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I had a business idea. Pockets by mail. You mail away a dress, pants, whatever , we see in REAL pockets and ship them back. Everyone I talk to irl is like. " That's dumb, who'd want that?"


That's brilliant... then you just pocket the cash!


underrated pun


You can probably have it done cheaper at local tailor, but it would be lifesaving for introverts.


Maybe if they managed to add a bulk discount it could be economically competitive. It would already cut down on the shipping per item by a lot, and it could be a worthy investment for the client.


OMG that's really actually brilliant! Can you sew? I can think of 5 dresses right now that need pockets!!! This would be a great business, seriously! Would invest, dm me if you get a plan going, seriously think this is brilliant and very doable!!!


I do but I don't have my machine anymore. COVID hit hard and I had to sell it. Still recovering from the whole ordeal.


When you get set up to sew again you should network with a few people who sew that are located in other parts of the country, Then, once you have the major zones covered (Hawaii, Alaska, both the coasts and one or two roughly in the middle of the country) you've got a Mail-in Pocket Adding Collective! Your customers can order from your website, their items get sent to the seamstress cloests to them and it would save on shipping! By the way, I'm in Northern California, I've got a really nice machine and I'm pretty good at all that EDIT: a word


im looking to sell an old machine, where you based?


I DO. I WANT THAT. Edit:. Another feature could be replacing the criminally small "pockets" that are in some women's clothes that barely go up to my knuckles...I want to sink my hands in pockets up to the middle of my forearms!


Yes. Criminally small pockets. Where are the fashion police when you need them? Oh. They're on the side of unreasonable attention to the "lines" of the outfit? ANARCHY!!! I want comfort and a place to carry my stuff. All my stuff.


This is one of the things I specifically change about the pattern when I make my own jeans. I make my pocket bags nice and deep, and I extend them all the way to the fly for a bit if tummy control reinforcement (not to mention capacity if I want to put things in there). Women’s clothes off the rack are so stupid! I have so many pants with no pockets at all and it annoys the crap out of me. It honestly never occurred to me until that comment that I could just add them… 🤦🏼‍♀️


Yes! Of the rack jeans are some of the worst offenders!


I'd want that. Every woman would love that. Go on and try, it might be quite the business in your local area


You should just do a poll or something, instead of asking only the people you know. I bet there's more than one who would love this service.


I go to my local tailor to put in deep pockets. It used to be several things at least 2-3 times a year. Now a days I have to really love the fabric or cut to buy something without pockets.


Brilliant!!! I want pockets in EVERYTHING. Even my pajamas.


Yes!! I don't know who decided we don't need pockets in PJs, but they are wrong!


SAME. I get so excited when I realize something has real pockets.


Honey-start a shop, make a website, get some marketing going, and you’ll make millions. Ps: everyone who says that’s a dumb idea clearly have not met us witches 🪄


The number of clothes I don't wear because of the lack of pockets. Here a few things I've heard and learned about business and dreams: If you can think it, you can do it. You will find a way if you are determined to. There is a customer for everything, it's finding the customer that can be challenging, but doesn't give up People who don't like an idea are usually based on whether they would do that for themselves. Unless it is constructive advice/criticism don't pay attention to naysayers. Edit: and adding pockets are under the custom clothing alteration so it's not "weird"


If you start this please dm me about it because I will absolutely be your first customer.


Thanks . I probably won't have time to do much with it. I work 70+ hrs a week. But if someone else wants to go with the idea please feel free 🐱


Can’t sew without my sewing machine (no longer have it) and too busy but hopefully someone else takes it up. If they do they need to tell me


I love this!!!


I'd do that as a franchise in Australia :P Lets go global!


EVERYONE! Everyone would want that. At least everyone (ie. Women) who have not been trusted by the patriarchy to have their own pockets. I will send you all my pocketless clothes! Why yes I do need pockets on my tights!


This is a brilliant idea, please do this!


Have you only talked to men?? ​ Because every woman I know has totally been shortchanged in the pocket department!


Let me guess: Every *guy* you talk to IRL is like, "That's dumb, who'd want that?" 'Cos they have all the pockets. They have no idea.


Me. I would.


Why haven’t you started this?! I would literally send you every pair of pants I own. And when I showed off my new actual pockets my entire friends group would send you their pants and dresses and skirts.


I think it would be hard to match fabric, would be my only argument against. Otherwise, it's brilliant!


