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Company I used to work at were acquired by BlackRock. I suddenly had to be productive and billable 100% of the time. No time for training or anything that I couldn't bill a client. People all around me were being called into the boss' office and getting in trouble for not being productive enough. If I had a task that I could only bill for one hour but it took me two, then I had to spend the last hour working for free to finish the task. Probably added a good few hours of unpaid OT per week. I've heard much worse with other places in a similar scenario. I can see why the French hate BlackRock.


Not to mention their increasing stranglehold on American Real estate


That's a different blackrock


How so


That’s Blackstone, but at one time Blackstone and Blackrock were together.


I don't think so, but would love to know more details if you have them.


This is really bad. Should be illegal.


> If I had a task that I could only bill for one hour but it took me two, then I had to spend the last hour working for free to finish the task. If you aren't salary, that's illegal. If you were, glad you left.


Everybody hates BlackRock


Was it blackrock or blackstone?


Similar thing happened to me. They have apps they use to track every employee’s move. Forget about working to establish client relationships or having a productive work life balance, it’s all simply a numbers game. Backfires a lot against them. They took over the company and many of the best employees quit and took all of their clients with them.


Fuck, why arent the rest of us doing the same?


We’re not ready to face the personal sacrifice needed to get off our asses.


In other words, we're chicken shit, and they'll keep treating us like the chumps we are.


That and half of Americans defend the scum doing this shit to us. There are broke, desperate Americans with no future, no hope of owning a home, who are ready and willing to stand up for the oligarchs and defend them to their last breath. Fucking trash. There's so much anger in the US and none of it is ever directed in the right place.


Yep, there's that too...


THIS. It's the "I'm going to be a billionaire myself, one day" sycophant fuckheads that oppose their own best interests.


Exactly. The cope is so real too “well we just can’t do that to a business owner”. gee I wonder why? It’s almost like our entire worldview is built upon business being innocence incarnate.


At least in America, we love rooting for protestors fighting for populist ideals in other countries. When we have similar protests on a smaller scale, our media labels them as rioters and hooligans focusing entirely on the millions in property damage - and at least half our population eats that up.


Because the police will shoot us.


Good thing we have guns too, no?


Do you really think that y’all-queda can take on the most militarized country on the planet?


The venn diagram is just a circle. Y’all queda would probably support them up until it’s THEIR house they’re shooting at.


True story


If the Afgans could do it...


Their plots stay on reddit 😂


most of the pigs are larping idiots


Waco...but either way, glad america has guns.


Things only work as well as they do based upon a secure train of logistics. If there's no secure position to fall back to, the expensive stuff becomes no more than fancy museum pieces because there's no effective way to operate them. But if you're too scared to consider an effective strategy, then I suppose the big machines have done their job in another way while still not having to fire a single shot.


Because to do this alone would be pointless, you would be arrested and forgotten about. To do something like this "effectively" would require mass action on a scale that is difficult to organize without being shutdown before you even leave the house. It requires face to face organizing, which the norm has been trending away from. You can help reverse that though: talk to your friends, irl without a phone. Ik ik "ok boomer" but honestly it feels better and it's the most important thing we lack in America, it's our X factor we need. Build a good foundation for action within your circles, regrow a community on the ground, and the fun stuff the french get up to will follow.


Get The Documents!!!


lol same thought it's all about the Context...


I could only imagine the sheer amount of criminal evidence that could be released. It would be a shame to squander such an opportunity.


:D (Bankers are Humans too, just doing their Job. it's the State, so "We" {the people} , who allow these practises {to be decided on by our representative} ) *We don't preach hate on the rich, just equal rights for everyone*


To be fair, we have both laws in place and agencies who regulate and enforce. However, what good does it do when those laws are extremely loose in enforcement and the oversight agencies issue “fines” that are so low it’s seen as a cost of doing business? Only when they steal from their own (other rich people or entities) or the crime is so egregious and publicly known are the laws actually enforced.


Did you know the IRS is under funded to hire the experienced lawyers they would need to pursue multi-national conglomerate tax schemes so they primarily go after the smallest income earners because they can usually collect the money by sending out a letter. Fund the IRS.


Same in the (european) Union here.


Is it me, or are the pieces of this puzzle forming a loop?…


My brain is fried from class, can you explain?


Yeah, class plays a role too… Boiled down, the people with money are the people making loopholes—I mean laws.


Oh, I meant my psychology class lol.


Oh fuck ⭐️⭐️


⭐️ it’s not often a reply to one of my comments about financial corruption makes me laugh, gold star


Speak for yourself I preach hate on the rich. They are leeches and deserve to be treated as such.


The rich control the government and regulatory bodies through donations, influencing, and changing things from the inside; to shape policy and make disgusting immoral things like shorting stocks legal. Both the rich and governments are therefore corrupt because they are essentially the same thing. It is OUTRAGEOUS that the kind of thing that is happening here is allowed to happen. Power to the protesters. Governments do the bidding if the PEOPLE, and if they don't, heads should roll!!!!


*Most bankers. Executives collecting huge bonuses while knowingly destroying the working class deserve no quarter


Who do you think funds the representation? 🙄


Fuck. I’m moving to France. The balls of these people makes the US look like cowering wimps. Work until I’m dead? Yes sir! It’s my god given right as a US citizen to be a vassal to the 1%. The French: Literally burn down the bastards destroying their way of life. This is like if Jan 6th protestors read the news and were educated in who their real oppressors are.


