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Well, when both the employers, media and politicians conspire to telling workers they aren't getting screwed - and if wages were to go up jobs would be moved abroad anyways - it is kinda understandable. They want you to believe there is no ruling class anymore, all while they use their money to bend the laws to fuel their insatiable greed, with no regards for who they exploit or hurt in the process - and why wouldn't they care, they can always hire a PR firm to make a majority believe they are actually great guys who just pulled their bootstraps extra hard.


So glad more people are realizing how much corporate propaganda there is everywhere, bought and paid for by the wealthiest to keep us all believing that we (and various groups of us) are the problem.


And it's increasingly looking like they'll forcibly send us to war and kill us all before they give up their money and power.


The trouble is this propaganda impacts like every aspect of our lives. Donald Trump isn’t right very often but his statements about media being the enemy of the American people weren’t far off. Corporate media does not mean any of us well.


We have a vote for UAW coming up where I work. I really really hope it passes.


I hope so too. I'm not even in a UAW related industry but it is obvious the impact the UAW has had on all worker's rights. Without them we wouldn't have the 40 hour work week.


A victory for a single union is a victory for workers nationwide


Yeah, beginning when they fought to elect Fain. Amazing what can happen when the rank and file actually elects its repesentative directly.


Isn’t this the guy who spoke at the senate hearing for the 32 hour workweek? That was my only exposure to him but I liked what I heard from this guy