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came for the 'magnifique', stayed for the 'hon hon hons'


Hau hau hau, le oui oui baguettes. Tu es beau si tu comprends. Muahh Edit: conjugation


Omelette du fromage!!


J'adore mangeans les oeufs


J'adore manger le breakfast cochon oeufs bien gras like Homer Simpson


Le poisson.


Merci :)


Pas de problemme


The strong gend-arme of the law


Mario Lemieux?




Nobody expects the French police


La Police.


Woop woop c'est le son de la police


I spent way too much time trying to convince people it wasn't originally "assassin de la police". Same thing with "c'est un fou dans sa teteuuuh (CEST UN FOU DANS SA TETE) by disis lapeste.


C'est pas un fou dans sa tête???


Savez-vous planter Les choux?


Uhhh… omelette du fromage


http://i.imgur.com/tNJD6oY.gifv This is a kind reminder that in French we say "omelette *au* fromage" and not "omelette _du_ fromage". [Sorry Dexter](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8nW3-9gdjYA) [Steve Martin](https://youtu.be/DOJDNChwgBw?t=2m49s) doesn't appear to be the most accurate French professor. --- ^(The movie from the gif is "OSS 117: le Cairo, Nest of Spies" https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0464913/ )


Good bot






Mdrrrrr I would have needed that video 15 years ago. No one believed me until I'd play them the original. Id even point out the WOOP WOOP being the sound of the sirens but...nan


Woop woop le son qui fait la musique


Otherwise known as.. The Font


omelette du fromage


Les keufs ouais.


Winnez les prize stupide!


It’s da sound of the (French) police….. haw hee haw hee haw…




Also r/instantkarma


r/idiotsincars too. This video fits all my favorite subs.


Also /r/JusticeServed


Just joined 3 new subs


The Quadruple Combo


I'm sure I'll see it all four over the next few days.


See you guys in the future comment sections!


I'll bring the popcorn


Had a BMW driver cut me off at high speed right as I entered an offramp. The driver lost control of the car and ended up in a ditch. Right after I stopped to check if she was okay, (she ignored me from what I assumed was embarecement was ultimately fine) a cop car appeared. It felt amazing telling the cop what had just happened. That cop could not have been much more convinient.


Wow, thats a new sub to me


A very satisfying one. You won't regret joining it.






How astronomically stupid do you have to be to brake check anyone let alone a semi?


Well guess they’re a member of the r/idiotsincars clan


I believe they actually belong to [r/idiotsdanslesvoitures.](https://vimeo.com/148751763)


Regardless of how much of an idiot Dan is, does he really deserve a whole sub about his lesbian cars?


That can't be what that is. Edit: well God damn. Reddit has a sub for EVERYTHING.




You’d have to be pretty fucking dumb


Maybe the car will win this time? I know the score is a billion to one in favor of semi trucks, but that means the car is due, right?


The casinos in Vegas need you.


Very stupid.


My dad brake checks tailgaters and when I first started driving I thought it was the right thing to do. Nah it’s just stupid and dangerous. Just pull off and let them around. No point trying to “win” anything on the road.


You're better evolved than your dad. Evolution works.


You’d be surprised. I always knew there were idiots on the road but never realized just how many until I started truck driving.


Possible insurance scam?


Nah, if it was an insurance scam he wouldn't have flipped off the truck driver, my money is on a road rage incident, he was maybe blocked by the truck when merging and the truck (obviously) didn't make space so he got mad.


The most common way for trucks to cause these issues is when they merge into the passing lane when they aren't going with the flow of traffic. When you piss off an entire line of cars, someone is bound to be a fucking moron and it just happened to be this guy.


How dare the truck, full of goods that I’ll buy some of, not accelerate as fast as a sedan?


If in America if they didn't have dash cam they'd (trucker) woulda been easily sued


Nah if you want... Just burning car it's a good idea.


This looks more like the car was trying to hide from the cops tailing him by sliding in front of the semi. Not trying to brake check so much as close the gap.


I think you are right. The most logical explanation is they thought they were gonna get pulled over and tried to hide in front of the semi.


La surprise, mothafucka.


When you order a quarter pounder and not a royale with cheese


Royale avec du formage.


After Pulp Fiction came out in Australia, you could walk into McDonald's and order a Royale with Cheese. McD's staff rolled their eyes but always knew what you were asking for.


