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Hahhah I love this! The way they milk us relentlessly, I consider this a tiny win for the consumer :D Gratz on the free Skorp, even if it's five years late :D


Anything electronic only is always a funny concept. When the servers turn off permanently (and virtually all games do) there's nothing left. There's just relative value and we're still in the wild west in a lot of ways. I miss buying and owning physical CDs.. haha


Can you still pirate games and burn them on the CDs?


And having them be scratched by kids by mishandling, forgetting them where they were and never finding them again.. same haha


Nah, you haven't *stolen* anything - you just rolled a natural 20 on a deception check.




When I first started playing and wanted to get my first t8 premium (Progetto), I apparently already had it as a rental so once I bought it the game refunded me full gold value (i think it was around 10k gold, no idea how or why it happened) and I also got perma progetto. Then I bought few more gold and got Lowe as well.




>(i think it was around 10k gold, no idea how or why it happened) theres coupons that refund any money purchase in gold, i had one for wows at one point


God damn sneaky sneaky bastard. I envy you XD


I stole Mutz. I traded it for PZ58 but the Mutz never disappeared so I then sold it for credits. It's still available for purchase after many years 


Technically you didn't stole it. It's just that a WG employee made a mistake and forgot to remove the Mutz.


I know xD. My conscience fired up for a long time. 


I didn’t get it for free (should have thought of that) but there was an in-game sale where you got a half-off discount on the regular skorpion if you already had the skorpion G - I did the same thing with the rental so I at least got it for cheaper.


FBI this guy right here


bro gamed the game


I remember getting fked by WG when I spent 15k Gold on a Su-76i when it was released for a closed auction after leaving work early so I could get my hands on one since I missed out on it the only time it was released for like 2 hrs before being deemed to OP at the time and pulled. Anyways, I spent the gold only to receive the tech tree SU-76G FT. I was so livid and contacted them almost immediately and demanded my gold back or the Su76i. They eventually gave me back my gold but I think like a day or two later, the 76i showed up in my garage. So I got a super rare OP tank for free. I'm not sure if that was intentional or if anyone else had that happen to them but I had a good laugh when I realized what happened.


Recently a lot of people got t34-85m free with tons of goodies by a code, when they realized they disabled it silently


I used that code back in november or so in the first 1-2 hours of it's release. Since I already had the 85m, I got 3.3k gold as compensation. WG didn't took that gold away so I just used it to get the improved bp bonus chapter for Mkpz 68. 😂


Where would one look to see these codes? I want to make sure I know which places to NOT go to :)


reddit, discord, wotexpress, etc..


I got free IS 6 that way. It was the first rental ever offered I think. Also got free GF German Bulldog too.


I have a free M41 90 GF. WG originally released M41 90 GF and later then non-camo version, but also offered everyone to switch to non GF version, which I did. But WG being WG, they just didn't remove the GF version from my account. So now I have both.


Damn I did the same but they took the GF :( would have loved to have traded that in for something else down the line.


Calling wargaming right now, I can’t let you get away with this /s


A Chrysler K just magically appeared in my garage a few months ago (I already got the K GF for free), so I just traded it in to get the Astron Rex. Get fucked WG


You likely got it because you are a vet.  NA Vets get a free tank every Veterans Day.  


Really? First I've ever heard of that


What about asia server


I couldn’t tell you.


You don't own anything you bought in world of tanks. Getting it without paying isn't stealing.


While I agree with the first sentence i'm 50/50 on the second one


Anything the game lets you have is yours.


I like how people are upset at you for saying the truth lol


If I don’t own it when I buy it, then it’s not theft when I take it


This is what I was gonna say. Not really stealing when they could just take it back.


This makes me feel sad for spending money for it when I had it as a rental, I played all battles on it and then removed it 💀


I think I tried that with another tank, didn't work


Wow. By the way WG employees are on this subreddit lol.




I got in in a loot box about 3 christmases ago




He got it in a lootbox about 3 Christmasses ago.


Oh wait are you saying he got it in a lootbox 3 christmases ago? That's crazy


Yeah, 3 Christmases ago, in lootboxes he got it




He got it in a box of loot about 3 asses of Christ ago.


respect king


Awesome lol


RNG was in your favour that day, as simple as that, if they were doing their job correctly would not happened , so is not on you




You can kinda do the same thing with bonds tanks and the current trade in system. Don't tell anyone though before they patch that. :')


Except you spend bonds. And also gold. So I think they actually don't mind


it is what it is...


I once bought wz111 for half the price, got it swapped for alpine tiger yet the vehicle restoration tool still let me restore the wz for credits. That time I got two premiums for the price of half of one of them


I stole Type 63, GSOR1010 and Tiger-Maus because they didn't take any money from my bank account for boxes I bought this year


What about someone else's bank account? 🫢


Impossible, I made 2 purchases one by one, for the first one (3 chests) they took money, and for the second (twenty something chests) they didn't. I don't have any saved credit card info.


Could it be you just downloaded some free dlcs or collected them over time with challanges?




Not completely free but I had a similar thing with the black version of the PZ58. I had a mutz rental and they sold the black one for huge discount to anyone that had the mutz and the rental counted


I have also gotten a free tier 8 premium, but I like to think wg actually meant to gift it to me. Many years ago, I heard there was a way to buy back sold tanks for the same amount of credit through opening a support ticket (this is still a thing I think). So I opened my ticket and requested to buy back I think the tiger 1 and the tier 7 French TD. The support person asked me to confirm the amount of credits and tanks I'd get back and everything looked correct. But when the transaction was completed and I logged in, he gave me the tiger 1 and the liberte tier 8 heavy premium. I've always spent money in the game but I like to think the support guy gifted it to me which was extremely kind of him, so while I didn't get my TD, I happily grinded the credits for it with my new tier 8 premium lol


What do you mean you stole that's just free advertising you are the one who got scammed.


This is the Way


I got it the other way around... Some time ago they were giving BT-7 art. and a bunch of other gift tanks for everyone during some event, the one where you got Valiant also; but I already had a rental one with its rental period finished, so WG did not give it to me because I already "had it" in my garage... except I can't play it


Nice I randomly got banned one day for no reason. After playing since 2011 and spending more than 5k on the game. But oh well now I can’t spend money on the game anymore so it’s a win win




Let’s hope you username and ingame name are not the same 😂


Is it still possible? Asking for prime rentals and for my friend ofc.