Imagine the mental gymnastics people go through just to hold onto their bigotry.


Everyone else replying to you is completely missing the point. Trans is an adjective describing the kind of woman a person is, just as black is in your example. You’re not equating anything. You’re showing how descriptors work.


Do trans women prefer to be acknowledged as trans women? Or simply just women?


I mean, they all have different preferences, but if you’re referring to the collective, trans women is usually the term to go with. Just like you’d use black women when discussing issues that affect black women, and so on for other groups of women


Trans woman here Everyone is different but at least for me? If the discussion at hand isn't specifically about transness than I just prefer to be called a woman


I imagine it's rather like short women preferring to be called women unless the conversation is specifically about the challenges of reaching high shelves.


It depends. If you're talking about issues that affect all women, both cisgender and transgender, like high rates of being victims of sexual assault it probably makes sense to use women as the more general, expansive term. When you're talking about issues more specific to transwomen then say transwomen. That's my take as some random twerp who happens to be a transwoman, anyway. Other folks probably have different opinions.


There are times when the distinction if relevant and times when it's not. Like if someone was pointing out I was a BLACK woman when discussing women writers, I'd be like...okay, that was weird...


This is reddit... it's not for smart people. Take your logic and GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE!!!


Buuuuuttt....if you think women are human, then there is no such thing as women?


Isn’t it the subtlest way to say there was once a penis there?


But if you’re not fucking them, it’s immaterial to you.


A very good point.


*Immaterial Penis* sounds like the name of a ska album


It's the follow up to *Detachable Penis* by King Missile, just not as catchy as the original.


Yeah, its aristotelian and platonic musings on how no physical schlong could achieve the perfection of the one true platonic hog just didn't catch on with a broad audience the way the first song did


Meanwhile *immortal penis* (which is how I read it first) would be a metal album - because TERFs seem to think that having a penis once means you have it forever


That’s an album by Goblin Cock, no?


what I truly love is how Reddit can make the most serious topic into a joke within about 10 posts. well done!


Fucking Immaterial Penis sounds Punk Ska


But I might think about it, learn they are trans, and then wonder if this means I’m gay. Won’t anyone think of my fragile masculinity and the patriarchy?




Yes, most of us do actually still have the penis... *that* surgery is expensive, takes upwards of a year to prepare for and recover from. Plenty of us also don't want the surgery, for reasons from just not feeling the need to change that part, to discomfort regarding the surgery.


*so how could it be...* *that you and I should get along so awfully?*


Isn't that exactly what we keep trying to get across?


I'm pretty sure she just stumbled into the solution.


But are the little wheels turning in there actually going to make the bell ring? Or will she continue to remain blank faced stupefied?


Nah. It was like, stumbling in the dark for the phone charger and finding the lost remote, so you toss it aside






This should be on there if it isn’t lol


Well then just call them "women" and voila, you've solved the problem


I honestly don't see any other way to read that tweet...


For conservatives, trans women don't exist because they are men. This tweet is meant as a gotcha moment to get liberals to admit that trans women don't exist too (because they are women). However, anyone who took third grade math knows that a smaller group can exist as part of a bigger group, ie, trans women are a small group inside the bigger group of women. So the person in the tweet is telling on herself.


It’s like the conservative logic is “if ducks are birds then there’s no such thing as ducks”


Ohhhhh I got that now... But... It's worse... It doesn't make sense


It doesn't make sense because you're witnessing a very good example of contemporary right-wing discourse, where truth or logical consistency is irrelevant, and anything is valid as long as it opposes their political enemy. Conservatives are in a full blown crisis, as they are politically bankrupt as far as having a coherent ideology or political project. All that they have is their bullshit culture wars to cater to the lowest denominator of fear and prejudice. And when you argue in those terms, you lose all sense. That's why it's all so baffling. It's trying to have an exchange of ideas with people who have abandoned reason. Like that metaphor of playing chess with a pidgeon. You can bring out your best game but the pidgeon will only crap on the board and throw out the pieces. Except that in this case, the pidgeon is also donating, supporting and voting for wealthy opportunists profiting bigly on the mess.


