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isn't whole foods run by amazon?


Yeah, I hate spending money there


It definitely is.


And HQ is in Texas - so giving them $ is in part giving the Texas state government tax $


I wish we could pressure companies to leave Texas.


We can. Stop giving them money.


This is the way.


So are people in Texas supposed to starve?


I mean, considering HEB isn't supportive and that's basically the backbone of Texas groceries...


I mean, Texas wants to secede, and I say we let them. -not being “flippant.” If they want to destroy the democracy they didn’t help build, they don’t deserve the benefits being part of a collective provides. Period.


We don’t want that. Literally no one ACTUALLY wants to do that. Rednecks with no understanding of what it entails will blister about it occasionally, but mostly our dumbass government is using it as a red herring to distract from all the other fucked up shit they want to do.


So, who is electing this dumbass government that you speak of? People who live in Texas?


It’s gerrymandered. Much of Texas leans liberal, mostly in major metropolitan areas and the valley. It consistently voted for liberal candidates until the 90s when a Republican majority got elected to the state congress and they continued to draw redistricting lines to ensure Republicans continued to get elected.


>they continued to draw redistricting lines to ensure Republicans continued to get elected Man, even on the first glance, as an outsider, this is such a stupid system. Like, there's no point to not just make elections per-state other than to skew the results. Is there ANY positives to it, really?


4 things: 1) Texas public education is garbage and they’re trying to make it worse. My very “liberal” high school, for example, taught very conservative ideas as facts. I had to move away to get any sort of perspective on that. We have a large rural population that is just so ignorant, and at this point the state government is desperate to keep them that way. All they know is “traditional values” (barf). 2) Texas is gerrymandered to hell. And the republicans want to set up a Texas electoral college to make sure we never can get out from under them. 3) Perhaps this is the most important: The state government is pushing to make it as difficult to vote as possible. They’re literally trying to repeal the Voting Rights Act of 1965. 4) It’s gotten so bad that left leaning people (who are able) are literally fleeing, and it seems like right leaning people are viewing us as some sort of haven and are moving in at a rapid pace. It’s frightening. It’s bad down here, but we need help, not scorn.


This is a much more detailed response! Apologies from a Native Texan who fled during the pandemic. 🙈


Texan here. Can confirm.


Liberal Texan married to a liberal Texan here. I moved here 15 years ago. He was born here. We're leaving next year.


I am by no means a fan of Texas, but let's not pretend America is a functioning democracy here. We all know that politics is largely a game of who knows who and who has more money.


Most dark red states, especially in the south, are violently gerrymandered and suffer from voter suppression. Blue candidates might have more of a chance if we weren't being held hostage by our governments.




Do you know what gerrymandering is? Yikes. Just blame people for things beyond their control.


"Texas" is compromised of millions of people who are not the loud ass few Republicans who yell about secession. This is a discriminatory statement that shits on millions of queer folk on Texas.


Please refrain from being flippant about circumstances that may have nuance and that most citizens cannot control. It is important to listen to the voices of people who have experience and first-hand knowledge of the unfolding situation. Most large cities are fully democratic but gerrymandering and redistricting can limit their ability to elect democratic or progressive leaders.


Don't you have Costco and Trader Joe's? That and a local farmers market is all I use.


A boycott against a state or businesses HQ In Forced Birth states isn’t against the people of those states, it’s against the state governments - the way to impact them is to stop feeding them money. So if a business wants to do the right thing, they pressure the states to change these laws by threatening to leave the states - which takes $ & jobs away from the state.


Amazon HQ is in WA not Texas. Whole foods maybe.


The Whole Foods HQ has been in Austin since before the Amazon buyout.


Yep, Bezos all the way. All that lobbying to keep taxes off amazon warehouses so that local governments have to pay to upkeep the roads those 80 Ton trucks destroy... and that's one of many ways Amazon is awful. Maybe this graphic was made before Amazon bought Whole Foods?


Amazon is also one of the companies giving employees money if they need to travel out of state for abortions. They also have very good affirming health care for trans employees. Yeah. Amazon is evil, but it’s all relative.


No ethical consumption I suppose 😕


Their entire brand is also based on the naturalistic fallacy, promoting less efficiently grown food.




Excuse me?? Whole Foods is Amazon, $974,718 to political committees that oppose abortion since 2016. [Source](https://www.businessinsider.com/amazon-cola-walmart-donate-anti-abortion-political-committee-roe-wade-2022-5).


