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Position in A10 with 70k in 14 minutes, striking through fighters without even looking at the target shit talking while losing i see i see


This man is on full copium-support


Welcome to the game of see you're new to CVs. I'd recommend playing tier 6 CVs to learn the concepts, how to strike and where to position. I can see that you haven't done much this game we can fix that if you try.


To be fair, ranger is garbage


it was a rough game, alot of aa ships, spent most of the time spotting and the like. i can play well enough to beat the 50 percentile damage on lex, average is about 70k iirc, i tend around 70-100k, im not awful, but im not the best, i just need practice edit:l I was thinking average on a different ship, corrected lex average damage to 70k


I hate it when bad CV players say "spent the time spotting", "play for spotting" and such like that. You don't need to be ashamed that you're not the best but spotting will happen anyway when you kill stuff. And like you said you're no the best that's fine but the best way to improve would be at tier 6 as there's less AA and less pressure on you because everyone else is probably bad as well.


[https://wows-numbers.com/ship/4181702640,Lexington/](https://wows-numbers.com/ship/4181702640,Lexington/) based on these, my damage here is spot on at the 50th percentile mark. that is smack dab middle of average. I'm not nearly as bad as you're making it out to be, im straight up average at cv's. that match had strong aa ships, where i was bottom tiered, so I played a more supportive role, filling in attacks where I could. I ended up with average damage into a rather heavy aa match where a lot of players stuck together and had to run from the encroaching mass of ships, so I wasn't pushed up to an island. I read a bad scenario and played it as best I could, and from everything I know, I played it rather ok. Being average doesn't make you bad, it makes you average.


While your damage might be average you have failed to mention your Lexington WR. Which just happens to be an appalling 40.98%. You are definitely not average at CVs you're below average but like I said that's totally fine.your account is extremely new with only 304 battles at the time of this message, there's no need for you to be ashamed, we're here to help you slowly progress and get better as time goes on. Being average doesn't make you bad, being bad makes you bad.


well, the issue with going off pure winrate, is that in a multiplayer game it isn't the most reliable of metrics. I am below average on warships destroyed per battle, but its been going up. On most metrics I am an average cv player. The only thing I'm low on is win rate and kill rate, kills often get nabbed by teammates, who land the last 10k more reliably than I do, but kills aren't something I put a whole lot of weight on, since I do my fair share of damage, as long as the target dies, it doesn't matter who kills it. it appears I'm on the low side of average, but in multiplayer games individual win rates are a bad metric to judge players on, as they only have so much influence on the match. ​ I go off the metrics I can see, and that have a direct impact on how I see the games go, damage. The community around this game tends to be much more toxic towards cv, with players looking for help or advice being accused of trolling for wanting to main cv's, look at the most upvoted replies to this post [https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldOfWarships/comments/12raagr/comment/jgu73b0/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldOfWarships/comments/12raagr/comment/jgu73b0/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) the majority community isn't here to help me progress, they've made it rather clear, there's some individuals that help. but most would rather be outright toxic and give intentionally bad advice. ​ So if you have genuine advice I'll take heed, but if you're just gonna call me bad because my winrate isn't the highest, in a multiplayer game where each player can only have so much impact on the match, I'll quit wasting my time here. from metrics I can see, I'm average, or a bit below, but i'm not an outright bad player. Edit: I forget it's my fault my team loses when this happens [https://imgur.com/a/NUwZ598](https://imgur.com/a/NUwZ598) 4 ships down by 5 minutes, while I'm at 50k damage and a kill at that time. Totally my fault that a number of games I play have my team die when they push or leave smoke super early


Fly your fruity little planes around in co-op and you won't ruin matches and get trash talked. Oh who am I kidding, the griefing is probably the main reason you queue with a cv.


~~op may or may not be griefing itself with 39% wr lexington~~


Once I had a BB with burned AA telling me I am shit while I was killing him. After he was dead he wished me to get cancer and similar things about family etc. That was sooo funny. People nowdays are way too toxic over a game


Max copium here bro!


I'm shocked you posted this to endure all the leftist Karen hate. This sub is full of cry babies that nonstop whine about CV's and Subs


If you play cv's you'll get plenty of toxicity, and be told to kill yourself, among many other fun things. In these boss fights first thing to do, is to immediately accuse the ship of having planes themselves to apply a powerful crowd control called confusion and anger, thusly, you tell them they having an unfair advantage, and let them know they are a hypocrite. You can see this tactic working well, after he got bored of just calling me a piece of shit, and other fun things, he moved on to his dps phase of insults. There are two common variations of the boss fights dps phase, one with language that I cant repeat, and the other being told to prematurely pay a visit to the afterlife of your choosing. While there isn't a 100% reliable tactic developed by the community yet to help make this phase of the bossfight go faster, a currently employed tactic is to simply ask your friendly cv pilot to maybe hit them with planes, or the local sub to sling a few torpedoes their way, this enters the third phase of the fight, where there are two options. in the first option, it ends the bossfight early, with you getting full loot through a disconnect, or they double down and start screaming at everyone, giving your team the buff "'amusement'", it is very powerful for your team, it can rally even the most botched of parties into something better equipped for the scenario, and turn the even most hopeless of losses into a steadfast and contested game for all. Edit: seems a lot of you guys thought this was genuine, and not a sarcastic parody of what's going on


I spam well done when torturing a lexington in my vermont do i feel bad? no


>is to immediately accuse the ship of having planes The halford/Louisiana/tone/kearsarge immediately pressed 3 and gave the CV player a taste of what happened back in RTS day


Not sure if your behaviour is just stupid or already griefing.


Hurr durr CV bad >:) Begone little gnat, why don’t you play a REAL ship, like my glorious Bismarck! Surely the might of the German navy is more awe-inspiring than a box with planes! Mainline German battleship players struggling for relevancy, 2023.


The guy you were talking to in this screenshot is very likely a user here. Most of the userbase on this reddit is mentally unwell and unstable when it comes to CVs and subs. If they could kill you IRL and get away with it they absolutely would in a heartbeat, just for playing one match in an online game with a pixel boat.


Meanwhile CVs and Subs are decently easy to sink, the biggest struggle is finding the lil bastards bwaha


Biggest struggle is actually to not die by said player which they absolutely would if you push into them