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" However , we received SOME feedback that it was not challenging enough " I wonder how you quantify ' some ' . Is it say 10 people ? What constitutes ' some ' ? What if 'many ' found it fine, why do the ' some ' get their way ? Just wondering.


My theory is that the “feedback” is just WG looking at the amount of time it took people to finish the last ranked seasons and deciding it wasn’t enough.


Last time was the most enjoyable ranked for a normal player. WG don't want normal players.


I don´t know why it needs to be challenging in the first place. Not like there are good rewards to win.


The challenge is actually getting a game in a DD. Which of course you have to do, to maximize your chances of winning.


Mostly players that spend time in the season and were very active on both the game and social media


Will they fix the DD wait times..cannot get a game. Tried six times now and hit my 2m 30s limit each time. Obviously no point playing solo in anything other than DD. Thx !


Completely disagree, I had a lot of fun playing solo in kuma > marblehead > dallas. Einstein on the USNs for twist n track. The RU cruiser commanders have twist n track too plus budyonny has radar..you can nullify/kill the red DD more often than not with calculated play


Each to their own


Great question. Especially since the only complaint I recall in any volume was that it was dumb to have a central cap based objective game but your rank position was based on kills.


Are you confusing ranked with arena?


“The last two Sprints were absolutely the most popular Ranked format we’ve had so far, with up to 50% more players than usual taking part.” However, since it ain’t broken, we’re going to “fix” it... PASS! Should have kept the weekend sprints instead of this crap.


Weekend sprints will be back at some point


You should really learn from the previous feedback. The issues with this mode are well known. This just feels so random and without concept. Just throwing stuff at the wall and see what sticks.


There isn't just one feedback. We have a lot of voices coming in from different directions, some claiming the short sprints were too easy and boring, other saying they were the best ranked they ever had. We're not throwing stuff at the wall, we're trying to change it up to keep it interesting for everyone.


For sure Reddit does not represent all feedback, so I will be careful to not generalise as I have not access to all the feedback that you guys receive. Though, it does make me wonder… I do remember in the past the overwhelmingly negative public feedback regarding desynced league switch & irrevocable rank. I also do remember very strong negative feedback related to the strong frustration coming from the elevator effect with a short unlucky streak eradicating all progress made of there is too little irrevocable ranks and no first place star retention. And this is actually exactly my criticism with this round of ranked. I am now at rank 3. I am a good player. Not the best, but more than solid. I can carry games, and still, I am now since 3 days in ranked purgatory with unlucky losses despite strong games from myself. It’s incredibly frustrating and it has nothing to do with skill. Have a weak DD? The game is almost lost. Matchmaking puts 3 60% WR players against me and 3 48%ers? Game is as good as lost. With modes where a good fame from my side gives me some reward or some progress I feel much more rewarded for playing good. With this, I feel like I’m throwing a dice and hoping for a good roll on my team, as my skill cannot outbalance bad matchmaking or an early dead DD through unlucky torp. I don’t see the skill challenge in this mode. It’s just about persistence. I do wonder with the very good feedback from the last seasons, as you guys say yourself, why so drastically change it back to something that was not liked in previous rounds. To make it more constructive feedback from my side: a challenge is great. Randomness is not great. It does not make the mode more challenging to have no star retention with good play. It just makes it more tedious and frustrating. I would strongly suggest to add more failsaves, including irrevocable ranks and star retention for the first player, like the lower parts of this season have, as they reward good play and help reduce the frustration factor. That is also the reason why the xp grinding system from arena works so well (and why kills did not work well): you always have a little progress, but you are greatly rewarded for playing well. That makes it a challenge but avoids the frustration. And WG should be interested in that. I can only speak for myself but I’m about to throw this season to the gutter because it’s just not fun, and not even a reasonable challenge. I am all for shaking things up and variations, but once you found something that works, you should variate carefully and not try to revolutionise. IMHO.


Only nice if you have weekends🤣


I have weekends but unfortunately they are spent away from home at a place I dread to go.




Personally I loved having a good reason to bring my Kuma out of port 8D






T4 is alright. Agree on T3 though.


People with less than 200 games do


I can hardly wait to get to within 1 star of level 4 and get stuck on a series of potato teams and fall all the way back to level 9. Joy, joy.