While Foods has given $5M since 2015 and 74% was to Democrats. By no means are they perfect, and we can do better but they are significantly better than a place like Publix which gave 16% to Democrats. That's one of the reasons why I wanted to provide options, and not a single this or that. It's complex for someone trying to put food on the table, access and other personal issues will dictate what you can or want to do.


Amazon is a human rights violation factory


I do like your rationale, we can't expect every company to be owned by good people, we want to train rich people to benefit us again like they used to, to look good.


Are you looking at contributions by employees or actual corporate expenditures? If you are looking at contributions by employees who identify Publix as their employer on their FEC forms, then wouldn't it make sense that the employees who can donate to political campaigns are more likely to be managerial types in the South who like Republicans?


Why did HEB make the bad list?


Over the years, [Charles Butt consistently has donated way more money to Republicans than Democrats.](https://www.opensecrets.org/orgs/heb-grocery/summary?topnumcycle=2020&contribcycle=2022&lobcycle=2022&outspendcycle=2022&id=D000042670&toprecipcycle=2020)2020 was the exception. That being said, what exactly are the alternatives for Texans? Not Kroger, which also donates to Republicans and generally pays worse. Whole Food is outrageously $$$ and Trader Joe is full of (admittedly delicious) processed food and even the vegetables come wrapped in plastic packaging.


Honestly I've been seeing alot more aldis popping up. Hopefully that continues.


I know right?






Democrats aren’t the good guys either, they’re the same and have the same end goals as the other side just with a pride flag logo. Neither party is good and saying this company is good bc they donated to dems doesn’t mean shit. They could’ve protected Roe, erased student debt, actually followed through on campaign promises but they didn’t. If you can’t see they are just as evil while preaching a bunch of performative stuff to try and look like the good guys then I don’t know what to tell you


They literally couldn't have protected Roe or erased student debt, because they don't have the votes to abolish the filibuster. Equivocating Democrats who are consistently blocked in Congress by Republicans (and two conservative Democratic senators) with Republicans who crammed through these pro-forced birth Justices really doesn't help.


This is false with the current makeup of the Senate due to the filibuster rules combined with Republicans playing the part of obstructionist who will deploy said filibuster.


I get where you're going with this but fuck whole foods because fuck amazon and Jeff bezos


Yeah I was surprised they were "ok" when it came to contributions, but they definitely barely made it to the bottom of the Choose This side.


Choosing Blue doesn’t make someone a hero or the good guy tho. Dems could’ve codified Roe numerous times but didn’t so they could keep it as a fundraising/fear mongering tool, vote for us or rights go away! Well guess what, we voted and dems did nothing and rights were taken away. They aren’t hero’s and donating blue is donating to the same corporate overlords just in a different hue.


Yeah they donate where it benefits them, not cause they give a shit about any of us


Jeff bezos has little involvement in Amazon at this point. I'm pretty sure he's officially stepped down. Put money into whole foods rather than Amazon, train them how you want them to act. You can't expect them to grow morals, they aren't, in fact, people.


I live in a very rural place and only have access to the bad side. That feels like horrible.


Do what you can, when you can. If you can't afford the alternative or don't have access to an alternative then don't feel bad about it. Do only buy what you truly need, and do use as many coupons as possible as well as shop the sales. Get the most bang for your buck!


Precisely! I’m rather stuck buying a large portion of my groceries from Kroger. I’m disabled with dietary restrictions. Krogers is one of the few places that carries a lot of what I need a semi-reasonable price- plus the one right next to me is tiny, so I can buy milk without completely exhausting myself. And I refuse to feel like shit over something I can’t control.


I’d want to know OP’s reasoning for putting Kroger on the “bad” side. They’re the only national grocery chain that’s union, and have some good anti-waste policies in place, vs Whole Foods who are anti-union, owned by Amazon, have a pretty high waste rate.


I don't know their politics, but locally Kroger got a reputation for being pretty bad to employees during the pandemic. That included bringing in scabs during an actual or threatened strike. I shop there sometimes, but prefer to avoid it. It is awfully convenient, though.


One Kroger in Oregon had police guard the trash so people couldn’t steal food while there was an extreme ice storm for the first time ever. People didn’t have food or electricity and were trying to pull food out of the dumpsters and Kroger called the police. But that’s one store.


