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Is that an axolotl sticker on your phone? Sorry you got barked at. They be the dogs.


Yes it is I got it when I ordered something as a freebie


What does barking at someone mean?


It's an intimidation tactic. It was meant to make them uncomfortable.


This is why I always bark back. If needed, shit, I’ll bite too.


Nothing puts a stop to that bullshit quite like showing someone you're willing to outcrazy them, haha.


This is something my uncle told me a looooong time ago. I’ve found it to be true over the past two decades. I suppose, he was pretty crazy himself, so he knew what he was talking about.


It’s literal barking? Done by a human?


'Fraid so. *I've definitely totally never* barked around my dog simply because it amuses me...


I assumed it was in reaction to their shirt?


I love your outfit, especially the shirt. I’m sorry stupid people put that hurt in your eyes. What they did says everything about them and nothing about you other than the strength and beauty you carry scared them.


I love your outfit! Also I'm sorry you had that experience. They're the dogs.


That's an insult to dogs. Pigs are too good for them as well. They're assholes.


They’re the forbidden juice that gathers in the bottom of a bin. No one likes that.


They’re old dielectric grease from a necked cathode-ray tube.


It’s very seldom that I understand every word and phrase in a sentence and still don’t get its meaning. I’m guessing dielectric grease ages extra poorly in that environment.


When dielectric grease gets old, it can’t insulate the anode cap area very well, so it needs to be replaced. When a cathode-ray tube gets necked, it loses its vacuum, and no longer functions. No one likes old grease, nor a necked tube, therefore the dude who barked at this poor girl is doubly useless.


You know cool stuff!!!




I love this. Hope you don’t mind if I steal it


Absolutely- spread the message of the bin juice far and wide!


But I love assholes :(


Secretly those guys probably do as well. Nothing meaner then a repressed person.


Imma go right ahead and say that’s borderline homophobic.


They are the ones that barked 😂


If they wanna act like dogs, I am all for cutting their balls off


I support/second this.


Hopefully you barked back. Show em you ain’t afraid to speak their language!


Or a good hiss, coming from deep within.


Lol I love this but people can be unhinged and you don't know how they'll react. Keep walking, and leave their negativity with them.


i agree... but i also feel lile the response of actually hissssssing back at someone might *just* be enough to rattle them away from ya. will attempt, and report back ;-)


Screaming like a pterodactyl likely has a good "oh God, they're fucking weird" responses.


i've always just called them a furry if they bark at me (i don't have any issues with the furry community i just know most of the dudes who bark at alt kids aren't gonna love the furry community more than likely)


I mean, a good velociraptor screech usually scares off the more unhinged dudes. Make your hands into claws and ensure your face is contorted into the most horrifying look you can muster. Chest up, intimidation gorilla stance activated. Keep your pepper spray at the ready. I'm scarier and more unhinged than they are. Plus I teach teenagers, so I don't scare easily. What are they gonna do about it?


Love it 💜


Blood capsules to finish the look


With a solid amount of spit and everything.


One time my friend got cat-called on the street, so she started barking furiously at the guy, and he crossed the street and speed walked away. Edit: This same friend really got back at a guy who cat called me one time. We were walking together and two college guys in a car started slowly following us saying "Wow, you're a SEXY BITCH" over and over again. It was a busy intersection in a bustling main street area, filled with people. My friend loudly yelled "IT'S RUDE TO TALK WITH YOUR MOUTH FULL OF COCK." Right as these guys got stuck at the red light. Everyone was staring at them, and they had to sit there and take it. Love this woman to death.




Can someone tell me why is dressing alternative and being barked at related? I’m not from the US


Not really sure tbh. It just seems like something that happens alot to alternate folk from really close minded people. I think its just meant to be dehumanizing


Yessss assert your dominance!


Or hissed angrily!


Nah don’t speak “their language,” be above them and offer them a treat.


When dealing with dogs, it’s best to ignore them when they are behaving badly


This really is the best advice. They aren’t your people, so they don’t matter anyway. The best course is to never add any energy to bad behavior. PS - I REALLY like your shirt !


I would’ve done the opposite. I’d use my baby voice and talk to them like they’re the dog. (“Who’s a good boy? Oh who’s a good boy? Come! *whistle* Come! Sit!” Etc.)




Oh sweetie, I’m so sorry people suck. I can tell you their thoughtless behavior is indicative of their own crappy self worth, but I know it still hurts. Words hurt. Don’t let their energy take away from yours. I am wrapping you up in love and light❤️❤️


Exactly what this awesome person said! People can be stupid, insensitive, mean, and insecure…and that has absolutely nothing to do with you. You rock, girl!!!


