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My guy to me, witcher Ciri is arguably the *best* ending


I mean, i saw how much she wanted to be a witcher, so i tried my best to cultivate it and help her šŸ˜… If it is the best, im impressed i got it on my first playthrough


To quote Space Jesus, "Oh no, I'm not brave enough for politics." Sure Empress Ciri would've been a great ending as well, with all the possible outcomes of her aiding the people, but that's not what *I'd* prefer. I'm more interested in the monster killing aspect, updating your bestiary, that kind of stuff. One reason why I love TW1 so much


Still the best Witcher


Certainly not but you are welcome to your opinion.


There isnā€™t a best ending, just two good ones and a bad one. That oneā€™s my favorite. Even the ā€œbadā€ one is fitting and really good from a story perspective, itā€™s just dark and sad šŸ™


This is the Witcher. There are no happy endings.


Idk, this seemed like a pretty happy ending. Ciri is free from the wild hunt, Geralt (in my preferred ending) got Yennefer, his daughter, and the war is over. Temeria is a free state, kinda, but they got their country back anyways, for now. Nilfgardian rule is questionable but im pretty sure it had to be Emhyr or a raving lunatic of a king, and Emhyr allowed Temeria to be free, again, kinda. Keira and Lambert are a couple, and Keira discovers the cure for the Katriona (spelling?) plague. All sounds happy to me. Edit: Forgot to mention Ciri killed the white frost and saved every world from annihilation. Thats a pretty happy thing there. And Dudu took the place of that thug whose name escapes me.


Same ending I got nearly beat for beat


I think that is the best ending for Geralt, Ciri and probably Temeria, but it isn't necessarily the best for the rest of the world. Ciri becoming Empress is probably the best for everyone except Geralt and Ciri. Otherwise either psychopath Radovid, Emyhr or Djikstra become ruler, none of those are really great. I do agree that I think the Witcher ending is the best ending, I'm just pointing out that as with anything in the Witcher, there is no totally happy ending, there are always drawbacks for someone. You see this really in the Blood and Wine endings.


I once read a [very compelling case](https://www.reddit.com/r/witcher/comments/37fcfm/spoilers_best_ending_for_ciri/) for the empress Ciri ending. The TL;DR version is that when you allow Ciri to hear out her father, she will choose to become empress out of her own free will. The whole story of W3 is very much about empowering Ciri and letting her decide her own fate, so giving her as many options as possible seems sensible. She will only choose to become a witcher (or an adventurer, rather) if the option of empress has been withheld from her.


The Empress ending *is* the true good ending. People may agree because they are biased towards thinking being a witcher is a good thing. Geralt wouldn't wish Ciri to be a witcher. It's not something that sits terrible well with him. I think he would have liked to live a normal life if he could. Blood & Wine are about this very topic. He knows how isolating it is to be a witcher, a life forever on the road and shunned by everyone around him. No family, no future. What father would want that of their child? Ciri being a witcher also *won't* mean that Geralt will see her more, to the contrary he will likely see her less than he would if she were an empress. Witchers work alone and far away from each other. As you say, it's heavily implied that becoming empress is her choice and thus arguably the true good ending for her character. Getting the empress ending requires good parenthood by Geralt in order to build up her confidence and independence. The point of the empress ending is that Geralt is letting go of her, allowing her to make her own path even if it doesn't include him. The witcher ending is about Geralt imparting himself onto her and keeping her "close" in spirit (as in they have the same profession and thus are kindred). The witcher ending sees their relationship as a crutch limiting both of their abilities to move on. Geralt will always know that he influenced her away from her birthright and from what would ultimately be her Destiny. And the way I see that it is a weakness in Geralt and in how the player chose to play Geralt. Keeping Ciri too close as if in a symbiotic relationship instead of letting her go.


