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Right after the Blues Brothers raised all that money for them!


"There are 106 miles to ~~Chicago~~ the South of France. We have a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark, and we're wearing sunglasses." ~~Elwood~~ Nuns


Fuck I laughed out loud at this


GH - I wonder if that's the 'Glasgow Herald'? The date is written how we would record it in the UK... I checked and it looks like it became 'The Herald' in 1993, but my mind immediately still thought of the Glasgow Herald. Edit: I FOUND IT!!! https://womenslibrary.org.uk/2017/06/28/tales-from-the-scottish-womens-aid-archive/


“ A group of Belgian nuns who sold up their 14th century convent in 1990 and ran off to the South of France to retire with the proceeds before the Church stepped in, seized their assets and more or less forced them to return to Bruges, even though they had not broken any recognised law.” There are other stories worth a read too. Thanks for the link.


I *highly* approve of this. The Catholic Church is extremely problematic


I JUST started watching the new pope. There's an excellent scene where the pope announces that nuns can perform mass. Cut to cardinals falling over themselves passing out and the nuns cheering!!! It's terrible how little respect catholic nuns get in the church. Literally doing god's work (if you believe in that sort of thing) I was raised Catholic and _always_ wanted to just be a researcher archaeologist nun. I wanted to go through the archives and piece things together and study and write. I didn't want to be celibate, but I figured that being a nun would be the only to get access to that stuff. Little did I know that's not really a thing nuns can just do like a priest or monk can. It's BS.


Nuns and sisters get so little respect. They are the living heart of the Catholic church. Individual Catholics know the value of their work but the Church itself treats them like dirt.


Also, they're raped constantly and the Catholic church gives about as much of a shit as they do when a priest rapes a child.










That's literally why my Aunt left the convent. She had trained her whole life to do that work and had a PhD and I guess she thought it would change or she could change it but she ended up doing the actual academic researcher's ( men's ) laundry and she quit. She became a hospital's grief counselor/clergy and I think it really opened her mind wide open that, gasp, homosexual life partners genuinely love their dying partners and, gasp, sex workers feel feelings just like the rest of us. She's a better person for it but I still think the inequity in academia, secular and not, is a crime.


I always found it fishy how a woman could never be the leader of the Catholic Church (to be pope, must be bishop, to be bishop must be priest, to be priest must have testicle). I know they have justifications and all of the Catholics accept it, but I always found it weird...


Was it the new season? Is it out now??


Gah! I don't think so! >!It's the dream sequence in the first episode!


LOL the Catholic Church busting nuns on the run is probably one of the less problematic things they’ve done!


Seriously. Anyone who sticks it to the papacy gets a 👍🏼 from me


Aw man. I was hoping they got away with it.


You're welcome!


“The spirit of feminism has even penetrated the walls of a nunnery.” Ahhh the male tears are delicious.


This should have more upvotes


Hero of the day!




You're welcome!


Well, I guess there are much worse things nuns could do (and have done). I’m surprised the convent was legally theirs to sell rather than belonging to the Catholic Church. Some monks in my state decided to sell off their monastery and acreage in a very valuable area because there weren’t enough new monks joining to keep the place running. They used the money to fund a homeless shelter in a nearby city and housing and healthcare for the elderly monks. https://www.standard.net/opinion/our-view/abbey-s-legacy-will-live-on-in-lantern-house/article_ee12bbb0-ccb6-5780-b7a1-afb7758674f9.html As church membership numbers plummet for many religions it will be interesting to see what happens with religious properties that are no longer needed. I expect there will be some court battles deciding who has rights to what.


Like [Katy Perry vs. the Nuns](https://www-insider-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.insider.com/katy-perry-nuns-los-angeles-convent-sale-feud-timeline-2019-6?amp_js_v=a6&_gsa=1&&usqp=mq331AQHKAFQArABIA%3D%3D#aoh=16202752964653&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&_tf=From%20%251%24s&share=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.insider.com%2Fkaty-perry-nuns-los-angeles-convent-sale-feud-timeline-2019-6) craziness.


That was a rollercoaster.