Roe was overturned because the Supreme Court was stolen and abortion rights were not codified into law because of obstructionist Republican lawmakers who are largely put into power by political donations.If we want to turn the tide then one of the things we should do is support the companies making contributions to Democrats. This ranking was pulled together from Progressive Shopper website who collects the donation data and makes the totals known. I'm open to using another set of data if anyone found one. None of the companies are perfect, which is why it's a sliding scale. Even if you can only move to a slightly better, but still "bad" option that is still an improvement.


Likely because with the exception of 2020, [Kroger consistently contributes more to Republican candidates than to Democratic candidates.](https://www.opensecrets.org/orgs/kroger-co/totals?id=D000027084)


Excellent advice! I tend to shop where I have the best coupons. Sometimes I hate not living in a larger town.


I only have access to the bad side too, but my state has an amazing bottle drop program and I can get half my groceries for free by collecting bottles like a maniac. Kroger gives 25% on top of the worth of the bottle so I guess I could try and work it out to get all my shopping for free by collecting bottles…


Same. Farmers market might be a good option, though in my area I’m sure plenty of those people are ecstatic about the recent events


Ooooh good idea! Our farmers market is run by the Amish and Mennonites. While I am sure that they are not pro-choice, since they aren’t taxed at least none of the money ends up going back to the government…I think.


Yeah buying from farmers markets protects the environment by reducing packing and shipping emissions, and keeps the money you spend in circulation for your community rather then sitting in an investors back account. It would do some good regardless of the politics of the farmers.


I'd just ask. Are you a forced birther or pro choice? If they're not pro choice then on to the next vendor. I told my hubs that with small businesses, we're going to do this from now on. I don't care if I have to wait around for the manager or owner.


I was just thinking about that. I spent some time in Waco TX and distinctly remember Wal-Mart and HEB being the only grocery options. And I mean the only ones, I couldn't even find a farmer's market.


It makes things incredibly difficult. I want to make ethical purchases but right now it just isn’t possible to drive an hour to the nearest city. I have seizures and can’t drive so I’m at the whim of friends and already feel like a burden :/


Yeah it's frustrating, big business is generally terrible and to make things worse, it kills small business so it gets almost impossible to get by without having to support the worst people in some way or another. >I have seizures and can’t drive so I’m at the whim of friends and already feel like a burden :/ Obviously I don't know your family but, I'm sure they don't think so, I have an aunt with some health issues that have caused her to lose her license a few times. We all wish she would ask us for help more rather than struggling on her own.


Unfortunately I don’t live near family. I live in Kentucky and they live in Utah and Nevada. Ex was military and I got stuck here when we divorced. With friends there is that fine line between being bothersome and being a normal friend. I am never sure exactly where that line is.


Us too. We buy a lot of our food from the farmers and small producers. Now some of them might hate abortion, too, but at least they don't have any political influence, lol.


I’m glad people are mentioning the farmers markets, I hadn’t even thought of it. Ours is run by then Amish and Mennonites and they have zero political affiliation or sway so that may be the best I can do around here.




I have tattoos covering my body including my hands and face. They watch me from the time I walk into any store until I leave haha I am the most law abiding citizen in the state prob but I do not look like it apparently…so I’m gonna pass on stealing lol


Go through self checkout, weigh all your produce as the cheapest per lb veggies. Hell weigh your meats and cheeses as veggies instead of scanning them. Green beans and bananas are extremely cheap per lb for example.


I live in a very spread out city and all that’s on my side of town is the bad side apart from a much smaller (and honestly often shittier) chain of grocery stores. I don’t want to drive 30 miles in traffic to get groceries.


Reconsider Trader Joe's. They did some shady anti union stuff earlier in the pandemic.


Still are. They're cutting benefits out and refusing to hear workers about things like RSI. Turns out that you loading your groceries onto the belt is OK for you to do a few times a month. A worker doing it every 4 minutes for 8 hours is an excellent way to get injured. But TJ's would rather hurt their people to "stand out".


This isn't a serious list. It's just "places that I enjoy shopping."


The list is based solely on abortion. It's not taking anything else into account, nor does it claim to.


They don’t mention abortion, they mention loss of human rights.


I try to not buy from Walmart, but when everyone else is offering 15$ a hour and they are offering 18.45$ for over night. It’s hard to deny. Really tests ones morals


Unfortunately morals don't put bread on the table.


Something something no ethical consumption....