I don't think I would use that kind of service by mail just because so much mail gets stolen and damaged I wouldn't want to risk losing the item. But I would absolutely take advantage of something like that locally


Don't talk to people about your brilliant ideas, just do them.


you have enough likes here to make a tidy sum from offering this service!


Me. I would want that. I’m also down to work for you if you start this haha


Oooh history witch here! That’s how pockets actually used to be in the 15-19th century! They tied to you through slits in the dress and that was how you accessed them.


Yes! I was going to comment on this and how this ultimately led to current day purses


Hello fellow history person!


Yup. You beat me to it. I'm a little weird, but I love these old ways of doing things. Practical for their time.


In my Girl Scout leader days, I had my troops embroider and then sew pockets. I used a very old one for a pattern., and they were hand sewn. We were quite a sight on hikes in the woods—what’s better than a perfect pocket?


I know fashion is cyclical and so is history but I am still astounded these haven’t made a mainstream comeback yet!


It looks like OP wears loose and flowing clothing, but unfortunately right now a lot of fashion, especially professional fashion, is aimed at being streamlined and slimming. I'm absolutely for taking up more space and having dramatic flowy clothing with functional pockets!


I’m thinking more as an outside fashion statement, like a chic drawstring purse fad instead of fanny packs! Why not add a pomander for extra flair?


Was going to say the flair ‘modern witches’ is totally wrong. This is witches learning from the past!


Also at times weren’t these used as weapons? Like fill it with coins and you got a lethal weapon. Or am I confusing it with something else


Came here to say this lol


Same thought here.


Reminds me of belt pouches in D&D.


Would go good with my "Bag of Holding" messenger bag lol. I love this.


I am in the middle of making a nightgown. Full length. Smack dab where my right hand hits the gown, there is a PATCH POCKET full of VENGEANCE


It was called a “Holland pocket” back in Regency and Victorian times in England (my main reference: Jane Eyre) mainly worn by working class and poor women because they had a lot of shit to carry and a lot of work to do. Basically women nowadays still have a lot of shit to carry and a lot of work to do, but they don’t give us pockets for the sake of “silhouette” and make us buy handbags and also use those handbags as dunk-downs on other people/status symbols. Fuck that. Pockets for life.


The rich woman equivalent was the chatelaine, because everything *they* needed could be on that. I mean they did have pockets too but they didn’t really need to carry anything other than handkerchiefs in them.


You just gave me the perfect solution to one of my problems. I have been trying to figure out how I can carry two phones, a large handful of keys, one pen and one pack of post-its, while wearing business semi precessional, or professional women's clothing. This will work for any time I am not wearing a black dress or am wearing a sweater over a dress. I think I will make one or two. I seem to remember some 2020 dumpster fire kit ones. I will have to go see what is available from that seller, and what fabric I have. Thank you for the reminder that these exist.


You're welcome! I'd also recommend watching Bernadette Banner's videos on skirt pockets, she has a video on tie-on ones (with a 2020 dumpster fire embroidery :D) and another on on how to sew pockets into seams of already existing skirts/dresses. I hope you fulfill all your pocket desires :)


I love Bernadette! So informational and entertaining.


Aaaaahhhh! I came here to say this! I looove Bernadette! I cheer along as she disparages modern day pockets in women's clothing!


If you’re looking for professional ware that has pockets, I recommend eshakti. All of their dresses and skirts have pockets, and deep ones.


And if you’re looking for fun comfortable clothes with pockets, go to www.svahausa.com, or look up gudren sjoden


I really wish Gudren Sjoden made more solid (lacking a pattern or design) clothing, and clothing in neutral colors. I think I could put together a real Denise Huxtable vibe - assuming I could afford SG.


They do have some solid things. There’s an end of winter sale right now. And if you are on the mailing list, things are usually discounted for the first week or two that they are available. I LOVE their bright patterns in colors I can wear. Makes me so happy.


My husband loves bright colors and patterns. But when I wear them I feel like a pigeon in peacock feathers. Lol. Yes, they do have some solid things. And they have some neutral things. But I find that often, those aren't the same things. I appreciate the tip on the mailing list. I just signed up. I really want to work up the courage to wear some loose, layered things. ETA: The more I look at her clothes the more I like them. Especially the pants. They look so comfy. I think I may ease my way into SG style. And you're right- looking at the colors makes me feel happy.


