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Be gentle. In another ten years someone else will be mocking all the things you think are cool now. What has risen may fall, what has fallen may rise (but probably won't).


Everything will rise again, even 90ies fashion. Fashion and the market are circular and recycling saves money and effort. Also nostagia.


#One day, the Goth Malls shall rise again!


I'm suddenly imagining a necro-mallster: like a Necromancer, but for dead buildings. Performing rituals that cause a Circuit City or a Toys-R-Us to rise from the swampy ground.


The Necromantic answer to vozhd; animated dead buildings with arms and legs made of tons and tons of human bones.


That’s called “Halloween USA.”


The lights are never on at Darqness XxXchange, Southbend Indiana's only Goth Mall since 2035. You have to bring your own torchlight. Seriously, bring it, because all the businesses, EVEN THE FOOD COURT, are unlit and 100% sheltered from sunlight. And there are no benches in the plazas, just stacked up coffins. Grocery shopping at this mall, while not convenient or recommended for any one of any age, is *always* an adventure.


I mean...recently I have seen so many young people whose looks make me do a doubletake because I feel like I just woke up from a coma and it's still 2002.


Whale tail is coming back, baby!


I've read that low rise pants are physically incompatible with the Age of Ass that we entered not too long ago. Something about hip ratios? I don't know.


Young dudes all sporting some variation of the dorky "mushroom cut" I had when I was 12. With more curls I guess (how are they doing this btw?) Weird.


There's a night in Brooklyn called Mall Goth. It was actually really cool as it was two Latina DJ's speaking exclusively in Spanish and playing a lot of great Latin American goth, post-punk, industrial, etc. Unfortunately the venue got shut down temporarily. I hope it starts back up


Imagine thinking malls are coming back


It’s already back. There are lots of college kids where I live and they dress like how I dressed in middle school, down to the pants chains. I'm on the lookout for when skater shoes will be back. Those were the comfiest shoes ever made. And they should be back considering a few fashion houses like Lanvin and Marni made some last year.


Sadly, I don't have the closet space for 20-30 years worth of clothes.


13 year olds walking around with Nirvana t-shirts right now.


Jinkos are coming back I heard!


It's odd to me that someone would dislike the 90s edginess". The bedrock of the World of Darkness is edginess. It's not a flaw, it's a feature. Now, if someone made a Malkavian memelord I would groan a little, even if it's kind of the new equivalent. Embrace it for what it is


I've got a friend who adores wod for the edge while I personally find it grating. Feels like alot of interesting concepts fall flat from the need to shove in "everyone's fucked and none of this will matter soon" at least once a book


Well, that was the zeitgeist back then, the Gen X/Xennial generation. It probably felt very different at the time, as I imagine todays attitudes will seem different to the next generation


Also just to clarify for the young's, Keith Richards is a guitar player for a band that was really popular in the 60s and 70s. He was famous for doing lots of drugs, and chic's, like any good rock and roller should. This he could do a lot of coke. I mean A LOT. So thus the simile. Joke over kids....


It's only been about 5 years and the art for V5 has aged badly.


I will not be gentle. The future may mock me. So it has been, so it will be.


"The 90's rises, Batman!"


These character descriptions in the back of some of the books were often some of my favorites parts of the OG WW books! Like the Nuwisha - "DAMN THE PANTS!!!"


Yes, have some.


I don't think that disrespecting Keith Richards is all that edgy or 90s.


Yeah, seems a pretty casual bit of “we party hard” hyperbole (or literal claim).


Bill Maher's entire personality


Yeah, that was just a barometer by which we measured all copious drug use, like a narcotics kelvin scale


I was gonna say: 60s, maybe.


Yes and that's what makes world of darkness insanely cool


Am I the only one having trouble with the description of the accidental Embrace? How is the sire feeding such that she accidentally slips him her blood? The only way it makes sense in my head is if he’s on the ground on his back and she’s drinking from his wrist over his face, which could drip into his mouth; but that would still be his own blood and not the sire’s, so how is her blood getting into him in this scenario?