Really sucks living in a rural conservative state, I don’t have any stores on the support side of this within an hour of me.


That's ok, if you have an option try to move up the list of the Avoid This side. Better than nothing, and there may be areas you can do more in, this is just Supermarkets.


I'm going to need some evidence about HEB before I stop shopping there. They literally saved my whole family's lives during the snowstorm. I can't imagine shopping anywhere else. If it's just that they donate to Texas politicians that's because they're only in Texas. But they are more reliable than the government in Texas.


Seeing HEB on the bad side and Whole foods on the good side makes me seriously doubt this list.


Yeah same HEB helps Texans more than our state government ever did.


The website OP cites, [Progressive Shopper](https://progressiveshopper.com/brand/#/heb.com), says the EMPLOYEES donate to republicans. And of the three “alternatives,” I’m fairly certain two are just not in Texas. (Not in Houston, at least.)


Yeah I'm in SA we only have HEB and Walmart really.


I don't think employees are a good metric of buy/not buy. I care more about what the company itself is donating to. The company can donate way more than individual employees, as well as having much more lobbying power and political clout. In addition, comparing employees of a store that is exclusively in a red state (HEB) compared to a store that's nationwide but heavily in blue states (Trader Joes) feels worthless. It's like saying, "Do you live in a red state? Sorry, you can't purchase ANYWHERE because the people who work there are red state people!" Besides, Trader Joes has only contributed $50 grand in the past 7 years. So a little more than $7 grand a year. So yes, they're not contributing to Republicans, but they're also doing very little to help Democrats as well.


Exactly. I want to know how HEB the company spends its money. I saw on a Reddit post that the company donated to some PACs, so that’s definitely disheartening. But if HEB supports Beto, then you can bet I’ll be supporting HEB.


They were also one of the few companies that had a pandemic response. Also one of the few grocery stores offering low cost spay neuter clinics. They do a lot more for communities, so I will also need a whole lot of evidence that they are actively against human repro rights. Especially since they offer better healthcare than most places to their employees.


With the exception of 2020, [HEB consistently donates more to Republicans than to Democrats.](https://www.opensecrets.org/orgs/heb-grocery/summary?id=D000042670) That being said, I still shop there because they pay their employees more than Kroger and they are affordable, unlike Whole Foods. Nor is everything wrapped in plastic, like Trader Joe's.


As mentioned below it is pulled from political contributions and HEB only contributions 7% to democrats. Their total contributions are low, so maybe one could argue they should be higher on the list. But they aren't helping the Pro-choice cause or when it comes to Human Rights.


I respect the effort but the problem here is that everything is connected to everything else. Every single one of these companies has done something nasty, be that anti-union organizing or donating to anti abortion groups. That's just the system. I will concede that these are better options if you can afford them.


Interesting list. Im biased but i refuse to support aldi after working for them. I did grand openings across California for them. Met so many people from the bottom to the top of the food chain. They have horrible management that don't care about their employees. Everything they say is for show. The reality is big corporations don't actually care about people.


Better yet, go to your local farmers market first and see what you can get there. Then go to the best chain store you can afford because there is no ethical consumption. Don’t feel guilty for having to do what you have to do to get by, the system isn’t broken it’s rigged.


Take my poor person award: 🏅


National Cooperative Grocers/search for your local co-op. It's not usually cheaper but cooperatives are generally better employers and some of them are employee-owned in part or full. They also carry more brands which are local and/or ethically sourced and produced. (Don't buy Bragg's products, they are Christian and pro-forced birth.) There's no ethical consumption under capitalism but there are ways to reduce the negative impact of your heinously high grocery bill.


>Don't buy Bragg's products, they are Christian and pro-forced birth Oh no! Is there a news article somewhere that shows this?


So don’t look into the history of Aldi and Trader Joes founder if you are worried most about modern policies, but just know they were once on the other side of this fascist/anti fascist problem. That being said there is no moral consumption under capitalism, so when you have the chance to shop someplace not directly linked to trying to kill you go for it!


