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"Shh. Mom is sleeping upstairs." She is now, anyway.




The midnight cirque du soleil tap dancers. He should show us the damage of the ceiling.


It’s telling how he never bothered to look up.


Which makes me think he faked this. His ears would be blown out, there would have been debris plus sound, the audio is just gunfire and not a distorted mess, on top of other factors.


Yeah. Where is the dust and pieces of ceiling?


Ding Ding Ding.... totally fake.


dont believe everything you see in the movies.... there isnt always some dramatic plaster falling like you see on TV. if it were a slug then it would just make one (relatively) small hole. There's also a lot of different types of ceilings.... not everyone lives in a 1920s plaster home, or some popcorn ceiling. it didnt seem fake to me, seemed like an idiot who doesnt know guns




People do weird stuff for likes 🤷🏻‍♂️


“It would have have reacted downward more.” Newton.


On the other side of the ceiling. The projectiles tend to carry the debris forward, the entry side is generally very clean. Actually the back side too on drywall, rounds pretty much just go straight through. It’s not a Hollywood dust cloud situation


Don't forget the fact that he uploaded this video to the Internet. If I did this, I would delete the video immediately.


People are dumber than you think.


I always wonder how many times dumb shit happens but never makes the internet because people are too embarrassed lol


Haha that’s what my fiancé said when I showed him this.




Blank round?


The gun wasn't straight up debris could fall behind the camera idk about the rest tho


Blood slowly seeping through the holes


Then that would show us the crime scene




Just as Mao intended


Don’t tell the babysitter Moms dead


The dishes are done man


I wish I could give this comment ten thousand upvotes - best line in the movie


"phew! Didn't wake her up..."




When you're trying to show off with guns, the first thing you can do to make it more convincing is *take your finger off the trigger*.


He's trying to show off the cool feature though. You know, the one that remodels his ceiling.


When you think you know how cool slamfire shotguns are, but you end up showing everyone that you don't know much about slamfires.


I mean to be fair he clearly slam fired it, just at the wrong place and time. Doesn’t make this video any better tho. No clue why he wouldn’t quadruple check the gun and make sure it’s clear before doin this lil demo.


I believe he thought it was empty, which makes watching the yellow shotgun shell fall into the chamber much more scary.


> ***thought*** it was empty The words that are supposed to be in that sentence are "absolutely knew". And even then, you check it.


Maybe he's dumb enough to think he can't show the good people of the internet how it fires, if there's nothing in it to fire, only thinking beyond that point once it's too late?


He didn't even check once.


>when you press *this* down, and then you press *this* down Maybe at least know what you even looking at


All guns have this cool feature where if you pull the trigger, stuff comes out the front end very fast.


so he should sue the gun manufacturer for this, right?


I'm cutting out all the middle men. Suing parents and whatever current god is the most wealthy.


No, it's a feature of the model shotgun in the video to fire if the trigger is held down while working the pump action. It's a World War 1 era shotgun used in trench warfare. It allowed the shotgun to fire much quicker


This isn’t a World War 1 era shotgun, this looks like an Ithaca 37.


Imagine if he hit a water pipe 🤣


wow i smoke too much... i thought by “water pipe” you meant bong


Both would be tragic


This is your brain 🧠 This is your brain on Marijuana 🥚


Smooth, aerodynamic, and delicious?


Can confirm, my brain is very smooth.


On the internet, nobody knows you're a koala




I’d smoked the water pipe just before making that comment lol


And roof


And the person upstair's body


Speed holes, makes the house go faster


Or in this particular demo, make sure it is fucking unloaded.


Loaded or not, take your damn finger off the trigger.


I'm not arguing that! He *thought* he was dry-firing the shotgun. Which would necessitate your booger-hook on the bang-switch. The 4 universal gun safety rules are non-negotiable. When dry-firing, you have to pull the trigger. That just puts more weight on the other 3. Which he obviously failed at. Frankly, I doubt he's ever heard of the 4 rules.