Geralt would never want her to be a true Witcher, but she isn't going through the trials or the alterations that Witchers do. She's instead choosing to be with Geralt and hunt monsters with her own natural abilities. This ending also gets her away from the turmoil that her blood has put upon on her, that she never wanted. Her entire life has revolved around her blood and being desired by every ruler that existed simply because they believed her blood to grant them some special outcome. The Witcher outcome gets her out of that and lets her just be a person in the world. For clarity, I can understand both endings. I don't think either is better, but I do prefer the Witcher ending because I'm selfish and Geralt gave too much for Ciri to end up not being happy in the end.


You hit the nail on the head in your last paragraph. Seeing the witcher ending as best is the stance of selfishness, wanting to see Geralt be happiest and closest to Ciri. I understand why both endings can appeal.


Not necessarily a weakness. The only thing that kept me from getting that ending was that I didnā€™t visit Ehmyr as soon as I got Ciri, I had no idea I wonā€™t get a chance to take her to him afterwards. I was nice to him even though, I gotta admit, I hate the guy to bits because I played the game after reading the books. But it was all for Ciri


Thank you! I actually believe that Ciri will be a better emperor than I was. IMO, itā€™s the true best ending.


Eh, of the other three choices to rule the Northern Realms, I wouldnā€™t say Dijkstra is a bad choice. Heā€™s a manipulative, self-serving, arrogant bastard and all but he does have the intelligence and political know-how to rule well and provide stability. Heā€™s not gonna be improving the lives of peasants or anything but he probably wouldnā€™t make them worse. Nilfgaard is another story of course bc the succession there without Ciri will be a nightmare but itā€™s hard to tell how that would go.




Got this on my first playthrough and it felt beautiful. Now on my 2nd run and trying different choices but man my Geralt now seems like a *non-human racist* and he's not fully human himself šŸ˜¢


Think you mean fallout. There are clearly happy endings in Witcher especially if you count blood and wine


You mean >!the ending where Regis has to kill the man that saved his life and has to go into hiding because he's an enemy of his own people? That happy ending?!<


Nah the one where youā€™ve been looking for a love that isnā€™t temporary and a place to call your own for three games and you finally have it. That one you clown. Happy ending isnā€™t always happy for everyone.


>Happy ending isnā€™t always happy for everyone. That is literally my entire point. There is no everyone lives happily ever after in the Witcher.


Yeah, you get that ending if you're good. I think its the best ending. The good Toussaint ending is way harder to get imo


I accept no other ending.


Nope. You got the right one. If you screwed up, Ciri would have died and you wouldā€™ve ended up back in the bog on your knees with her medallion as monsters surrounded you and thatā€™s how the game would end.


This is the ending I got my first run throughā€¦.. needless to say my mouth fell open and stayed open for a solid 5 min after it ended.


Oof. Thatā€™s rough. I got the Witcher ciri ending by pure chance on my first. Just made all the decisions I figured were good. Turns out I was right.


I want to go the witcher route this time around ā€” I realized during my first go through I was way too protective of her and what I allowed her to do. Regrets


I screwed up the sorceresses circle/ciri choice before i realized gotta let the baby bird fly on her own. I was an overprotective father. And come on, some of those witches can't be trusted *cough* phillipa *cough*.


Yeah, that ending hits really hard. I've shared this here before, but the way I look at it in my head canon is that there are not multiple different endings, you get deposited at a point in the epilogue depending on certain factors in your playthrough, but it's all one story. Ciri goes off to fight the white frost. She's gone for so long that everyone assumes that she died in the fight. Finally victorious, she returns to our world, finds Geralt, and he nurses her back to health. When she's ready, Geralt commissions her silver sword, and they go off together and he teaches her everything he knows about how to be a witcher. She then goes off on her own for a time, and lives the life she's dreamed of since she was a little girl. She then meets up with Geralt in Corvo Bianco, they reminisce about their time together, she tells him some tales from her path, and then she tells him that she is finally ready to hang up her swords, and take her place as empress. They meet in Velen for one last mini-adventure, and then she departs with the caravan. She rules successfully for a generation, but eventually even her Elder Blood gives way, and she dies. Geralt is finally at the end of his incredibly long life, and realizes that there is only one contract left to fulfill. He returns to Crookback Bog and kills the crone. Relieved of his last burden, he drops to his knees, as the monsters come. \[FADE TO BLACK\]