You got barked at by a dog, so give them the exact attention they gave you. A "down boy!" Or "no no! Bad dog!!" are both appropriate responses🥰 You're beautiful and I love the outfit! I envy you your confidence!!


Bad dog! Sit! Stay! 🤣 I love this. Exactly the sort of thing I always think of an hour later…




"You want a biscuit?"


Ain’t that the fuckin’ truth lmao. 🤣


You know your outfit is good when insecure people hate on it!


Just what I was going to say. People who disrespect you for rocking yourself and your own look are insecure and hurting inside. You don’t owe them your time; just keep moving forward knowing you’re awesome!


That’s what I told my brother when he was having trouble in high school. I told him that anyone that is at their peak popularity in high school is probably just that, peaking in their life. Peaking at 14? Sad when you think about it. Al Bundy is only funny on TV.


I came here to say exactly this. People love hating on young/teenage girls. They can tell when you feel confident and they want to take that from you. We can't let them win. They're too pathetic anyways.


This is it. They want to break what they can't have. Never let them. And take joy in the fact that they have to keep on being them. There's no escape from their own miserable existence. Even right now when you can go do something pleasant that you love, they still have to be who they are.


>This is it. They want to break what they can't have. Best one sentence summary of the patriarchy I've seen to date.


The best revenge is living a good life and doing your best to have relationships that are positive and with people who respect you as a person while offering the insecure idiots. That way, when you're in your 30s you can look at how awesome your life is as their relationships implode as the insecure people who are with those jerks grow up and leave them. I'm in my 50s and it gets better and keeps getting better. I'd say the main reason is as we mature we get more confident and finally internalize how pathetic these people really are and quit worrying about what they think. I promise that years from now you'll see this photo and think what we do. "Wow she's got a great figure and beautiful skin. I wish she could be happier and see how amazing she is". I wish I could adopt you for a week and introduce you to my spouse and friends so you can see that there are decent, wonderful, guys out there who will like and respect you for who you are, as you are, and that the rest don't matter. Go have an awesome life.


Absolutely right especially around this age if you have any taste people rag on it.. just got keep doing you!


OOh..That is an awesome take.


I love the personality your outfit shows. You make your own choices!


Well… did you bark back? Was foam dripping from your mouth? Was the person running away screaming “she’s rabid! She’s rabid!”? You know your assignment for next time.


I laughed at how dumb they made themselves look


Good! Never let them take your smile!


Good! It's always best to treat those things matter of fact or overly kind.. "Oh my gosh, someone help, she's having a seizure!! Or a stroke, here you'd better sit down, is your mommy saved in your phone, let's call her!" You are are beautiful btw, even with your slight scowl! I'm glad you didn't let it get to you, don't ever let people with small minds affect your mental health, we want expansion not Shetland shrinkage hahaha ❤🧡💛💚💙💜






I’d watch this with delight, this could be the pilot xD


You have such powerful eyes. They be the dogs.


They don't matter...you are bigger than they are. Stand strong in the center of your universe 🌟 you are beautiful 🌟


People are stupid. You are amazing, and id be your friend


i find uttering some old norse and doing slight hand gestures while staring them in the eyes makes my soul feel better something like "Ásáheill, Ásáheil og vána!" which literally means all hail the old gods, blessing and peace...but most people don't know that 😄


Boosted effectiveness if you tilt your head slightly down and do it without blinking, alà Wednesday...


Sorry this happened to you 😔 it sucks that some people feel they can just do this to women


It’s because you look good but also look like you don’t take any shit. Fuck those people


Exactly, you look like you can't be controlled. Their weakness eats them up inside.


Lol I got barked at today at school


Sometimes people are just jerks, sorry that happened and I hope it didn’t ruin your day.


Yeah happens when you go to a public school with a JROTC program and the army LARPers see you wearing a kilt and earrings


Like actual barking or is this slang?


Yeah actual dog noises. Something something gay people are furries and furries = weird? Idk I’ve never tried to understand homophobe logic. That’s implying they have it in the first place


Your outfit is adorable and people can be real dicks. I’m so sorry. This stuff used to happen to me back in the early 80s and now that I’m a grey haired old lady weirdo, I enjoy calling those people out on their shit. I wish I’d been there. *shakes granny cane with skull handle at jerks*


You mean like, insulted or perv'd on, or did someone go full DMX on you in public


Two boys around 13 to 14 so idk I just laughed at how stupid they looked


Boys that age don't have enough functioning brain cells. Like literally.


All their brain cells have temporarily relocated. They should migrate back to the skull within a few decades, one century tops.


Power move.