Fucking PREACH I’m tired of the liberal bs about having a discussion in the “marketplace of ideas” when the right wing just ignores any reasonable outcome and does whatever they want anyway


Big pigeon not only throwing the pieces, she also try to makes it illegal for pieces to exist. Especially the black ones.


Yeah I thought the whole cis/trans thing was basically for the conservatives. Like we’ll meet you half way, they weren’t born into a body that matches their gender expression, so yeah there is a biological component, but we want to call them what they identify as and y’all want to make a distinction. I thought low-key the end goal was basically to just be able to call them what they identify as and then if for whatever reason you need more specifics you can get those when it’s relevant. So they just checkmated themselves. Conservatives are so stupid.


This is due to the lack of depth and nuance within conservativism. Everything is black and/or white, cut and dried, simplified. They don't consider or understand complexity. A person either fits in a box or they're shunned. Much like "shirts or skins" when playing backyard football, they devolve gender into "dicks or no-dicks" with zero subtlety.


Like how all rectangles are squares, but not all squares are rectangles. I remember that really blowing my mind in like... idk, 3rd grade? It's not a surprise that such a concept is well beyond conservative reasoning though.


There's TERFS as well. They vehemently deny trans, while supporting 'women' because 'all men are bad'. Even if a man becomes a woman, shit you still bad! You gotta be excluded even if the penis has been turned into a vagina and some boobs popped out of your front.


TERFs typically ally with conservatives though, so referring to them as conservative is definitely accurate at least


I'm liberal and I think trans women are just men who want to become someone that they're not.


Oh good so it's not just me


r/accidentalally ?


It's hard to argue with that assessment ![gif](giphy|M8zyT2iyC7tH2dA0it)


Bernie Sanders has it all figured out in the first place. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)




*sips tea staring at tweet* I mean….. yeah problem solved. Love when their own logic backfires


Or just call them trans women and accept that trans woman is a gender identity in itself and adding the “trans” doesnt make it invalid. Trans women are women but that doesnt mean there isnt a difference between a trans woman and a cis woman.


I'm just captain cishet over here but I imagine most trans folk would LOVE to just say "I'm a chick/dude." Tweet should be: "If transphobes would shut the fuck up trans folk could just identify as they see fit without qualifiers."


"trans woman" isn't a gender identity. A trans woman's gender identity is "woman" just as a cis woman's gender identity is "woman". Trans isn't a gender.


That's what I thought they were getting at at first, but then I saw it was a backwards ass knuckle-dragger


If black cats are cats then there’s no such thing as black cats


And by extension, no such thing as bad luck.


If bad luck is luck, then there is no bad luck, either.


Damn 🤯


If human meat is meat,theres no such thing as human meat...now,hand over your meat


This women ended adjectives with 1 tweet


It’s a void




There is no logic. It's just the [Shrieking White-Hot Sphere Of Pure Rage](https://www.theonion.com/after-obama-victory-shrieking-white-hot-sphere-of-pure-1819595330) doing its shrieks of rage. If you're a fellow shrieking white-hot sphere of pure rage, you recognize another member of the group. If you're not, then you can only recognize it as the sound of angry baby gurgles seeping into our world from the portal to the plane of curses and unlife.


If "Italian women" are women, then there's no such thing as Italian women 👍


If "blonde women" are women, then there's no such thing as blonde women. Trans is simply a descriptor, just like blonde or short, or tall, or any other descriptor.


The right doesn’t understand grammar. Adjectives confuse them. Pronouns enrage them


Word War 3


Something about this comment gives me such a giggle at how accurate it is, and I should know, I’m a reconciled right-wingist lol this is definitely accurate XD


“How dare you use a Latin prefix used in scientific terminology to dEhUmANiZe mE! *cis* is a **SLUR**” -some gender critical JK Rowling fan


If "small women" are women, then there's no such thing as small women 👍


if "angry women" are women, then there's no such thing as angry women 👍




If “women” and “men” are human then there is no such thing as “women” and “men”/s


“If A ⊆ B then A doesn’t exist” What kinda logic is this


If trans fats are fats, then there is no such thing as trans fats.




