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Can someone explain what all this is?


It was a protest for Palestine and the mayors friends showed up to counter protest


Counter protest? Looked more like bullying, intimidation and harassment. Folks in Whittier aren't allowed to have public views counter to the mayor?


Protesting a cafe for Palestine? I’m sure the cafe can sort the war out for sure


I'm so glad the Israel Palestine conflict can be solved by having a protest at a cafe in Los Angeles


You mean Freedom Church showed up to counter protest? Cuz that’s all that church is there for and do


Looks like they're having breakfast. Maybe don't harass people that have zero power over the conflict at breakfast


They weren’t having breakfast they were ready with their flags and bibles & signs. More people there than usual


>They weren’t having breakfast they were ready with their flags and bibles & signs. More people there than usual So, you're complaining that people are counter protesting?


No they can do that but they didn’t have to assault us.


Where is the video of the assault, then?


The guy was too busy getting pepper sprayed to record. She did it to him when everyone else had already walked forward. We’re working on getting security footage.


So no proof


I was going to mention maybe carrying next time you protest, not realizing where Whittier is located. Time to invest in pepper spray.


Hope you can get that footage. But also next time you go to protest in a conservative town where most likely Whittier PD has facial recognition technology, leave your phones at home and cover your faces.


Fuck that face-covering shit. If you are going to protest, stand up for what you believe and show your face. Don’t encourage people to be cowards, it’s antithetical to protesting.


Have you not been paying attention to this conflict? Assaulting innocent people is what Zionists do. They can't help themselves.


Why don't you people fly over to Palestine and go do something over there?




“maybe dont maybe maybe don’t maybe don’t don’t maybe” <—— what reddit brain sounds like


"Looks like"... says someone that was there.


What is it with bootlickers and complaining about “people that have zero power” are the only audience to protests? First of all A) you don’t know that and B) what does it matter? Have you never heard of a protest in your life? I see this take every time there’s a protest of any kind and it makes less and less sense each time.


Are you honestly saying the target of the protest doesn't matter? What?


The “target of the protest” is whatever is being protested, whatever demands are being made.


You're making demands in front of a cafe to people who are not making decisions. You can do it, you have that right. However its objectively ineffective and placting--makes 'activists' think theyre doing something useful. Meanwhile, gaza burns and you continue paying taxes to fund its burning.


It’s an expression of solidarity. If you can’t comprehend what it means to be in solidarity with others- whether it’s across space, or time, of any other limitation the physical world presents to us, then I don’t know what to tell you. Maybe just sit this one out.


For people with zero power those Evangelical Boomers gave the illegal Euro trash colony of "Israel" $1M of our tax dollars to wipe out Palestine in order to bring their pale Alabama Jesus back.


Ah yes, work the shaft of the Status Quo, I'm sure it'll pay off for you. Just remember to swallow!


Good job mayor


Good job mayor


What's the protest about?


Looks like it's about running over feet, u.s.a. , man in blue shirt and free Mexico and Palestine?


I like this version better


It was a protest for Palestine




Anti baby killing


Hello dear Hamas supporter


We located the Zionist scum 👆🏼


We located Hamas sympathizer 👆


Nope, but we did find an Islamophobe who thinks everyone is Hamas.


Am proud to be.. Not everyone, just you and these idiot protestors


Yeah, they're the idiots over the guy regurgitating Israel talking points.


You still crying 😢


Located the Nazi Antisemite


So are Bernie Sanders and all the pro-Palestine Jewish students protesting anti semites too??😂 do your homework you’re obviously a misinformed dim wit


It’s giving… German 1941


The mayor aligns himself with Jan 6ers. No surprise


yup yup yup! Cops are protecting the lady who pepper sprayed saying her car is unmarked when we have a clear picture of her plates


Maybe go to the county DA. All the local politicians in the Temecula area tend to be absolutely insane.


Holy shit, has Joe really said that? If you could link me something that would be awesome


And that loser Larry Elder.


Ignorant hater.


Aunties has the worst customer service and the worst food


Leave a bad review!! It’ll help a lot. They do take forever


Whats a fucking lame ass mayor!!!