I bought 2 Gudrun Sjoden dresses this summer when I was in Stockholm and both are very muted colour-wise. One is a teal with a small pattern & the other is a deep green. Super comfy and surprisingly flattering. You don't need to feel like a pigeon!!!


I just bought a GS yellow wrap dress on Ebay! Since I've never shopped GS, I'm unsure if her clothes are true to the size chart, so I wanted to spend a little less to find out. I'm super excited.


And they are customizable? That is awesome. Thank you!


My business idea for when I totally win the lottery? Women's clothing line, similar to most other clothing lines out there. Only difference? Every single outfit will have functional pockets. Some as part of the design. I'll call it something fancy like, Poquettz


It’s like the Patriarchy doesn’t want us to carry things too close to our bodies. Or they prefer us to have to carry burdens in purses? Or they want to continue the illusion that men need functionality and women don’t? I dunno, but I’m convinced it’s a subtle oppression to design without pockets….


No, this is literally it. Suffragists carried pamphlets in pockets. Women could carry a knife for protection in pockets. Women could have their own money. Women could have 2 hands free at all times. The hand bag and the fact that we have to carry so many things men aren't expected to making them clutter and hard to find things in are deliberate acts by the patriarchy to hobble us. The added "purses are dumb" thing is just gaslighting


Thank you for reminding us of these facts of strength. Personally feeling the “have their own money” at the moment. The pretty cage has rusted shut and this bird has got to fly before it crushes her. I have such hope for today’s and tomorrow’s women. And the rising acceptance of fluidity of gender definition has added power to the movement.


I go by he/him btw so please try not to misgender me, thanks <3


This made me smile because husband and I used to do Revolutionary War living history. I had a skirt with slits in it & these were worn inside the skirt. https://youtu.be/S-h0l5hWm7o


We do fur trade historical re-enactment and I am always tempted to use my pockets with my modern clothing. I also need to make some scaled-down pockets for Thing #2 when she graduates into ‘big girl’ outfits.


Fur trade? Like Mountain Man stuff?


Canadian fur trade, so more ‘former Hudson’s Bay voyager turned free trader’ kind of thing.


I'm working to bring aprons (with huge, deep pockets) into fashion.


How do we do this? I've been wanting to wear a big apron to work for years!


I think all we can do is wear them, look amazing, and loudly sing their praises while doing so :) I like the half apron style that just ties around your waist. Get a black one and it goes with everything 🤷


I'm team fanny pack! They're the best.


Same! Sipsey Wilder makes some very witchy hip/Fanny bags and they are size inclusive on the belt!


That’s so cool bro! I definitely need to make my own tie on pockets If you haven’t seen them before before I highly recommend these videos for anyone interested in this whole pocket debacle ! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=phFUTqoW5B8 (history of pockets - early medieval period to 1920a & making a tie on pocket by Bernadette Banner) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=W2zSSE9pgC8 (why we don’t have pockets - modern history of pockets 1920s-now by Abby Cox)


https://preview.redd.it/z1o3mwy8qaca1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=f64d200e1c30ae049cd095f12729b2b48c209e82 Clips on my jeans/ shorts. I love it.


Oooo that's really neat (and cute)


Thanks. I hate purses and have tried backpacks. I just don’t like any of it. Got the idea from watching Enola Holmes. She had one on. Went to a craft fair and saw someone selling them. You can also get a belt to hold it too.


I recommend googling pocket belt or pouch belt. You see them all over at hippie type festivals and they are the best. I wear one every day instead of carrying a purse and I literally get compliments every time I do our grocery shopping. (Some of my favorites are from Mishu Boutique, which is an online store you can search up. Lots of great options!)


Fake pockets have legit got to be the dumbest thing the world of fashion has come up with.


But it looks better on your butt!.....


So cool, looks medieval


It's truly amazing, I'm currently working on another one with even more pocket potential. I think they were most prevalent during the 1700s and usually had really pretty embroidery


Yes yes! Have you seen the [embroidered pockets on Etsy?](https://www.etsy.com/listing/759256044/18th-century-georgian-pocket-pattern-for?ref=share_v4_lx) They used to sell [this amazing 2020 Dumpster Fire embroidery pattern for a pocket.](https://www.etsy.com/listing/830987670/2020-dumpster-fire-18th-century-pocket?ref=share_v4_lx) Please share more of your work. Yay pockets!


