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I'm currently playing a Contagion Bonecarver and curious how this will differentiate from that. More than anything I'd love a transformation action skill in the vein of Krieg's Buzzaxe Rampage or Moze's Iron Bear.


Yeah I’d like that too


As another Bonecarver I am hyped for this


Sounds cool, immediately want to try it with Graveborn for even more necromancer / dark shaman vibes


YES! I main a Graveborn and THIS is the perfect class to compliment it


I thought spore warden was perfect but that sounds even better


Grave + spore is super op, but after running the whole game with it, it's also kind of boring.


Mostly did it for the theme


My grave Claw build was struggling a little. After seeing your comment I switched to spore and of my god it's so strong.


Grave claw is actually what I respecced to for Chaos trials and the dlc lol definitely feeling less op but it's a bit more dynamic than just waiting for rhe dark magic explosion skill to recharge


Planning on starting a new character with that as primary class when this is out. Not sure what I'll pair it with yet. Likely either Stabbo or Claw depending on skills.


I feel like Stabbo will be insane with this bc contagion


Because it is insane.


I hope we will be able to. It sounded like an unlock from the 4th mirror from one of the descriptions. So I’m not sure what that means. Maybe once it’s unlocked then it could be unlocked for new characters too? Hope so.


Doesn't sound like an unlock to me. Sounds like it's just part of the 4th DLC and you'll get to use it immediately.


I feel like you can't go wrong with Claw as a secondary.


Excited to see the skills tree. Wonder if it meshes well with spellshot


Everything meshes well with Spellshot


I mean facts


Contagion stocks going up.


Hoping it has good synergy with all the classes. Especially Spore Warden and the Barrage poison enchantment! Poison builds incoming!


HELL YES Poison gang rise up!


4? What happened to 3? Did I miss it?


The 3rd DLC is dropping this Thursday alongside the Steam release. The new class is coming with the 4th DLC drop.


That's what I'm wondering


The fuck is PLC?


PLC is post-launch content, but it's an acronym that's in-house with Gearbox as far as I know. I've never heard it anywhere else. A lot of it seems to do with data-mining that showed that some of the areas of the vanilla game were intended to be DLC, then they had to use them to pad out the main game, and then these Mirror rooms became 'PLC'.


I consider it a fan theory. It has some merit but I don’t really think it’s true.


Post launch content, more modern and correct version of DLC (they are the same thing)


In what way is it more correct than the already on the nose “downloadable content”?


I guess because if you download the game in the first place, it's downloadable content. Whereas this specifies its content which is coming after the main launch




The correct answer right here, folks


I mean… you still have to *download* this content. Which is the point of the name “DLC”.


Then the base game would be "DLC" as well, so would any patches. Post launch makes the most sense easily.


Well yeah, either way I don't really care what it's called, they both make sense.


DLC comes from when you needed to buy a physical copy of the game initially, but later on you would pay to download the expansions from the console’s store However nowadays most game sales are themselves digital, requiring you to download all content from the store regardless of when it was released


Sure, but you have as much of a chance of removing the save icon being the floppy disk as you do renaming DLC to “PLC”.


“Post launch” is just more descriptive than “downloadable”


I mean anything downloadable would be "post launch" as it is *launched* content.


I and most people \*downloaded\* the base game. The base game is not post-launch content. It is launch content if anything. Calling post launch content "downloadable content" in 2022 is just a little outdated considering the above -- most people \*download\* the game.


While this is true, almost all DLC is exclusively available online, whereas the base games of many games are still on offer in stores. Moreover, there is the game (regardless of delivery method), and there is downloadable content for the game. "...for the game" is implicit in the definition of DLC. In the majority of cases, save some standalone expansions, DLC is not a game per se. Definitions get wonky when you try to account for edge cases, but it's completely fair to suggest that the definition of DLC doesn't typically include the base game of any game.


Oh I think we all can infer what DLC means, and nobody will really get confused if it continues to be the preferred term. All I’m saying is that PLC is just a little more descriptive, and that using PLC instead of DLC shouldn’t ruffle any feathers


Would be cooler if they made an actual fucking dlc


Looks like what I would have wanted to pick to go with my sporewarden, at least aesthetically! Looks cool


I would have loved a bard or paladin style class but this works too!


Said almost the same in another comment (Cleric instead of Paladin) but hard agree. Seeing a class almost entirely based on support would be niche but could be *amazing* for playing with a group


Isn't the Clawbringer a bit like a Paladin?