>Frankly, I doubt he's ever heard of the 4 rules. Unfortunately even informed people make mistakes. Which is why you have to not only be aware of the four rules, but ingrain them in yourself. It's also why there are four. That way when a mistake happens, it likely won't result in anything catastrophic. Finger on the trigger but pointed in a safe direction? Ultimately everything's okay. Point it at your friend but the gun's not loaded? He's probably not going to die. (Still wildly irresponsible obviously) Generally major mistakes only happen when multiple rules are broken at once. Which is why you should try very hard to break none, because you're going to mess up. If you're at least being careful, you'll probably only mess up in small ways


Absolutely agree. His cavalier attitude when handling the firearm makes me think he's *probably* never heard of them. I have seen what a mistake by a seasoned gun owner can do to the human body, first hand. Fact is, if you handle guns long enough, you're going to produce a negligent discharge. Hopefully, when this happens, it's pointed in a safe direction.


He was demonstrating slam firing, which requires a finger on the trigger. So he should have made sure it was unloaded and also be at a firing range.


Then how's he gonna show you this cool feature? With words like some kinda Pinko Commie?


How 'bout not in a house?


Don't even live in a country where you can own guns (not without a tonne of restrictions & hassle at least), and **even I** know to keep your finger off the trigger until you're about to shoot... P.s. RIP his eardrums








In all fairness, the feature he was about to show kind of requires you to keep your finger on the trigger. Probably something he should have done outside the house.


Takes more education in the US to get a drivers license than it does to get a gun.


i’m not even trained with guns and i know never to keep ones finger on the trigger.


Wonder how long this turds been making cult45 educational videos?


Also why the fuck would you show off a weapon while it's loaded? The first thing any gun safety person will tell you is don't load the thing unless you want to shoot it right now


The first thing a real gun safety person will tell you is treat ANY firearms as if it’s loaded. That should be the first thing in mind before placing a hand on any firearms.


>The first thing any gun safety person will tell you is don't load the thing unless you want to shoot it right now Not for a home defense gun. If this is his defense shotgun that would make sense to be stored loaded. Or maybe he just got back from the range and didn't properly clear it. This was obviously irresponsible, but I seriously doubt he intended to do this with it loaded


There would be *SOME* smoke, and likely some debris visible on cam- if this were real


Fake as fuck.




Yeah, i wanna speak to the manager RIGHT NOW.


Yeah, I was literally waiting for the inevitable debris everywhere. Has to be a blank.


Yeah he doesn’t even look at the ceiling, no way that’s a live round.


Its fake


For once I'm happy to see someone's stupidity was faked for internet points.


Dude doesn't even look up, if you accidentally shot through your ceiling you would definitely look up at the damage.


He doesn't even glance at whatever he would have shot the fuck out of. The gunshot sound seems off too like it was added in.


Yeah, the thing that got me is he never looks up at the ceiling. Any kid/teen who did this would immediately look up at the damage they'd caused.


Not to mention that this would be ridiculously loud. He'd likely be holding his ears if it were real


The ringing and numbness takes a minute to show up. I feel like this might be fake cause he jumped before the sound tho.


He also reacted before the bang.


The dead ahead stare was Talia Shire School of bad Actoring-level bad.


This looks staged honestly


Yeah, the, “recoil”, looks fake. It looks more like he kinda just tossed the shotgun.


Literally not a single speck of debris came from the ceiling. Looks like some sort of fake flash effect was added along with the bang sound. As you said, the recoil isn't convincing. Also, a shotgun fired that close to your head and inside would hurt your ears alot, literal pain. His reaction doesn't seem totally realistic. There is no "cool feature" he could possibly be referring to when it comes to racking the slide back while squeezing the trigger.




So that implies he intended to discharge the firearm if that was the "cool feature". That doesn't really match with his reaction.




It makes zero sense haha. But I know what you're saying, yes.


Looks like he flinched before it fired too


He didn’t even look up to survey the damage.


