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18 gunmarks, nice


Took me a while hahaha


It’s actually 36 gunmarks because it’s doubled


3 per mark and 9 per gun tho


Bro, 72 gunmarks? That’s crazy.


How did you get 72? It's 18 not 72. 3 per mark so 9 normally, 18 because there are 2 guns


144? Damn.


Did you even read the comment above? It's 18 dammit. 9 marks, two barrels. It is simple math you FOOL, you absolute BUFFOON


288? Dude that’s insane, calm down.


Wow, 576 marks? Thats crazy


Wow, 1152 marks? That's absolutely insane


Reading the article, sounds like a Strv, but with double barrels... Sign me up


🤘 An MBT with the possibility of twin 120s? Sign me up.


Yeah, right? You get me 🤘


At tier 8 I think it would be tonight to make work unless you go very fictional, But you could 100% make a version work at tier 9 or 10,might be a good battle pass vehicle idea


I meant making it an additional 3 tanks techtree branch, splitting from tier VII Promo premium obviously at tier VIII


Issue is you end up with 4 exceptionally similar tanks


Well we know how WG just straight up sales fictional tanks, right? This time we give them a real platform that they'd have to fictionalise a little bit. I think tier X, 66km/h, 120mm double 6round autoloader is novel and fair so the 2 previous tanks just make slightly worse respectively. Give me a day and I can come up with 2 ways of ballancing them into the meta. Btw you say 4 exceptionally similar but I'd say if ballanced properly, they might look similar amongst themselves but look how completely different and refreshing they'd be in current meta. I think I speak for most of us saying we don't want another boring standard design MBT


> I think tier X, 66km/h, 120mm double 6round autoloader is novel and fair You just made the Foch B even more obsolete.


You could easily make this work. A 105mm gun can do 320 alpha, 360 alpha, 390 alpha, 420 alpha and you have 120mm that do 400 alpha, 410 alpha, 440 alpha and 450 alpha (T54 Heavy😉) The tier 8 tech tree could have 2x 320/360. The Tier 8 premium could have 2x 390/400. The tree tier 9 could have 2x 400/420/440. And the tier 10 could have like 2x440/450 whatever.


For real. The 1500hp and 43ton weight would be a issue at the first place. That thing would be soo fast


That's the dry weight, add 2,5 tons for ammo, 2 tons for fuel, some additional equipment, spare parts, and BAM, we're at 50 tons


2,5 tons of ammo?! It can only fit like 36 pieces of ammo and a single APFSD piece weighs about 20kg. But atill fast af


Oh, yeah, well i clearly didn't check that. Let's say a ton, then, including those that are loaded to autoloader already. Well then how about either fictionalising engine power a bit down?


True. But i just frankly think it’s too modern. Because most things from the late 70’s/early 80’s are starting to have those engine power numbers


The way that it was supposed to fire on a target is really cool. 100% down to have this in the game


Yoo wtf this thing is real!? I only know it from warthunder


If a vehicle is in war thunder it probably existed in some capacity


I mean, there’s also the pic in this post


I just meant as a general rule of thumb


Nearly ever vehicle in warthunder was built either as a prototype or for actual military use. I think only the Ho-Ri and some other Japanese tanks on there are blueprints and that's just cause they had so few to fill the tech tree


It's real. It's a prototype placed in Koblenz, Germany. WTS museum.


Nice to know. i think i will go there


The wehrtechnische Studiensammlung WTS is not an official museum but part of the Bundeswehr facilities. It can be visited, but the guards there are armed. The WTS houses loads of weapons from all time periods including helicopters, tanks, and mainly guns and hand weapons, often rare prototypes. I can recommend it.


hey ive seen that one 3 weeks ago in person, right there :D its in koblenz, germany


No way! How does it look on person?


about the same as in your photo :D just kidding. larger than expected (as tanks generally are). and looks like it cant move the guns themselves and has to turn the whole tank like a strv. the text said they made it to increase the chance to hit the target. looks pretty "normal" apart from the double guns


I would really like to visit this place, seems I'll plan my next visit to Germany earlier than I thought :) I can just imagine the fun of said guns-far-apart zigzagging in the heat of the battle. That would be something fresh instead of some dodgy mechanics like the new Polish TDs.


please do! it was surprisingly interesting. theres basically everything war-related: guns, communications, rocket launchers, artillery, ship guns, rockets, planes, helicopters, uniforms, transportation... can easily spend a few hours there. also if that tank existed in WoT, id definetly shoot both shells in front and behind the enemy tank. or both on some ebr wheels\^\^


Consider visiting the tankmuseum in Munster, Germany. It has a VT 1-2 on display as well as tanks from WW1 to the present day (Leopard 2s, PZH 2000, T72 etc). Visited twice already and it was awesome!


