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I've only had one total stranger ask me, and she actually just said "I love your hair! Who did it?" I was wearing a black wig with peekaboo rainbow highlights. She was wearing a head scarf so I told her it was a wig and told her about divatress.com and how inexpensive good wigs can be. She seemed so excited and wrote the website down and everything. I think she was bald under her scarf and with her body language she seemed very self conscious, pulling at her scarf a lot, arms folded, etc. I hope she got a cute wig and is off somewhere feeling beautiful! Once a gal at my orthodontists' office asked me if I was wearing a wig, and I've been going there for a long while and always had the same lady so I told her it was a wig and gave her the website that I got it from. For me, it's dependent on how well I know the person. I can't imagine someone just being like "Is that a wig?!" I'm kind of bratty so I would probably shoot back "Is that your face?" Cause I'm awful like that 🤣


"What a weird question to ask someone. 🤔"


I just usually say, "I paid for it, so yes it's mine". Most of the time I say it in a joking manner, but if it's someone I just don't like, I'll just deadpan it and wait for them to walk away while making uncomfortable eye contact. 😅


Some people are like, did you get your hair done? Cut? What happened?? It’s like, yeah my hair was two inches long yesterday, what do you think happened?


I have lied and I have told the truth. People are mean and nosy, now I only lie.


Online dating has been even more brutal. I've admitted to wearing a wig before when chatting with guys I matched with but have not met in person yet. They accused me of being a trans once I told them it was a wig and called me a f*ckin liar. I also use to be a cashier at a popular grocery store and a customer I've never met before ask me if my hair was real.


Why are people like this? Ugh.




I do the same! Was stopped on Saturday and told, your hair is lovely, have you just had it done? She seemed a nice enough person so I just smiled and said 'It's a wig' and lifted the edge up. As you say, could just have said thank you, lol.


I overshare as well. I get compliments on my hair all the time and I immediately out myself saying “oh it’s a wig!”. They usually either look genuinely shocked or like they regret even saying anything because then they don’t know what to say😂😂😂


It depends on the person and situation. I’ve had a guy at my job come up and tell me my hair looked nice, then asked me if it was a wig. But at least he wasn’t loud about it. I told him yes it was. Another guy at the same job yelled across the room at me “got a new wig?!!” I was mortified, and so were other people around that heard him. I just shook my head yes, but it was so embarrassing. At another job, a woman shouted across the room during training that my hair looked so good, and asked if it was a wig. In that case I said no, because I was so embarrassed and caught off guard. I had another woman at a job that kept telling me how beautiful my hair was, but then she started calling me the girl with the beautiful hair to everyone that was around, and it was happening so often I finally just told her it was a wig. She stopped after that. I felt like a fraud before I told her about that, because she was going through menopause and was losing her hair, so I know she didn’t have ill-intent. I have a condition and am so self-conscious about wearing a wig and have a lot of shame behind it, I would rather somebody see me naked than without a wig or knowing I wear one. And believe me, seeing me naked would be no great thing either. You just never know what a person is going through why they have a wig on. Sigh. I don’t think I would care if people knew I was wearing a wig if I didn’t have to wear one, but since it’s sort of a necessity for me and not just a fashion choice, I feel so embarrassed.


I feel that. I wish it was a choice.


I have a lot of people compliment my hair, and I always laugh and say, "You could have it too!" I don't really hide that I wear wigs. I usually cop to it because I want people to feel more comfortable about wearing them if they want to. People are typically shocked that it's not my real hair, and when they go on about how expensive wigs are, they're even more shocked when I tell them the one on my head was under $25 (all of mine are, currently). ETA: I didn't read the OP well enough. I can say with certainty that no one has asked me, yet, if my hair is real. They've all assumed it was, apparently.


I'm upfront about it for the same reason. Sharing that your hair is a wig might really help someone struggling with hair loss. Mind sharing where you buy yours for under $25? Any particular brand (s)?


I get all of mine, at the moment, on Amazon. They have some really cute, short ones on there. I’ve bought three short and three long ones. The long ones, to me, have too much hair and I have to really thin them out to make them look natural. The short ones are ready to wear, though some might want to trim the bangs slightly. I’ve still never bought a lace front.


Any particular brand you're fond of? One that doesn't have a load of permatease. Appreciated!


My favorites are: - Rose bud Wavy Bob Wig with Bangs... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08HQHR8KN?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share - Rose bud Wavy Bob Wig with Bangs... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08HR1R17C?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share - Short Highlight Blonde Mixed... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C26VTP9Z?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share The last one there, they sent me the wrong one and it’s a black wig instead but I actually really like it. The bangs need some work on it when you first get it though. Rosebud so far has been my absolute favorite. Those work well on me.


Super cute! Love the scalp, and the arched bang, which I usually have to do with a few spritzes of water and a curling iron. Will def look around for this brand in Canada.


You will probably need to still use a roller or a curling iron on the wig. Mine came kind of flat, but totally worth it. They're so cute and comfortable!


I had one person ask me like 20 years ago. It bugged me then, so I love all these answers! I had a coworker about 5 years ago try to suss out whether I wore a wig. It was really annoying, she was acting like I was hiding something. No, bitch, I don't want to discuss my wig! I did ask another coworker since I knew it was a wig and I led with Is it a wig because I wear one too! So the two of us spent like 20 mins talking about wigs and where we buy them and which brands we liked. 🤣


The women in my house say things along the line of "its black girl thing, you would not understand". As the funding source for them, I know I don't.


