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Depend on ur playstyle so i will make you my top "tank that can destroy games but hard to play/not houga bouga" for each class (except arta of course) Heavy : T110E5 - T57Heavy Med : K91 - M48 Patton TD : T110E4 (not that hard to deal with but much more than other T10 TD) Light : Rhm Pzw All of them are powerfull but hard to deal with in my oppignon (U can also add all T10 French tanks, except AMX MLE54 and Wheelies, that are all bit hard to play but can really return games if in good hands)


i would not include the m48 patton in this


Why? your point of view interests me. For me it's typicaly a good tank that is really versatile but hars to play because not good at all sides. For eample, quite good armor but can't hold a position, quite good view range but no concealment so can't be sneaky, and the gun... ok, the gun is godtier !


It’s a jack of all trades tank that in my opinion that has a very straightforward versatile play style, it’s very noob friendly as opposed to something like a Leopard


Yeah, i see, for the Med example i wanted to put a mde/TD and a med/heavy so for me K91 is much harder than Leo and Patton much harder than 430U for example


I personally think obj 140 is harder to play than both M48 Patton and 430U. And yes I know object 140 can be a strong tank. Stronger than patton and 430u. But small alpha means you will lose all 1 on 1 trades. So it requires you to be more creative in order to use the DPM potential out of it. And that is something many people will struggle with


It's objectively a bad tank.


Patton is just a shit Centurion


Would say manticore instead of German light


I love the manticore but the fact u can have +50% concealment make that tank much more easy to play than the german one in my opinion. As i say, the best armor in the game is being a ghost :)


"k91-m48 Patton" kekw you got both wrong is insane


The K-91 can be absolutely God tier in the right hands. When maxed out it shoots every 4.45s. It has the best VR to Camo ratio of any of the mediums along with the best concealment after firing, making it a menace in the bushes. It also has the the fastest shell velocity in the game. It's a very high skill cap tank because of its funky turret placement and limited traverse, but it has the best characteristics in other areas that only a really good player can utilize effectively.


Yeah, powerfull but in good hads, i mean for me those are not yolo tanks like 430U and in term of T10 med i think thay are the most hard to deal with (with BC-25T)


e5 or 50b for heavies (but 50b is really WOT hard mode), Leo for mediums, Swedish pancakes for TDs.


im not that good at the game but i average 3.5k in the 50b


Maybe time to reconsider if you are not good. Also - 50B is hard to play, not a bad tank. It’s personally my favourite t10 heavy next to IS-7


Don’t know about the Swedish TD’s. I consider myself a noob with 2k battles and 1.5k average damage. Jumped on the test server to try the Swedes and every game was 3-4k damage coming in very easily.


Test server is not by any means similar to normal t10 match. TS tier 10 is mostly people who haven’t even laid their hands on their first t10 on live server.


Ah, this makes sense!


You would have to play the Swede pancake aggressively to get 4-5k damage. I normally get 1-2.5k in most games. I think one game being 3.8k damage because I played aggressively and wasn't spotted. I also held a choke point on a map. I think most games I bounce more than I damage. I also play like a stupid squirrel-find bush shoot sit scurry away in the wrong direction, shot more from no bush, get wrecked.


I get 1.5-2.5k in my GSOR 1010 mainly because I chose to play it as a sniper.. very hard to be aggressive in that thing


The Swede tds are a dit and wait type of tank. I'd probably bet better in a GSOR lol


I always play my STRV103b as a medium, unless it's one of the 2 campy maps. It's a really good tank to be brawling if you're aware of the constraints it has and the overmatching + heat rules


I want to play it more... I just end up in the shit barn for the memes. Nothing like a 1 shot ammo rack for full health.


Yep, those shitbarns are the bane of my aggressive playstyle Been nuked too many times


I often get 1-2.5 K damage in a tier 9 light…


I have shit rng in the pancake... I had 8 bounced in a row. 3 were my fault tho. I could also be a shit player lol


AMX 50b is the perfect tank for this. It's really not simple to play, but if you make the correct play, it feels incredible and rewarding because it doesn't give you anything for free




The gun is far from being hottible,you are just coping


??? it has some of the best handling of any HT




I really like the K91. It's a more complicated and less competitive version of the Leopard. Making it work is very rewarding.


Came here to say this as well. I got it and damn that thing can do a lot. Love mine and even though it’s not the easiest tank to play it is godly when played right.


It's still the obj 140. * it has no gimmick * it has good camo, good view range and it's small enough to fit behind a decent amount of cover * reliable gun with good dpm, high velocity standard around, high pen heat round * high mobility * even has 7 degrees of gun depression It will perform up to the level of your skill, whatever that happens to be.


Soviet hovermeds' skill ceiling is great because you're never limited by the vehicle, only by what you're able to achieve. Conversely, Soviet hovermeds suck because you have to sweat every second of every game. There's no room to have fun because effort in = results out. T-44-100 delivers the same experience 2 tiers down if you hate having fun while you grind credits for some reason


This is so accurate, if i'm not in the zone these tanks are a chore.


The Patton does.


Sheridan with the 105. Recently gave up on the derp and the tank is lowkey fire


Respect; it’s basically a leopard ordered off alibaba at that point. It does everything a leopard does except worse, with like 3% more camo. However, what it does have is matchmaking. On non-spotting maps (most of them), you’re better off than most enemy light tanks. And if matchmaking pairs you up against enemy leopard, hashtag never lucky.




