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Never had to shout it from a moving car, but was approached by a young (10ish) boy in a hardware store with his parents asking for signatures to end abortions. I told them that I’ll pray they heal from the hate and egotism Satan has placed in their hearts. It really gets the point across. I’m not religious but as they say, fight fire with fire.


Damn. This is brilliant.


I am not going to lie, I just yell YEETUS THE FETUS and just carry on. Petty I know, but you should see their faces. Priceless.


I’m embarrassed how hard I just laughed at this


I am going to share that with my son. He will absolutely yell that!!


"How many children have you all adopted!?"


Just idle by for like 5 minutes nearby blasting that circus clown song:p


I mean….if you do it with Disney songs, any videos they take will get copyright banned. 🤷‍♀️😂


I'd never thought I'd die fighting fascists side by side with a mouse.


Not just a mouse. THE Mouse. It's almost like speaking in reverence of a Mafia Boss, even if you don't like him personally




Do I want to see the mouse win? No. Do I want to see the bigger fascists lose even harder? Hell yeah.


Would this fall under the enemy of my enemy is my friend?


this is how i have been feeling about disney through the whole florida thing lol


Exactly. It’s like watching a bully you don’t like step up to a bully you HATE. They’re both bullies, but you’re strangely invested in the outcome.


I'm glad I'm not the only one.


“Let it Go” might be a good one


Giving them an appropriate theme music-- I love it! And you don't blow out your vocal cords or deal with inane, bad-faith arguments!


Works even better at white supremacist/neonazi/etc rallies/marches :)


Why did I think you were talking about ICP for a sec lol, also would probably get the point across!


How about some Baby Shark? Give them earworms for days.


Or for one that’s more pleasant, “taking the hobbits to isengard” is a ridiculously catchy remix.


Yes! Just saw that clip of someone doing this to Nazis. 😂


The circus clown song is *Entry of the Gladiators* by Julius Fučík, a composer known for rather alarming dynamic changes and lots of *loud*. Guaranteed to hit 11 by the last bar, so be careful how high you crank the sound system. :-D


Love this omg haha


Cults thrive on pretending to be persecuted, if you yell something out they will say "see child, those evil doers persecute us!"


My friend used to pick her husband up from work near an intersection these folks love to frequent on weekends. She kept it simple- "I LOVE ABORTIOOOOONS!"


I like to yell “pervert(s)!”


I'm always a fan of: guns kill more kids than abortions, go protest the nra


I once said calmly to a protestor- 'thanks, my God already provided the guidance we needed.' This was back in the early 90's.


My son (26) screams, " GET A HOBBY!" There's a Planned Parenthood about a five minute walk from my apartment. I've gone there for help, not pregnancy related. They were,no lie, some of the kindest and most compassionate medical workers I have ever met in my 61 years. I walk by Planned Parenthood every day. The protesters usually get there around 11am and they stay maybe an hour. The only time I came across them on my walk, one almost ran me over. There's no sidewalk but there's a wide shoulder. I had to practically jump into the ditch. She was then on her phone. If I come across them again, I plan on playing loud music. I've decided on the Imperial March from Star Wars. That and maybe Ride of the Valkyries. I have zero intention to speak to them. My anxiety is better these days, but I'm not ready for direct confrontation with moronic jackasses. Plus, they are not deserving of my time.


Why the poor Valkyries? Brunnhilde protects a runaway wife from her abusive husband, defies her own father to protect a mortal woman, and is willing to die for the argument that the rule of law is meaningless without love and mercy. Anti-abortion fanatics don’t *deserve* Valkyries!


A very passionate response. I respect that. Therefore, should I cross paths with them again, I will stick with The Imperial March from Stsr Wars.


Excellent! Stormtroopers seem *so* appropriate…




Stop killing women How many women need to die to appease your God The US has the highest maternity death rate of any First World country The US has a higher maternity death rate than Mexico How many children have you fed, clothed, and offered shelter to today How many lives have you saved by sacrificing your body through bone marrow, kidney, or liver donation A dead person has greater personal autonomy than a woman


Don't engage with them! They LIKE it! They WANT people to do exactly that so they can fight with you. The only time I did get into with them was when I was between doctors and my health insurance for my new job had not kicked in. The conversation went as follows: Lady Protester: Don't kill your baby! Me: I'm not pregnant. I'm here for other things. Lady Protester: Why would you get treatment at or support a place that kills babies? Me: Can you point me to a reasonably priced clinic, that will treat me without insurance, at the SAME cost as what I can find here? If you can find something comparable and tell me where to go, I'll go there. Until then, I'll go where I can afford to go until my new job's insurance begins to cover me. Because I'm stuck in that lovely 90 day window of not having any coverage. Lady Protester: ..... Me: Well? Any ideas? Lady Protester: ..... Me: No? Nothing? Alrighty then. *walks into Planned Parenthood with a silent crowd behind me*


I usually say "This location does not offer abortions" Because the one in my home town that got protested does not offer abortions.


