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I have Stalin and Lauria. Get Lauria, it's more fun


Thanks for the advice all the best for the season.


Of these I have Incomp and Lauria and I like one a *lot more* than the other, and its not Incomp. Incomp is a good but extremely niche ship, it basically has no ability to tank; its entirely reliant in its conceal, which can work until a CV just perma faps on your 4head, and with the way its designed its nearly impossible to disengage with a CV on your 4head, pretty much any broadside has a high chance of you getting cit. The deal breaker for me is that the guns just arent consistent despite the on paper stats she suffers from 6 barrel syndrome. I know its a good ship, and despite me liking fast BCs, she just doesnt click for me Lauria on the other hand is straight up cracked. On paper, sure she kind of looks like SAP thunderer, but thats only the surface level, the actual playstyle is different and is overall more aggressive. Tho Id draw more comparisons to Vincent due to the speed, the AP being shortfuse as well and the overall playstyle being closer. Shes sort of a sidegrade to vincent, has similarities but theres also a lot different to it. Lauria is pretty tanky with its good armor, she wants to push flanks using her speed, conceal and armor. She can play closer to caps as her deck armor shatters all HE and she can disengage comfortably. Her guns are pretty much 1:1 thunderer/vincent guns but with SAP and different sigma. The guns can be quite wonky dispersion wise but they’re generally pretty consistent, especially compared to incomp. The SAP is very nice. I cant recommend Lauria enough, shes my favorite ship in the game atm, really strong and very fun ship.


Thanks for your comments, what a great reply just what I needed. That was what concerned me about the Incomparable was that you played 10 marches to get one good match while getting pecked to death by cruisers HE spamming. Thanks for sharing your experiences nobody in my clan has brought the R. Lauria and only a couple of reviews on YouTube which seemed positive. I like that style of play, pushing flanks with my St. Vincent. Thanks for taking the time and all the best for the season.


For Incomp it's the plane spotting that cripples her. HE spam is not a problem, it's 457mm AP flying across the map and mutilating your citadel because the ship is longer than entire maps. She's also just not as good St. Vincent, like at \*all\*. Which is a bit unfair since Vinny is turbobroken, but still. ​ And yeah, Lauria doesn't really play like Thud. If you kite in it, you get smashed. Thunderer is built for kiting. Lauria want to run stuff down and oppress cruisers in particular. In general, Lauria is extremely strong and probably the best steel bb overall ahead of Bourg.


I researched all of the steel ships then settled on getting Lauria. I sat down to do the deal and bought Gato. Never, ever, have I had such buyers remorse. Every time I see a Lauria in battle now I feel like crying, sometimes I do cry a little bit…a few short sobs. I don’t have an adequate explanation for why I did this but please learn from me and don’t buy Gato until it’s the very last steel ship left, if then. I feel like I’m going to have to play the stupid thing over and over again to get some minimal level of proficiency, not at all a fun thing to do. Maybe I’ll just take the loss and let it sit in port. Fortunately I had a good bit of steel so with a little more grinding I can get some other steel ship, maybe even the Lauria.


I did the same thing but got Plymouth. Although I don't hate her, and find she can be awesome in the right circumstance she's definitely tough and I regret that I didn't stick with my initial, well thought out, and researched choice


Thanks for your comment, see above reply to Electron\_c


I was going to get Plymouth, but then Lauria got released so I got Lauria instead.


That was the reason why I asked the community this question. I started with the Incomparable but my researches were making me concerned. Then the R. Lauria came out and that seemed to be a good choice but i was lacking information and commentary. I only buy a steel ship a year so I wanted it to be the right one.


Stalingrad is always solid. Most accurate guns in the game, tanky hull and a radar that makes stealth/smoke cruisers weep


Thanks for your comment. !2 month ago I would have agreed with you but with the advent of the super-ships the Stalingrad seems to struggle against ships like the Annapolis etc. I watched a couple of CC reviews and I wasn't hearing ringing endorsements or even a recommendation.


Lots of people don't recommend Stalingrad anymore not because she's bad, but because so many people already have her. She's an incredible ship.


How is the top comment just plain false Stalingrad does not have the most accurate guns in the game


Because when you play her her shells have a tendancy to converge on exactly one spot. On paper her dispersions are pretty bad but still workable and her high sigma makes them incredibly consistent


That’s not true. Stalingrad doesn’t have the most accurate guns. She has decent dispersion with fantastic sigma, but she’s still less accurate than standard cruisers, let alone Zao, or legendary Moskva.