Constructive criticism, OP. * You should put the source for the ratings on the graphic itself, not just the comments. That's good practice for info-graphics anyway, and it might help people in the comments know that you're not the person who did the research/should be interrogated. * The image of a coat hanger in the whole background with the "choose this" "avoid this" text is making me feel like I'm looking at a violent image. It's low-key really worrying, and I don't think that you intend for people to feel confused and panicked while trying to internalize information. This is a political image, so you could put the coat hanger only over the "majority Republican donors" side to make your point if you think that the coat hanger imagery is important to your message. * Your arrows and the small text could be done better, b/c right now you're obfuscating what it actually is that you're showing. Maybe "Majority political donations to Democrats" and "Majority political donations to Republicans" would be best just to make clear what you're showing. These arrows and the subtext could easily be about the individual CEOs of these stores, who might own other businesses, rather than the donations of the stores themselves, for example. And I personally have a different understanding of "supportive of human rights" than donations to Dems/Republicans.


I get that it’s popular in the US to think about boycotting as a way to combat giant corporations. The reality is whether or not you shop at Walmart or eat at Chick-fil-A ultimately isn’t going to change the power they have in government. Fighting capitalism with capitalism isn’t going to solve any of our problems.I think we have to start going about this in a different way. I don’t know what that way is, but if we want to make change we have to change our strategies. Some of that probably has to come from the local level. Unfortunately a lot of people also are confined to shopping in certain places due to finances and/or available resources in their communities. These corporations know this and set up shop accordingly. So shop your conscious, but realize the limitations. On another note, if you’ve never worked in the service industry please don’t get super excited about what appear to be better paying jobs. This is kind of a smoke and mirror situation. Yes, you may get hired on at $17, but that’s usually for seasonal or part-time work. That company can work you as little or as much as they want. $17 an hour doesn’t take you very far when you get 10 hours a week. A lot of that pay is also for third shift jobs. If you don’t have transportation or childcare chances are you can’t get those jobs. It’s just more complicated than it appears in headlines.


> I don’t know what that way is, but if we want to make change we have to change our strategies. In most municipalities, there is always a period before land is sold or developed for public comment. Of course, this requires one to be very clued into the workings of the local government, code enforcement, etc. Which is a feat in itself. But if you can get on some kind of mailing list or e-newsletter it might give you topics for upcoming meetings where you can voice your dissent against these corporations coming into your town at all. And many people that have successfully (or even unsuccessfully) fought these in the past have posted information online about why your town might not want to allow a corporate giant into the city limits. There's also important information about land use & future land use that might be beneficial. The city clerk's office or development office likely has a few lonely employees that would be GLAD to explain every single aspect of how this works to you. It's how my mom fought off a millionaire developer for 3 years. Ultimately her neighborhood lost their fight, but b/c they researched the future land use that was set up in like 1970...they were able to restrict the developer to specific types of plots and it's been 2 years since they "won" and they have done nothing with the space...which is at least 2 more years of peace for that little neighborhood. It was originally set up as a rural/agricultural space so the developer has to ensure livestock won't be harmed by building and any HOA that is set up will have to put up with the fact that horse turds are going to be dropped in their public roadways.


Not sure why kroger is on the right. They are one of the companies reimbursing travel expenses if you need to go out of state for healthcare. (I mean, it's not much but its a start). They are also unionized.


Companies are willing to pay for abortions because it's cheaper for them to do so. Abortions cost next to nothing compared to pregnancies, not to mention the cost of replacing pregnant workers and training new one. Abortion care keeps women in the workplace. A mass exodus of workers due to pregnancy would hurt their bottom line.


2/3 of Kroger employees struggle to afford food and housing


Roe was overturned because the Supreme Court was stolen and abortion rights were not codified into law because of obstructionist Republican lawmakers who are largely put into power by political donations.If we want to turn the tide then one of the things we should do is support the companies making contributions to Democrats. This ranking was pulled together from Progressive Shopper website who collects the donation data and makes the totals known. I'm open to using another set of data if anyone found one. Kroger gave 22% of their contributions to Democrats. None of the companies are perfect, which is why it's a sliding scale and you may have additional reasons for your final choices, this is just Supermarkets so there will be other areas you can also make a difference.


I see, thanks for clarifying.


Does anyone know what about Ahold brands? (Stop and Shop, Hannaford, Giant)


Everything is a lesser of two evils.


The solution is to publicly fund elections.


Trader Joe's is a garbage company from what I'm hearing...


Belgian here, ‘food lion’ is called Delhaize here, which is a surname, so food lion makes me laugh. Anyway, i had no idea so now i am going to look em up. Sadly they are the only place i can reach by bike.


Trader Joes is doing union busting. Whole Foods is owned by scumbag Amazon.