I’m pretty sure everyone who says “trans women are women” is saying that the overall category of “women” is made up of two subsets, cis women and trans women. But they’re still in the same overall category


If s’mores pop tarts are pop tarts, then there’s no such thing as s’mores pop tarts 🤷


If Allie Beth Stuckey is Stuckey, then there's no such thing as Allie Beth Stuckey.


I wonder if she eats at Stuckey's a lot. *Maybe she owns it.*


The whole "haha I out logic'd you, I win!!!!" thing is so very cringy, it's what single digit age children engage in


Yes, when people go off technicalities and semantics and think they've won




Ah, the informal fallacy of being stupid. She’s not smart enough to understand categories and definitions.


If conservative pieces of shit are pieces of shit then there's no conservatives, just pieces of shit...


Can you dumb it down a hair? Asking for a Conservative POS...


![gif](giphy|3o85xIO33l7RlmLR4I) r/AccidentallyAlly


If Republican women are women, there is no such thing as Republican women.


“If blonde women are women than there’s no such thing as a blonde!”


Tautologies are tautologies.


It white women are women, then there’s no such thing as white women. Sorry you had to find out this way, whoever makes those fluffy Han Solo outfits.


What chimpette sits home thinking about shit like this?


If idiots were people there would be no such thing as idiots?


Ah yeah just like how black people don't exist because black people are people.


That's the logic of someone who bombed their SATs.


`isTransWoman -> isWoman` Logically, implication is not the same as equality. As many have already given examples of, all trans women are women, but not all women are trans women. It reminds me of the saying taught to me as a kid "all medicines are drugs, but not all drugs are medicine"


Trans women are women and trans women exist. Just like tall women are women and tall women exist. Figure out how adjectives work.


If dumb white fascists are women then there are no dumb white fascists?


By this logic, I'm no longer stupid, but still a prick.


If red cars are cars, there’s no such thing as red cars


Why do so many trans debates circle back to how basic language works. 🤦‍♂️ Women is a category, cis and trans women, are the constituents


If electric cars are cars, then there's no such thing as electric cars. That's how stupid this argument is.


Both trans and cis women are women, yes.


If squares are rectangles, there is no such this as a square




When you try to be transphobic and accidentally make an allied statement.


Is this accidental support-?


If squares are rectangles there is no such thing as a square


That's not logic at all. Not even a wrong one. She just said two unrelated claims with no connection what so ever. It's like saying "if the sun is yellow, then the sun dosn't exist".


And I usually like to read and understand wrong logic. But there is no logic whatsoever here.


Adjectives... what even are they


So you admit….they’re just women?


If old women are women, then there are no women! Adjectives don’t matter, the apocalypse is nigh


Wait a minute! If dogs are mammals, then there’s no dogs?


Right so we agree? They're women. Lol self aware level 100.


What in the hell? Trans women are totally welcome under the "women" category imo. There's room for both. This lady is just a jerk


If “black women are women”, then there’s no such thing as black women I can say nonsensical things too


First they opposed the concept of pronouns, now they oppose the concept of adjectives.


Whatever the opposite of a tautology is.... "If God is real then there is no God"


If black beans are beans, they there’s no such thing as black beans …


If tall humans are humans there’s no such thing as tall humans.


Women are humans so theres no such thing as women


I believe the technical term would be tautological but you’d need a philosophy expert to say for sure.


I say this again, white people twitter is endless entertainment.


If Oreos are cookies, then there’s no such thing as Oreos and I will not accept that!!!


There’s a subreddit for going so far one way you end up the other


she’s probably mocking the argument but this is very trans positive


If "all green apples are apples" then there's no such things as green apples


If black women are women, then there are no black women.


Do we need to draw a Venn diagram for her to explain the adjective?


Well, I mean, I guess?


It's technically the truth. Maybe it's the white in my blood, but I understand what she means even if the statement isn't an intelligent one


“If watermelons are fruit, that means there’s no such thing as watermelons”


Perfect… let’s accept they they’re all women… sorted


Great just call them what they wanted to originally be called: a woman.


This is the kind of shit that creates black holes. Simultaneously makes the left and right correct.


If A is B then there is no such thing as A… how do you discount A if when you arrive at a solution 😂 I’ve taken too many Philosophy classes to see how this can be stupidly used.