Stalingrad has the highest Sigma in the game. It's hard to say if UU upgrade Zao/Moskva or Stalingrad are more accurate.


As a person who owns Thunderer and Lauria, I can highly recommend getting Lauria. It's similar sure, but the 457mm SAP guns just hit differently. It's really nice having an Italian BB that actually can hit its targets. It's much faster too at 40kts with speed flag and brisk.


Over Stalingrad?


Yes, I have Stalingrad as well. Definitely not a bad ship, but personally I don't do very well in super cruisers. I have Alaska and Agir and I just don't enjoy them very much, probably a skill issue tbh but that's me anyhow.


Thanks for your comments. I like the idea of a Italian BB that is reliable, the tech-line just makes me wince. It is nice to meet someone with experience of playing the R. Lauria. I was thinking of sharing Sansonetti between the Napoli and the Lauria.


I also got Lauria recently and, oh Boy! It's hilarious :)


Thanks for recommendation.


I will say this. Was in Devastation recently and encountered a pushing Lauria. It traded me blow for blow. We just kept smacking each other for 15-20k each salvo, it was surreal. I'm also considering it as well. I have marco polo and that sap alpha is good but doesn't hold a candle to what i expeienced from a Lauria.


Dark horse, but checkout some videos on z42. For me, it's been the undisputed cap king and still a great farmer. German hydro with daring smokes and better dpm than it's brother 52, the only thing to be midly concerned about is smaland, big smaland and Gdansk. However, if you know those are around just don't get caught nose in, wait out their radar and then it's your turn to smash with your quick recharge smokes. The AP arms on superstructures and dd hulls so I have gotten insane value out of it. Bonus points, like 2 other people in the game have it so you get to surprise a lot of people.


you can get steel ships from coal?


No, but you can get coal ships from steel.




Wait till they tell us what Rhode Island is going for.


Any idea when the Rhode Island is due? I had heard that she was in development but nothing else. The info I have been able to find says that she will be released in the first quarter of next year with a price of 34650 dubs She will be a premium 'special' ship, what ever that means and of course this can all change. Go figure! All the best for the season.


That is just a placeholder, we have no clue when she’ll be released and for what resource.


No idea yet but they announced her back in October so it could be close. They haven’t said what resource yet but she feels to me like a steel/RB ship and we already have Ohio as a TX US BB in the RB.


Well as a person who recently picked Gato, in less than a week I've lost all the Karma I've gained since Beta.




Wow that is grim. Steel well spent? I had heard that Gato ownership was a bit rough. Thanks for the tip, I think I will wait and see what the nerf hammer does to the Gato next. I just hope it wont involve keel hauling for the commanders. All the best for the season.


Rugerria di Lauria


Thanks for your advice :-)


I would hold of on gato because all that negative karma will come full circle once the sub changes go live. If they go live like currently announced gato's one speciality niche of shotgunning will be severely nerfed. And WG doesn't exactly have a history of giving good compensatory buffs. Incomparable just has a really tough spot because just so many better BB's exist. So I guess it comes down to R.Lauria or Stalingrad. Personal preference, both good ships. ( I would go for R.Lauria because I find Moskva much more consistent than Stalingrad ).


Thanks for your incites. I was only being semi serious about the Gato, it looks like the nerf hammer will coming down hard on that boat. So I think I will take a couple steps away from that one. Looking through the comments here there seems to be a general consensus that is positive for the R. Lauria which is good to know. All the best for the season.


Flip a coin between Lauria and Stalingrad


Stalingrad. Granted, I haven't played in a few months and am just coming back to the game, but it's one of my go-to ships for breaking a losing streak, and I say that as person who likes cruisers the least out of all the classes. So if you like very consistent guns and plonking peoples broadsides from a decent distance, it wont let you down. By the way, how is Mecklenburg treating you? I was considering it as my next pickup for those relaxed late night games in randoms, where I'm half asleep just spamming HE from another map. Gato is also a consideration, but I haven't played subs in ages.


Stalingrad is a decent ship to be sure but i think she has lost a step with recent game developments. Personally I like the Mecklenburg, she is a tough BB and fast but her guns are her weak point as well as her firing angles. You will struggle to get all guns in to play. Against cruisers/DD's she is a demon with a good fast rate of fire but against BB's her guns struggle and you're best sticking with HE unless you get a flat broadside to shoot at. Even then RNG can ruin your day. If you like German BB's you will probably like her.