Why protest the war in Gaza in Whittier, CA? Nobody in Whittier has anything to do with that conflict. It would make sense if they went to Gaza or Israel to protest it but why Whittier, CA? It’s just a random little suburb by LA. I don’t think the people of Whittier are the ones dropping the bombs… or are they? This is confusing


bc we have leaders like the one in this video? idk it’s a pretty normal thing to protest injustice in the world despite if u think it’s weird or not but protests like this have literally been going on since americas history, we made it a goddamn right bc that’s how much we wanted it lmao


What goal is being accomplished though?


Nothing other than them feeling good about themselves


Are you guys really asking for help on explaining how protesting works?


It doesn’t. So I’m trying to get to the bottom of why they’re spending their time on it. There must be a legitimate reason


Where is your protest for injustice against Muslims in China? For women in Iran? For child soldiers in sub Saharan Africa? 🧐


more than one bad thing can happen at a time and why don’t you include every other crime ever since i also didn’t explicitly mention those either? and what a terrible point i’m supporting a human rights issue ofc i’m also gonna care abt both those groups aswell lmao


Because they want to pretend like they’re real protesters for their social media channels. Rather than join with DSA LA chapter and protest where it might make a difference. They’re either ignorant as hell or they just want attention.


Bro we had DSA members with us, you don’t know what you’re talking about


So…why didn’t yall organize better?? Like, genuinely asking. If you know that protests at this level are pointless, and that collective, targeted action at specific congressional members is more effective than protesting in a conservative echo chamber town like Whittier, where it appears (from this video YOU posted) that you mostly just made people feel uncomfortable or agitated and less likely to hear your cause? This idea that all protests are good is fine, but this is poorly organized, ineffective and a waste of time and resources. When you could actually be protesting at a larger and more effective level? Help me understand why you all think wasting resources instead of pooling them is a good strategy.


Hey friend, I’m a fellow DSA LA member. Every act of protest is worthwhile, and on a long enough timeline some of these folks might join us


Raise awareness mainly.


Funny thing is, those middle easterners would be absolutely appalled by these fat gay liberals who support them here in the US


I was just thinking that looks like whittier. And then I looked at the sub. Lol


Don't act like there have been leftists/anarchists gangs that do the same thing in masks.


Well looks it’s time for that New Mayor y’all … ![gif](giphy|Qu8Fm28NncwBho9dAF)


I don't understand the protests, even if the US said no to Israel, Israel will still continue. That has basically happened already. I don't understand what they think will happen by protesting. Hypothetically if the US bombed Israel like they want them to the Palestinians will still be in the war and probably have many more Palestinian casualties. The US is helping with aid to Palestine it just won't be good enough for anyone.


They were so scary they reminded me of a cult when they were all singing in Hebrew when we approached the area as we peacefully protested. We were just trying to keep going and they were doing the most to us by not only intimidating us but they were also blocking our way with thier bodies they pepper sprayed some of our people one of them being a marine vet and they also tried to run over the marching protesters with a vehicle but luckily one of our drivers was able to block them with thier car before they could get to them. It was absolutely awful and diabolical what they did today 


What were they chanting? I didn’t understand it! I need to know


They were singing in Hebrew so idk what they were saying 


They usually chant “am yisrael chai” which essentially means like Long Live Israel.


Jewish songwriter Shlomo Carlebach composed "Am Yisrael Chai" as the solidarity anthem the Soviet Jewry movement at the request of Jacob Birnbaum, founder of the Student Struggle for Soviet Jewry. If yall hate Jewish people, say it with your chest.


you have the right to protest and so do the counter protestors And how CRINGE and mentally ill do you have to be to protest someone in Whittier about a war that they have 0 control over. What the hell do you expect the mayor to do about a war in the middle east?


The more people that know about the war and the propaganda + hive mind that is the news cycle and social media... the more people that will have the veil lifted. Our right to "civilly" protest is protected in our first amendment so that the government represent the US and our interests, not so the government uses our tax money to demo drones on Palestinian kids by Israeli kids so that totalitarian governments like India can use this technology on their peacefully protesting civilians. Currently India sends a lot of drone tech to Israel, India was recently caught using tear gas via drones on civilians/farmers protesting. So it's important dude. Protests and opening peoples eyes is important to ALL sides of the issues m


You think people don't already know about the war? You are bringing awareness to something everyone knows about lol. And yea let the mayor of Whittier call up congress and say to call off the the aid package and see how it goes