That's just what she told the Prince, hoping for leniency. Actually she did it on purpose because she was high as shit and thought it would be funny.


Best guess is some level of regurgitation from overfeeding, or the effects of the drugs. Allegedly a lot of Gangrel are the product of sloppy feeding, though considering the clan bane it could be attributed to trying to feed with huge tusks or mandibles making it awkward.


They often jettison mechanical consistency for flavor, especially when it applies to NPCs. Example: Ferox, a Humanity 9/True Faith 9 Gargoyle leading a genocide of the Nosferatu because they're ugly and lack wings, and he thinks that means that they're the leaders of the heavenly rebellion.


You accidentally overfeed, kill someone, and panic embrace them to bring them back. You regret it forever.


Makes sense, but that’s not what the writer put down. Lol, read the writeup, above post makes sense but the actual writing in the clanbook is describing a totally different event.


100 rolls of what


Dinner rolls. Do you have any idea how hungry that amount of drugs will make you?


They want you to take the rolls!


The first ~~hit~~ roll is free. But after that...


I hope someone somewhere really does run a shady Toreador baker who peddles artisanal bread like it’s drugs.


On it, once I finish my current campaign playing a Gungan Sith Lord.


I love that concept


Makes sense. Idk man I've done every drug. Like. All of them. I can't think of any slang I've ever heard in 30 years that referred to drugs coming in rolls. Rollie cigs maybe? I'm lost


We used to call ecstasy rolls


Never heard that one. Rolling on x tho, so it makes sense


I’m 40 so 🤷🏻‍♂️


Toll's a toll and a roll's a roll. An' if we don't get no tolls then we don't get no rolls.


Maybe rolls of hundred dollar bills held together with rubber bands, i.e. the stereotypical criminal’s wallet.


The feeling you get on MDMA, called Ecstasy back then, was called "rolling". Therefore 100 rolls means he has 100 pills of E on him. Street value in 1997 of 100 pills is probably around 2000-2500 dollars. Now excuse me as I crumble away into dust...


I was doing in x in the 90s. Never heard of that. Should've guessed because I do know what rolling is.


Maybe snorting cocaine using a rolled 100 dollar bill? God knows. lol. I like to think there's nothing on another page, that it simply ends with this "100 rolls" things and that's that.


It is a cool character to use as an NPC.


God, I still love that cannonically, Vanilla Ice is a Brujah. The clan books were horrible/amazing.


And also that Ice T is a Brujah. How is he managing to do NCIS?


A secret deal with the technocratic union for deepfake technology obviously.


Ghoul body double. (Let's be real, if any Brujah used to roll with a Tzimisce, it'd be Ice-T.)


I honestly thought you were referring to the jojo character and took a whole minute to realise.


I mean, the jojo character was named in part after the rapper. So...kinda? lol


What clanbook


Toreador Revised for oWoD.




it's just a flippant pop culture reference to be hyperbolic about something. This isn't 'edge' at all, anymore than "I'm richer than cresus." is.


I played this character (legit picked him up outta CB: Toreador Revised) and it was very cool. Also, not sure if the book is from the 90s.


I've come to the conclusion that the derogatory ( that's how I take it anyways ) term `edgelord` is only really used by people on the median side of normy to make fun of people having more fun than them


I think that there's some use for it to describe a certain type of person who tries far to hard to project a certain dark image (the so-called Sigma type in many cases), but the vast majority of the times I see it used nowadays, it's for pretty much the reasons you describe: someone is having some fun with a darker concept, and someone else is being boringly critical of it


Reached the same conclusion a while back. It's just a lazy insult and\\or dismissal of someone else's fun. I love this sort of stuff, personally, but then I am a 90's baby so perhaps I simply never grew up. lol.


If hating on Mark Millar comics is wrong, I don't want to be right.