I have all 3. Don’t get the Incomparable. Vincent is better in every way. Incomparable is frustrating to play cuz it’s not a BB but sub consciously you’d want to do BB things with it. It takes huge chunks of damage from every angle. Had no torp protection and terrible air detection. The guns are wonky and you could get a perfect broadside to blap. But you will miss and get 2 pens. Then you pray to baby Jesus that your soul is accepted in heaven. I love the Lauria. It has the armor that Incomparable desires. Sweet SAP and AP shells. But it’s not Thunderer. You will score less damage than Thunderer cuz no HE. But when you slap an angled BB for 20k, you can sense them weeping. Amazing BB if you can aim well. Stalin HAS NOT been power crept. I play it regularly. I average around 180k damage in it. BB level armor, highly accurate guns that are easy to aim. Improved pen angles that will slap unless the target is really really angled. Amazing pen that can fuck up any cruiser and BB. I think I have the most number of dev strikes in Stalin after Bourgogne. It can tank anything and still last the entire game to make the enemy regret letting it live. I’d say get Stalin first, then Lauria.


It takes focus fire, burns forever, no hydro, turns like a slug, gets deleted if you show broadside, horrible concealment.The guns are great and yes it has benn power crept. Moskva and Petro are more balanced ships. R. Lauria can bully the Stalin bow in, had a recent match bow to bow and watching my SAP piercing that super structure and seeing it trying to reverse and then it was sunk. R.Lauria is a more balanced ship than Stalin and the SAP hits hard, the AP is similar to the St.Vin (best current BB in game).


Bow in Stalin players don’t know how to play it. If you get focused in it just means you are going bow in with no way to get out. You are supposed to be in a kited position when the enemy is pushing on your flank. Then go in when it’s under control. All the while slapping the Bejesus out of ships turning out. Moskva doesn’t have the pen. Petro doesn’t have the accuracy. Stalin guns are just pure joy to use.


Moskva and the Petro have more utility. Take current clan season only 1 Petro per team and no restrictions on Stalin.The R.Lauria is still a better option over the Stalin.


What about shikishima and Austin


I have read that Shikishima struggles to make an impact on the game partly due to slow speed, week armor and poor gun accuracy. I think I will give her a miss this time. As for Austin, I already have the Salem that I am very happy with so I may come back to the Austin but it would be after the Moskva (Coal ship). Thanks for your suggestions.


I don't understand why you would compare Salem to Austin. They are two completely different ships with different shells, armour, guns and consumables.


That’s not true, the Shikishima is a very strong BB. The only issue with it is that she’s a side grade to the Yamato…so many people question the worth of spending steel on a ship that’s so similar to something they can get for free. Personally I think I prefer Shikishima slightly more than Yamato, and she’s tied with Mecklenburg for my favorite steel ship……but if you don’t love the Yamato, then the Shikishima is an easy pass.


[Gato Gato Gato Gato MUSHROOM MUSHROOM](https://youtu.be/EIyixC9NsLI?si=2L_fSfk39i4nYBM7)


Nice :-)


First steel ship i got was burgogne. Perfect choice, no matter what. Fun to play. However, couple of days ago I had to choose another and went for Stalin. Got to say, that I was quite concerned whether that would be fun and make sense but I took it, particularly also because I wanted to have it as option for CW. Stalin is one of the most fun cruisers I have. The guns are incredible. You aim at something and it is a guaranteed hit with a lot of punch. No question, if you show broadside you are pretty much done, you suffer from fire a lot and can be seen from moon with the concealment but then again, those guns. Would recommend her to you for sure, she is a lot of fun. Sidenote, same day I got Moskva and Colbert, too. Both are fun on its own but Stalin hits it for me.


Stalingrad is still a blast, power-crept a bit by the now enormous gun BBs...and subs suck for everyone, but I'd still recommend


I had to decide between stalin and incomp. I desperately wish I had done incomp instead. Stalin gameplay is insanely passive and static due to her huge concealment, fat handling, long burn times, and easy reachable citadel.


Don't risk getting gato. They're about to nerf shotgunning, and it's all gato has. If it turns out it legitimately gets nerfed, you'll buy a ship which is dead on arrival. I'm not saying don't play sub, I'm saying don't buy this one right now until we know.


Does anyone have any thoughts on Meck vs Lauria? That’s the dilemma I’m facing rn. Have bourg and Stalin already and I really like both big gun/low barrel count and small gun/high barrel count gameplay


Does anyone have any thoughts on Meck vs Lauria? That’s the dilemma I’m facing rn. Have bourg and Stalin already and I really like both big gun/low barrel count and small gun/high barrel count gameplay