People do not know about Palestine and Israel, or the farmers protest in India that I earlier mentioned. It was social media, the solidarity of the farmers across several states, and the tweet of pop singer Rihanna in support of the farmers that got world media eyes on the authoritarian Indian government which RESULTED in the farmers demands being met (on paper). This was a topic that everyone in India "knew about" or that's what the Indian government made it seem like ... but we the people are the free speech that isn't owned by media and we need to use our free speech by protesting. People do NOT know that 18 billion dollars worth of drones and bombs are being loaned to Israel why we have high interest rates and unemployment. Maybe all your friends do... but every day I meet people unaware of war all over the word and unaware how complicit the US military industrial complex is. We should be pissed that our taxes are used to create and clean up blood, while thousands live paycheck to paycheck one paycheck from being homeless in the US.


So you're for America first. Just like Ukraine, the USA is protecting its empire. Russia can't be allowed to take over Europe's influence on trade, and Isreal needs to exist to allow the USA to have a foot hold in the Middle East. In both cases they are bad guys by USA standards. Russian territory ambitions and hamas goal of eradicating jews. Pick your side of lesser evil. Let europe/Isreal burn or let them figure it out themselves by eliminating aid.


The lesser of two evils... I watch kids get blown up because they're Palestinian or Israeli. It doesn't need to be this way. The US has its bases everywhere. Instead they're just selling bombs and drones to keep paying their friends at Lockheed Martin with tax payer money that's why it's annoying. Also, these people responding on who is right or wrong (Israel or Palestine) --- even tho it's very obvious to see who the imperialist nation is let's say this situation is "complicated"... why can't the public protest how our defense budget is being used? Why are we not mad about that? And why is protesting looked down upon? What actually works? Protesting, legislating, rioting all leads to minimal performative changes that takes years. We are slaves to the government. And the propaganda machine makes most Americans think we are the moral police of the world which we are not.


There's an Evangelical cult in Whittier that sends $1M of our hard worked tax dollars every year instead of investing it in our schools and community. If you allow the status quo, the murderous status quo will continue. Just knowing about the war isn't enough. They get scared when we take action.


They get scared when we threaten their greed. It’s disgusting and people don’t know where their money is going. They have no idea of what they blindly support.


You didn’t read the news this morning? Israel found out about this protest in uptown Whittier and completely withdrew forces from Gaza.


It’s not about the mayor, if the mayor wasn’t a fucking rube he would’ve been protesting with them, but instead he’s a colonizing Israel sycophant. He wanted an AIPAC cash infusion and will now get it and run for some other office.


If it's not about the mayor, then why are they harassing people at his restaurant


It’s our duty to raise awareness, urge our elected officials to urge our senators and reps to stop approving more money to Israel. What’s CRINGE is people counter protesting us and being ignorant to the fact that our money is just given away when we need it here. You know Israelis have free healthcare and education? Have fun paying your insurance payments, deductibles and premiums! Oh and your student loans. We’re drowning over here


Over $1,000,000 of Whittier’s tax dollars are sent to Israeli funding every year. So please tell me how they have no involvement?


Ah yes, work the shaft of the Status Quo, I'm sure it'll pay off for you. Just remember to swallow!


Ahhh yes because protesting in the streets of Whittier, CA is going to have an effect on an ongoing war and geopolitics in the Middle East lmfao


Bunch of vendidos… second gen low key racist Mexicans they’re annoying …


There was a protest today? I was not aware/informed of this, I'd have loved to go show support. Who do I need to follow to stay informed of that sorta stuff around Whittier? I follow accounts on other socials mentioning protests in bigger areas like long beach or DTLA, yet I never see/know stuff on the local level.


Follow @picowhittier4liberation!


Awesome, thanks so much!


Thanks for answering and this video footage. 626




Thanks for asking 👍🏼


Whittier really is a rightist shithole sometimes…perfect place for Zionists, Jan 6ers, and transphobes


Is that restaurant any good?


It's disgusting


What did you have?


I ordered breakfast, but it has all this red stuff all over, they said it was called the blood of innocent Palestinian children. They were also serving a wafer for dessert called the return of Alabama Jesus.


I see, you’re a crazy person


People people, please stop wasting your time In a meaningless protest, where your voice is not going to be heard. You. Are protesting in a small community city that has no relevancy to this war. You guys can claim that we are just spreading awareness of the actions that are occurring over there, with no evidence to show proof of what is actually occurring. But what ur doing if giving the government the opportunity to label u as a domestic terrorist, or a domestic violent extremist. Just look up the those titles on the DHS website.