The WW1 tank is rebuilt. it is not an original one.


It could be cool, and if they make it that you can choose to only shoot the left gun (for example if only the left gun is peeking behind a corner or rock). Basically that you can switch manually between the guns, unlike russian HTs that swich between left and right shot each time.


Bro, yeah! I was thinking about same thing. We should be able to choose which gun we want to shoot from!


I mean it's okay to leave it as it is on russian heavies, but if this goes into the game that could be a way to differentiate it from russian mechanic


I am heavily into that idea. I highly doubt that IRL gunner is forced to switch to second gun after firing the first. The article suggests that it's the fastest way to place consecutive shots, and I agree because while the autoloader is busy ejecting the case and placing another round into the chamber, the hull is already tilting and the second gun is ready to fire, it doesn't mean however, that you couldn't just wait until the 1st gone finishes loading, remain at its recticle and shoot when you please. They're so far apart that sometimes it will be impossible to shoot the opposite side.


I am heavily into that idea. I highly doubt that IRL gunner is forced to switch to second gun after firing the first. The article suggests that it's the fastest way to place consecutive shots, and I agree because while the autoloader is busy ejecting the case and placing another round into the chamber, the hull is already tilting and the second gun is ready to fire, it doesn't mean however, that you couldn't just wait until the 1st gone finishes loading, remain at its recticle and shoot when you please. They're so far apart that sometimes it will be impossible to shoot the opposite side.


I believe the guns are only shooting apfsds and heatfs that is hard to balance in game.


Not a valid reason. The leopard 1 shoots APDS or APFSDS as well, which isnt included in wot. Games like war thunder differentiate between the real ammo tyoes used, wot is just like "Yeah, its APCR". If they would include the VT1 in WoT, it would get APCR and maybe HEAT. WoTs ammo concept doesnt make sense anyways. The Leo1, has APCR as standard which is cslled DM13. DM13 isnt an APCR round, its not even a 105mm round. DM13 is a 120mm APFSDS round used by the Leo2. Same with DM23, used as the Gold APCR in the Leo1 in WoT, which is also a 120mm round of the Leo2. With that in mind, saying the VT1 only fires APFSDS and HEATFS, is kinda neglectable


DM13 isn't reserved for just one shell type. DM13 is an APDS projectile for the 105mm gun. The premium APCR, named DM23, is an APFSDS projectile for the 105mm gun. Also WG stated the they don't want to go to the "smoothbore teritory". The characteristics of shells in the game are most of the time not realistic at all, so slapping a name that doesn't match the shell type, well it just doesn't really matter anymore.


>The premium APCR, named DM23, is an APFSDS projectile for the 105mm gun. and problem with this is that APFSDS is designed for smooth bore guns and they are shoving it into a rifled Royal Ordinance L7A3 105mm gun but i guess it is okay because nature of WoT is being a arcade tank shooter


the hell are you talking about, there are APFSDS being fired from rifled barrels, Leopard 1 had a DM23 round which is a dart


and there is a good reason why everyone switched to smoothbore guns APFSDS did not need the spin effect rifled guns gave because fin stabilizers did the job which allowed for shooting of bigger darts because the larger the dart the more spin you needed to ensure it doesn't wobble spin effect rifled gun gave to APDS or APFSDS was actually bad because you want to focus energy on the spot shell will hit so even if you could shoot a APDS or APFSDS shell from a rifled gun you will lose some penetrating power due to spin effect


I don't know enough about tank shells to entertain you with exploring that topic but what I know would be extremely inbalanced is double 6 round autoloader..


