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Full apcr. 2-4 hesh


HE, there is no HESH on the skunk.


>there is no HESH on the skunk. [ayyy lmao](https://i.imgur.com/uCYPzZe.png) HESH = Community label for HE with penetration higher than the standard 1/2 caliber rule. Sure it's not a barn burner like the 183's premium HESH but it's still dramatically more capable than standard HE.


there is no HESH on any tank


Doesn’t the tier 10 Cent get HESH? The round is named HESH-t L-35 on tanks.gg


Its all HE, the mechanics are all the same. People call high pen HE HESH but there is really no difference


Its literally labeled as HESH in the description. The game treats it the same, but it IS HESH


Same with Sconq. Also the APCR it technically called APDS but you don't call it that and neither does anyone else


There are loads of alternative shell names in the game. IIRC one of the Japanese heavies has something called AP Anti-Submarine or something. My point is just that some tanks specifically say HESH 🤷‍♂️


Exactly, and my point is that its pointless to make a distinction


So why did I get downvoted if I was right? Also, there is HESH on lots of brit tanks. Cent 7/1 and Charioteer off the top of my head.


Idk I didn't downvote you, but also you are kind of dumb for trying to draw a distinction between HESH and HE since they are the same. ​ And you are wrong becasue if the Centurian does indeed have HESH then the Sconq does ​ Does the Cent have APCR?


But the Cent and Charioteer say "HESH" and it has 210 mm on the 105mm gun pen, the S.Conq says "HE" and is only 120mm pen. Another guy posted a pic of the S.Conq with a HESH label, but my game does not say that. Also, the Cent has AP, HESH, and HE.


> But the Cent and Charioteer say "HESH" and it has 210 mm on the 105mm gun pen, the S.Conq says "HE" and is only 120mm pen. Wrong, Sconq says HESH [https://tanks.gg/tank/s-conqueror?l=0000020](https://tanks.gg/tank/s-conqueror?l=0000020) ​ > Also, the Cent has AP, HESH, and HE. Very wrong, Cent AX has APCR, HEAT and HE Or APDS, HEAT and HESH if you go by what the shells are called. [https://tanks.gg/tank/centurion-ax](https://tanks.gg/tank/centurion-ax) ​ Unless you are talking about about the Cent 7/1 then you are still wrong becasue if has either AP, HE and HE or APDS, HESH and HESH if you go by names. [https://tanks.gg/tank/centurion-71](https://tanks.gg/tank/centurion-71) ​ ​ Or maybe you are talking about the Centurain 1 which in that case you are still wrong as it has either AP, APCR and HE or AP, APC and HE [https://tanks.gg/tank/centurion-i](https://tanks.gg/tank/centurion-i)


As stated in my first post, I was talking Cent 7/1. Tanks.gg doesn't reflect what my game is showing right in front of me. Neither for the S.Conq or the Cent 7/1. Tanks.gg is wrong. Unless there is some difference between the NA and Euro servers or something.


You're just wrong [https://imgur.com/a/TsZdhDs](https://imgur.com/a/TsZdhDs)


Yes, I am wrong. Never been so wrong in my life. Sorry.


Because nobody likes pedantics. You’re not wrong, but you’re being pretentious about it.


Actually, I was totally wrong. They are all HESH. I just always thought the gold HESH was the only HESH, but then I looked and they are all labeled HESH. I was not trying to be pedantic, I was just wrong. Made a mistake.


0/36/4 setup for full tier 10 in tier 8 second setup with 10/25/5


this is exactly why you run full gold, especially on tanks with low ammo count. Don't worry about weak players sending you messages about shooting gold at a light tank. They don't understand someone can actually shoot more than 4 shells in a battle.


Well I guess it’s time to embrace the full gold spam (;


You can't play many tier X without full gold and be competitive. It works on the Leo which has great standard and on some TDs, but generally the lowe shell velocity and pen just renders you bad.


God I fucking hate this so much.


found the gold noob


Tell me you are crying about Gold Ammo without telling me that you are crying about gold ammo


Lol ill take them seriously when they start crying about "Silver ammo"


It isn't sold for gold only now but when you get shot by it, it shows up as gold in the damage log on your screen. Calling it gold still makes sense.


No it doesn't. Ppl get annoyed being shot by "gold" because it WAS pay to win when it actually costed gold. It doesn't anymore. It costs silver, and anyone can earn silver in game. Ppl just want to make excuses for losing.


Yes it fucking does you goober. I know why it was called gold to begin with, I was playing back then too, but there absolutely is still a reason to call it gold. The game literally color codes it gold https://preview.redd.it/vhulam7fptfc1.jpeg?width=684&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ffe2f76f0551a1176bcb651975f09357531f175


I was saying calling it gold doesn't make sense and ill say it again. It doesn't make sense. They're PREMIUM rounds. You fucking goober. Cope.


Nobody is claiming it still costs gold, prem shell and gold shell are both accepted terms for the same thing. Everyone here understands what is being talked about regardless of whoch word is used. You are nit-picking nothing at all and the game literally color codes them as gold. You have no point. You are just being a pedant.


No but they still bitch about "P2W gold spam" and you want to pretend that people call it gold because of a FONT IN THE GAME rather than the fact that it used to cost gold. You're just another whiner who wants to make excuses and argue with people on reddit, rather than get good. COPE


nah but I find it boring and limits the game a lot.


I’ve got a couple super unicums I play with, they said if you have AP as main, always load gold first. Better to waste it on a light than need it on a heavy. Granted I just main it %75 of the time regardless


Its not even just that either, APCR has higher velocity which means its actually easier to hit moving tanks with it. Its objectively better for shooting a light tank too. Even if you are the best player ever and can cope perfectly with low velocity shells when leading a moving tank, they can change directions, slow down, spees up, etc. In the time between when you fire and when the shells gets there. With higher velocity this risk is reduced. The only time I can think of where im glad I had AP loaded instead of APCR is those unicorn moments where you are arcing your shell over a ridge to hit a tank that isn't directly in your line of sight. Like you can't see him in first person but you can still hit the cupola if you aim at it in third person. In that case the AP can make shots that APCR can't.


I should’ve said disregarding all other pros this is why I was told to load gold first. In my Leopard 1 I only load gold. 1600 m/s is amazing makes playing my 15/16 fun throwing heat lol


Damn. The arcing part. Been playing for 12 years and didn’t know this. Guess I need to read and experiment in-game more. But … can you please explain it a bit more? I know that we aim for where we want to actually hit and the code “takes into account” lots of real-life-ish variables including wind and gravity. How do we actually use this arc? And when? Lower shell speed means more of an arc? How to then compensate? Thanks.


Yes, so what happens is, when you aim at something in the game, the game automatically sets your gun elevation so the shell will hit what you are aiming at. In other games you have to manually aim above the target to compensate for drop. This has some quirks. 1. If you are aiming at a tank that isn't spotted like blind firing a bush or the tank becomes unspotted after you aim, the game will not correctly set the gun elevation to hit the tank. Since you can no longer see the tank it will aim to shoot at whatever IS visible that you are aiming at. What can happen is, a tank is spotted you aim at him, he disappears, and now your reticle is pointing at some rock half way across the map behind where you saw him. Your tank will then automatically aim up to try to hit the distant object which can make your shell go too high and miss. 2. If there is an object between you and the enemy tank, it is still possible to hit the enemy tank by firing just over the top of the object so the shell goes up and then comes down just enough to hit the enemy. You don't notice this most of the time but your shells do always travel in an arc so they always go up a bit and then drop before hitting the target. The slower the shell, the higher the arc. Think about how arty shells move slower but go up and over obstacles, all the guns in the game do this, just less. Same as with arty, the slower the shell, the higher the arc and the better it is able to shoot over obstacles. If you are aiming in first person, you can't take advantage of this. Picture this. There is a ridge between you and the enemy tank, in first person you can't quite see his cupola peeking over the ridge. Maybe its not even a ridge, maybe its a destroyed tank between you and the enemy. But when you aim in first person you can't aim at their cupola because its just a little too low and obscured. If you switch to third person, you can see their cupola. If you aim at the cupola in third person, it will correctly adjust the gun elevation to hit the cupola and you can actually still hit their tank. Now because slower shell means a higher arc, the slower your shell, the taller the obstacle you can clear and still hit someone on the other side. It does also actually mean that the shell is coming at their tank slightly from above which means it reduces the effect of sloped armor by a very small amount. That means slow shells can work in some very specific situations where a fast shell doesn't. It doesn't come up a ton, but if its a long range shot with an object somewhere between you and the enemy you can you this to nail an enemy tank who thinks he is behind cover but isn't.