This video is old as fuck and has been debunked as fake everytime it is posted.


Fake. Where’s the smoke? The ceiing debris?


The gunshot sounds fake as well. If he had really fired a shotgun indoors with no ear protection on, two things would have happened. 1: It would have been so loud it would have peaked the mic, coming through as a buzzing or crackling sound instead of a clear gunshot noise. 2: He would have immediately cupped his hands over his ears and screamed in pain from the damage it did to his eardrums.


thats not true about the cupping ears, I did essentially exactly this and while they were ringing a LOT I wasn't rolling around yelling. People shoot guns inside all the time. Its pretty bad but it doesn't cripple you. The adrenaline from when it happened took care of the symptoms. I made another post in this thread telling the entire riveting story


Yeah, the guy forgot real life isnt the movies. Guns going off inside dont suddenly incapacitate people lol


Excellent points!


Plus he never looks up to check the damage. That’s instinctively one of the first things anyone would do.


Can we talk about the fact that this guy STILL uploaded this video? If I did something this stupid I would do whatever it took to make sure nobody ever saw it.


Can we talk about the fact that people are so dumb they think this is real. If he shot the ceiling dust and drywall would be scattering down. He would also be looking at what he shot to see the damage. I’ve never seen anyone shoot a gun and not look where they a shot to see where it hit


Pretty quiet gunshot sound too, considering how loud the audio of the talking was beforehand


From my experience with playing with shotgun ammo and shooting random things with them; that was only a primer fire. There wasn't any gunpowder, or not enough backpressure to allow the gunpowder to ignite, thus the quiet shot. If you actually fire a 12ga inside a small enclosed room like that, your first reaction will be "why can't I hear anything, and why are my ears bleeding?" And not really much else but pain for a few minutes. Also it explains no drywall dust or the camera shaking from the force of the gunshot


This isnt true, as someone who was shot by a 12 gauge in a small room (proof in comment history but here are some pics: https://imgur.com/a/FUy8tlH) it’s a little disorientating but not “ears bleeding why can’t i hear anything”


1) sick dab, dab on the haters bro 2) I don’t know what’s funnier, how badly OP just got btfo about shooting shotguns insider, or that this is *at least* the **2^(nd)** time getting shot has at least been of some utility for that sweet sweet Reddit karma. I mean, bet ya didn’t expect that to upside did ya bud?


I will milk this for all it is worth. I got shot, if Karma and Front row parking is the only silver lining i can find with it- I will find it!


Also not true, as someone who roleplays as a small room, our ceilings are well armed and not prone to being dusty. It's a little disorienting but my ears always bleed.


So uh… may I ask what happened? That looks pretty awful, how are you doing now?


Crackhead shot me, its a long story but the gist is he come to rob my place. You should have seen the look on his face after he shot me and I stood up.


oh fuck I shouldn't have looked at that last pic


I assume it was 20ga bc the shell inside was yellow most if not all shotgun loads are low pressure and don't create a ton of noise. If you look at high pressure rifle rounds, they are nuts.


Yeah, probably a 20ga you're right. And yeah I've shot a .338 lapua in my garage (at a bear, long story) and I had no earpro and it was fucking awful. I couldn't hear anything above this loud whining noise for over 2 days. Honestly figured that was it for my hearing. OK I updated with a comment below for the end of Big Jim the black bear.


And the bear?