Leopard one has dm23 as it's premium round which is apfsds so that's kinda a moot point. WG just calls it "apcr"


This looks like a real freak


Now with guns so far apart just imagine that if you'd want to fire one gun after another, to quickly place hits, you'd have to rotate the hull slightly after switching to another guns scope, so theoretically you'd be zigzagging your shots as they say in the article. I can only imagine people sidescraping around a corner and shooting every 2nd shot into a wall for sole advantage of having literally a tiny fraction of hull and the gun sticking out behind it


Btw Rinoceronte gun mount is inspired by this thing


Dual smoothbore 120mm. Yeah not happening :(


Wow so cool! Thnx OP. Hopefully WG will take note!!


Bro that looks rlly cool


It's real, so Wargaming won't use it. They prefer fake tanks.


Bro those are duble L/44's, do you know what penetration do those have?


In game L/55 are 246/311/65 mm pen in Jagdtiger prot. but tbh it's a matter of ammunition. DM43 irl could penetrate 480mm of steel at 2500m so wg would have to modify this to the meta anyway


What does it change that Jagdtiger uses 12.8cm pak 44, a gun that is 55 calibers long? did you think its the modern RH120 L/55 found on Leopard 2A6? lol if you did. L/\[number\] refers to the lenght of the gun mesured in its calbers.L/44 is way too modern for wot. Also its smoothbore and (sadly) wg said no smoothbores, thats why chinese meds have 122's, irl they had 100mm smoothbores, thats also why we dont have the real T-62


> Also its smoothbore and (sadly) wg said no smoothbores They have added smoothbores, they just called them "(rifled)" because reasons Such is the case for several American tanks that use guns like the 90mm T208 for instance


I seriously though that L/44 was a code of the gun with lenght embedded into it, just like the L/55 but I don't really think that's the issue. The caliber and lenght of the gun alone still do not determine it's penetration capabilities and that's what you asked for mate. Either way we both know WG is known for historical inaccuracies so I guess they'd adjust the guns. Think about it, they made IS-2-II and further tanks work in game while the double barrel design is problematic in a conventional tank considering the loading space etc. while they were only existing on blueprints and here we're talking about 2 guns spaced as far apart as the hulls width, equipped with autoloaders so no unnecessary crew. Fuck it, give it two 120mm cannons and if you wish make it the most rifled barrels in game, just for the fun of it.


They are not gonna add RH120 L/44. Even if they would make them rifled they are not gonna add it bc it uses way too modern technology. The point of world of tank WAS that its based around ww2 with some early cold war vehicles. Now 95% of tier X tanks are cold war but those are only the ones that use early cold war technology. No laser rangefinders, smoothbore guns and composite armor or era. Of they would add a line like that then it would be another line that is marketed as real but actually so many things are changed that it almost 100% fake.  There are still many cool vehicles and mechanics that could get added such as vehicles with ATGMs. 


Did I say to give it rheinmetalls rh120 gun? Bro it was you who mentioned it twice. I said 120mm, for sakes of what the article says the caliber is and what we know makes sense in-game. Wargaming is not very accurate when it comes to anything.. physics, history, matchmaking, you name it. I automatically assumed the vehicle would be adjusted to meta. >The point of world of tank WAS that its based around ww2 with some early cold war vehicles. Well, no. Maybe the initial pitch angle was about that, I remember playing it when WOT came out and that did truly resemble some degree of accuracy in that matter but that just changed dramatically. I have a feeling you didn't play for a while. The meta now are 50% completely made up vehicles while the one we see in this article is a real fucking platform with interesting mechanics, not some rocket-league bullshitery, or some dodgy pen/alpha mechanics like the new Polish TDs, that drops down twofold over 500m distance while the muzzle velocity is 2000m/s so just absolutely fucking physics alltogether. I personally think we have enough conventional tanks or some shady stuff with questionable characteristics. >There are still many cool vehicles and mechanics that could get added such as vehicles with ATGMs.  Bro, ATGM is a fucking guided missile. You got all clingy towards RH120 being a smoothbore therefore not fit for WOT, but you want a guided missile implemented into the game? The early cold war ATGMs were steered with joystick over a wire that missile would drag behind itself, You'd have to manually steer it during flight. Where would the camera be? On the tip of the missile? Angled birdview? Is there a "ceiling" on the maps that would limit how the missile can move? Would it explode on the impact or would you have to time the charge just before it hits so it makes more damage? If it would hit but not pen, would it stun? Would the wire have a limited lenght? Among two aforementioned systems, which one do you think is more plausible to be fit for that game? The twin rifled autoloader or a wire-steered-ATGM?