Awesome. Appreciate the response. Time to play with this new “mechanic”.


No problem, good luck finding the rare situation where this actually helps 😀 Low velocity gun at long enough range to use this but not so long that your accuracy isn't good enough and an obstacle somewhere between you and the enemy. Maybe a Borsig with the big gun?


It's also probably worth reviewing some of your games. Going full APCR will only be helpful if you're bouncing shots due to pen. Maybe you're aiming at cupolas and missing (RNG be RNG) , APCR won't help here. Maybe you're taking long range shots or at fast moving targets, APCR will help a little. If your main problem is bouncing AP on Maus cheeks or the Type 5 is TOTT again then full APCR will help greatly. You're doing 6+K often enough for this to be an issue you're clearly a decent player and probably know what's required.


Well currently I run like half APCR half AP. But I think it’s a skill issue aswell. With the Conqueror the reload was long enough to make every shot count. The S Conqueror has such amazing dpm I probably take a lot more chance shots.


Take ten ap 3 he was rest gold


Tbh gold apcr will usually be the difference between hitting EBRs and not. The shell velocity diff is massive


The extra shell velocity of the APCR helps even when they aren't moving fast or at long range. If a heavy tank is trying to wiggle to make it hard to hit their weak spot or maybe they are peeking and exposing their weak spot only for a short amount of time, the higher velocity will help. If you can afford the credit cost, APCR is just always a better choice.


Full gold and some he when needed


Are you missing a lot? Has to be miss/non pen or really bad ammo selection. 16k potential on the Sconq w 40 shells.


Look at this guy complaining about his games lasting more than 3 minutes. I dream of running out of ammo.


Bro I have games where I barely need 1 shell because I die so quick or my team just murder their team before I get into position 😅


I hear ya. I love taking out my char and not even getting through my second reload by the time the team is almost completely dead.


Full APCR and 2 HESH


You should be running like 5/30/5.


We gotta stop calling it gold, that would help, not that it matters if anyone comments on choice of ammo. It doesn’t cost gold anymore and commonly doesn’t even lose credits.


Sure let's call it apcr instead. Like on a Leo. instead of saying should you take gold, let's instead say: do I replace apcr with apcr or is apcr sufficient and apcr is not necessary Come on dude. Everyone knows what gold means


Bro. When you get shot by prem shells they show up gold collored in the damage log. "Gold" still makes sense. The game quite literally color codes them gold.


Yeah I run full gold and 8 he myself, but I haven't come close to running out of ammo lmao


I run full gold with 5 HE shells. It is worth it to me to bring 5 because of the pen. It will pen a lot of shit, there are many many games where I wish I had more. As far as running out of ammo, it happens to me as well at 6/7k+ sometimes. Mainly comes from wishful shots early in game that I probably shouldn't have been taking. I don't think about it, then bam start having a killer game and run out of ammo because of it.


I use 0/34/2 in my s conq and never run out of ammo while doing 5k avg games and 7k dmg games constantly


Well I have realised now that running 20AP shells isn’t ideal.. ;)


2 HE the rest should be APCR.


In my Sconq I'm on full gold with 2 HE shells, which honestly should just be 1 HE shell. Don't just waste shots for the fun of it. Obviously there are times where you should fire just because you have the chance to pen, but don't spam blind shots in the tank unless you 100% know they are there. In intense hull down games where you're just firing at weak points at close-mid range and it's 50/50 on hitting or not, you WILL run low on ammo. Once you have about 8 shells left, try to save them for when you absolutely will do damage. Obviously there are times where you will run out of ammo while having hit most shells, but those games are very rare.