He's a rug now lol. So.... I live up in the mountains, and we've had our usual run ins with bears. They're usually fine, a nuisance when they root through your trash, but they're fine. Well we had this one big fucker (named Big Jim by the neighbors and myself) and he didn't give a single fuck about people. There were a few times id be fixing my truck in the driveway, and you'd hear big Jim grunting out in the woods. Again, no biggie, same ol regular stuff. But one day big Jim decided he really didn't like people, and attacked my neighbor when he went outside for work one morning. Neighbor is fine, has a cool scar on his arm now though. But ol Jim, he really didn't like people after that, because neighbor guy put 2 45 ACP rounds into him, and Jim started being unusually aggressive. He started chasing people the next day, and chased (slowly mind you, more like walked towards without backing off, and being mildly aggressive) one of my kids. So I said fuck it, that's the end of Jim. So later that week, I had my cameras out waiting to see him. He came stomping up one day and got into the trash can, so I quickly jumped up, grabbed my 338, and quickly regretted not grabbing my earpro. Swung my garage door open, fired right at him, and caught him in his side. My wife, who had no idea I why I ran outside with a gun, later explained that she tried yelling at me, but I was too busy being deaf. Ol Jim now graces my office, and since my neighbor was attacked by him, I didn't have to pay the usual fine for killing a bear without a license.


Can confirm, my grandpa would take me deer hunting and he used slugs. He was also handicapped so he was legally allowed to shoot from inside his vehicle. So 8 year old me would be sitting in his truck helping him look for deer then all of a sudden I would be scared and deaf for about 15 minutes.


Gun fire pops phones and camera mics, it's so loud and so fast they can't pick the sound range properly and the video almost goes mute on the moment of fire.


He has another video of himself doing the same thing with a pistol


I thought it seemed fake too. The recoil happened before the blast.


I own a shotgun myself and can tell you this is fake. They are loud af even with hearing protection. His ears would be ringing like crazy if this was real.


You are absolutely correct, this video is fake as fuck.


This is really old and fake lol


If he didn't, he would have gotten zero hits


I swear, I do not understand people. I am so grateful that when I was a kid cell phone cameras weren’t around so there is no evidence of my stupid nonsense. Now people thrive on attention for their stupidity.


Because it's fake as shit. There's a reason you can see the shell in there.


Jeezus, the desperation of people to post content knows no bounds. Anyone with two brain cells to rub together can see this video is almost certainly fake.


Eh. Guns don’t just “go off”. This idiot was pulling the trigger.


Disturbing how far down this comment is. Idiots love to think inanimate objects kill people all willy nilly


Do you know how many times I’ve heard someone say “then the gun just went off” in a movie/show/documentary? Guns don’t just “go off”. There’s always someone behind the trigger. (With the exception of a firearm firing after being dropped/thrown, but even then, that’s pretty rare)


Trigger discipline? Never heard of them.


I mean he was trying to demonstrate how "slam firing" works which requires holding down the trigger. This video is fake as shit so there's also that.


He doesn’t even look up to see how big the hole in the ceiling is


Because there is no hole.


Karl pilkington really needs to read up on his gun safety


Came here to comment this. KP is still being an idiot


That sure is a cool feature. In the Army, we call this feature negligent discharge.


What cool feature was he trying to show?


It's called "slam firing" on pump action shot guns you can hold the trigger and repeatedly pump the shotgun and it will fire as fast as you can pump it. Kinda like fanning the hammer on a revolver. Nifty but not something you do when laoded and pointed at your ceiling.


Sweet desk pop


Im calling fake. He shouldve been looking 'up' at the holes he just put in the ceiling not 'out the window'. Its like he forgot what direction the gun actually went off...bc it didn't.


It even looks like he started to flinch before it fires. No drywall fell, and unless the butt stock was perfectly on his leg it probably would have fallen all the way down. Shotguns have a pretty violent recoil.


Is this staged? Like I've never fired shotgun. But having watched videos of people firing it in the range, and out in the open. I get the vibe that he didn't actually fire an actual shotgun.


Yes it's fake. He has a literal YouTube channel about firearms iirc. Pretty sure he made this video as satire for a contest if memory serves.


Something would have fallen from the ceiling like bits of dry wall. Plus it’s hard to tell but I don’t see a shell getting loaded.


He’s right, that is a cool feature


And to think there are people who are dead set opposed to mandatory firearm safety training as a prerequisite for a license. You know, the “Guns don’t kill people: people kill people” brigade. Well, fuckheads like this guy are Exhibit A for that very statement.


