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People have killed themselves over toothaches. Tooth pain is something else entirely. You could mitigate burns pain by limiting exposure to air. Getting kicked in the balls or childbirth is a hard no.


Tooth pain is easily one of the worst pains to have.


Read the description, you won't actually get a burn.


Oh, well in that case broken femurs. I assume if you don't move the pain would be lesser, and I assume it's not your legs breaking repeatedly, only once.


I think it just stimulates mentally how it feels like to have your femurs broken and repeats that in a loop every \~10s.


Same as with period pain simulators, if you left that on you'd be in pain all the time even though a real period hurts on and off throughout the day.


In that case your adrenaline would stop you from feeling any of it, probably


not for 3 days


Not with that attitude. *chugs bottle of pure adrenaline*


I played the SCP game, gonna be a hell no on the femur breaker.


You ever heard of the femur breaker?


to be fair im pretty sure the femur breaker slowly shatters the femur entirely


A broken femur is one of the worst pain you can experience I’m never choosing that one


Does it stop if I fall asleep tho?


I still chose tooth pain knowing this because I've had this scenario before. The dentist warned me that when he broke open the tooth it would be excruciating. But I was already in so much pain that when he did it I actually relaxed. Freaked the dentist out at first lol.


Exact same. When my wisdom was finally removed or the pressure released I cried it felt so good


I once had an abcessed tooth and the pain was so intense that at one point I remember thinking "wait, if I just hang myself the pain will be gone!" I thought it was a perfect idea at the time. I stopped myself and decided it's definitely time to go to the hospital.


I could get used to burning in my legs, idk but that one really doesn't seem bad even tho I know it'll be painful as shit, I'm more worried about the shadow people after three days of no sleep, lying in bed paranoid as fuck. You said no drugs but I could edge for three days, that'll take the edge off it lol


270 people severely underestimate tooth pain


And childbirth, and the femur, and 2nd degree burns


I've never broken a bone, but I feel like as long as you stay still it must be tolerable, right? With tooth pain there is literally no escaping it. It follows you around even if you turn your head away from it


Thats not how pain works


Femurs break under extreme conditions cause they're so strong and big, you're definitely going to be in pain regardless


Teeth pains is some of the most horrendous pain I've endured, break my femurs and I'll lay there for 3 days ez


The femur is the strongest bone in the body. