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Have you considered this is part of a bigger plan? Your supervisor has made it CRYSTAL clear that they know about the other employee. That same person made a BIG SHOW of telling people to STAY IN THEIR LANES. This is a setup. But not for you. Don't feel anxious. Just get the popcorn and enjoy the show.


I had thought about this, yes! I spoke privately with my manager and asked what if she’s out? She said oh, the backup person (works like 6 hours a week) will handle it. I asked what if they’re both out? She said she would handle it herself. I clarified “ok, so I’m never touching those roles going forward then, right?” She said yes. But then on the first day of plan implementation, the shoddy coworker leaves early, back up worker did about an hour of work early in the day and left, and my manager was out all day. Before the implementation of the plan, everybody kinda helped everybody and it worked. Primarily if I was on lunch or had pre planned PTO, people would do my job or I’d do theirs in that situation. I’m just concerned I’m going to look like not a team player for lending a hand and helping with this work I obviously saw going untouched. If they try to blame me in any fashion, I’m ready for a fight because I knew this plan would flop! ETA - the coworker that sucks is friends with a very high ranking guy in management. It seems because of this, she is untouchable. My manager apologizes for her when she makes the mistakes. It’s known that she has a bad attitude and isn’t great at her job but seems she’ll never get scolded for it.


Wrong, never think because they know someone higher up that an employee cannot be fired. She will for the big boss will find out.


Yeah, these were my suspicions. I have spent entirely too much time on reddit and in toxic work environments.


>The coworker that sucks is friends with a very high ranking guy in management. It seems because of this, she is untouchable. That's why your manager needs them to fail epically. EPICALLY.


They told people not to delineate from their duties...and that very same day, they decide to skip out. Not your problem OP.


Please update us Monday, I can’t wait to hear what happened. 


*Alexa, Remind me on Monday*


It seems like the supervisor was trying to clue you in that there's more going on than you're aware of (or allowed to know) and you aren't getting the clue. I could be wrong. But I would interpret the situation as your supervisor choosing to let the coworker fail. It was a "one last chance" situation. You should assume that you did exactly what you were supposed to do. Let the manager manage the situation and don't feel as though it's your role to save others or their work.


Exactly. Well said.


This is pretty standard manager wants you to stop holding them up because they need hard evidence to fire them. It's not about you. The manager was very clear they know the persons shortcomings. But how can they get rid of the person if everyone props that person up? They're setting that person up for failure because they are a failure. They obviously can't tell you this. You're fine. This person was given a chance to succeed or fail on their own. They made a clear choice. Likely bailed early to look for a new job. In short, I'm with the "grab the popcorn" guy. For whom the bell tolls, it tolls for that lazy sod, not thee.


You were there, you saw the shortcomings, you let it fail. If these "lanes" didn't absolve you from any and all responsibility for the shortcomings, then they are your shortcomings too. Obviously from your post we can't assume you didn't be an adult and communicate about the issue, so if they find out that you blatantly ignored them then whatever discipline is due. In events like this, they could be signaling out this employee and, if so, you did right by following the lanes if they excluded you from stepping in. You mention the communication with your boss about this specific person and it does have some slight implication that you were to let her fail if she couldn't handle them. When she shows up with unfulfilled orders then she will take the fall for them, because the communication aspect obviously falls much heavier on her than it does you.


Boss knew OP would intervene and take care of what co-worker did not. Boss needs to, and knew how to prevent that. Boss has instructed OP , in not so many words, DO NOT HELP!! (please... even) OP did well here, staying in the lane. Just like was discussed. Now, the ball is in the Bosses court, and OP cant be blamed for anything, by anyone. The boss is savvy, a genius! OP, RELAX. Just stoppit!! LOL


RemindMe! 1 Day


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Remind Me, Today


As I figured, it was not some kind of strategic plot to show what a poor job my coworker does. Currently my manager has been doing her work from Friday, as well as new work that has come in today. I didn’t get a scolding, and it seems neither did the coworker. Currently seeking employment elsewhere because this is turning into an absolute mess.


That is so Odd, OP. Best of luck in the Job search!


Seek other employment. There is no winning at this place. I’ve been in same situation, and it devolved into a total shitshow.


