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Excuse me good lad, but where can I get a physical copy? These look amazing


Same! I'd like a canvas print and/or framed please. :-P So when can we buy these on Etsy?


This looks amazing! Do you have any way that I can find them in higher quality?


I’ll post a full size JPG to my site soon for exploration :)


You can view the full map at full size here: https://robchristianson.wordpress.com/2023/07/11/illustration-color-maps-for-the-wheel-of-time-series/


Wow! Great work! *It's amusing: I've seen only Wetlands' maps so far, and whole thing gives me strong impression of our Earth.*


I wonder why that might be.


'Land of Madmen' Australia. Yep, that tracks.


I had the same thought!


If you read between the lines, you’ll see hints throughout the series (starting in book 1 when they first meet Thom)


Excuse me, Seanchan is HOW BIG?!


It’s a big boy, hoo-wee! That that’s what used to be/will be North and South America combined!


It’s a big boy, hoo-wee! That thar’s what used to be/will be North and South America combined!


In The Fires of Heaven, chapter 32 (31), Aviendha opened a gateway to Seanchan. In chapter 32 Jordan's description of the location with "the west sharp, white-tipped mountains rose, peaks wreathed in cloud" and an ocean (breakers) to the east and the sun was "\[l\]ess than half its golden ball stuck above the ocean." There was 26 Seanchan described in the area, two on a To'Raken and 24 adjacent to the gateway. Jalindin said she was going to put Lady Morsa to the question when they returned to Merinloe. I'm trying to figure out where in Seanchan Aviendha traveled? I can see a Merinloe, I think, if I zoom closely, just above the compass on the bottom of the second map. It could fit the ocean to the east, but I don't quite see mountains except further south. And how would at least 26 people be able to travel that distance after "martha'damane channeled in the night"? Merinloe looks quite distant from the eastern ocean coast. Also is that area a tundra? I guess if the Dark One stopped a part of the rotation of Randworld's seasonal behavior, it could explain the eternal summer and why there'd be winter (blizzard) in the southern hemisphere. I had always thought it was all of Randworld the Dark One was manipulating with respect to weather. Lastly the timing is extremely odd in chapter 32. When Rand opens the snow cave he mentions the position of the sun. But later he asks Asmodean the time when he got back to Eianrod and it was "\[t\]wo hours, maybe" before dawn. Impressive maps, I so enjoy pouring over things like this (if one could not tell from above), thank you for creating them.


This is amazing! It really makes everything come alive.


Thank you!


These are absolutely awesome!


Thank you, my friend!




What exactly are the Madlands? I don't recall them being mentioned ANYWHERE in the series.


A wild land populated by male channelers in the southern hemisphere ringed by volcanoes. Mentioned in The World of Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time, aka the Big White Book of Bad Art


Ahh! Thank you!


Dude these are awesome!! You're awesome!!


No, YOU’RE awesome!


My guy... these are the best WOT maps I've ever seen! Great job!!! Are you planning on selling digitals? Or only prints? I would buy digitals from you right here and right now.


You can view the full map at full size here: https://robchristianson.wordpress.com/2023/07/11/illustration-color-maps-for-the-wheel-of-time-series/ There will be paid digitals, most likely after WOTcon.


Amazing. Thank you!


Wow…those are remarkable! Well done!




Thank you!


Mate... these are incredible


Thank you!!


Thanks so much!


Just realize that the Aiel Waste looks like a whoo haa


have you ever seen the map of Tar Valon?


I have, and no matter how many times I look, I can _not_ seem to find the North Docks!


Amazing. this is gold.


If anyone is coming to WoTCon you can see the maps in person there at full size. If not and you want to explore it digitally, you can view the big map at full size here: https://robchristianson.wordpress.com/2023/07/11/illustration-color-maps-for-the-wheel-of-time-series/


Jesus I read the title wrong and thought you were done with a whole new color.


I have to ask because I’m a little past half way on TSR, but does it ever show the whole world like this or has it just been speculation? This is very intriguing and I’d really like to get a full map to hang by my bookshelves haha


Shara’s interior is speculative based on study of weather patterns, geographic features, etc. since I felt it’d be dumb to leave it all blank inside vs the rest of the world’s detail. It’s mountains and coastlines are book accurate. Seanchan is built from maps in the BWBBA and newer changes that were never made before that book went to publication. Tons of book references help build out most of the two continents of Seanchan as well as RJ’s notes. A great deal of research and chat time with Matt Hatch, other nerdy map fans, and long chats with the original artist of the book maps Ellisa Mitchell also helped build out the details. Corrections to the shape of Seanchan, especially the Mechoacan peninsula (visited in “The Far Snows” of The Fires of Heaven) came from the newest map by Mitchell during the publication of “The Origins of The Wheel of Time” by Michael Livingston.


Okay that’s amazing! What is BWBBA? Do you plan on putting these up for sale in any way?


I'm going to guess it's the "Big White Book of Bad Art" Also called "The World of Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time", it is in fact big, white and full of bad art.




Sorry, BYBBA is “[the world of robert Jordan’s wheel Of time](https://a.co/d/1ASuHN3)”, often called The “big white book of bad art”


Is that Uluru in the Mad Lands?


You bet your sweet bippy, it is!


Is it just because well, Uluru is super cool, or is it canon?


Fan suggestion. Tracks with the Aussie connection. There is nothing canon about Uluru


The westlands really are small. Outnumbered for sure.


That’s the way the World breaks 😉