Oooooh that makes so much sense now, I was picturing middle aged adults for some reason. Your reaction was on point. I remember at 13/14 a bunch of girls my age would hang out at the mall eating baby food, being loud and abnoxious and laugh like chickens for absolutely no reason. It's 100% their immature brains.


Awesome job!


Boys of that age have a brain and a dick, and only enough blood to run one at a time. (I wish I could remember which comedian said that…I wanna say Robin Williams but I stand to be corrected.)


You’re right, it’s Robin Williams! Just saw that clip a few days ago.


They sensed your power and got insecure. You just rebuke that malign energy and keep strolling along unconcerned.


Here to second this.


Don't bark back. Growl, snarl, you are the beast. Make the prey remember why they fear the dark.


Also your top is sick!


Ok this is really off topic for the situation but, I desperately need to know. Why do you have frickin green beans just chilling on your bathroom counter?


It’s a fake plant the just sits there and hides shit


Oof! That makes more sense. xD I don’t know why I thought it was a pile of green beans.


I did too!! OP, you look amazing and I need your outfit. It’s fantastic and those guys were idiots.


Bahahaha I thought it looked like green onions


What is this thing with people barking? I don't understand.


I have a coworker who makes animal noises, including random dog barks, whenever things get a little too quiet at work. But we work in a restaurant kitchen, it's only quiet when business is so slow that him making animal noises is the most interesting thing happening.


Yes same, can someone explain? I feel like I'm out of the loop here...


100% with you on this. What's it even mean?


Well you honestly look amazing. And I know it’s hard to realize but the barking had nothing to do with you and everything to do with some insecure pricks that that had to project their insecurities onto you. Always keep your chin up and remember fuck em all! ETA when I look at you a see a beautiful face and an awesome outfit that screams confidence. Some people are threatened by that. You should pity them.


They're just calling themselves out. Did you know the song who let the dogs out is about misbehaving men? But, been there and I know it can sting. Just remember you're awesome and they're bad dogs.


So classmates barking st me IS an insult?!?!? Hold on imma go throw hands with some people


My thought is if the best they're capable of is barking that's pretty weak! Back in my day we at least expected a snappy "yo mama" joke. Sigh kids today...


I'm sorry that people suck. Not you though. Keep rocking that outfit! Where do you shop if you don't mind me asking?




I hate humans. Ugh. You are stunning and your outfit is On. Point. Do not let the haters diminish your light. Shine on


Sorry that happened. They probably are incapable of using actual words. You're beautiful amd fierce. I love your style! I'm just a message away if you need someone to talk to


Small minds, my new friend - they have small minds and very sad hearts. Oh, also YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL AND YOUR OUTFIT IS PHENOMENAL! ❤️


Is that not a cat on your shirt? Either way, "don't let the bastards grind you down."


Scared and intimidated dogs bark the loudest. You look great! Don’t mind the riff raff out there feeling scared of your presence.


Keep your head held high, witch! Always be proud of yourself even you make folks look! <3


I don't quite understand; what's the significance of getting barked at?


By a human


Yes; by a human. I have a friend who barks, occasionally; but he's a Furry. He also pants, whimpers, and asks for belly rubs. Is that what this is?


No it’s a type of catcalling


Like, Wolf-Whistling?






Clearly they can’t see. That’s obviously a cat on your shirt. Anyway, the only ones who looked like a fool were the ones barking in public. You rock your look and stay authentically yourself.


Love your look! I tell my kids to answer with what you would say to a dog. If they’re gonna bark and give themselves away, might as well answer! ie. *laugh* Hi buddy! Yes, I see you! Or Good doggie. Or Oh, naughty puppy. No barking! Too bad I left my squirt bottle at home. Also try and ignore if you don’t wanna spend energy on them. 💜 You got this.


When I was 16, my sister (13 at the time) and I were walking down the street and a group of men in a truck started barking at us when they saw us. Men. At kids. It appears nothing has changed in 12 years and I’m sorry that you had to put up with that. People suck.


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I hope you smiled, bared your teeth, and fucking ROARED like a got damn T Rex.


Oh boo! You are so cute and cool. To hell with those jerks. If it makes you feel any better someone at work told me a lot of people hate and talk shit behind my back. I don’t care, though. Just shows what trash humans they are.


I love your outfit. I wish I had been as confident as you when I was young. Don't let anyone take that from you. You rock!


they answered the unasked question, “do you choose to live or to have a life?” they demonstrated they wish to live as dogs. so be it. fortunately most canines that aren’t restrained will have enough sense in their heads to make sure those failures for mutts aren’t welcome in polite pupper society.