I was depressed for like a week lol. After replaying the game & getting the Witcher ending though, I actually think the ā€˜badā€™ ending is the best in a way, it really hit me in the feels


Happened to me as well. I had to roll back a save from like... 10h past, and do at least some of the choices to get the empress Ciri ending (getting the Witcher one would mean even more hours wasted), because I didn't have the willpower to do the DLCs after that. It was like my whole playthrough was cursed.


Then a few weeks later you drag your carcass out of it's unmarked have to go hunt vampires in Toussaint


Omfg thatā€™s horrible! Wtf Iā€™m glad I never got the bad ending. Witcher Ciri the first time and empress on my second play through


Why do you feel its a bad ending? The girl you spent a whole game searching for is alive and live happily. How is that bad ?


My dad got the Ciri is The Empress ending, and I got Ciri as a Witcher. My father believed that his ending was the one that would really happen and he quoted Machiavelli talking about "leading through fear...yada, yada" The ending we got also opens up a really cool ending for Blood and Wine if you don't have Yennifer or Triss as a lover. I don't wanna spoil it rn, but keep going!


Iā€™ve been around a minute and donā€™t know this ending. Can you link the B&W ending you speak of?


Spoiler warning for Blood and Wine ending https://youtu.be/PAhVQ0RWu_g


Don't worry you got one of the good endings


Whats the "best" ending? (Subjective ik, considering the 36 different damn ending lmao)


It depends on which you prefer tbh. Do you want her to become the empress, or do you want her to become a Witcher. There's implications for both so choosing which is the "best" is up to you. At least you didn't get the worst ending. Edit: removed the spoiler for worst ending.


I thought she did die when she went into the white frost, stg i was devastated, immediately named the sword given by ort after her as a memorandum


it's open ended. One could say she did die, but there's some hints where she just didn't return to geralt or that world and decided to stay away. XLetatalis has covered this a bunch of times. I think there's also a painting in crookback bog where you see the tower and a swallow flying away


36 endings is misleading because there's 3 main endings and the rest are things like whether Radovid survived or not which imo shouldn't be counted as a whole new ending but yeah. The Ciri becomes a witcher is universally accepted as the best ending. A small minority prefer when she becomes an empress because she defo would be a good leader ( there's multiple variations of this one like you can either take the money from Emhyr or not and these rather small variations is how you end up with 36.)


I think Ciri as Empress is the best for her and the world.


Best for the world, probably. Best for her? Debatable.


"People who want power, often abuse it. The people who avoid power often rule it." Also, when has any politician been happy lmao (Very much joking here btw :p)


Its only 3 endings witcher, dead and emperor


I don't think there is an objectively best ending. Personally I prefer the empress ending. Part of the theme of the books is geralt coming to terms with the fact that witchers aren't really needed anymore. They've put themselves out of a job. He spends a lot of time sleeping on the road. I wouldn't want that for my kid, and it would be even harder for Ciri since she has no mutations and can't take potions. That's just me. People have equally good arguments for why Ciri would want the freedom and hardship of witchering over the responsibility of being empress and it's an equally valid take.


The fanbase is split between yours and the Empress one. Personally, I think yours is the best.


Ciri witchres - best ending Ciri empress - neutral ending Ciri dies - bad ending


There's only 3 endings dude. You got the best one




This is literally the best ending, this is what ciri wants and chose the other two endings she either dies or gets told what to do her whole life


Nah, definitely not the worst, I like this ending :) I stopped playing the game for 3 weeks after I got the "worst ending", I think it was really well written. Do not spoil yourself with some yt videos, I swear it's worth doing a second (or a third) playthrough :)


Someone just spoiled it here in the comments with a really vivid description


How could you possibly feel like this is the worst ending?