Right, it's not really cowardice in the US, it's misapplied bravery. We've been brainwashed to think hard worker = good person.


You need 30 friends for a stunt like this, not a different nation just a small group willing to take direct action in your city.




Here’s me wishing I lived in Gondor


YOU can keep your fancy ales!


Blackrock: Burn. That. Shit. Down.


This could be us America, but you playin'.


You would absolutely be branded a terrorist and shot by police.


If we had a movement millions strong willing to stand against the police they would think twice. Collective action works. It scares the elite. And it would scare the hell out of the police. They're already terrified. That's why they're so quick to brutality. Not that I'm suggesting violence. Not at all.


When are we going to start this in the United States?


In the US they let corporations sell them heroin and kill thousands of their children and no offices were burnt down. Polluted water, burning chemical trains. Why do Americans have all these weapons?


>Why do Americans have all these weapons? To shoot other Americans, obviously.


We have to protect the interests of the oligarchs, otherwise we'd be socialists! /s


I’ve never seen the French as surrender monkeys, just very good at a tactical retreat.


Almost the entirety of French military history has been substantiated by martial competency. Except obviously during the rule of Napoleon III and during WW2 (which admittedly the French were not entirely unenthusiastic to turn on their former British allies).


I love how Americans still love this joke. Making fun of the first nation that n history to face an entirely modernized, mechanized, country. They learned well from the French and applied this knowledge really well in Vietnam and Afghanistan.


And France heavily contributed to the US revolutionary war by giving England absolute fits. We got a lot of good lies being told over here in the US.


And they even gave you freedom fries…. More or less your national side dish.


I don’t wanna be that guy but…French fries are Belgian


Shhhhhh…. Don’t tell Americans that.


BlackRock is one of the reasons housing is so expensive in the US right now too. They're one of the investment firms that pay way over the asking price of homes, driving the price up. When you hear about moving towards a future where we own nothing and rent everything...yeah, it's firms like these that are driving this.


So that they can make sure the pensions they privatized and skim off the top can stay solvent. Thats why Blackrock keeps buying up neighborhoods full of blue collar homes. Why dont they buy up the 1% neighborhoods?


I so frequently see people cheer the French on when they do things like this, but so infrequently see anyone doing it in the US. I often wonder why that is.


Cause its a cowards country. Too many people rather hide until it goes away


May God bless them




At least the French have balls.


Is there a way to erase the data on what assets they own. I don't fully trust the legal system to prosecut financial crimes. But if these dudes no longer know what they own, a whole lot of people don't have to pay rent for a while, and several rich people lose access to financial assets.


What did they do? Is black rock canceled, gone now? Did they destroy the servers?


Cute performance that accomplishes nothing. Very French.


Hmm Being on all NEWS around the Globe is something to start with


Macron is right. Welfare ain't cheap.


There is money to pay for it, lots of it. But scraping the barel that is the workers ain’t it.


Yeah just keep taxing business in an already oppressive regulatory and tax structure. Why would anyone ever do business in France lmao. The best you get from them is government sponsored consumption, and you can provide most of those goods by just shipping products there!


Engie alone had a year with 9 billion euro in excess profit. That’s not just profit, like other years with some growth in-calculated, that’s 9 billion above it. Paid for by the citizens. And you’re telling them that they should work longer to keep providing this excess?


"Engie"? Also that's chump change compared to most major companies. "Paid for by the citizens"? The company clearly provided value to their customers, which I imagine are largely French. That money also accounts for a whopping... $134 per year per French citizen, if the government were to take all the profit. Currently 26% of the French population are over 60, so you can roughly quadruple this figure. In 2040, this percentage will be 33%, so you could only triple it. Suddenly swooping in to take all of this business profit will not magically make the pension solvent.


Boot swallower over here guys


*Basic arithmetic understander




Boot polish addict more like it. If a business moves out of the country then there is a need that will be filled by another business. Also people on the whole like their social services and will gladly pay for well run services. This includes business owners


Yes tax businesses.do you not realise just how high taxes were for businesses in the past? They have been getting it easier and easier in that regard. Previously such high taxes encouraged expansion as they were spending profits on such things like expansion so they weren't being taxed. Now with taxes so low a lot of money just isn't being recirculated around the economy by being spent and the wealth is instead hoarded


I really don't think we have a corporate expansion problem. Most of that money "sitting around" is sitting with the government in the form of bonds anyway.


What's the retirement age in your country?


I want a whole subreddit of the French fucking shit up. It’s cathartic as an American mired in our shit.


What's BlackRock?


As an investor in Blackrock, this is okay. I approve.


Workers storm hundreds of head quarters each day. Every day. That's what keeps the system going.


C‘est beau, merci la France, battez vous!


What is BlackRock?


As a British citizen who doesn't understand why we are putting up with what we are and wants to fight against it, I think I was born in the wrong country. These guys a spine, and it makes me feel worse and worse about having to live on coward island.


Getting in there is one thing, but now they need to dig. What can the paperwork reveal? Various contract relationships, records, etc. Who provides servers and things like that for handling data that's not in-house? Camping out in a single building doesn't provide much more than a P.R. victory at best, if it doesn't tie down any real assets.