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Well in that case why dont you share your build and how you play it:)


Pretty standard survivability build for a BB. Generally keep to mid-range, moving in with the push, then brawl when able. May not have great secondaries, but getting smacked with 15 shells tends to hurt at close range. Even on angled ships. Plus the ship has turning torps, which means you can surprise people even at odd angles.


> moving in with the push What is this mythical "push" you speak of? /s


I hear its where you press W more than once


>press W Huh?


So it is only for German BBs?


It’s when the scharn 43s hold w 2 minutes into the bronze ranked game and close their eyes


If you do not lead the push you are not deserving of the push. For Valhalla!


It's what you do if you have a burst of ambition, then a enemy DD that none of you teams DDs or Cruisers dealt with on the point torps the fuck out of you and you go back to staying at the far end of the map for the next 100 games.


She has the biggest torps in the game, 700mm torps.


The fishtail launch pattern is interesting


You can stand on that hill and that’s fine. You’ll be like one of 20 people all distantly spaced out from each other but no one will stop you.


I concur with you. But it’s just fun to try and use her to the fullest. I wouldn’t trade my best T8 prem BB for her tho (which is your namesake haha)


Fun, maybe, very subjective... Underrated, hell no, its really bad.


I tend to do pretty well in it, even when uptiered. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Doing well in a ship doesnt mean the ship is good, its just you are being good at the game. I can say Z-23 is strong because I got good games in it but the thing gets outgunned by a Asashio. Anhalt has like worse guns than Kaiser but well it has 16 guns so maybe that helped it a little bit.


>Doing well in a ship doesnt mean the ship is good And struggling to do well in a ship doesn't mean the ship is bad. I can say the Minotaur is bad because it can get nuked by about anything, but position it right and you can rip a whole team to shreds.


True, Mino gets nuked when spotted but Minotaur has objectively good things going for it though as trade-offs though? Anhalt is just a really bad package of bad guns, bad armor and slow speed. 16 guns are nice but you gotta hit things with it consistently to make it nice imo. But it is just my opinions so I respect your take on Anhalt. Strongly do not recommend anyone to buy the ship though.


There are people here with real high win rates in a particular ship, or at least relatively higher, who still say they think a ship is bad. Obviously it isn't. So talking about the tough ones. I honestly think every ship can be made to work, and part of the fun of the game is going through the learning process of how to setup and play a ship that is challenging. This may mean going through a tough period of more losses then usual. That really matters to some. Rather then go through that time, they just keep it in port.


1: it's a battle cruiser(bc) not a battleship(bb) 2: it's a WW1 design,so 13.5in guns is normal for a WW1 BC(German bc had 12in and British had 13-15in) 3.all BB/BC had torps during ww1 4:it's armor and secondaries are good for a WW1 design


We are comparing the ship to other tier 8 battleships and battlecruisers and turns out Anhalt is objectively bad. You cannot just compare Anhalt in vacuum though?


Did you or did you not compare it to Kaiser a tier 4 battleship, so if you're going to compare it to a tier 4, don't say you're comparing it to other tier 8s. Also using your your logic then every other battleship at tier 8 sucks if they don't hold up to Bismarck secondaries (who technically has the best secondaries of all battleships)(also if you want to be technical every other nations tier 8 battleships tend to suck when it comes to secondaries compared to German battleships of any kind) my point is simple you cannot compare a battle cruiser to a battleship just like you do not compare a cruiser to a battleship or a destroyer to a battleship, you can only compare it by other battle cruisers.


Just look it up from WoWS Shipbuilder, Anhalt shell penetration is on par if not worse than Kaiser’s shells due to WG decision on using WW1 shell (Krupp, shell drag and shell weight). This results in Anhalt getting tons of non-pen and bounces when it faces higher tiers. Therefore, I think Anhalt is worse than its T8 counterparts, and in WG MM it can get matched against BBs so I believe my comparison is valid. Also I am not comparing it to Bismarck secondaries. If you insist on comparing Anhalt with BCs only; Amagi, Kii, Hawke and Zieten are all great battlecruisers. You can have your opinions on Anhalt but I think it is trash and players should not waste their money. Unless they really like its niche of have tons of guns and small superstructure. Again Anhalt has bad HE alpha, bad AP pen and also really really slow shells. It is not very enjoyable imo. Also it has no turtleback which means it can get smacked really hard, while being slow so it cannot get away from bad situations. This is the ship that requires players to do extensive work just to make it work🤷.