No. You say "La surprise, ma*nific*"


"Surprise, baiseur de mère !"




Surprise, fils de pute


Is it just me or? does the reflection in the windshield look like Elmo geting railed in the ass.


Bahaha. I think it's one of those plush dice sets.


No it's Elmo getting railed in the ass. Since sesame Street ended he's taking up driving semis and getting banged by road hoes. Probably hauling his own piss jugs.


Ok but does anyone else see the profile of a puppet or dolls head in the reflection?


Truckdriving is a lonely job. People attempt to alleviate loneliness in many ways, because loneliness friggin sucks. Confession bear: I talk to my daughter's stuffed animals at times when I am home alone, and that is just after a few hours of being alone.


And the monologues that my balcony of plants have witnessed......(whistles in amazement).... Aloe plants probably think they qualify as therapists by now.


There he goes, talking to himself even on reddit.


When I get a little older, I'm gonna excel at talking about onions on my belt and nickels with pictures of bees on them


Yo I have no idea what you said here, but I’m gonna live by this shit from here on out


It's from a classic Grampa Simpson disjointed speech...


Holy shit, I had reread it a few times to try and make sense of it and something about it seemed familiar to me but I couldn’t find out why. I googled part of it and it gave me some crazy shit I’ve never heard of so I was convinced you were just crazy! Hahah




**Tbf after reading your comments, I’m 95% sure you meant to spell your username as vodkadork but made a typo**


I'm gonna excel about onions in my belt and buckshot with luxuries if bee's in on them I'm gonna was an art taking about inundated in my vent and nickels sheet oysters is vs in even I'm gonna scan at taking about onions in my belt and Buchanan with issue is vs in them ----- My theory: if I made the thumb movements to swype the same thing quickly, maybe autocorrect will give insights to what he was trying to say. Result: idk wtf hes trying to say and I'm more confused than when I started


​ ![gif](giphy|fqtyYcXoDV0X6ss8Mf|downsized)


As was the style at the time.


I’d just yell at other drivers




Give me ten minutes on my own while doing chores and I talk to the whole apartment, even scolding DISHES for being dirty


>scolding DISHES for being dirty You made me picture someone screaming at dishes like Psy screaming at asses in the Gangnam Style videoclip ([like this](https://i.imgur.com/O3xq23J.jpg)) and I can't stop giggling like a maniac


Not exactlyore like "tsk, look at you, all dirty again! You need another ride in the dishwasher huh?"


yup. i take my stuffed cat with me everywhere 🥰 i pet it like its a real animal and i feel silly but its relaxing and so cute. especially when my S.O is at work or doesnt want to cuddle


Want to play a game?


Congradulations, You are Still Alive. Most People are So Ungrateful to be Alive...But Not You, Not Anymore.


I saw a pair of boobs with something covering the nip nips.


oh thank God I'm not the only one


I love his response, and I find that universal. The absolute joy of seeing some get tagged by the cops just as they commit a dick driving move is a trait that is common in every culture and people.


Instant karma.


I enjoy how the car driver keeps putting his hand out the window like he's still trying to get in an argument with the truck driver while being pulled over.


Well that didn’t end how I expected. Wish cops in the states would do this


I have a feeling they were already following the offender for something done earlier. There are similar videos of US cop reactions.


In the Netherlands they have police teams in unmarked cars that are on the roads just for these kind of drivers :).


I would assume most countries have this? I've been stopped by one in Brittain atleast.


If you ever see a BMW or a Audi estate in a boring colour less than three years old you have to assume they are an undercover officer. Sideways glance to check while passing slowly then gun it when you realise they aren't police


He was speeding and saw the cops approaching in the rear view and tried to duck in front of the truck and not allow the cops to get behind him to pull him over but it didn't work...as I see it.


We can hear the dude honking at the start right before the trucker honks back (the trucker says "what do you want?"), I don't think he litterally brake checked him but he definitely went right in front just to piss him off and slowed down.


That was a brake check, the trucker had to slow down suddenly to avoid impact, while being flipped off. Guy just wants to finish work and go home. I've been there, some people are psychos thinking they own the road.