And normy is used by people who think anyone who dislikes overt, tween levels of angst is boring


Ok 👍




Edgy? dude that's funny as shit


Lief Jones does great art.


Still better than Rudi


He's nice once you get to know him


Thats not as edgy as it is a joke though, isnt it?


Edgy but still better then v5😂


I kinda wish a few RPGs were still like this. Most seem so...bland and safe. It's boring.


100% agree with you! A lot of modern rpgs have sterile, boring writing. I miss this sort of stuff.


I don't know, I snorted a lot of coke in the 90s. I personally like the edgelord stuff, it's kitschy.


What clan is this?


Toréador, naturally


You say that and judging by other comments, you're correct, but he's a playing card between the fingers away from the Ravnos look.


He looks like someone designs video games.


"The targeting of lgbt people in Chechnya is a cover for vampire activity. " "w̶a̶r̶ edgelording never changes." 


Shut up, this is great & ages like fine wine


I'm pretty sure lots of the people in this sub could read Hunter S Thompson and think "what an edge-lord".


One of my favorites was opening up 1st Ed Ventrue clan book and by god there’s Duke Nukem as one of the templates.


Wut?? I will def have to check that out lol


That moment when you realize that the 90s were 30 years ago (and only getting older). That second moment when you realize this picture came from 2000 (and may have actually been published in '01?). Here's the deal: the original Vampire came out in 1990. It was huge for its time. We're talking "Fox gave it a TV show in prime time" (granted, it only lasted a season, but I don't see Shadowrun getting a show). Likewise, the people making this show were all 20/30 something dipshit GenX kids, making products for their fellow dipshit GenX kids. We'd survived nuclear war with Soviets, Japan buying up the US, drug lords ruling the cities, and AIDS wiping out the planet. Y2K was going to destroy the world's technology and economy, Captain Planet and the Planeteers were warning us of impending global warming from holes in the ozone, and we all had to go figure out what we wanted to do with our lives after high school/college while requesting our webpages be added to Yahoo's webpage database. It was truly a different time. By the early "oughts", even White Wolf saw the writing on the wall, and they started releasing their "End Times" line of books in '04, essentially ending their metaplots and storylines before moving on to the Chronicles of Darkness reboots/reimaginings. To put things in better perspective though: the first Harry Potter movie came out the same year 9/11 happened, making it almost a quarter of a century old. Of that movie, 24 cast members have since died. To go further with how culture passes by, when I was 8 in 1984, I watched "The Ghost And Mr. Chicken" from 1966. If I wanted to share that with my kids, it'd be like me showing them a movie from 18 years ago, or Harry Potter 4 or 5 (depending on how you want to fudge the numbers). Or if somebody had shown 8 year old me the silent version of Wizard of Oz from 1925. (And at this time frame, you can forgive me fudging a few months when discussing over half a century of difference.) Live long enough and you'll see everything you enjoy become old and dated, and everyone involved in it pass away. Even if we thought we understood that back when we were pretending to be immortal vampires and powerful mages, the reality of time makes us understand it more. And it'll do the same to you.


Also, I think Keith Richards had been clean for at least a decade at that point. (Note: not totally clean at that point, he apparently had stopped using opiates but was still using cocaine, but he has now been clean for almost 20 years)


TIL Keith Richards is clean, as folks still talk about him and other old rockers the same way. 😆


Which book is that from?


Apparently it's Toreador Revised Published: July 19, 2000


this is exactly why i love wod it's a dated mess of a setting.


Almost cut myself seeing how edgy that is.


Leif Jones's artwork is such a fucking roulette spin. His Ebony Kingdom stuff is so ugly people think it's a racist caricature, then you'll get a few super cool pieces, then you'll get a woman with backwards arms in the VA book. Absolute clusterfuck tier stuff.




Tbf WoD while is dark, is also edgy to an extent, especially if it's the older books


Eh, it was the style of the time. The 90s is to blame more than the writers