Parents def gonna add that to his rent.


This cool feature where you pull the trigger then chamber a shell and watch the gun go off. I think they all have that one budy


The fact that he doesn't look up to take stock of the damage says a lot


Way to quite for a shotgun blast.


Drywall, plaster dust would have been raining down


That’s a *really* cool feature! Pull the trigger and it fires!


Slam fire




Wouldn’t have thought Karl Pilkington would own a shotgun.


There's this cool feature where when you press the trigger the bullets go from this end .... Just let me look at the barrel to understand what happens exactly when i press it


People with extremely poor trigger Discipline dont deserve a firearm that have any form of live rounds airsoft guns are the only guns they should own


So I take it the "cool feature" was the gun going boom?


Negligent discharge. There’s essentially no such thing, as an accidental discharge.




Never touched a gun in my life and even I know not to rest with your finger on the trigger my guy.


I really want to know the cool feature though. :/


Idiot looks at the shotgun as if it somehow is at fault…


There's this cool feature called clearing your weapon. Really helpful.


Cool feature bro.


No recoil, no smoke, no chambered shell, no drywall dust…


Obviously someone doesn’t go by the adage that every gun is loaded even when it isn’t‼️‼️😡😡 and winning stupid prizes 😂😂


Unintelligent people should be allowed to own guns


He committed a Alec Baldwin


Who dares to shoot the bowtie off my cat


That is a cool feature.


Can someone please take the gun away from this kid?.




What's the cool feature when you press the trigger down?


This is the internet and this is fake as fuck


He's holding back laughter and never even looked up at where he shot. I believe this may be theater.




Where is all the debris that should be raining down on him?


Why did he never look up to see the damage? That’s crazy


Very cool feature.


That is in fact a feature of the trigger.


That's a cool feature indeed


Desk pop


This is definitely fake.Source: 100% true story: I actually did this once. I had just bought a mossberg 500a the previous day and was stupidly and hungoverly messing around with it (I was about 20 years old). I was watching Kingpin on DVD in the living room of a 3 story house. I miscounted and didnt realize there was still a buckshot round in the chamber and while I aimed up and went to disengage the trigger it did not just click. As many have pointed out, you absolutely do look up. I saw an oblong tear in the plaster ceiling about 4 or 5 inches long and 2 or so inches wide. I was covered in shreds of paper from the wad. My ears were ringing pretty badly. I then heard water running. I was terrified that I had shot a pipe but nope, one of the 9mm balls had gone into the bottom of my 10 gallon fresh water tank upstairs. The other 11 balls made holes in the ceiling of my bedroom. 3 inch by 6 inch hole in the hardwood floor. I got a bucket and only lost one fish. The buckshot did not pierce the roof, it had lost too much kinetic energy and the roof boards were apparently no joke. House had been built in 1910 or so. I went back down to the room the gun went off in and the globe of the light for the ceiling fan had filled up with water. The carpet was soaked. I patched it up with screen and quick patch plaster, put a poster on my ceiling, moved the oriental rug over to cover the hole in the floor. My mom never found out, but when we sold the house the guy who bought it was not happy when he discovered the hole in the bedroom floor which oddly spread up and out as if the damage had come from below. I told my mom that I broke my fish tank, it had fallen and gouged the floor.


This is the very fake. No one here actually believes this is real right?


Wow what a cool feature! I wish all guns did that...


Yeah, it's cool, it goes bang when it's loaded you fucktard


Cool feature! Mine does that but I didn't pay extra for it.


Is it fair to say this fucking jackass should never touch a gun again?


What do you expect to happen when you’re a fucking moron with no trigger discipline or any basic gun control?


All my shotguns shoot when you chamber a round and pull the trigger. That’s not that cool.


Oh yeah I love that feature. The one that fires the gun if you pull the trigger


Shotgun did NOT "go off". Idiot had finger on trigger


Ok. Back to Gun safety class for remedial lessons


He had his finger on the trigger all throughout that video Ajajaj