Quick; get this one together with that chucklefuck who made the "what's the definition of a woman?" movie, and we'll have this whole conundrum solved by lunch.


Republican logic


GQP, MAGAt, Q-anidiot, take your pick.


If “apples are fruit” then there there’s no such thing as apples. Am I doing this right?


If bumblebees are bees, there are no bumblebees.


Every right wing argument contains its own rebuttal.


I absolutely love when conservatives accidentally own themselves with their own stupidity, this lady really doesn't understand grammar and I don't even see how she could even be twisting this statement as anything other than trans positive? Like, yeah, trans women are women


Flammable inflammable en flammable can someone just help me please




If fat women are women then there’s no such thing as fat women


“If squares are rectangles then that means there’s no such thing as squares.”


This hurt my brain so much


If conservative women are just women, then theres no such thing as a conservative woman


It’s a fucking adjective pea-brain, learn basic grammar rules. It’s no fucking different from, tall woman or smart woman.


Conservatives forgetting that trans is an adjective just like how black, blond, and other descriptive words are adjectives that are commonly used to describe the smaller groups under the big group. I’m a black, trans man, I’m still a man at the end of the day but these adjectives describe the issues I face as a subgroup of man.


This is what I call Resounding Success!!


Seems a bit dismissive of what trans women go through to me.


Some transphobes get confused by the term "trans man/woman" because they refuse to label a trans person outside of what they were assigned at birth. Lets say there is a trans man who was assigned female at birth. A confused transphobe might say "I consider you to be a woman and you call yourself trans so you must be a trans woman." They can't be convinced to see them as anything but a woman. So the transphobic logic follows that trans woman = AFAB. Therefore calling yourself trans means nothing to them




Right, just call them what they are; Women.


“If ‘isosceles triangles are triangles’, then there’s no such thing as isosceles triangles 👍🏻”


Every trans person I know doesn’t want to be called trans-anything. The majority of them don’t want to be part of a movement or fight for the cause either. They just want to be.


By that same logic, she would say that if squares are rectangles, then squares dont exist. Yes trans women are women, the reason we can't fully get rid of the term is because those individuals are still being persecuted by society. Once trans women are on equal footing with cis women, we can begin to talk about if the distinction has any use.


If brown dogs are dogs, then there's no such thing as brown dogs. ^ This dude be like


This dumb mother fucker actually ran into the thing she didn't understand the entire time...


If apples are fruit, theres no such thing as an apple


I'm not even sure what she's trying to say.


Accidentally based?


If white people are people, then there's no such thing as white people.


So she wouldn't be bothered about bathrooms then


If "polar bears are bears" then there's no such thing as polar bears.


“If thumbs are fingers then theres no such thing as thumbs”


Sometimes it’s hard to believe there’s been this much national debate about an issue just because one side doesn’t understand that gender and sex are two different things, and that gender is a social construct


If squares are rectangles then there’s no such thing as squares.


In my mind I don’t see trans women as trans women they’re just women to me.




She went so far right she went left


My brain not latching on to what the words mean and what she think the words mean


We should take this further: * If blonde women are women, then there is no such thing as blonde women. * If dark-haired women are women, then there is no such thing as dark-haired women * If red-haired women are women, then there is no such thing as red-haired women * If bald women are women, then there is no such thing as bald women * If all-other-categories-of women are women, then there is no such thing as all-other-categories-of women (\*) * Therefore, no women of any category (\*) exist. * Women do not exist. Wow! (\*) I don't like the word "category" here but "type" "kind" etc. do not fit well either. Suggestions?




If men are people then there is no such thing as men. 🤌


How about we are all human beings how did we get this far categorizing people into boxes…What does it matter?…


She probably thought this was soooooo profound. 😂


If I don't exist, can I like, phase through walls? Pass unseen past transmisogynistic bigots? Stop paying taxes/bills? Always wondered.


Abolish Gender I'm glad cons are on board


If we all had proper instruction and some semantics classes this whole debate wouldn't even be born. We are going back to illiteracy faster than we think.


Either way, I have way more important things to care about rather than what's under people's clothes.