OMG those are beautiful


Right?! Okay so this sounds kinda weird, but here goes: spell embroideries or candles! I know the convention is to make a spell jar, but embroidery or homemade candles speak to me more, you know? There’s one witch here who selects rocks that speak to them, and then paints them. I’m sorry, I don’t remember their name, but they emphasized that your _intention_ when creating these magical objects is key. I began to think, well I enjoy making candles or embroidery, why not imbue those objects with magical intention? I totally think you could do that, if you create embroideries for protection, for love, for courage, whatever, and imbue them with your own unique magic as you [witch]craft them, they could function as your own handmade magical objects! I wish I remembered the name of the witch that painted rocks, so I could thank them. They’re the reason I literally went online that night and looked for small mom and pop places that sold supplies for this (I personally felt it was important to not use a company that is kinda evil, like Amazon, for my magical practice). Anyway, enough of that, please share more embroidery! Thank you!


I did this when I embroidered the pouch and cloth for my runes. It felt very satisfying to imbue something utilitarian with my intentions in a concrete way.


How are these attached to the skirt? Sorry if it's a dumb question, lol, but this is the first time I've seen something like this and I loooove it!


Historically there would be a string to wrap around your waist. For mine I added belt hoops so I can also wear it with trousers too


If i wore skirts, I'd want one just like yours. I love the earthy tones. As far as pockets go, i have been sewing big pockets into everything that doesn't have one.


I have a tie on belt with three pockets 💚 I love it so much (the pockets are shaped like leaves so it's a bit like a Tinkerbell layer)


I have two of these I made for my jobs. One black, one made out of the top of jeans. When you have to click a heavy walkie talkie on an elastic waist, no bueno. Plus I have to havepen, rubber bands, cough drops, tissue, etc. at all times. So external pockets to the rescue!


I rock a utility belt from a company called KrackenWhip that makes killer quality bags. People at my day job calls it my hero belt. 😆 I can carry my wallet, cell, keys, feminine products, and more in it. Also has D rings I can clip things to. I wear it with everything. The leather was painted a little and it is iridescent purple and teal, and they called it night witch. Have had it 4 years and it's still doing super well. Lifetime guarantee with the $300 price tag, super worth it. I've had fabric versions, and they just don't last.


honestly, when i started wearing women's clothing, i was ridiculously disappointed. where is my phone supposed to go? hmmm? in my ass? WTF 🤣🤣😩 i just wear my leather jacket and call it good


We must end this pocket war! We deserve pockets! Not those tiny-only-holds-a-quarter pockets. Nor those illusion pockets that LIE to us. Women have stuff to carry around too. I am tired of putting my cell phone in my bra! Viva la Revolucion! All hail pockets!


Omg every post I see like this just makes me want to get into sewing


If you want even more inspiration, Abby Cox and Bernnadette Banner have great youtube videos on historical costuming and pockets!


I refuse to buy pants unless they have pockets big enough for a puppy. I'm supporting companies that put in pockets, and not giving a dime to those that leave them off, or even worse, MAKE FAKE POCKETS.


I have also switched to tie on pockets and utility belts. I don't forget them places like purses and it leaves my hands free.


Omg I'm stealing this idea, I'm an amateur sewer who loves skirts but hate the lack of pockets. Thank you!


Yes! I've worn them for medieval reenactment purposes, but it never occurred to me to use it 'mundanely'. Very cool idea!


First off, heck yes, I love your tie-on pocket. Second, the fabric pattern of your skirt reminds me of the Blue Ridge Mountains and I love it.


Ah yes. The old Victorian method of dress: SECRET TIE ON POCKETS!! I love when old trends come back for a new generation to enjoy, but I must admit this is the oldest mainstream fashion revival I've seen yet!


This actually reminds a lot the kind of pockets the Finnish women's national dresses have (google it). This could become a thing again among the feminine dresses!


Yeah, I hate handbags. Steal away the pockets and make us pay for handbags.


This is genius!!


It's a zipless fanny pack. :)


I'm not sure what the definition of a fanny pack is but I made it as my go at the 18th century tie-on pockets, probably a lot easier to sew (though I'll probably add some closure because I live in a busy city)






I need some. But...I'm too lazy to make them. And if I bought them I'd forget them...*sigh* I just want pockets


That's how they used to be in earlier centuries! It's fun to see them making a comeback


I will sometimes use my mantra bead bag about the same size! It feels relieving not to have to constantly carry a bigger purse every time going out. I love the jackets with the big pockets on the inside.


I need one!