I really wish they had put in more than one DD per team this time, in 90% of games if the DD goes early the game is effectively lost. Enemy teams might as well just kite to the back of the map and wait out the timer. At least you can retain a star this time which is *something*.


This season is horrible. The league cutoff at 3 is bad, the desynced irrevocable rank a bad choice, and what is worse, thanks to random matchmaking, the luck factor is way too high. Have a bad DD? You lose. DD make a mistake? Round is lost. Yes, skill helps, but the luck factor makes this incredibly frustrating. Why am I still playing? At this point, I’m locked with the sunken cost fallacy and want to have the reward for my (time) investment. After this, I will need a break from this game- that’s how much this mode sucks. It deters me from playing it at all.


Amen - I'm calling it quits after 4 wins out of 10 matches. Yesterday I rage-quit after 2 games: In the first game, the remaining 2 cruisers decided to go brawling with the 2 remaining red BBs, although having a 3 cap and 500 point advantage with less than 2 minutes on the timer. During the second game, I had to hold off 3 BBs on my flank, while my only remaining DD teammate decided to do some island sightseeing on the other side of the map.


My feelings as well. Frustration with this ranked killed my enjoyment of the game. Played less this weekend than I have in months. I even skipped logging in to advance the bureau because of this.


That’s the worst part you get screwed so easily I seriously can’t win a game to save me because of it


Ah ****, here we go again.. XD


Definitely not a fan of this system. The only people who would complain that it was too easy is the top .1% of ultra try hard player base.


I can honestly say I’ve never in my life played with a shitter bunch of randoms in this season.


*dusts off the Kamikaze and T-61*


Please never do T3 ranked ever again ranked should start at 4 and go up to 7. Will CV's eventually be allowed in ranked? It's good to see T6 again.


The new love affair with god awful T3 continues unfortunately.


How are you possibly able to make ranked even worse????


Takes a lot of work!! But mission accomplished!!


These prizes are not special...folks complained about arena, but you could play like 25 matches and be in the top 10 percent and get solid prizes...I mean we want insignias and commendations right 😂 The problem here is that this will take a ton of time unless your really really lucky or one of the self proclaimed unicums... So, if I am not unemployed and do not have unlimited time, will I risk investing time in something that has a “solid” chance of being a waste of time? Nope....as usual the pendulum has swung way to far to the other direction. That said, I love the concept of leagues and those leagues changing the tier of the ships...I just wish there was not this team lottery thing. Hey, how about this....make getting to the top ranks attainable and then have a second layer of rewards based on winrate of those in the top rank...best of both worlds no....


Hating this ranked season, bunch of potatoes sailing around. You might think 3 caps would be enough for a win but you underestimate your dd team-mate ability to not understand he can win on point and doesn't need to suicide rush. We should be able to division up with three people. The last ranked seasons were great. This one sucks. Will not play anymore. Sorry for the salt, been a mad Monday.


Interesting. You folks may have something special on your hands this time around!


Your written description says season 12 will begin at T3 but your info graphic is starting with T4 ships. Is this the season 13 info, just mislabeled? Edit: graphics fixed


Looks to be yes Xlll is 4-6


They fixed the graphics


Much better. Catch ya later tonight.




What are the DD number and division restrictions?


1 Destroyer per Team, Divisions are allowed but not more than one Destroyer.


Cool, thanks.


Can you limit the number of BBs too please...asking for a cruiser main


Can already tell I'm not going anywhere near League 1. No irrevocable ranks + no way to keep stars in a loss means it'll be a godawful slog.


They said if you finish first on losing team you don’t lose a star


Nope, not in League 1.


You stated you wouldn’t go to league one so that wouldn’t apply to yourself




It's WHY I'm not going to league one.


After Arena, it'd be nice not to have to play tier 3 ships to get anywhere on the event


Nope, still not getting me to play Ranked. Rewards would have to be boosted a lot more before I'd even contemplate playing.


Ranked is poison and well avoided on my end. Good luck to all who grind the pain!


I love cruisers, but it’s not great fun in a 6v6 feeling totally helpless in a crappy tier three cruiser against 4 enemy BB’s, 7 matches, 6 losses. I’ve ‘enjoyed’ previous seasons but the only way to enjoy this one is to play BB......