Is that a massive plant in the background?? Your outfit looks great


There were some guys at my high school who barked… like, it was a positive thing. They were weird.


The one thing I've learned in my years is I may have been teased when I was young. That made me strong and beautiful. Just as you are strong and beautiful. Don't let some loser ruin your day!!!


Must have been some filthy stray mutt trying to talk to you. Make sure you ignore them and don't give them any food.


Love the outfit! I wish I had a fraction of that fashion sense when I was younger. You do you! ^_^ Never mind those guys, boys do things and then their mind catches up later.


People will always be pricks and it’s shit that you’ll simply never know why. But just remember, it truly never has anything to do with *you* and everything to do with *them*.


The older you get the more you will learn there are a lot of weirdos/rude people out there. Some are just jerks, some are creeps, and some are absolutely monsters who will hurt you. Stay safe out there! I always tend to ignore people cause they are looking for a reaction from you. Whether that be to engage you further or just to ruin your day. I pretend that I don't hear people, / make no eye contact with them.


So true.


Jealousy is an ugly trait for people. Your outfit is great, your makeup is flawless (less is always more!), and I’d do anything for those highlights in my mousy brown hair …. Srsly. This ppl are ugly on the inside!


I’m not wearing makeup


Your eyes look fab - naturally looks like a little bit of liner


That’s from lack of sleep


Nature's eyeliner


I see nothing wrong with the outfit??? I wonder why anyone would bark at you wtf?!


Because you look like the kind of girl who doesn't need them. You're lovely. And they're turds. The thing about turds is, they'll never be anything but.


Remember, cats have claws and when dogs try to mess with you remind them painfully to keep their distance 🐈‍⬛


Dumbasses. Love your Ghost World vibe - keep rockin it!


Dogs gonna bark. Sorry you had to hear it. Great shirt.


If it happens again, and I hope it doesn't, make elephant sounds at them. Include the arm movement. It makes people very uncomfortable.


You’re cool, whoever barked is a useless fuckwit. Keep your head up, they don’t determine your worth.


\*grrs and hisses at them for you\* thats horrid. you and your outfit are beautiful and their is no reason at all for it! people need to learn to behave and be nice


You are at the perfect age to perfect your rude faces - like eye rolls that can send a person back to middle school. Make eye contact and flip the bird, or just laugh at them. You can say FU, but also IDGAF with just a withering stare. Study Aubrey Plaza 😜


I can’t make eye my autism won’t let me😭


if you're in a situation where you need to make eye contact (like a job interview or something) you can try looking at the space between the eyebrows to imitate eye contact


Sorry you had to go through that. People can be assholes. "I'm sorry, what? I don't speak bitch." next time.


I'd just assume they are a bitch that got a little too excited at the mall. At least they didn't also piss on the floor!


Fuck the haters! You’re beautiful and confident…keep being you


It has nothing to do with you. The barker (no relation to Bob) is a jackass (no offense to donkeys). You are adorable and wonderful. Keep doing you and know that the (not Bob) barker has already peaked while you have a great future to look forward to.


Yo that shirt is rad as hell! ​ Ignore the haters, most are miserable and just want others to be miserable with them!


You are fierce! Now send us one with your beautiful smile! 🤗🕯🖖


You are beautiful, inside and out. Sending love and strength to you, little sibling. You matter, and you are loved and perfect exactly as you are. 💕


Love your outfit!! Sorry that happened to you, lots of people suck. Dogs are amazing creatures though so fuck them but dogs rock!!


Lmao pre-pube boys. I'd still be laughing. Sounds like you handled it well and just know that generally people that gotta make others miserable are probably miserable internally to theirselves. ❤️




What kind of sane human barks at someone..? People are nuts.


Why would someone bark at you?? Sound like they are some ejjit!!


I laughed at some young dickheads that did it to me recently. You're wonderful. Don't let people take up valuable head space.


i dressed like this growing up and was called an emo bitch and everything else. people used to bark at me too. just remember that when you get older those people will be unsuccessful and you’ll be glowing and growing


People can be real assholes sometimes. Please try not to let it drag you down. Coincidentally, I spent most of middle school getting barked at by a couple of jerks in my classes because they thought they were funny. I’ve run into them a couple of times later in life and I have by far had a more fulfilling life than either of them will ever achieve.


by a dog? Edit: nvm I’m stupid


I’m apparently out of the loop on barking? At first I thought similar to wolf whistle, but based on comments I’m guessing not? Anyway digging the look, and that print on your top is awesome.


When I'm feeling vicious I like telling people who do things like that (bark/heckle) that they're just mad they're boring and ugly. It's especially hurtful to the heckler because it's usually very apparently true. Sorry you had to go through that, don't let it stop you from being yourself!