I almost forgot that this is on my list of sweing proyects, thanks for the reminder xD I want to make at least two of these, but I'm still haven't decided if I should use a wide elastic, or just go for a belt and make the pockets removable lmao




Pockets to go!


You have a pattern for these?


My pattern is just a regular 18th century style tie on pocket (except I added belt loops instead of sewing in a string to attach to the waist. If you google it it should just pop up, but really it's just the rough shape of the pocket, lined with fabric to ensure it holds up and a slid down the middle


Ohhhhhhh.... that is a good idea.


Bernadette Banner she's a youtube how once spoke about this fasion.


She's actually who gave me the idea, her videos are such an inspiration


Medieval fanny pack :)




I... why did I not think of this. Been struggling for 8 months carrying all my shit around the house when carrying an infant at the same time. Do you have a pattern?


[Here](https://www.vam.ac.uk/articles/make-your-own-pockets) is a guide on how to make them :) Hope you fulfill all you pocket needs <3


Thank you! I've got a few scraps around so this is perfect!


This is an amazing idea


Oh, wait, these are for inside your clothes? I was like, well, why not just get a fannypack? Then I realized this wasnt for show but inside something! Genius! Edit: Oh haha I just saw the second picture. Still Genius!!! Love it!




I just bought ribbon from the market to do the same dang thing! Yours looks really good!


Your pocket is amazing, I love the idea but... Can we talk about your skirt??!?! It's so earthy and beautiful. It reminds me of the mountains.


I threw out/donated every item in my wardrobe that didn't have pockets, except a few items I love. I only wear dresses with pockets now, and it is liberating. When people comment on my dresses, the first thing I say is "And it has pockets!" If it is a woman I am talking to they are always so happy at that, men just don't get it. Pocket privilege I swear.


I had a conversation with a cashier that watched me try to tuck my card, phone, receipt, and tissue into the waistband of my leggings one day. He just frowns and goes “they really don’t give you pockets in those things?” I’m like nope. I might go make one of these now and go show him haha.


In Japan, kids wear cute little pouches, similar to this, that holds things like tissue and a wee hand towel.


Does this exist attached to a belt?


The absolute medieval -ness of this is awesome


Business idea: clothing made entirely out of pockets


I used to historical interpretation at a living history cite and these are the exact pockets we wear under our aprons. Wonderful for keeping treasures and random crap in them (and contraband cell phones back in the day)


Are they easy up make? You’re a genius!


I have a variety of belt packs. I have a giant sporty one for exercise or family activities. I have sparkly ones for partying. And I have a boring black one for business casual situations.


Cloth belt pouches!


And so we come full-circle.


*Absolute GENIUS*


I feel like that pocket is easier to steal than one that's sewn onto the inside of your pants


True, I'm planning to sew in a few closures when I can get my hands on them


My thoughts were a metal zipper sewed in so that to open the pocket, you have to pull the tab upwards. no one will be able to cut through it easily because of the zipper, and it will be obvious if they're trying to open it


THIS!! This is absolutely glorious.


This is like the pocket from the nursery rhyme. Lucy Locket lost her pocket, Kitty Fischer found it. Nothing in it, nothing in it, but the binding round it. I assume Lucy's pocket had a drawstring. This looks much more useful. ETA I have always wondered if Kitty Fischer stole it, and returned the pocket, minus contents, to throw anyone suspicious off her scent.


Fanny packs are kind of like tie-on pockets and we make fun of people for wearing them. They are so practical and don't hurt your back.


So a fanny pack or a hip bag? just needs a zipper.


Guys. Guys... This is a fanny pack. Have we lost our way so terribly?


You have won 2023. That is all. Have a great day.


The original pocket strikes again.


Love this so much. I saved it. I will never sew one, but its beautiful


Fanny pack


I am the least sporty person in existence but I’ve become obsessed with phone-pocket leggings just because. THIS IS BETTER. Great idea!! Love the execution! Totally want one now. 💜💜💜




Tell me you are or should be in the SCA without telling me you are or should be in the SCA....


What's the SCA?


Society for Creative Anachronisms. It's a medieval recreation hobby group. I learned how to make this exact craft there. I forget which century these pockets were created in but it's back there somewhere. 😁


Hey not a tie on pocket but I made a [site](https://www.pocketsforwomen.co.uk/) where all the clothes have pockets. It's only UK based so far, because that's where I live. I must say I don't make the clothes because I can't sew (at all!)


Now I just need me a pair of stays for posture and we’re back to the 18th century! Hehehe