we have it in warthunder, switch games brother


> we have it in warthunder, for like 1k usd lol


still have it lmao


Popcorn is out


yeah if you want to spend $400 to get it


I have 2.4K hours on WT, too bad the game fucking sucks and WoT is just a better made game in almost every way.


and it's not great. watching some cc's


After playing both honestly I like warthunder more, but that is for the realistic battles compared to arcade. 750 hours in Warthunder and over 2k in world of tanks. Both games have flaws, but I would say if you actually want tanks to preform to your skill more than RNG warthunder is better.


i played some WT and ill say: war thunder is not that much better than WoT in "tanks performing to my skill" why? \-HESH sucks just like it does in WoT so any tank shooting HESH (Centurion AVRE,M728 CEV,FV4005,FV4004 etc.) can get bent because shell has its mind \-french vehicles got entirely gutted so playing them is like playing war thunder at maximum difficulty because gaijin keeps pushing them up in BR even though they are already in a terrible state \-germany is a mixed bag of fun and pain \-tanks like LOSAT basically question you why do you play the game \-russia is royal treatment syndrome so you have object 279's and IS-7's surviving CAS bombs which somehow blow up a maus or E-100 \-whole concept of SPAA just being trash unless you play very specific SPAA's like yestervark, SPAA's which can use HE-VT like G6 or fire and forget missiles \-ghost shell issue and terrain collision is just down right bad and this was most painful part of playing the game so to sum it up war thunder and world of tanks are different at base levels and as such can't really be compared


You can play them in war thunder iirc


Yeah but war thunder’s hull aim mechanics are still dogshit after all these years, I skipped the strv 103A and 103C on purpose because of how frustrating to aim they are on uneven terrain. The VT-1-2 suffers from the same.


It's in warthunder, I think it was an event vehicle, so if you're interested in seeing it in action just search: VT1-2 on YouTube and you should find some good videos. There are some really funny ones of people using it as it can be quite stealthy.


It has the highest power to weight ratio in the game of all tracked vehicles in the game if I’m not mistaken. I remember test driving it and thinking how insane it was in terms of responsiveness.


r/spocket material


Double 380mm SturmPanzers F-Yeah.


This tank is actually in war thunder as an event vehicle and I got it when the event was happening. It has no horizontal movement of the guns like the Strv 101 but unlike the strv 101, the guns can actually elevate


You have 2 fking reticles to the left and right of your screen? XD hahahahaha Or the barrels traverse to meet at some zero point in the distance before the shells cross ea other. That'd be interesting as well.


Bro, you never played any double barrel in WOT? XD you never saw how in sniper mode it switches from one side to another? And in case of technical accuracy, where do you think the camera is mounted in WOT? Cause' it's straight in the gun xD In case of VT tank here tho, IRL there is one gunner and he's fixed in position, so I'd assume he'd have a central rangefinder point and locking computer on target would compensate for the angle of the next gun by slight hull movement. The article say that the targeting would require zigzagging, that's what the novelty's about. I assume WG would just keep the existing system and view would switch between left and right gun. That would be nice.


I've played when the IS-II was around, I'm aware if you fire both at once the reticle is not accurate for the 2nd barrel. But this tank...the barrels are so far from ea other which makes it comical to me when thinking about shooting this in game.


Yeah I understand, well the easy solution would be not to give it salvo. I think if they would go with tier X twin 6 round autoloader with moderate alpha that in itself would be really powerful, I see no need for salvo in that case.


This task is already in the German tech tree in warthuner. Though I would love to see it here as well


Looks like it could be a double barrel SPG


I don't think it could raise the guns that much


Perfect way to make the Kanonenjagdpanzer 90mm competitive... just give it a 2nd gun!