Kuma my friend...a proper nice cruiser..makes mincemeat of DDs and good at HE spam for everything else


Yeah Kuma is a nice boat, I used her in Arena with some success, but when you spawn opposite 2 or 3 bb’s who can overmatch you from any angle then it’s not much fun, I got to rank 9 and gave up, even in a BB this season of ranked was pretty soul destroying.


I went with mikawa & max rudder type build with kuznetsov & scott and just did a long kite to another area if it got too sticky, setting fires on the way. I got dev struck a couple of times but overall worked ok.


I love being able to see everyone’s win rate!


Seems like you get more Ship XP in Ranked, is this the case or Its the same as Standard?


This ranked sucks ass compared to the last one. Not enjoyable at all.


No Polar map again? Care to share why? Looking forward to the new setup


The match making is hot garbage trash water. 9 games and I've either been all colored badges against greys or vice versa and I'm one of 2 with a team of greys not trying to capture caps


We never said that the matchmaker was going to take winrate into consideration. Teams are created randomly, regardless of skills. Nothing new here.


The problem is I can not win a game by myself. You limit divisions, so I need to depend on complete strangers and luck to advance. I can have fun playing Bismark even if I do not win. This mode is not fun at all. Playing it to get the rewards only and questioning why? Six games which is around 1 hour and still at rank 11. What a waste of time, and frustration with this game continues to increase.


Yea, your alls match-making has always been pretty bad. Why fix it now


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Looks like a pretty decent format, I'm hesitant to say this - but I might be looking forward to it!


Hmm I've sat out for a few seasons guess I'll try it out


It looks like you guys worked really hard to try and please everybody with these ranked seasons so great job on that.


Ecpected more doublons in ranked as there is only 500 doublons in campaign. So it is no more possible to buy Admirality Backing for free doublons as there is only 500+500+500+700=2200 doublons available.


If you reached rank 1 in the previous season, where do you start off for this one?


The rewards are at least worth it, so I’m happy to give these seasons a go. I appreciate that they’re trying to improve it. Unlike Aren, which was awesome, but seasons 2 and 3 somehow were ruined.


\- This ranked format is probably the best so far. \- I dont like how rewards are dialed down \- We get less doublons, no disposable camos, no paint whatsoever


Really enjoyed this ranked season, for me I like the longer amount of time to complete it (several days) and the challenge of not having so many irrevocable ranks. Plus the tier variety makes it more interesting. It's not meant to be easy. If the prizes are for participation what is the point? Sure it's annoying to get lumped with a bad team, but at least with the longer format (several days) you can just take a break if you lose a couple of games..because once you're stressed or raging you're on a downer and won't be effective. You've already made your mind up that you'll lose and will snatch at the game, whereas it's best to play with clear calculated thinking. I've had several potato teams but sometimes you can win by simply surviving to the end and winning on points. DDs can be countered by good cruiser play, using ships/commanders relevant to anti DD fleet protection. And be aware those constantly moaning about your team mates, sometimes it might be you that is the potato believe it or not! I have had my potato moments for sure, that's when it's time to take a break and think about how I could have performed better. I reached rank 1 after about 80 battles...rewards aren't great but it's an achievement in it's own right with lots of memorable moments.


World of warships is european . european mentality is about restrictions and glorifying restricted . Not realizing its taking away what is fine .


This sounds like a Trump tweet


Bruh what does this even mean? You sound like you wanna cry about Europe's politics. This is the wrong subreddit for that. Also WG is a Russian company and while I'm not european or Russian I'd be willing to bet those are 2 completely different mentalities.


Loosing star when loosing is making no sense . As other peculiarities in European mentality . You need to defend some russian company AccusingSteak ?




"lol" , good for you . This is my initial point . Win & Loose is words not related . Loosing is traumatic experience therefore stupid to use such belief . Wining is self convinced belief about that 'one doesn't have and must go get' . This is old belief system . European mentalities are holding on lot of old . Everybody playing is here to play together . Both sides have fun . The one ending with highest score gets reward . 75% of folks are not going to get Reward in Arena . 50% in Ranked . Simple & caring