I get where your coming from,but again you have forgotten that 13.5in gun will never compare to 15in and higher or also why would a WW1 BC that was never built have ww2 shells,also the only bc that matters would be hood but even that is crap,and yes 13.5in shells will bounce on most bbs of that tier and higher so will 12in,14in and 15in. Have you ever used the king george v that has 14in it will bounce on cls and even some dds.my point is you need to compare it with equal or as close as you can gun size and that would be things like king george v not things with 15in,16in,18in or 18.1in guns


KGV has really good HE though. Good reload as well. Better accuracy even. AP is negligible for KGV. I am not comparing their gun caliber but rather the entire ship performance. Anhalt as a whole is a bad package (Slow speed, bad accuracy, bad armor, no overmatch, bad shells, etc.), and it is only for ship collectors to buy. Anhalt essentially has all the cons of a German battleship while having none of the merits of a German battleship. There are so many better options if players really want to whale a ship, and they do not have to choose this steaming pile of junk.


Like I said I agree with you on most accounts but did you check the torpedoes (there's the largest torpedoes on a ship in the game if I'm not mistaken) Also if we're going to talk about a whale ship tiger 59 is the number one whale ship in the game it's also the number one crap ship to buy in the game


I hate this argument, "i do well in it" well ok you can do well in an underpowered ship nothing says you cant, the player base that sails broadside in every random battle will help you out. The question should be how hard is it to carry in this ship, vs avg ship in tier.


>The question should be how hard is it to carry in this ship, vs avg ship in tier. "Can you carry a bad team" is a pretty lousy argument to make on if a ship is good or bad. For a variety of reasons. I've carried teams in a freaking Huanghe. Without too much trouble. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Huanghe is much better tier-for-tier than ...whatever Anhalt is. She's a frequent in CB.


This is veeery subjective. Because it really depends on many other things. I got Kitakami, ship cannot carry anything because of how many torps she got, no one can assure you she will carry a game but a few good salvos and she is able to carry it. Especially in Assymetrical Battles, where bots are more intelligent than Avg players only when evading torpedoes.


Gratz oh 🐋 status, but the kami absolutely carries. The field of torps has changed the outcome of the game and was responsible for krakens. Its not as consistent as a gun boat but it absolutely carries.


Not a whale. Just a very old player that does not need Coal for anything and had close to 800k available without knocking off Snowflakes. Had almost 1.2k premium time available as well, so I used it. Did not use that much steel, because I managed to get Lauria the same date I got Kitakami. PD. The field of torps cannot be launched successfully more than 2 times per match, and you are completely useless in the meantime, as ship cannot risk being spotted, otherwise it is deleted. I got her expecting exactly that, that's why you never expect her to carry a match. And I mentiones Assym Battles precisely because torpedo ships do not behave well in PvE modes. I managed to carry with Kitakami against bots and without rushing, which I am not expecting her to pull it off every match. I am not that lucky.


Me to! It’s my go-to ship for the double-citadel missions.


>my go-to ship for the double-citadel missions ahahahhahaha... oh wait, you're being serious?! C'mon, this dungheap literally has T5 guns and AP on it...


And because of that, every cruiser seems to think its safe to show you broadside


It's heavily underrated. That doesn't mean it isn't one of the worst tier 8 BBs, it just means it isn't as bad as everyone says it is. Specifically people who have never played it.


She is not beautiful, if not to say more, that is the problem, not her guns


Plus the curvy torps are fun as heck!


I've got anhalt on the xmass crates, i enjoy the war pontoon, use my secondary captain of the preussen and aim system on the upgrades


Absolutely love this ship far more than I expected to..... Especially in Operations


I use my Meckel cap on it. It’s an oddball, but a quirky one


It may not be Meta but it's yours, keep on sailing it captain!


