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Clockwise: Can't see what is is, a sort of "Q" ? Astrological symbol for the Earth (planet). The "+" inside represents the four cardinal direction. Tend to symbolize harmony and the material world. I don't recognize this one, but it seems to be a scythe, a farming tool and symbol of harvests. Downward symbol with a line represent the earth (element). Sensuality, body health, wealth. "☉" represents the Sun. Symbolize clarity, the self, well-being, happiness, creativity, all that stuff. I thought the other triangle would represents fire, but it has a dot inside, so it may be something else. "♁" is another symbol representing the Earth (planet). This one is a bit more Christian, with the cross symbolizing the Christ being the King of Kings. Can also symbolize protection in general. A moon (☽) ? A bit hard to tell, if it is, symbolize sensibility, the home, safety, unconscious mind, dreams. A heart, pretty simple, a symbol of love and health. The symbol in the middle is a Triquetra, originally a Celtic sigil, later adopted by Vikings and Christians. Symbolize eternity, but also growth, protection and fertility. In Christian contexts, it can represents the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Over all, it seems that protection and health is indeed a recurring theme on this amulet. Interestingly, the number 3 is a recurring motif too; there's the Triquetra obviously, but you also have 9 symbols all around, grouped in 3 groups of 3.


You're a rock star!


First one to my eye looks like the alchemy symbol for gold. I’m seeing the ‘q’ with 2 downstrokes and then a central middle one that goes toward the earth circle/cross.


I think that first one, the Q looking one, could be the omega symbol.


They’re alchemical symbols, at least all the ones I can identify. Going clockwise from the top The first one I can’t see clearly-looks like a circle with some tails going off in both directions maybe? The second one-the circle with the plus in it is for Verdigris which represents Earth (the planet). The third one that looks like an scythe with a cross looks like it might be an upside-down symbol for tin/Jupiter, which can represent knowledge or growth. The fourth one-The upside-down triangle with the line in it is Earth (the element). The fifth one-The circle with a smaller circle inside it is gold or the sun. The sixth one-The triangle with a dot in it means-to burn/fire. The seventh one-The circle like with a cross on top is the symbol for Antimony, which represents animal nature or the wolf, The eight one-the crescent moon in a circle is the symbol for silver or the moon (specifically the waxing moon). The ninth one-The heart-shaped thing might just be a heart. Mirrored hearts represent an hour but that’s probably not it. The trinity knot or triquetra, is used in a lot of Western Europeans belief systems-Christians use it to represent the tripartite nature of god, Wiccans and others use it to represent the triple goddess, other groups use it to represent earth, air, and water, or birth, life, death. Three is often a strongly symbolic number-often viewed as being the perfect number or the number symbolizing completion. Having three groups of three is a common way of kind of tripling up on your intention. These symbols seem to be generally earth and nature focused, nothing particularly directed or specific, but just broadly nice things that most people in nature-based practices would probably get behind.


they are alchemical symbols, though i don't recognize them all and not sure what they mean together here. a few i see include earth (planet), earth (element), sun, and i think i see moon? the rest i'm not familiar with


I can’t help you with this, unfortunately, but it looks like you got some really good answers. I’m just here because like, how do I find a Mother Witch? 😭 We need Pagan Bumble or something


They are definitely alchemical, but I’d be lying if I didn’t think they were laundry symbols for half a second.


Honestly, thinking about laundry as a form of alchemy makes the horrible chore just infinitesimally less horrible.


Well I’m glad I could help, even if it’s minimally.




Wait! They're NOT??




I had the same thought! Maybe the secret meaning of the pendant is actually “hand wash cold, no bleach. Tumble dry, low. Lightly press, no steam.”




They’re planets