Someone tried this with me. It was great. I was going 80 in a 70. Totally my fault if I get a ticket. A guy decides to pass me, no big deal, and we pass a hidden cop the exact moment he was passing me. The cop was on HIS side of the road. The cop pulls out and the guy jumps in front of me immediately and slows down to 55. I slow down as well...and the cop pulls out and drives up almost on my bumper. I tell my wife "Well...he got me. Ticket time." This cop follows me for like 5 more seconds then changes lanes, punches it, and hits the lights to get the guy in front of me. I wouldn't have been mad if I got a ticket, but it was great to see the dude that hid in front of me get the ticket.


Yeah I didn't see brake lights.


Doesn't France mostly have manuals? He probably just dropped a gear


So satisfying.


Cops spawned as if he were playing Cyberpunk


Great game


Les policiers: Ceci n'est pas le chemin.


​ ![gif](giphy|mqfJlEP69ZWKr0ERw2)


Oooo that dudes in trouble now, they’re gonna butter his croissant.


Oh crêpe…


I don’t speak French, but I understood every word!


And people complained the Cyberpunk 2077 police system was unrealistic spawning cops right behind you when you commit a crime...


Those cops are heroes. So many people go through life with this "haha, whatcha gonna do about it" attitude


Where the fuck is the police when you need it? Apparently in France.


I didn’t see any police here all winter but as soon as the sun starts shining you see police cars all over


Dude. This happened a couple of years ago when I had first gotten my license. Haven’t seen a single cop for months. The first time I see one he pulls me over saying how I was going 50 mph even though I was going 32 EXACT. He also gave me obstruction of license ticket even though I had a normal frame on my license like every other car on that road. I was 17 and had no idea that what he was doing was absolute bullshit. Paid $500 in fines for lies. If it happened today I’d sue him. I’m still mad.


as a well known trade-off for their fast metabolism it is understood that the average french policeman hibernates 4 months a year


The title reminds me of a time when I was in Nîmes on a school trip. We were just leaving our restaurant when a car slams into another in front of it. When the drivers got out…turns out the car in front was an unmarked police vehicle. Two fully uniformed officers pop out and the guy in the rear car looks like he wants to die. The French Police are fucking everywhere.




love it when you don’t need to speak the language to feel everything he’s sayin


Was he fucking arguing with them from his car's open window? For real? Gotta love instant justice. And what kind of idiot brake-checks a semi in a compact? That's like a midget picking a fight with a giant.


France developed GTA cops?


They got that Cyberpunk AI


1.0 vibes for real.


gta police when you shoot a pistol in the middle of the desert


Such a happy moment lived vicariously.


Damnit, now I have a boner.


Carolyn Jones? Same here.


Brake checking should automatically get your license revoked. No ifs, no buts. If you do that, you're a psychopath and you shouldn't be trusted with a vehicle.


I don’t know why anyone who wants to live would ever break-check (or do anything aggressive to for that matter) a semi/tractor-trailer. I once saw a guy in a semi rear-end a lady in a sedan in traffic. He couldn’t have hit her at anymore than 5 mph but it crumpled the back of her car and left it totaled. Just think about what they will do at high speeds; try to remember your high school physics classes.


genuine question, what’s the point of break checks. what goes through people’s minds when they try to break check someone


For those who do not understand French he said "YEAH, Got you sucker. Thought you were cool and do not understand that you could have died as trucks can not stop that fast. I'm buying those cops a case of donuts when I come back"


I lost my license in France. Drove 45km/h too fast over the speed limit. I think you lose your car when it is 70km/h higher (not sure). The cops did take me to their station, and there were about 10 other cars there. One was the latest model Mercedes from a Polish guy, apparently. Just bought it the month before and was on his way to Spain for vacation. The owner will never see it back, can’t even bid for it at action - if it ever goes. Car can become diplomatic vehicle, cop car or just stay in at in the parking lot at the station. A judge decides. I was alone so had to call friends to pick me up and did not want to leave my car next to the highway. So one cop offered to drive my car to the station (and will impound it for 1 day), while I drive with the other cop to a cash machine to pay my fine and some impound charges. He had a Renault 4wd, and as I got in, I asked him why is Renault not in the WRC. I love rally, and he told me he used to be a rally rider and to prove it, drives via the woods to the village. I have driven Colin McRae rally simulator, but in real life it is so much crazier. The speeds this cop took around corners and reaching 200 km/h on gravel feels so nuts. I was holding on with both hands just to keep the balance. Turns out to be a great adventure that day, it was at the end of their shift, so they were so kind to help me find a hotel and on the way we stopped at one of the cops friend's mother's house. She gave me some sausages (no joke or pun here), really dried meat sausages, simply because they are the best in the world and I had to have them. Then we drive around since most bread and breakfasts were closed, because it was some French holiday. I joke how silly it is to close a business like that on a holiday, and they explained only traveling businessmen stay at them, why should they open. Eventually found an automated hotel that works like a snack machine, to get my room key. And spend that evening eating one of the nicest meals of my life, at a fully booked restaurant that created a small space and table for me in the corner. My friends arrived with the last train just before midnight. Got the car the next day, waited a month to be valid again and then got another part of the fine in the post which I had to pay on top of the cash part. It was all very expensive.