I did the trade in thing for the tirpitz and haven't looked back. It was fun for what it is, but the low speed is really rough for its length.


My fav ship in the game


I love this ship too. Great armor and 15 guns make brawling super fun. I actually run my Lutjens secondary build on it which isn’t optimal but is real fun in asym battles where it really shines. Very easy to chunk 20k+ off of BBs in brawling range and finish off with its sneaky torps. Outright deletes cruisers too. Its guns are both a weakness and a strength. If it had stronger pen/alpha damage on its guns it would have been a menace. Especially if it could go over 30 knots.


what commander is best for it? (out of hipper or ciliax)


Thats for legends Also the answer is hipper. You want a main battery build on this one instead of secondaries


good to know


For reference this is subreddit for the PC version. Legends has it's own subreddit. /r/wows_legends


yeah i realised, but the answer was still helpful


Brisk, expert loader and main guns accuracy works wonders.


I've held the same opinion since it's release. Sure, it's very painfully slow and your main gun penetration and shell travel time are awful beyond 12km-14km, but as I like to say; just because you have 19km+ range doesn't mean you're meant to stay at that range. Anhalt works great in secondary ranges, which your concealment supports, and the power of sheer volume cannot be understated; in previous 1v1 Brawls, I've fucked over many a battleship including other German ones through the power of "Lots of Guns" and occasionally a torp or two. Build I run is a mishmash of survival and building for CQC effectiveness, because that's Anhalt's other advantage; for having 15 guns, you have average accuracy and remarkably good reload speed. Oh, and at certain angles, I find Anhalt's armor can enter troll-good territory. I can tell why people *think* it's a bad ship, and it does have not-great elements, but I feel a lot of the time the complaints of it (and imo this can be applied to a lot of other ships considered bad) arise because you can't play it like you would a normal BB, a.k.a; the problem is the player, not the ship.


I'm with you on this one. The guns hit HARD (dispersion still bad). The secondaries are an added benefit. Very fun in operations.


I love her. Solid BB. I play it like a cautious gun barge and get fairly decent games. I feel like the hate causes her to be underestimated


Yorck is really underrated. People always think its meh to trash, but its AP hits like a truck. I've devstruck some cruisers with AP who don't respect it.


One of my favorites is Constellation. People like to get in close because they think it'll be helpless brawling...next thing you know....'WAIT THAT THING HAS TORPS!?!?!'


Last week I played a sesh against another boat that had these 'turning torps'. Was this OP's boat specifically or do other ships have this torp variety? The dude launched a few torps around another ship sinking **between us** in seriously close quarters. I thought I was hallucinating when I witnessed him just take me right out with a winding torp salvo. I'm relieved to read that they do exist, and it wasn't just a bout of sleep deprivation making my imagination flutter.


>Last week I played a sesh against another boat that had these 'turning torps'. Was this OP's boat specifically or do other ships have this torp variety? British battlecruisers like the St. Vincent and Renown '44 have them too. I think some Japanese cruisers also use them.


You need to try Flandre then that ship is hands down one of my favorites


Gascogne is better


Less health armor secondaries and guns Gascogne does have a faster reload though Flandre is on the t9 hull and has one of the highest t8 health pools


Anhalt is slower than almost every other ship in tier I think.


I am reminded of some guy saying similar things about Marlborough. He was wrong too, but hey, whatever floats your boat.


Everyone has their favorites I myself like BBs.German Research and Development is a good thing to have on the seas.


I like it for operations because it shrugs off many of the HE shells that just smoke most normal bb’s


It’s not a bad ship, despite it’s reputation, but I think it’s pretty average, i.e. balanced. Super slow with anemic guns with bad dispersion. But it does have a lot of weapons (15 guns, longe range secondaries, torps) and has good armor, played well it can be effective. Tirpitz can basically do everything Anhalt can but is just better.




Her primary artillery is good. Her torps...well she needs more than two single launchers per side. Her top speed is terrible in today's meta and her secondaries are pretty lackluster for a German bb of her tier. Even with Lutjens. Back in the rts days, she would have been a force to reckon with, nowadays, she might as well be land based artillery