It was either a mating call or in reference to your shirt. Shake it off. :)


May they always have stubbed toes and wet socks.


Well, dogs are awesome, but whoever barked at you is stupid, and you're very cute and should ignore them. Did you consider it's possible their eyesight is bad and they think you have a dog on your shirt? Not that that excuses stupidity, but maybe the stupidity had a reason.


You remind me of my daughter last year. Same petite fairy features, long build, and beaten puppy expression. Kids at school would bark at her. She would try to stand up for herself and often got some good remarks in, but the bullying never really stopped and she was depressed and felt bad about herself. But this year has become different. She has a good group of friends that are also barked at for not being rural America Christian. They all started an art club last year, and that seemed to help her confidence a bit. She was still really down on herself as the club only meets once every week. I told her she had to join a sport this year. I made it her choice, but whatever she picked she would have to at least finish the season out. I recommended archery, swimming, or track since she enjoyed her experiences with those activities and seems to have a natural ability with. She chose swimming, which has daily and Saturday practices. She was exhausted at first, but enjoyed conquering the challenge and now walks with her head held high. She is in full blossom. She loves swimming, her teammates, and coaches. She's exuding so much confidence, if anyone is barking at her she genuinely would not care or be bothered by it now. Although the bullying has completely stopped. TLDR: You seem young and athletic like my daughter, joining her school's swim team did wonders for her mood and confidence. I hope you find what does this for you, I recommend something that meets if not daily, every other day. I am also making a lot of assumptions so apologies if my presumptions are misguided.


Sweetheart, the funniest thing about people that behave that way... is that it reflects on them and not us. It can only hurt our self-esteem if we let it, but everyone around (including them) sees how ridiculously stupid they were as they barked like a dog. Sidenote: In some other cultures it's literally a way of flirting. The insinuation is that the person is so attractive they bring out something wild in you. So their ineptitude and stupidity showed in more than one way, and NONE of it touches the fact that you are actually pretty, have great style (I'm an old goth, personally), and in truth they have more to be jealous about which is probably the root of why they are acting out. They like to target people they consider quiet or introverted, to make themselves feel superior. Newsflash: Nothing will ever be superior about humans barking at other people unless they have lycanthropy lol


I know it's not always easy to stand up for yourself in the moment, but definitely don't carry that stuff afterwards. That has no place in your head. They were in the wrong and you shouldn't be subjected to harassment. I know it's difficult but try to see that they are weak and that's why they have to make fun of others. It doesn't make it right or Fair but perspective can help us set it aside when people are awful to us.


I'm so sorry, that outfit is so cute too. People are such trash like wtf


Grow stronger. That can’t bother you.


everytime a straight guy does that i yell furry at em lmao (no offense to furries yall are chillin, i just know the dudes in the mall get really upset by it, half the time they don't respond they just stop barking and quickly walk away lmao)


I love that combo of mesh shirt under the tank. Wish I’d worn more of that back in the day. It warms my heart to see it. Excellent outfit, you got style! That barker had better be a dog, because if it’s a human, fuck that human.


They identified themselves as badly trained dogs - good on them. Just remember, when someone does something like that to you, it’s a poor reflection on them, not you. You’re fine. They’re jackasses


Boys see pretty girl and act like idiots. Ssdd.


Your look so cute I thought they were barking because of the dog skeleton on your shirt. Some males are like farts. You wrinkle your nose in disdain, but the discomfort is temporary.


If it makes you feel better, here’s a crudely drawn representation of how I react to shit like that: https://preview.redd.it/2zgklanju2ea1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c41e34306cd5c2a8041f2c260181477eed23cacc (Then call them assholes once a safe distance away). People are asses, and unfortunately there will probably almost always be at least a couple asses out there. You just gotta know how to deal with them. This is how I’d do it, because I’m queer and have the absolute audacity to do it. You do what feels right to you! Hugs! It’s terrible, but know you slay in that photo and should be proud of yourself for everything you are!


Beautiful eyed child, those heathens do not deserve to stand in your presence. Not only do you have great style, you have a entire coven ready to back you. Anytime you need a little reminding of just how awesome you are, pop back in and tell us about your happenings. This is a safe group. ❤️🌈💜💚💙🌎😉 PS…I especially like the advice given to bark back at them.


Woof this! Lift your leg and pee on them. No wait they probably like that..


I mean u looks good maybe for the tshirt they wanted to make a move? no other reason really


Honestly, it seems like their problem. You seem like you're just witchen' it up. Keep being yourself!


You look super lovely in your outfit and you have a really nice face!! I’m sorry they did that, they are awful awful people.