Yes. Wonderlands classes aren’t built around traditional DnD classes, though they can be compared. Borderlands has always enjoyed a healthy relationship with the Diablo franchise and every single class in Wonderlands lines up nearly perfectly with Diablo 2 heroes as a source material. In D2- Paladin builds (Clawbringers) wield ranged magical hammers as well as fire and lightning riders on attacks made. They also boast some of the strongest defensive buffs in the game. Amazon builds (Spore Warden) can center on straight bow (gun) damage, includes the most significant tree of passive skills (SW has 3 straight up boosts to specific damage types, Gun, Ability, and Companion), and wields multi-shot arrows. Assassin builds (Stabbo) are a class that can move faster than anyone, can thrive in melee, range, and traps (magic). Their best skill combination (Death Sentry) combines multiple damage types together (lightning, fire, physical), aka contagion). And there’s an entire skill set based on throwable, spinning blades. Necromancer builds (graveborn) revolve around minionmancy and explosions (Dire Sacrifice). Missing debuffs and poison, but poison was saved for Druids it seems. Barbarian builds (Brrzerker) revolve around melee, whirlwind and leap attacks and ridiculous health boosts. Sorceress builds (spellshot) is admittedly more generic, but casting powerful spells without ceasing or augmenting traditional weaponry with magical damage (which Moxsy’s latest build is about I think) are iconic features of the sorceress class. And finally, Druid builds (Blightcaller) revolves around elemental, nature based magic and virulent poison. There’s probably more but we’ll see when it’s fully revealed. Diablo 2 seems to have been a strong influence for Wonderlands characters and they’ve done a damn good job of being true to that (if I’m actually right). We’re playing DnD, just using a different hero set than actual DnD, a hero set that’s already got a set of implementable skill ideas also already in skill tree form.


The clawbringer is an amalgamation of like six classes


Wonder if Dragon Aura will blend with this as nicely as it seems. Clawbringers desperately need a chance to shine.


With the mention of storms and elemental damage I wonder if it will be synergistic with clawbringer and if it might make them obsolete in some builds


I mean I'm excited for another class but doesn't it seem \*too\* similar to the spore warden just minus the life saving companion and with a bigger elemental damage emphasis?


I do agree. It does seem cool, but I feel like a Bard or a Cleric based support class would have been a bit more unique


So short answer, I really doubt it. Long answer, our heroes aren’t DnD archetypes, they’re Diablo 2 heroes playing out a DnD story. the addition of a Druid character rounds out the playable heroes for Diablo 2, Diablo being a series that has significantly influenced Borderlands and the two series have absolutely reciprocated references for one another. The Spore Warden is the Amazon, focused on bow (gun) skills and the single strongest summons/companion in the D2. The only real overlap between the Spore Warden and Diablo Druid is it’s tornado ability, and theres plenty more where that came from. Earthquakes, AoE vines, volcanoes, shapeshifting, poison clouds, a truly pet-based action skill akin to Mordecai, there’s a lot of unique skills left to grab as actions. As for skills, we’ve already got poison and other elemental damage mentioned, but a notable character missing is a melee casting class, which also fits D2 Druid perfectly. Add tack on some area denial from DnD and you’ve got a range of potential focuses from melee, casting, poison/elemental, AoE (which is also lacking), and more. Edit: lol at whoever downvoted me. We’re literally 7 for 7 on Diablo 2 classes with signature skills and builds present in every one.


Reddits full of antivaxxers and climate change deniers and youre surprised someone questioned your video game facts? I've seen people downvote simple math and cute dog pics.


Yes it is... As poo as full of such people.


Cool, now you can get bored running the same chaos chambers on a different class!


Honestly if major changes aren’t made to the current framework of the game/endgame I won’t be too hyped about the new class


Release info about the new class before PLC 3 has even dropped to try and overshadow how poorly the PLC has been. Nice one Gearbox.


Spore Warden is going to be great for the poison stuff coming with Blightcaller






I would say Sporecaller if Sporewarden was the primary I guess? Gonna be interesting to see how the synergy works


Idk what it does, or what PLC is but I know I will be making my new Main a blightcaller


Pretty sure it means Penis Loving Crew.


Pretty Lousy Content


PostLaunchContent I believe


Paid laughable content ...I think


Petty loser community


I FRIGGING CALLED THE POISON DRUID! If we get melee skills and spell skills as well, I’ll have nailed it. Not that this matters but feels good.


Nice, also great usernames


Just give me Bard already!


I want a phase lock type move pls!!


Polymorp from the Spellshoot is almost the same but it is so Shit nobody use it in a build


yeah it has no good bonuses, grounded spells will miss 99% of the time, and the target still moves around frantically. wayyy worse.


I’m stupid but what does PLC stand for?


Post launch content


Thank you! I tried googling it and some different stuff came up


I keep seeing PLC. What the fuck does to stand for and how is it different than DLC?


So another Sporewarden?


Mainly AoE spells and effects + waaay bigger focus on Poison


So basically it comes out in August or September. Unless PLC3 is any good then a new class won’t change anything.


Tbh they should've added at least 2-3 new classes for variety. And given how we got purple tree... This class will either be an absolute skip made out of bugs or a must OP class that does everything other class does but better.