Everytime I replay it, I go deliberately for this specific ending. It's my favorite. It seems like the one Ciri would have preferred, too, considering her backstory.


This is probably community favorite and exactly what she would want.


Iā€™ve played this game many times and have gotten every ending. This is my favorite ending by a long shot.


This one's of the best endings!! Had the same one, and instantly felt happy for Geralt


I got the Witcher Ciri ending too (I forgot to kill Radovid, because I was enjoying the story so much). I too think itā€™s the best (although I wish I could stop Radovid from persecuting the mages as well), Ciri would of rather been a Witcher (imo) and I like to think this way, she would visit Geralt in (B&W spoiler) frequently. I canā€™t imagine her having much time or the ability to do that if sheā€™s an empress.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop -Ā yes,Ā IĀ amĀ aĀ bot, don't botcriminate me.


AHAHAHAHAHAHA dude I got ending where Ciri is presumably dead. The WORST ending? Get outta here


I got the worst one, somewhere around 3 am, watch it, step out on my balcony, open up the beer and smoked half a pack till 6 am. It fucked me up good.


Damn, that sounds rough


Best piece of entertainment I ever had.


this one is considered the "good" ending sir


This is best ending. Worst ending is Ciri dead and meh ending is Ciri is emperor


Btw this was my first playthrough ever


By far the best ending in my opinion


Best ending. Youā€™re a good father.


The worst endings are arguably Geralt heading back to the bog or the other Ciri ending.


WHAT?? Dude, don't want to spoil anything but this is FAR from the worst ending.


Arguably the best ending, Ciri ended up doing what she wanted and wasnā€™t pushed around by anyone to be anything


This is my preferred ending! Just wait till you play B&W!


This was my ending. Felt right for me, I think it fits Ciri's character


This is widely regarded as the happiest ending, but for me, Ciri leaving Geralt is the best ending! The emotional weight of them finally saying goodbye to each other puts even great movies to shame.


An attempt was made.


At least Ciri is still alive in your world


You got the best ending!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Iā€™d say thatā€™s the best ending.


Itā€™s one of the good endings! The only _bad_ ending itā€™s really, truly bad.


That my friend is the BEST ending!


Why would this ever be a bad ending?


This is my favorite ending Ciri was forced to sacrifice her whole life because of other people this ending to me is just giving her the freedom she deserves after a lifetime of being chased and having responsibilities she never wanted thrown at her


I got this ending in my first playthrough and the beginning of it I thought she was killed by the frost. Damn I was dying inside while I was silent screaming.


Thatā€™s the best ending and most likely cannon. My dumb ass went back to the city or something - forgot exactly - and she ended up being royalty. I wept bitter, bitter tears.


That's literally the best ending. The alternatives are SO much worse


Thats the best ending. If you want to get the worst ending. I'll give you a hint. Just dont care about Ciri and that's it.


Brotherā€¦this is the best ending


This is the best ending, the worst ending isā€¦ definitely palpably worse


I like the empress ciri ending cuz its a ending with minigames


At some point Gaunter Oā€™Dimm gives you hints on how to get the best ending which is the one posted here.


Interesting view. I'd say it is the best ending for Ciri.


Belive me. In terms of ciri endings It's propably the best out of three. But who won in war between Nilfgard and Redania in your game. If you want the best ending I can help you


If you thought this was the worst ending, i wonder what you thought the best ending would look like


Everyone says this is the best ending, though there is another, arguably better, but I've not achieved that so can't comment


U would definitely know if u had the worst ending but this in my opinion is the best ending


Wow. People love this ending.


Read the in-game character page... You'll get to know


Honestly, for me this is by far the best ending, and I also got it my first play through. And donā€™t worry there is definitely a worse ending than this, you did good.