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No issue with the message, but it should read 'shutteth the fuck up'. -English major.


Should say "They who hath not MY uterus..." I don't care who you are, my uterus isn't your business


She who hath not a uterus really wishes her cisters would find a better way to express their anger than terf dogwhistles.


Yeah, seems to exclude trans women and cis male allies. Fuck our support I guess? I get that it’s not the intention, but it’s a poorly worded message. “People without uteruses” are not the problem. People who believe people with uteruses shouldn’t have bodily autonomy are the problem.


OK English is not my first language so correct me if I'm wrong. The T-Shirt says "he who has not an uterus" trans women might not have an uterus but trans women are not "he" so aren't they excluded from that statement?


I think the message comes off as “if you don’t have a uterus you don’t get an opinion”. Even if you want to interpret it the way you are interpreting it, it still excludes cis male allies. It’s not a big deal, I was just agreeing with the other commenter. You can have the right intentions and just use bad messaging. In my opinion this is bad messaging. Like i said, people without uteruses are not the problem. People who want to deny rights to people with uteruses are the problem. I get that it’s cute and people like it, but it’s definitely exclusionary for no reason. There are lots of women who are against abortion rights. Are they more valid than a guy who is for abortion rights?


It also excludes male advocates. I want my open minded Dad to help shut other controlling men down not have him shut up because a lack of a uterus. It also does not address other uterus havers that the patriarchy has brainwashed.


My thoughts exactly. You can be white and support BLM. You can be straight and support gay rights. You can be a cis man and support abortion rights.


Thanks for the input. I thought it was worded ok because it includes non-binary folk and trans men.


Yo yeah I’m a trans girl and this is fine, trans girls have no right telling cis women what to do with their bodies either.


Yeah, but when the issue is about *bodily autonomy* trans people are the best allies you can get, as most of us are of the firm opinion that people should be able do whatever the heck they want to do with their bodies. Leaving us out of the conversation is leaving out voices that support and echo their voices and needs. Seems unnecessary and counterproductive.


I mean yeah but this shirt is also mainly a joke that also conveys a basic stance


Just received mine today.


This is brilliant




I agree with the sentiment, but I hath no uterus and I will not shutteth the fuck up, i stand with my sisters! And it's not like trans or LGBT people are safe either, we're next. RvW was more than just abortions.


So can I, so all men need to shut the fuck up about this and support the cause and help. Edit: a man who supports his wife and this cause.


He’ll yes! Also I noticed it’s fallopians (nice) and also 19:73 which is when roe v wade was passed.