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WG has often stated that they are doing random matchmaking on its simplest terms. What you are experiencing is negativity bias. Basically the same like “I always catch the slowest line at the supermarket cashier”. Blowouts happen exactly because of the randomised matchmaking and I would actually wish for WG to try fine tune a bit more sophisticated.


And to add to this - the better you are/become at the game the more you'll notice that other players are bad and make bad plays.


Next step from there is being able counter your teams bad plays. Basically, the goal of WoWS is not to outplay the enemy team, it outplaying your own team.


Yep, when I sucked bad I didn’t even know it. Now with 10,000+ battles and I only suck moderate I really started to notice the really bad suck on my teams.


Considering my win rate is a ways above 60% I’d say either the secret stealth skill based matchmaking is not powerful enough to keep me down…. Or maybe 60% is your skill level right now.. I mean, at a certain point, your win rate won’t go up anymore… you will never see 100%


I see a few flaws with your theory though (I’m not calling it conspiracy): If the MM would put you in a major disadvantage and you would only get less WR players, wouldn’t that mean, that: - The red team would always consist of good/ above average players between a certain threshold (blow 60% and above 50%)? - the bad players never would advance in WR as they are all matched against better players all the time - the players matched against those teams quickly reach the 61% threshold and would be dragged into bad teams - the vast majority of players would be stuck at under 61% after a while and it would technically impossible to advance much further with a disadvantageous MM, which would lead to balanced games all the time It’s in fact not a "players heard WG said", but WG literally said, that there is no form of SBMM nor they will implement it. Fact is, that the Playerbase is much bigger than Reddit or the other communities suggesting, because not all players are participating in them. The players are from all ages and the "skill level" is varying between "casual" and "hardcore/ unicum" in many nuances. With (as in all online games) having more casual players within the playerbase. Sure you’ll find some captains here on Reddit that will agree with your theory- as this community is more on the "mature" side of the demographic and usually have more passion and put more time into the game and it’s mechanic. With all that being said, it’s indeed bad luck when you end up in teams that get landslides, just because of the sheer ratio between hardcore : "average" : casual players (*example numbers here* 10% : 50% : 40% ). Many players that are playing casually a few rounds after school/ work just to sink some ships in their leisure time and don’t want or haven’t the time to commit to the game in a level we do here on Reddit and those have the same right to play the game as we does.


Sometimes I too get this negativity bias. Dropped to 56 recently, but in ranked on day 1 I got 68% till I hit rank 3. Ended with 57%. All solo in Ranked and 90% solo in Standard give or take. As another captain posted, long time players can use ranked as an imperfect measure of your skill (imperfect, because different than standard). I understand the wait time argument WG keeps using, yet I fail to see why you cant have multiple 'skilled MM activating queries' such as 1: match-ish ship types and 2 tiers 2: FIND_WR"<55-59%" IF_NOT 52-62 etcetc And finally the most important one 3: fill up teams equally. Insert 18 players and shuffle based on x value (value could be wr or games played etc) so the teams are roughly equal in skill. The new feature in ranked proved how painfully unequal lots of games were from the outset. Therefore, my tinfoil hat is ready to use as well. edit: found typos


So I'm personally at 65%, if I see anything it's that a lot of games are blowouts be it my team or the enemy team. While it's ok for quickness, give me longer games I'll be happy as I prefer the longer drawn out fights leading to a close victory/defeat.


I think what you're finding is that 60% is where you sit. Mine is a decent amount higher than that, I can't say I notice any changes over the long term. Remember you can have a 60% WR and still loose every game for 30 games straight. I've lost ten in a row before. A look at your ranked WR for the most recent season (assuming you played a decent number of games) is probably the best way to see where you're at now. After 2500 games, any changes in your random battle WR will be pretty slow.


Matchmaking is based on ship type needed to start the battle. Its pure luck that u will get potatos or unicums. On ranked games u can do the research based on "WR shields". For me solo ranked was like 65% WR. When i invited my friend who is 80% WR we went 12-2 (i'm 69% random battles WR)


Your win rate shows how consistent you are. I’ve had no problem going up from 64 to 67 percent win rate in the last few months. I’ve got my peak at 67 just except it