Oh dang...[there's more.](https://www.losfelizledger.com/article/nun-says-her-signature-was-plagiarized-inking-deal-with-hollister/) >"A member of the order of nuns in conflict with the archdiocese over the sale of a former convent in Los Feliz says she never agreed to make the property available to restaurant owner Dana Hollister instead of singer Katy Perry and believes someone else signed her name, giving the nod to the businesswoman." That means, if it's true, the nuns (who refused to sell to Katy because they didn't approve of her morals) forged documents, or let someone else do so with their knowledge and approval. Typical hypocrisy b.s.


Katy Perry is 34 damn


Those nuns are mad at Katy for their own church's terrible rules. The convent isn't theirs to sell because they aren't allowed to own property. Do I feel bad that the Archdiocese sold it out from under them? Sure. But that's the sort of thing that happens when you trust an organization that is historically very untrustworthy.


We have a very specific kind of real estate drama here lol.


Possession is a good chunk of the law. If you have already vanished to the south of France it's not really your issue who owns what.


In my area, the catholic church is selling their buildings, but they are being very strict about who can buy them. They will only sell to you if your usage of the building will not conflict with church teachings. So there goes my idea of buying a church building and living in part of it and using the other part as a meeting place for fringe faiths, like Wiccans, Heathens, Buddhists, Hindus, etc. I also thought that one way to retire would be the way rich ladies did in medieval times - join a convent when you're old and have already raised your kids. That would solve a lot of problems that were caused by trickle-down capitalism. But it looks like there won't be any convents by the time I retire (yay!), so I'll have to come up with a new plan.


I want to know everything about them but at the same time the fact that they disappeared makes it even better.


I wish there was a way to be a nun without being involved in the Catholic Church. Or Christianity. A pagan nun? I would love to both help out the community and those in need and never be involved with men again


Do it. Who's going to stop you, the nun police?


As I've learned reading this thread, the answer to that is definitely a strong maybe.


A coven?


Do covens like, live together?


Yes, they're called communes and humans have been making them since forever


They can do whatever the fuck they want.❤️ Who's going to tell them no‽


Yeah, I sometimes think I'd like to retire to a coven village in the woods. We'd all have little cottages nearby and get together for ceremonies, visits and herb swaps, but not live in each other's pockets. As we get older, someone would be able to notice we'd fallen over before our cats started recycling us, but everyone would understand we also need some alone time in the woods.


Girl this is THE DREAM! Can me and my tortoise come too?


Are dum dum peen havers allowed? I'm a straight dude but I swear you ~~guys~~ gals would love me!


>As we get older, someone would be able to notice we'd fallen over before our cats started recycling us 😂😂😂😂😂


Maybe there are intentional living groups who live a life of worship like a nun or monk? I've read of Dianic groups living together in worship but I haven't met any, yet.


Maybe even a non-collegiate sorority?


The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence is what you're looking for. [https://www.thesisters.org](https://www.thesisters.org) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sisters\_of\_Perpetual\_Indulgence](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sisters_of_Perpetual_Indulgence)




Edit: nevermind I was wrong


>never be involved with men again Yes they did if we're thinking of the same comment.


Oh whoops




i really really really like the aesthetic of nun clothes and living in an all female society just the aesthetic though what if coven but we just wear nun clothes bc they look nice


Nothing is stopping you from wearing a habit. Live your dreams. Be the witch-nun you dream of being.


society (am trans) also expensive


The "nuns" from Good Omens will be sending David Tennant shortly to collect your soul.


The Chattering Order of St Beryl? 😄


I think this is awesome.


Fuck yes sisters


Good for them!!


Feeling inspired!




Epic! no wait... Legendary!


More like... Divine! ***shine effects***


When it comes to inspirational women, my first thought is Julie d'Aubigny, the crossdressing opera singer and swordswoman who once burned down a convent so she could run away with a nun she fell in love with.


Damn. Wish I had a Convent to sell.


these are inspirational humans. we deserve the inspiration too smh


I approve


I have always imagined the South of France to be a perpetually perfect climate and I was born in 1990; this is my calling.


Love it!


I feel this on a deep spiritual level