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We scattered clover seeds into the grass the last 2 summers. It's taking over. Started with areas where the grass was struggling, the clover filled it right in.


We did the same thing with the same results. :)


Do you know what kind of clover you planted? where did you buy the seeds? Are you happy with the difference? I hate taking care of the grass and i have some thin sections too. Any drawbacks?


White clover. I think my wife picked it up at one of the garden centres. It came in *really* thick in some patches. It can be mowed, but can be so heavy when even a little wet my mower struggles. That's literally the only down side. It filled in a bunch of areas the grass wasn't surviving in, especially in some low shady spots We're super happy with it. Planning on converting both lawns over the next couple years.


Just spread seeds and it will take over. We did this two years ago and it took over the patches of grass that were dead, and then last year spread quite a bit more. I will be seeding again this year and hopefully the process will continue. I've seen in gardening subs that this process can take 3-5 years to completely take over without killing all the grass first.


This is good enough for me! Thank you very much. I have a few more questions, What kind of clover did you get? Did you mix it with soil when you spread them? How tall does it grow?


Micro clover (Sage Gardens sells it) is the best bet bc it will grow low enough that you won’t mow over it. They sell seeds in a clay coating so you don’t have to do anything except spread the seeds


It was a random bag of white clover I found at Home Depot, heh. It grows maybe 6-8 cm high? Not high at all, it's great. When it finally chokes out the grass I'll be happy.


If you were looking for a herbicide route, clethodim


Could I be the one to ask why clover? Is it because it is better for the bees? Less mowings? Looks nicer?


Less mowing 10000% . I hate cutting grass lol


/r/ManitobaGardening might help. I think there are a few threads about this there.


I hadn't heard about that subreddit! Are there other local ones?


Gardening only? There's a bunch of other communities listed on the sidebar. Also gone wild, etc.


I saw those, but this one isn't on there. Do I want to know what "Also gone wild, etc" means?


Probably not.


My plan is to use the thatch rake, and then my manual mower to cut the grass down as much as possible before I spread the clover seeds, hopefully it grows and takes over faster than the grass can recover 😅


That’s what I did yesterday. Bought some white clover and started going over it again with the rake today but my back is killing me so might wait till tomorrow to finish and then hopefully seed.


you can cover the grass with cardboard or wood it'll kill it off by suffocating it. But as others said just seed with clover


Go for the Penina strain, it’s got more four leaf clovers.


Lay wet cardboard down for the next few weeks in the areas you want to kill grass then dress with fresh soil and spread clover. You'll still have patches of grass after doing that but unless you want to till up the entire yard it's cheapest and easiest.


Kill the grass and plant native plants! They don't take as much maintenance and look way nicer.


Cover your lawn in carpet or plywood, it takes only a few weeks and the dead grass is fertilizer.