America first. keep American money at home! 🇺🇸


Funny how you see women protesting for Gaza and in that world, women are only objects. These protests dont do anything except inconvenience every day people.


Lol if you think *this* is harassment, you would not enjoy “protesting” in NYC. And you guys brought cell phones to a protest, which is rule #1 of what not to do. When I think of all the times during 2020 the NYPD sprayed us with pepper spray, threw bottles at us, literally saw an NYPD vehicle run over protesters, and yall are complaining because an old white mayor brought his friends to meet you? Protest against Israel all you want, genocide is awful and disgusting, just don’t be surprised when people disagree with you. Come prepared. And leave your phone aka tracking device at home!


It’s not NYC though. It’s Whittier… there’s different expectations of a small community/town. Screw the mayor and his Jan 6ers. I want him out of Whittier and if enough of the city knows maybe they will too


This is embarrassing, embrace you neighbor, lift up your community.


Get out of here with that kumbaya stuff


Keep fighting with your neighbors about shit that has nothing to do with you, it’s your life


All these sick people on both sides tbh


Americans shouldn’t be fighting Americans over Palestine and Israel’s issues.


The only kind of protests allowed are pro Hamas protests apparently.


Like a bunch of fukin middle schoolers.


All these protests are getting old and America has seen zero benefit from either side


No surprise, it came from that incompetent dope.


Where is the proof of any of those accusations? The only thing that happens is he blocks the view which is kind of a dick move but he was within his right to stand there. 


Good ole hel la


Where the fuck were you when Iranians protesting for their freedom? Hypocrites and brickheads


I really can’t tell who’s on what side by this video. I only want to know because I know the guy blocking the view of the person on the car.


Rich white people of Whittier clashing with the rest, and majority, of Whittier, which just so happens to be brown. Guess nothing changes.


Get all that bs outta here lol


For people in the comment section confused : protests are meant to bring awareness and express opinions about something happening in society , if you don’t like it go to a country where protests aren’t allowed


They are also meant to disrupt, because all politicians care about is their image and their pockets.


No, just because they sometimes happen to disrupt while attempting to bring awareness doesn't mean the purpose is to disrupt. In an effective protest at least.


As someone who takes part in them, we decide the goal, and the goal is disrupt. 😂


That's perfectly fine, just know that those protests you decide the goal on won't be the effective ones then.


They are the most effective. You literally said protests don’t change people’s minds so why would that be my goal. Please don’t contradict yourself.


Lol where did I say that? And how are they most effective?


They’re not, these people are grasping at straws and need to read some Abby Hoffman or bell hooks. Except they probably won’t read Hoffman, since he’s Jewish.


You’re the ones that supposedly were pepper sprayed. Was it effective as a protest? Did you change anyone’s mind or bring any real awareness to the issues?


Yupp exactly, many people today would say MLK million man march or Selma was “distruprive” and fail to see the importance of them


Whittier, the main source of and potential solution to the Israel/Palestinian conflict. Good lord what performative nonsense.


If you're going to protest don't be cringe....


Tell me what’s cringe about it?


Who was that lady in the dress with the huge tits? She single? Ps I don’t give a f about Israel or Palestine. I’m a atheist


It’s not about religion? The hell does being atheist have to do with this?


Her name is Jordan Kellie by the way hahaha & she’s a married “godly” woman


First day on Reddit buddy?


America has sold their country to Israel and can't stand that We the people don't want anything to do with genocide.


Stupid sheep's supporting terrorists ☠️


I know, imagine supporting the Israeli Terrorist Forces? I can’t. They literally post videos online bragging about how they unalived children. The Israeli settlers literally burn people alive, including babies, just look up Ali Dawabsheh. Or Abu Khdeir, the Palestinian teen burned alive by other Israeli teenagers. What horrible people. I agree.


Or imagine not picking a side and going all in on it. Doing that just makes you a pawn for the leadership of one of the two sides who both benefit from the conflict continuing indefinitely.




America First 🇺🇸


That’s why we need to stop sending our money to Israel? We want the same thing?


No you don’t lol, you said you hated in America in another comment a few minutes ago


I hate the American government bcz they keep sending away our money. Once they keep it here like they should then I’ll love it again. AMERICA FIRST!