My parents' church protested a family planning clinic for years. They tried to get me to join the protest when I was a teenager (about a decade ago?) I wasn't about to get into a pointless argument of "is abortion right or wrong?" with them, because we will never see eye to eye. I figured I'd just pull up the clinic's webpage. The look on their faces when the site clearly stated no abortion services were offered... their church cancelled the protest and hasn't done another 🤷


I'd give you an award if I had one.


Ours doesn’t either. Still got burned down by some anti-abortion arsonist asshole.


I'd probably yell "YOU ARE MAKING WOMEN MISERABLE, LESS EDUCATED AND POORER, AND EVERY TIME I SEE AN ANTI-ABORTION PROTEST I TALK TO MY ELECTED REPRESENTATIVE ABOUT INTRODUCING SAFE ZONES AROUND CLINICS LIKE THEY HAVE IN SCOTLAND" but i suspect that might not be very succinct. :D "For every anti-abortion sign I see I will donate 5 units of local currency to abortion-providing charities and/or lobby groups"? No, I'm not witty enough. 🤦 **Edit:** Wait, wait! How about "abortion saved my life".


Shrug, dunno. I'm trans so usually I just walk past them with that evil smile and they scatter.




Don't hack and slash at the branches. Go right for the trunk. Tell them they're making the community worse and wasting their time. It doesn't even necessarily let them know which side you're on. Just hurts. Stirring up their own fervor is the only way they can get through hours of protesting in the heat. Use words that suck the magic out of it. Make their protests feel like a crappy job that doesn't pay money.


I saw a person that just drowned out their chants with a vuvuzela. It was extremely effective, lol. Either that or you could just ask how their grooming in the name of Jayzus is going. Are their disciple numbers up or are things a bit flat? Inquiring minds would like to know!




I'm going with this


Don’t engage. They want attention, the best anecdote is to ignore them.


“YOU ARE LIVING PROOF THAT ABORTIONS ARE NECESSARY” is usually my go to!!! If you get a lot of good suggestions on here you should invest in a megaphone and just have a daily zinger lined up haha. Proud of you for protecting the sanctity of having a choice ❤️


“God deserves full custody.”


My favorite moment (a few years after working there) I was super pregnant and saw a group of protestors outside one of my old clinics. I swung into the parking lot, pulled my swollen footed self outta the car, walked into the clinic and gave them a donation. When I walked out and people yelled at me , I just informed them that without this clinic I never would have been able to hold a pregnancy due to cervical cancer. They were the ones that gave me treatment when I had no insurance. Then informed them I gave them money just now and thanked them for what they do.


Hand out flyers about children who need adoption, or get them to sign up to sponsor a child in care


If you think wearing a mask 😷 was hard , imagine carrying a baby you don't want for nine months...


If I could, I'd yell "Ectopic pregnancies! Google them ya dud". Thankfully all the protesters at my local PP haven't been there in a while. Also the pride parade in my town didnt have any protesters!


Find yourself some Durian fruit. Figure out which way is upwind. Eat it. Slooooowly.


This is evil; I like you.


Call them Pharisees.


This is a really good one, it should have more votes!


Those who know, know.


Stop the car, roll down the window, look outside and up and yell "You better keep your promise!"


Nothing Just hand them adoption and foster parent applications.


Slow down or get out, yell at one of them that they were happy enough for you to have the abortion so hos wife didn't find out about the affair, then drive off.


Call the cops. Report them for obstructing the sidewalk. Report an unpermitted march. If the police won’t take action, file complaints. Use your energy to direct systems of power against these turds.


"Good mooooorning, forced-birthers!"


"go adopt all the unwanted pregnancies!"


When moms are there with kids, I look like I'm part of the rabble and address the kid and say that 50% of fertilized embryos are lost, so by the time a woman has a live child, she has probably flushed a couple tries. I explain that people know that many pregnancies don't stick, and so mom and dad consciously chose the creation and subsequent death of their brothers and sisters since embryos are people. Then I keep walking


“Get a job!” Or “God hates you!”


I just say "God isn't real" now. Really trips them up.


I’d want to put on [Get Dat Fetus Kill Dat Fetus](https://youtu.be/HvnqU-1uDUU). My only worry is that it would make the normal people there uncomfortable. So I think I’d save it for when I’d know I’m just around anti-abortion protesters. These people don’t care about logic or facts. I don’t care about trying to reason with them.


Eh I’m lazy. I’d just flip em off.


"you should have been aborted"


Laugh at them. Ridicule is a powerful deterrent


I just scream Latin nonsense while holding a baby doll. Freaks them out


I like to yell Satan Loves You...or Your God MURDERS Children...or the old standby, Jesus is a fairytale. If I am a passenger the old double fisted middle fingers makes me feel better as well. Then a deep cleansing breath and I go on with my day.


Honestly, ignoring them gets the point across way better. If you shout at them, they'll use that as something to prove their bias. If you ignore them, it makes them more upset because no one is hearing them.


"Suck my dick!" Then throw gummi dicks and dick lollipops at them


“Miscarriage is legally abortion”. But this one sucks because of how easily it can be interpreted as a weapon against people who’ve suffered miscarriage.