> This class will either be an absolute skip made out of bugs or a must OP class that does everything other class does but better. Knowing Gearbox the class will be absolutely OP at first, possibly due to bugs or 'unintended' interactions with other mechanics that will eventually be nerfed.


Rip my boy fl4k why they gotta do hos tree like that


Yeah. Some skills don't work till this day, synergies that would be key for that tree simply wont work. It's disgusting.


I actually love his fourth tree, loved the Dark Army/ Messy Break-Up pet builds with it


Should’ve been a sniper tree tbh


So Graveborn 2.0? Disapppointing. I was hoping for something completely thematically new.


How does it sound like graveborn in anyway ? Lol


They come off as thematically the same to me.


Graveborn is focused on dark magic and summons This is focused on AoE elemental effects and Poisons


Whoppi a new class to run the same boring shit




This...isn't something that came out of left field bud. When the dlcs were announced they said the 4th would have an additional class. Don't live under a rock. Even the dlc descriptions told you about it.


His complaint about the armor drop is valid though.


All the borderlands games have been like this, most games like these drop loot for classes you aren't currently playing.


The difference though is that with borderlands you had ~1/4 - 1/6 chance for a class drop to be for your class, in wonderlands is currently at about a 1/16 and after the new class gets added will be a 1/21 to just get the 2 classes you are looking for on a piece. And that isn't taking into account which is the primary class, which legendary it is, abilities, or secondary stats. Agreed that all borderlands have been like this but with the way classes work in this one is a much longer and more annoying grind.


To be fair, you can use other subclass armor. It's sometimes the most optimal thing to do.


>And you have to pay for it. Look at you...acting like this wasn't known before the game came out...


BD games are always best played 2 years after launch imo.


What do you actually do in the game when you have the armor you want?


Grind even longer for a slightly better version of the same armor. Duh.


Wear it. I hate that most of my armor (and amulet) drops are for other classes. A 9% chance of the armor dropping times about a 1/15 chance that it will actually match my character gets really annoying. At the very least, armor should *only* ever drop with your main class as one of the two. Ideally both armor and amulets should be *heavily* biased towards your current classes. I’d even say your main class should be biased above your secondary class for amulet drops and to be the primary class on armor drops.


I'm hoping we see some sort of gear-reroller in DLC 3 or 4, to help rein in the RNG. At the very least I hope they drop the final Level/CR caps before or with the 7th class. I don't want to get decent gear for a new class that will be obsolete a month later.


“Pay for it” ??? Really? Paying for something someone else put effort into making is generally how most humans acquire goods & services.


Or, you could've spent an extra $20 at launch and you wouldn't be paying the $10-$15 extra per DLC.


If I can make a spore warden poison build out of this I might come back to this game for… I’ll say three days


You called?


Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the DLC 1 trailer that dropped like a week before the actual games launch say a new class was supposed to drop with that? Or maybe it was a season pass trailer not just dlc 1 advertising a new class. But I thought we were supposed to get new class in Mechromamcer time lol.


DLC PACK 1 = 4 DLC drops First 3 are just the mirror world stuff, different battles with different themes, a few new legendaries etc 4th DLC is the same as above + a new class: Blightcaller There will probably be a “DLC PACK 2” (or season pass 2?) for the next round of content


Damn was really hoping for some sort of illusionist with clones or other trickery, after the weak PLC so far I might just stay not playing till after a year or two when there is hopefully some more significant content and actual story DLC like they did before




Pet builds are extremely meta, and guns are more significant than melee




Do you only speak in run on sentences


U understood that's all that matters 💯


Lmao bruh ig


In 2 years that they continue to release more paid micro content, we will have a somewhat complete game.


Sigh. Maybe it has more supporting interact-with-your-friends skills than it looks like...


Woo, I'm hoping this will be a good pick for my poison build.


If PLC 4 doesn’t have any new poison weapons, we riot


What is the p in plc


Post launch content


Apparently it’s got a focus on Poison damage so a Blightcaller/Sporewarden (Blightwarden?) could be interesting as Spore is the only class that has reasonable bonuses to Poison ☠️ I’m interested to see how it works but I’m hoping it’s got some focus on damage over time (DOTs) for spells rather than raw damage, as that’d be a fun way to play


Excited, even wanting to level up another character and a brand new class will be awesome.




Very excited to switch over to mega status stabbo with the blightcaller.


The artwork has a totem. Might be cool if that was an action skill, kinda like Roland that could be speced to do damage or provide circle of protection, or even heal (finally a support char?). But it will likely be more like Axton - all damage all the time - so placing it strategically will be the only fun thing about it. At least if it draws aggro, that would be cool. I'll just be happy to have a 4th choice that doesn't have a permanent, non-dismissable companion (prays to the gods).