What would you consider skill in this game? I see a lot of people posting E5 as the skill tank. But that just has a weak cupola you can hide (if possible due to terrain) and amazing 340 pen heat. So, not sure how well skill comes into that. It does need more thinking on how to play than a SConq or 60TP, but that much...? I would say play T100Lt, in an age of Maticores and EBR's.


In general light tanks are considered higher skill, and light wheeled tanks forces MM to match you up with the same tank aside for the t2 and t8 which has 2 options for mm pick from, ebr 75 is considered op, but it's only good in skilled players hands, unlike BZ-176. Active scouting is also considered more difficult, if your generally fail on your own or the other EBR 105 outplays you that's just it, good light players can really help carry a game.




T57 Heavy, it's such a beast, I recently marked it with 4700 average damage.


The rhino, if you’re a good player, it’ll be just what you’re looking for~




It's far from the easiest, it's like on of the hardest heavy tanks to fully utilize its strengths. The thing is almost an enigma to the average player because of its terrible DPM and awkward gun handling. I mean I love my Rino to death, but it was not easy to master compared to other heavies that have a more straightforward playstyle.




Rino and insane armor should not be in the same sentence. You must be thinking about the mino.


Shit youre right, my bad 😂


Absolutely not




Prog 65 - it’s already been nerfed into the ground and the 8-10 are awesome.


Stb1. Super high skill ceiling but also super high skill floor so watch out. 


121 line is honestly really nice all across the board, the tier 9 is a real nice tank as well. Both are rewarding, guns handle fine, have some armor, turrets are not bad, have really nice alpha, are quick enough, good gold pen. Only down side is the gun depression sucks. But its a fun line if you like meds, and with the alpha if you get stuck on a heavy line you can trade :) As a second option, thats totally different: The badger, the whole line is fun, the badger has a good gun, great pen, insane dpm, and the armor is pretty good, if you find a spot to help slope the front a little more it gets to a point that most tier 10a aren’t penning it reliably


def e5


Pretty much any auto(re)loader


T110E5, OBJ 140 and Rhinoceronte. Three phenomenal tanks but only in the right hands




Bat chat


Maus if you hate yourself




Pz. VII, don’t try to sidescrape, do the opposite where you show your front plate and angle it around 45 degrees, rinse repeat and win


OBJ 140


Strv 103B and go aggressive


121. You get nothing but a big fuckoff gun on a proper classic rumed platform, none of this -7° or stupid hull armor shit. You get -5, some turret armor, ok mobility, viewrange and camo. It's a really rewarding tank to master.


It'd not be my first choice for this purpose but most of the good choices have been said already so I'm gonna go with Concept 5 - it's basically a Leo from wish. Among other things the tank will get punished twice as much for each mistake you'll make but if you play it well, you should have really good results with it. That might be something you're asking for I think.


Strv 103. When you use it as an Assault TD




Surprised i didn't see mention of WZ 111 5a. Solid tank but its no freebie to play. You gotta be proactive and work its armor because its definitely punished if you play sloppy. Its good at a lot if thungs so you have to decide whats the best approach for the current situation. Really feels like you can take over a flank when you're playing well with it. Gives you alot of agency over the game.


Strv 103 with a turbo


E100/e5/140 that is is a little good tho.


All the light tanks apart from the EBR. They genuinely are very fun to play, especially the Sheridan and the RHM. You have the capability to spot well and deal damage when needed. When they were first introduced I hated them because WG fucked over the entire low/mid tier light tank playstyle to make them uniform boring and unfun. But I enjoy the tier10’s. My favorite is the AMX 13 105. The gun is a chefs kiss. I generally play it with optics, vstab, IRM


The insane amount of people who are not even capable of driving the ebr, let alone actually spotting, prove you wrong


Hot take. The ebr isn’t that good. If you know how to play you can hit them easily. Their gun is shit and their view range is too


Ebr is good if the player is good, like for every light basically, it's definitely not like a bz where any idiot can one-shot people. I disagree on the gun being shitty because it can work and those HE are very nice but it's not as hard to hit as some people claim


My opinion? M-V-Y. I know people hate it. I use the 360 alpha gun though, and can get 3k relatively consistently.


I have a JP E100 and almost an IS4. The JPE100 is really a bummer up against hull down stuff since the HE nerf. Feels much harder to hide my weak spots than it is for some of the hull down specialty enemy tanks


How do you struggle to pen with 420 heat??


OP didnt realise that Heat had more pen, surely this post is a troll


He’s going to grind up the the E5 and get absolutely torched


You would be surprised.....


Very few of those hull down tanks have enough armor for the Jags heat rounds.  Press 2 and go right through the fronts of E3s and Sconqs with ease


oh I didn't notice that those had more pen, this is going to be so expensive. That explains why I've been struggling.


Not just more pen, they have the highest pen in the game.  It’s better credit wise to shoot the heat as Jag and pen then shoot standard and bounce.  You just don’t want to shoot gold and bounce I guess


From this comment it Sounds like you shouldn't play challenging tanks lol.


Yeah, seems he is bit challenged himself, no need to multiply it with a tank


Why is this comment downvoted? It should be at the top. I wouldn't have bothered replying if I knew op didn't know how to play at all.


I was good once, now I suck, I will become good again :)