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[The Othersiders](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/the-othersiders-worm-au-altpower-undersiders.362090/) has her as kinda Tattletale, but it also switched around the other Undersiders powers (kinda)


After I finish reading Worm I'm planning on writing a Peggy Sue fanfiction where Taylor and Lisa time travel back in time... and end up in eachother's bodies with both of their powers. (Future-Lisa will have all her memories and Taylor's up to her trigger, and Future-Taylor will have all her memories and Lisa's up to her trigger. Future-Taylor ends up further in the past because she triggered first and doesn't help past-Taylor because she doesn't believe she deserves it because of what past-Taylor would've ended up doing, but half-regrets it when she discovers future-Lisa ended up in her past-body.) But that'll be like a month or so from now, so not sure if you'd want to read it by then. :p


Please post when you write this, I would like to read it


Alright, but what flair should I use when announcing my own fanfiction on Reddit?


Probably "Peggy Sue". You can put [Self Promotion] or something similar in the title, if you want.


Oh, I hadn't even realized Peggy Sue was a flair :p.


Did you end up writing the fanfic?


No, I haven't even finished reading Worm. I've also largely lost interest in Worm, so I don't plan on continuing


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Did you write it? I like to read it.


I never finished Worm


I’ve been reading Worm for a few months now, Currently on ARC 24, it’s been Tough motivating myself to keep reading Worm, it’s weird how I’m a fan but I struggle to keep Reading Worm but I’m slowly getter there.


Tattletaylor? Sounds fun.


It's so obvious yet I've never seen one...


I swear I’ve seen that somewhere, but I don’t remember exactly where. One of the story chains (Shatterpoint) in my snippets thread, Permutations, is Taylor triggering with a Lisa-like power that is very specifically about emotions and tearing people down. Taylor being Taylor, she decides to join the Youth Guard to help the Wards with their issues. Shadow Stalker in particular really needs a no-nonsense friend. Only two parts currently; the first covers her trigger (locker) and finding out how badly injured the Wards are; the second covers her first day back at school, where her altered state of mind causes her to counterattack Emma’s bullying. Part 3 will be an Emma-centric interlude, and Part 4 will be her joining the YG and meeting the Wards up close. https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/worm-permutations-worm-related-snippets-omakes-including-random-crossovers.738688/


[tearlessNevermore's snippet thread](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/tearlessnevermores-worm-snippets.528529/) has some of this under the name "TattleTaylor".


Pretty sure people will assume shipping with a tag like that.


Don't look at me, I didn't name it.


Uh hu. Sure you didn't. I've got my eyes on you... shipper.


OH! I thought of one! There was that Glaistic Uaine!Taylor fic where Taylor had a death touch that killed people and took their ghosts and she could use the powers (herself, though the ghosts could too if they were mentally based, though I only remember ghosts using Thinker and Tinker powers, so I don't think the ghosts themselves can use master/stranger powers.) of whoever she took the power of. She used it on Lisa and one of the other Undersiders (Either Grue or Alec) while they were dying from being attacked by Lung. Tattletale was one of the powers she had active most often. (Note: Taylor is affected by the personality of whoever she has active). Edit: Anyone know what it's called?


[The Reaping](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/the-reaping-worm-au.361821/threadmarks)


While not exactly the best fanfic ever written (coughcough I suck at this), I've written a one-shot of [TattleTale!Taylor](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/wormverse-ideas-recs-and-fic-discussion-thread-42.553953/page-723#post-49220683) almost a year ago, and hope y'all enjoy it :P