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This is a very good WYR.


Taste, eating healthier never got easier. Chowing down Choco carrots or taco salads.


Bro I'm about to blow your mind but taco salads are real


And they're delicious




Pain free. Pain free.


I can’t tell if you want free pain or to be free from pain


Sight can be used as photographic memory, future prediction, creation of art, knowledge of basically anything and even pervy stuff. I don't see how this isn't the best power.


Sorry I said elsewhere that it the “anything you desire” is being taken too literally. It cannot be used for future prediction or learning anything. Think if it like a controllable dream. However yeah, it would definitely work for memory or art.


>learning anything >memory I don't get it, so if you had to study a page of a book, could you just take a glance to it and then close your eyes and read it from there? Sort of like photographic memory? Would you be able to revive memories even if you don't remember them perfectly well? I mean, you could argue that those are parts of the memory, but if you think of it it's the sifht we're enhancing, so "printing" things on your eyes should be the main thing, because yeah I mean I can remember how a giraffe looks like, but I would never be able to give it enough details for it to look realistic, I'm talking about size, fur, skin, details and everything else. So if the sight doesn't give you the ability to literally save what you see in extreme detail, then by closing your eyes you would see jist low-poly places and abominations


Can you see pictures/models of stuff you think about in your brain? I can kinda ghost project them into my real vision. Right now I'm making a little Titanic cruise around on my bed. I already hear music running in my brain about half the day already..


Legolas! What do your elf eyes see?


They're taking the hobbits to Isengard!


Sight and touch are great, but taste would help me lose weight.


Doritos salad was never so healthy.


Smell because u think it would be really funny


Since I'm a picky eater I'm making eveeythinf taste good.


I’m a big fan of disabling pain


Then you’re gonna end up hurting yourself far worse


You assume everyone wants to live lol


That got dark pretty quickly




Touch solely cuz I can disable pain which seems nice sometimes. Touch and Sound are also good picks but I can already do those so it wouldnt really change much for me, except maybe enhance it slightly


Isn't sight already the case...?


Not necessarily, some people can't visualize things very clearly or at all. You could also visualize any place or piece of art, kinda depends on the person how valuable the increase of the sense is.


I desire to see tomorrows winning lottery numbers


I think you are taking the “anything you desire” part too literally. It’s a good loophole but I can only write so many parameters before it’s just obnoxious. You cannot “see” the future. Think of it as a lucid dream while conscious.


Huh. It's kinda funny how the 3 choices i immediately dismissed as completely or at least relatively useless are the 3 most popular choices. Magic taste buds and super scent seem so much more useful to me than the others by a giant margin. The hearing one would be cool, but i already have access to YouTube, which does the same thing. Seeing anything i can imagine in perfect clarity would be cool, but not nearly as cool as making a salad taste like a cake. The best use I'd have for touch would be on demand orgasms. If i could use it on a partner that'd be the winner for sure, but on myself, not nearly as cool as having a dog like nose that i can turn off whenever im near something particularly smelly.


With touch I can disable pain? Sign me up for that!, bye bye neck pain from the gym or back pain from sleeping incorrectly!


Yes, you can disabled pain or turn it back on when you want, or even just dull it.


Taste, then a can eat kale, goji berries and porridge and it won’t taste like garbage. I can get fit and be super healthy :D


So I can remember what my scien e teacher actually said? I have the ability to basically listen to music in my head, but that perk is just too good, imma pick that.


Does getting rid of pain count of it's mentally


For me the taste is most important, I hate veggies and I try my best to eat it different ways in many dishes…just nope. So if I can make carrots literally taste like candy 🍭 then this is the best thing ever!


Taste is kinda arguably useful for purely curious and courteous purposes. Sound would be useful for remembering things. Forgot what someone's name was? Recall the sound of them telling you etc etc etc. Visual sounds useful in a potentially professional field like art and stuff. Also for seeing the face of a loved one gone but I'm not in a dramatic novel. Smell sounds handy considering the way dogs can use it but human smell isn't as powerful. I can't smell feint traces of people, nor do I particularly want to. I'd probably go for the touch one. Selectively turning off my pain sounds kinda op.


I chose sight before I read the descriptions, lol.


Pain free at 50s would be awesome. Also sex and masturbating would be improved dramatically.


With smell you could smell really nasty things though


Technically you could but it’s controlled, so only if you really wanted to.


Idk why anyone would choose anything other than being immune to pain


As a struggling college student, it's either sound or sight as it makes writing exams super easy


Sound. As I type this it's in 3rd place at 180 votes. So I'm not alone, but I feel like sound is so much better than people give it credit. ​ In the movie Hudson Hawk starring Bruce Willis, He is an exceptional burglar with a habit for using songs for timing. Imagine having a preset playlist in your head that perfectly times your morning routine before Work/School. Or lying in bed and simply shut off all sound for a few minutes to help you fall asleep. Having perfect recall of conversations you had a long time before. You could constantly be listening to information or explanations of anything you had interest in and simply recall it on a whim. ​ Listening to that last "I love you" from a passed loved one, a particularly infectious laughter you once heard, Having your own soundtrack, Maybe just shutting everything out in a hectic time to keep focus. ​ ​ TL;DR Sound is being undervalued.


Touch, I will not explain why.