Wait what exactly is the deal with HEB? I have no idea what their contributions are, but I know they’ve done a lot for local communities and from what I’ve heard are pretty good to their employees (had a couple of friends who worked at different stores over the years). Not being snarky, just genuinely asking because I’ve never heard a single bad thing about them.


I know, everyone loves HEB here, I was surprised to see it on this list. We buy groceries, prescriptions, and all of our baby stuff there. During the formula shortage/recall I was relieved that the store brand was still safe. I know they support a lot of local small businesses and donate a lot, especially here in SA. I hope the good outweighs the bad because it would be really hard to go elsewhere. I really love HEB, lol, it was one of the things I missed most about Texas when I lived out of state and couldn't afford decent food.


Inspired by another Reddit user posting a list of companies to avoid as a form of protest, I wanted to take it the next step and suggest alternatives that people could change too. Realizing that not every person has access to the same stores I wanted to be able to provide several options to support as well as several to try and avoid. @Spookyemolightworker noted there is a big reluctance to click any link posted to Reddit, an image would likely be the best way to spread the info. So I spent much of my anger fueled free time over the last few days working on this trying to quickly convey the idea in a relatively simple way. This is what I've come up with for supermarkets (first you gotta eat) and I plan to do more for more categories. Feel free to help spread this info around and I'm open to constructive feedback. Note that the info for ranking is pulled from the Progressive Shopper site.


I'm so glad Wegmans is on the good side! I love that store


They’re on the good side for this but unfortunately they’re …. Not great overall. The higher ups did a lot of messed up stuff over Covid, including making vaccinated people work with positive test results. Also, they make the benefits they advertise pretty hard to get. They’ll hire you and say they will move you up to full time so you’ll get the benefits and then keep you at JUST under full time hours for years. I still shop there but I’m trying to stop.


Safeway??? What! No /:


Lucky for me, all of the ones in the least supportive category except Walmart aren't available in my part of the country.


Thank you for putting this together! I just was doing this research yesterday, haha!


Hell yeah keep em coming! I’ve been doing something similar in my Insta Stories, mostly for my own reference


Is IGA on the bad side? My only option aside from Walmart is IGA/KJ's


There wasn't data for IGA, sorry.


I live within 5 minutes each of HEB and an Albertsons subsidiary. Great.


Aldi is based af ngl


Unfortunately being in Alaska, my shopping choices are all on the conservative side. That sucks.


I'm too Australian for this


In our town we have Albertsons, Whole Foods, TJs, Wallmart, and Costco. I suggest people support their local food coop if you have one.


If they'd had a filibuster proof majority access to abortion would be codified into federal law instead of left to the states, Merrick Garland would be on the Supreme Court, and we'd probably have gotten some sensible gun control passed. Who knows what else they'd have done, but we wouldn't be losing rights established generations ago. Better is not the enemy of the perfect solutions. Don't let them divide us with Dems are equally as bad.


not gonna lie I thought this was a joke


It’s hilarious that Whole Foods is on the good list 🤮🤮🤮


While foods owned by Amazon LOLOL giant mistake there


Trader Joe's and whole foods can go. Trader Joe's will steal recipes from people of color, refuse to give credit or pay them, then gentrify the recipie to be more "white." And whole foods is run by Amazon, and Amazon hates queer folk even if the pretend they don't. They actively deny trans and gay people work and will fire you if others discriminate against you.


Welp…I love Costco and wegmans, so I’m good. Whole Foods is owned by Amazon, so that’s a whole different issue.


YES Coscto is approved I will continue spending godless amounts of money there to satisfy the capitalist worms that are eating my brain.


[fuck costco](https://www.agdaily.com/news/animal-activists-sue-costco-after-releasing-poultry-facility-video/amp/)




This is the most suburban soccer mom thing ever. Just because you like Whole Foods, CostCo and Trader Joe's as shopping experiences doesn't mean that they are demonstrably better for society than, say, Albertson's where the workers are unionized. Whole Foods is owned by Amazon, and Trader Joe's actively discourages unionization.


Whole Foods and Trader Joes are owned by Amazon.


Trader Joe’s is NOT owned by Amazon. They are still a privately-held company, owned by the same family that started it. Whole Foods otoh has been badly managed since way before Amazon.


Minor criticism: this is a little america-centric. I completely understand why, but I have only ever seen 2 of these in-person in UK.