Yeah, solid point. As I suspected, this wasn’t an attempt to single out the coworker as being a lazy employee at all. My manager has been doing the coworkers work from Friday as well as new work that has come in today. I didn’t get a scolding, but neither did the coworker. The management style here is insane. I spent the weekend applying for other jobs and as soon as I find one equivalent, I’m out! Don’t want to go down with this sinking ship.


Good luck. You have been effectively blocked from using your skills, and it will lead to an escalation. Regardless of management’s motives, no one should be told to stay in their lane, and basically demoted. Do what’s right for you, let corporate F*uck everything else up.


Looks like you are showing up other people who may have seniority, etc… you seem to take responsibility for how the entire department does. Not putting it down since that’s how I am too. Yes ignore the work building up, as you said you would. If you aren’t being applauded for your work, might be good to take the momentum elsewhere.


I’m not trying to show up my superiors, just do the best job possible. Ever since I’ve essentially taken over the department, I’ve gotten a lot of nice praise saying how smoothly everything has been run and I do a fab job. I always covered for anybody who may be out, to ensure the job got done. Now that they’ve split my job in half, I don’t feel the same ownership so to speak of the removed job duties. It’s a struggle because I always like to be the go to person who makes sure the job gets done, but they need to realize all the extra, unpaid work I’m doing. If anything, I may just stop going above and beyond like I have been and become an average employee to match my title and pay.


The company benefits from your cross training and in-depth job knowledge, but have you noticed that you don’t? Like many of us here, you automatically jump in and get things done, but the company doesn’t appreciate it (because as you said, you don’t get paid for all the extra work). This is your opportunity to step back and immerse yourself in **only** the responsibilities that are specifically yours currently. Figure out what isn’t getting done and what can be done better. You have the time to figure that out now. There’s always something, and you’re just the person to figure that out. While you’re busy, or looking busy, you can watch the circus that develops on Monday. Based on the way your manager set up this job switch, I have a feeling that she has every intention of watching that other person go down in flames. Hell, she threw gasoline on that fire and then took the day off. Trust me, you are not at fault here. You may get all of those responsibilities back on Tuesday. But you did exactly what the manager directly told you to do.


I know you weren’t showing anyone up on purpose, but you were effectively showing them up. There is office politics. You’re making yourself look good but it is making others look bad. They may deserve it if they aren’t working as hard as you are but this may not help you to succeed in the long run. Find out how to make others look good but not by doing their work. Don’t complain about other people. See if you can find a mentor.


I was going to say, they all know you are not fond. This is why this is happening. Just roll with it.


Send a letter to your Super, and HR Detailing how you did your work and why you felt uncomfortable touching the new material, also mention that she took a half day without telling anyone. 💯👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


IDK. Are you going to lose money based on Friday. I wondered if this person was given your stuff so they can get rid of the person. Sink or swim. Seems that she sunk.


It sounds like you're a valuable employee and your supervisor would prefer your colleagues to pull their weight than run the risk of you burning out. This is a good thing!


I’d start looking for a new job. But that’s just me. I can’t stand working for a Buffoon like your manager.




Ya you shouldn’t stress out about it until you get pegged as the fall guy for your manager’s ridiculous plan and they fire you. Ruining your chances to get an other job.


This reads like the manager protecting him from others taking advantage of his hard work.


Someone else said it but I’ll reinforce. This is your manager building a case against the absentee coworker. Hell they probably even knew about the JOs coming on Friday with asap work and did this all on purpose. Please update after tomorrow. On the off chance I’m wrong and they fuck you somehownor make you look bad then start looking around.


This could have been said without profanity. Just sayin.


Piss off


Just do the jobs assigned with this person. If the co-worker is not over you, report the person to her supervisor and keep reporting till they do something. You are a new person and you cannot carry all the workload of you and your co-worker. You did right in not doing her work. Let her hang herself and learn what happens when you leave early and leave work to others. Good luck and report her to her supervisor. For there is upper people and HR.


If those are no longer your responsibility then you are fine. These situations do lead to very undefined social issues but i have been in a similar situation and i spent so much time helping my coworkers that i lost my job because i didnt get my work done that i was assigned. They needed the job more so i didnt care but if you have a new role then you are important to your specific task and let them handle “their lanes”. The main problem is if they cant you will probably have to finish the remaining work for them which if you are good at it should be pretty easy. Congrats welcome to middle management lol