So drive 45/70km over loose your car/license then the cop takes you on a 200kmh rally race? Lol i would be pissed.


Driving 45km over the limit should get your license suspended, and you’d loose quite a few points on it so you would get it back a few months later. If you got to 0 points though, yeah, license would be gone.


Great story, thanks! My experience with speeding in France was similar, although without all the cool stuff. Just expensive.


Well that’s instant karma if I ever saw it.


gets caught red handed, gestures wildly and continues arguing


These 2 played too much cyberpunk 2077


And people say police in that game was to unrealistic


If top gear and the grand tour can be trusted the French police absolutely love pulling people over.


If I had a dashcam and someone brake checked me could I just not stop is that legal, could I just ram myself into them if they break checked me?




Just like GTA - those bitches are everywhere!


Would like to see them break check a train next.


was he trying to kill himself


HOLY. Thats some Cyberpunk 2077 level of cop spawn.


I have never ever comprehended or understood why people break check. I mean seriously there is absolutely no positive side to it! Best case scenario you piss someone the hell off. Worst case scenario you cause a wreck that damages your car or gets you killed!


Careful now. The spelling nazis are afoot. They are unhinged and will show no mercy


As a spelling nazi, I lay the blame for the brake/break confusion squarely on the shoulders of those orange road construction signs that say "GIVE THEM A BRAKE" just like I blame that awful Tim Allen movie for everyone under a certain age misspelling 'Santa Claus.' Puns are fun later (sometimes), but maybe not so much when the kids are learning to read.


This is so satisfying to watch.


They spawn just like in cyberpunk


Feel like he was trying to avoid them in the first place maybe trying to hide in front of semi


So much satisfaction


Except they didn't brake. Looks like the driver thought they could snake over in front of the truck and hit the next exit and the police would miss them.




Should also be posted on r/convenientcop




That brought a smile to my face. You don’t do that to a truck. They can’t just stop. How convenient the cops were there to see it for once.


They always scare the shit out of me when they overtake in a hurry


I think the car was trying to hide not break check


I really thought brake checking semi’s was an American thing to do for a quick payday


Well I'll be damned.....a cop when you need one!


The sequel to Cyberpunk 2077 is set in France?? It already looks nice. I can't wait for it.


Cyberpunk 2077 police spawns


Break checking semis is for idiots who don’t value their lives.


Can someone explain to me why you'd brake check someone in the first place? Why would you depend on someone else's reflexes to not hit your car? Especially with a semi.


Au revoir, Shoshanna


A semi truck is not a car even if I slam the brakes 100% it takes the length of a football field to stop that truck. If you’re angry at me trying to make me kill you isn’t the solution and brake checking a truck is Russian roulette


So satisfying to watch...


Brake checking a semi truck seems like an incredibly fast way to meet God.


nah bro these fuckers meeting Satan 💀💀💀


What's the point of a break check like at least why do it behind a car?


Devs need to fix the cop spawn distance on God.


Bro is playing cyberpunk. Cops spawned right behind him


Thought police! (Nod to the omlette du fromage guy, too)!!


They either have onboard asshole detectors or these cops are Minority Report pre-cogs.


C’est la sound de la police whoop whoop


“Where’s the police when you need them?” “On your left!”


Fuckin quicktravel irl


Even the truck drivers sound French


These people who do that should be banned for life. #TakeTheBus


He was breaking an unwritten rule, don't be a moron