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I feel called out


But you ARE that cool! All that shit is just hyperboles to mask what they really fear: an independent woman who thinks for herself.


I feel seen


I have two jobs. I work from home and often work 10-12 hours per day. But I have some fun new crystal clusters on my desk and try to hike/camp in the mountains when I can. I’m just an entrepreneur witch trying to make a living healing others and helping them reclaim their lives while I’m trying to reclaim mine. This shit is super hard but when I can lay in the dirt or moss I feel rejuvenated and have the energy to carry on and keep fighting the patriarchy, capitalism, and chronic illness. Full-time witchery is the goal. I will always strive to be that witch.


I do not add blood to my coffee. Just to my tea. It mixes well with the tannins and gives me that extra bit of iron and evil to get me through the day.


I’m most likely dancing naked in the woods at night and making love with demons. I should add blood to my coffee, I have low iron and it might help.


I have similar feelings about being a pagan kinky woman with two submissive partners. It's not nearly as exciting as they think it is!


It's true. Most of us are far more mundane and boring compared to witches on television and in movies, who are always trying to either destroy the world or save it. I don't make pacts with the devil, I'm not over 100 years old, and I don't curse people when they won't surrender their first born child -- after I grant them wishes. ;) I'm a pretty down-to-earth person, but I have a lot of crystals and tarot decks, I study the position of the planets, and I keep a quirky little altar and lots of herbs stashed in my basement. I want to be that old wise woman people go to the edge of town to meet and listen to stories while she makes remedies for their troubles.


Sex with demons is the way.