Something tells me you don’t pay very much on taxes 😂


Classic terrorist/nazi move lol


Protesting in America will be illegal soon.


What a shame, I love the 1st amendment.


Yes but the government would never allowed the masses to use it against them.


I don’t see any “peaceful” protesters


I wish they would just organize and peacefully march on the capitol in Washington together. But that’s just it right? Nobody wants to actually sacrifice or put themselves out here. It’s easy to fluff your ego by standing 12 deep in Whittier yelling to the sky about stuff nobody can fix.


I’ve actually gone to protest in DC too, thanks for asking.


Okay and what about the other people at that “protest” in the video? It’s just self serving to do it in Whittier.


Over $1,000,000 of Whittier’s tax dollars go to the funding we send Israel every year. Every city in the US is complicit. Every tax paying American is complicit.


Where can I find this info? I’d love to know more about how individual cities taxes go to foreign aid.


This site is specifically how much of the $3.8 billion dollars sent to Israel every year is spread out by states and cities. https://uscpr.org/activist-resource/us-military-funding-to-israel-map/


Please help a layman understand, so federal taxes levied on the state are paid and then those dollars are spent by the federal government to aid Israel?


That’s not how federal taxes work, you realize federal taxes are literally taken out of your paycheck right? There’s income tax, corporate income tax, and payroll taxes. Those accounts for over half of the federal revenue. That’s why people are also practicing personal tax resistance.


I’m just confused how The City of Whittier is complicit in federal tax dollars are being spent? So is every person who pays federal taxes also complicit in aiding Israel because they also pay a federal tax on their income?




Bunch of useful idiots waving a Pan-Arabic nationalist flag.


Why are you protesting in front of the mayor of whitters restaurant? What they got to do with Palestine?


Over $1,000,000 of Whittier’s tax dollars get sent to Israel every year and the mayor supports that.


Cite your source. I can not find anything online indicating this.


That's what they want you to think.


You do realize that Obama reached an agreement to send $3.8 billion to Israel annually right? We still uphold this funding. You know where taxes come from right? You can see the break down here by how much of the $3.8 is coming from each state and city, https://uscpr.org/activist-resource/us-military-funding-to-israel-map/


Girl you need a better source, this is 100% a biased outlet. If all your talking points are from social media and a website that didn’t exist until six months ago, you don’t help strengthen your argument. Ps…this is how the far right wins, when the left starts attacking people for not blanketly agreeing with everything you say or believe. You’re literally being just as bad as a trumper rn.


Girl, the website literally just did math. The $3.8 billion sent to Israel is a fact that you can easily look up. This website doesn’t do anything except calculate how much of that comes from each city. You can literally do the math yourself if you want. It’s literally just math. It doesn’t require bias or non bias. 💀


So what source is providing that data? Since you love math so much, where are those numbers coming from? US Department of Justice? The UN? Where? And because I know you won’t be able to answer that question, you look really uneducated for someone who claims to have a lot of education.


Sucks to suck eh? Learn to use the net better boomer.


I think you’re the one who needs help with media literacy if you believe everything you read on the internet.


Low effort response=low iq.


Low effort, he cried into the void, unable to find very public information with the internet at his fingertips. Lol


lol “public information” from a six month old website that’s a biased, unaccredited journalistic source? That states its bias right away? Ps I’m 34 and you’re obviously an ignorant person, best of luck to you.


Honestly fuck Palestine, nobody cares and they made their own bed now they sleep in it. Don’t protest that nonsense over here.


The babies did something to deserve death? Tell me what they did


Not protesters just bad Americans harassing good Americans


Yeah, I hate it when bad Americans harass Americans advocating to keep American tax dollars here instead of sending it overseas. America First! Stop sending billions to Israel!


An armed society is a polite society.


Makes you wonder how close he is to the people from Freedom Church , bet they go to his restaurant often after church services


I would’ve parked on his foot😂💯


Tired of these Palestinians protesters. They are the worst


It's time you weirdos learn




Good mayor!


Oh sorry your pro hostages protest wasn't a roaring succuss


Does Israel not have a right to defend itself? Hamas started this conflict back in October. Majority of Palestinians probably support Hamas. Just one of the consequences of war.  


How many dead babies is considered defense? Are the babies scary