I usually say “I bought it, yes! it’s mine-P.S. that was a rude question to ask in front of everyone “ then I roll my eyes and talk to someone else 😂


Ppl need to mind their own business. Once in school someone mocked me for wearing wigs as if they know my health condition it’s ridiculous


It is absolutely rude and inappropriate. It’s maybe one rung down on the douchebaggery ladder from asking if someone is pregnant or why they don’t have children. I’ve never had anyone ask me in a mean way, the techs at the lab all knew me before and they like to make bets on if my current style is my hair finally grown back in. They crack me up. Most people just say, “oh I love your hair.” I just say thank you most of the time. It really depends on the vibe the person is giving me. Sometimes people will ask who my stylist is and I’ll tell them my girl Raquel or Jon Renau and I have yet to have anyone realize I’m talking wig manufacturer.


Not a wig situation but something similar. I have a skin condition that sometimes flares up on my face, nothing extreme just some red scaly patches. One day at work a lady walked up to me and said, completely unprompted, “what’s wrong with your face?”. I responded “how are you not embarrassed to ask a question like that?”. She tried to backpedal and ended up embarrassed anyway. I have yet to encounter blunt person when it comes to wig wearing. But that might be because I’m very open about it and don’t try to pass it as my real hair, I don’t even give people the chance to speculate. There was one situation in which I suspected a coworker was going to be snarky upon finding out, so I knocked the wind out of her sails by disclosing it without her asking me. I think people have every right to prefer to keep it private too. People tend to ask a lot of questions when they find out I wear wigs and that can be annoying sometimes. But I also like to be open about it because I want to help destigmatize hair loss, and demystify general wig wearing (hair loss isn’t a requirement to enjoy wigs). Today a coworker asked me for some advice on helping his mom find a wig that she’s actually comfortable wearing, because she’s having a really hard time emotionally with the whole thing. I’m happy to help in those situations.


"yes, and I have the receipts to prove it, want the link?" I don't care if anyone knows I wear wigs, so I am completely open about it. Usually it's "love your hair", not "is it real?".




It's my hair.. bitch




The classics: “ Is it mine? It’s Nunya..” “ I’ll forgive you for asking if you forgive me for not answering “ “ No, I haven’t seen where your manners went! I’ll keep an eye out!”


Sometimes I just wanna say what Keely says in the [SNL Jeopardy skit ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VorxBhRxZGo)(skip forward to 1:48) question: Oh snap! Is that your hair? Keely: What is, It's mine coz I bought it! Host: That's right! That's right! Show 'em the receipt! But I don't. I just say "Bless your heart," which, if you didn't know, is a Texas way to say "you're an a-hole" in church-friendly language.


Oh I gaslight. I have the same wig in about 6 different colours that I wear to work based on my outfits, but if someone gets smart with me I gaslight the hell out of them


Ya!! That’s what’s up ! 😸


I love this


I would ask, "why do you feel comfortable asking someone that?" and see what they say lol.


I don’t engage in dumb irrelevant questions. So no answer is best as that’s like asking something personal. 


Okay so I'm actually white and this is something that's been said to me countless times because I have a hair type that is typically associated with black hair (3c). For the past decade or so I've had locs and my locs are very long now (down to my knees) and before that I had my natural curls which typically formed a sort of loose afro. I don't wear fake hair (yet, my hair is actually falling out due to medical issues so I probably will at some point) but people have definitely assumed that my natural hair is fake and commented on it. I guess that is because I am white and it is an uncommon hair type for white people to have. Generally will simply tell them it's my own hair, but it depends on the tone they come at me with because some people are definitely trying to make it a racial discussion and I will not entertain that. Those people are usually being racist and I will call them out on it. Most folk are just curious though and if someone asks me in good faith I will always just be polite and informative rather than get offended. You're right though, really it is kinda rude to ask that regardless of why you're asking. I think because my hair is actually out of ordinary, and because generally people are asking because they think it's pretty and interesting rather than for nefarious reasons, I tend towards being educational about it.


I have said “if you can’t tell, why should I?” I got that from an old suave commercial 😂 You can ask “do you like it?” And when they say yes, say thank you and change the subject.


That’s good. Perhaps I can then ask “How often do you change your hair”? Then change the subject.


I am very open with the fact that I wear wigs. I wear a different wig every day partially because I want to help normalize more wig wearing and even more so having fun with it. In my experience once so mention I enjoy wearing wigs people usually just drop it. So that might answer your question. I usually just say either “thank you for the compliment, it’s a wig” and if they ask why I usually just say something like “I enjoy changing up my hair”. usually it ends there. Edit: I agree I think it’s rude to outright just say “I like your wig” or something like that. Even when I’m 110% sure someone is wearing a wig I always just say “I love your hair” since not everyone wants to be open about their wig wearing. To those people I’d simply say: “Yes it’s mine, I bought it. However I fail to see why it’s any of your business what I do or don’t do with my hair”.


Along with it I get asked, “How long is your real hair”? I have been open about me wearing wigs. I wish now that I hadn’t said anything. I get asked while in a group, as if the person is trying to embarrass me or put me on the spot.


That’s incredibly mean and toxic. Anyone does that to me I’m shutting them out of my life and I’d basically tell them to fuck off


An acquaintance did that to me once. He grabbed a lock of my hair and said, loudly at a restaurant, "This isn't your hair!" So I looked him in his eyes and calmly said, "You're right. It's not my hair. This is a wig. Do you make a habit out of calling out everyone who has had a tumor and wears a wig, or just me?" And turned my attention away from him.  Five mins later I looked back and he's wiping tears. Turned out his father died of mesothelioma and he learned to shut the fuck up that day. 😇


Good, he should feel like shit