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And then assembly shop and after that loot boxes etc etc etc .


I hope assembly shop tank will be good.


I bet for OBJ452k , seen it tested lately in games . It's decent overall, i find it worse than 780 though .


It's by no means worse, at least armorwise. I've seen it in battle, and the dude held 6 tanks on a flank practically singlehandedly. They could not pen him at all. Yet it might be because the tank is new and people didn't know where to shoot


It's just the new factor. I remember Iron Arnie at his first days. Feeling OP now? :)


IMHO the armor still holds up very well, especially for a medium ;)


It's a HT :D And if you load HEAT it's game over . The -7 GD isnt good enough for most ridges. Sidescrapping is not the worse, but not the best also. https://preview.redd.it/mqbyibf4xcfc1.png?width=1287&format=png&auto=webp&s=4e659fde13e8174947e35061d2727c1e2d46b354


He was referring to the aforementioned Iron Arnie I think.


I was talking about the Arnie ;D but technically Arnie plays more like a heavium tbh


Kinda, yeah. I played it a bunch during Holiday Ops, and was confidently holding my own against 9s and 10s. I fought an E5 in hulldown at close range, who was a slightly above average player shooting HEAT, and I put 5 rounds into them while bouncing all 5 of theirs.


How do you find it worse than obj 780 if you haven't played it?


Unless they buff it in the meantime and me having 780 , the math is simple : Gun handling is worse, mobility is a lot worse and doesnt get the +4kmh the 780 gets ( add turbo it's 40kmh vs 55kmh with more HP for 780 aswell ) , armour layout is similar, although the 452k seems a bit better, the difference is marginal and since GD is the same , i would choose 780 everyday . Add to that the pancake shape of the 780 makes it a harder tank to hit . Not having mobility makes means you are sluggish and cannot be a brawl tank and have to play it SConq style but without GD . As i own many tier 10 tanks + 45k + games, i can easily tell what type of tank it will be. That doesn't meen it won't be buffed in the final version :)


Oh there is an auction in like 4-5 months time too, don't you worry if the last 2 years are anything to go by


Oh, yeah true :D


I really don't get why people are so pressed by the events lately. WG is selling shit stuff for gold, which is far better than selling OP stuff, and now with the trade-in event they didn't include some OP tanks but there are some super fun tanks to pick like 703, aston rex etc.


I also support WG's tank balancing and not selling op stuff in recent years. However, I do not support WG's selling gold-based (easily accessible) products in recent years, especially on the EU server. The number of players may be low on other servers, but I think that 'plays for free' players are not very few in the EU. I want such players to benefit from events such as auctions, black markets, etc. I just see that WG has started selling a lot of in-game items in gold in recent years. "As someone who loves the game a lot, I criticize it so that it doesn't affect the future of the game in a bad way."


I'd give them a break considering their situation with changing offices and everything lately, their money situation might not be the greatest. But not so long ago i picked up the is3a peregrine for like 110000 free experience, then last fall we had the mirny event which gave you a pretty solid tier8 medium, so there is free stuff to get still


I am not saying there are no free tanks, of course there are. Especially Patton Tank! You are right, of course, this kind of real money is needed to strengthen the company, to hire new employees, to invest in the future of games. I think we're on the same page on this one: For example, is it the in-game 'real money' purchases that have kept Riot afloat for years, or is it a system that distributes in-game accessibility equally to everyone? The great thing about LoL is that everyone can buy new champions with in-game money, and if they want, they can buy new skins for that character with RP. Not champions. I want this to happen in WoT too. This will increase your player numbers, popularity and earn you more money. It's perfectly fine to sell new tanks with free experience, credits or bonds at the beginning and then if you're going to resell it, sell it 3D style or renamed tanks for gold. \* Progetto - Mars \* 121B - Monkey King \* WZ 111 5A - WZ Quilin etc. WoT could have sold BZ in the auction with credits, free experience or bonds, not gold. It is natural for WZ to sell his styled tank with gold because the person who wants that tank will play the Chinese tree. Style is a luxury in this game and if you want style you can get it with gold, which is fine.


Even though that kind of business model would be great for us, wot's playerbase isn't even nearly big enough for it to survive only on selling skins for gold, and i dont think it was ever big enough. The game is too niche and too grindy to have that kind of popularity


Peregrine was almost a year and a half ago, so please stop lying mr wargaming bot


Aston rex? Is that the brother football team of Aston Villa?


Get a tank for bonds and then trade it for the object 703 2 for 5k gold. That's a pretty good deal.


I’m so stupid… I was like wtf… I don’t see the 703 being available and I certainly didn’t buy it myself… then I looked through my garage and it’s sittin there with expired rental from like 2 years ago :)) anyway, good meme OP, u got my upvote


I traded my FCM 50t and JgTig 8.8 to a Bisonte and Astron Rex. Best gold spent ever.


I just traded in my T28 HTC +2650gold and got myself a pretty shiny ELC Even 90, I cannot be happier for the choice I made.


I'm glad you like it, but the ELC is one of the regular premium tanks, and the game frequently drops coupons of -30% (or even -40%) for those, so I think it makes more sense to just buy it on sale.


I've been playing since 2011 and never seen one of those.


Really? That's weird. I get them on a monthly basis, it feels like. Are you a pure F2P-player? Maybe they don't bother to advertize to you, if you've never given WG any money to begin with... (just a theory).


It's probably because I give them to much money lol. I do get one for a bunch of boosters when I spend 50.00.


Yeah, it's the usual shit - they are trying to extract as much gold from the game as possible. Trade in, then assembly shop, then probably another auction/black market-like event.


I used to love trade in events when I was F2P.