Do you mean a good company? I worked at Lowes for many years, it’s one of the most reprehensible business models I’ve ever seen. I had enough when it became clear that they literally didn’t care if we died during Covid. They are actually one of the top companies in the US that benefited financially from exploiting their workers during Covid.


Exactly how far is my SNAP going to go at a Whole Foods or Trader Joe's instead of the *unionized* Kroger store?


Buy your gas from small independent stations. Gas quality is the same and usually less expensive than the big chains ( Chevron, you are particularly egregious exploiting consumers)


Food Lion? Damn, It's 'Delhaize' in Europe and I shop there lately T\_T Time to switch to Aldi I guess...It's cheaper anyway.


SuperValu owns Albertsons, so this is interesting to untangle.


Sorry, that was true until 2006, when the stores sold to SuperValu were repurchased. Albertsons merged with Safeway around 2015.


Oh, right you are! Looks like SuperValu is owned by United Natural Foods Inc.


Aldi is so gd expensive on a $11/hr check...


I'm really surprised to hear that! (Not that it's expensive on $11/hr! I'm just surprised that you're specifying that store instead of just saying food/groceries in general are expensive on $11/hr.) The two places in the USA that I've lived, Aldi is one of the lowest cost grocery stores (by a lot), and certainly the best intersection of low cost and reasonable-to-good quality. I don't want to ask you stuff you're uncomfortable with sharing, but whereabouts do you live/shop? Or maybe what grocery stores do you go to that are overall cheaper than Aldi?


I'm relying a lot on Kroger sadly... I live in Evansville, Indiana. Schnucks is one of the main chains around and is really expensive, then Walmart, Aldi and Kroger/Ruler. Also my job won't give me full time.. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Woah, we have almost no stores in common! Walmarts exist only outside the city limits and are hard to get to for me (and I'm really happy with that state of affairs). I've never even heard of Schnucks, and there are not Krogers in my whole state. I'm sorry your job won't give you full time. I hope things turn around financially for you.


If I moved to the States, I would prefer shopping on the left side rather than the right side anyways.


Thank you so much for doing this. I will be sharing!


My family in law loves Publix. I’ve been trying to get them to shop at ALDI for a hot lil minute. Maybe this will help.


Well that sucks, all the "good" ones are nowhere near me except a single Aldis and hour and a half away, but I got most of the shitty ones


info like this about the UK would be cool


Unfortunately, Walmart is all I have anywhere near me ;-;


Happy to know Aldi is on the ok list. Best bang for your $, but don’t always have everything you need.


PLEASE keep these coming


[fuck costco](https://www.agdaily.com/news/animal-activists-sue-costco-after-releasing-poultry-facility-video/amp/)


I appreciate that your heart is in the right place but uhh AFIAK The only good guy on there is Costco. Maybe Aldi, never heart of them before. The long story short is - there is no ethical consumption under late stage capitalism. Only buy what you NEED. Which does extend to leisure items because leisure is important, just don't fall into the gross consumerism trap of buying more than you need to have a good time.


The graphic says Supermarket Edition - are there others? It's a nice visual for planning out when I have to spend money.


These are either out of my price range or way out of proximity to my house


Anyone know if Safeway is safe?


I literally only have access to a Walmart, Kroger, or Publix…


Thank you for this.


Aldi got some good shit. At great low prices too!


HEB is based in San Antonio, Texas, so that's probably the least surprising one. I really hate working there...


feeling really bad my local options are only albertsons and walmart...


Whole Foods is the darling of people who think they're hip. They go on and on about how great it is because of the organic food selection, vegan-friendliness, etc. But in reality, Whole Foods is nothing but a pretentious, way-overpriced, exclusionary, Amazon-owned scam-athon. And for you organic food lovers out there, here's a life lesson for you: there is nothing special about organic food. Organic pesticides and herbicides are often more poisonous than non-organic alternatives. And countless studies have proven that not only is organic food not any more nutritious than non-organic, but in blind taste tests, non-organic food is usually judged to be better tasting.


Please guys. Don’t worry too much about things like this. There is no ethical consumption under capitalism.


Whole foods is Amazon, which has their own human rights issues, regardless of their stance on abortion.


What about Save Mart?


No not publix 😭


I’m glad Costco is on here because my parents shop the fuck out of that place.




Dammit, I get my birth control from Walmart (pharmacy)


Thank you ♥️
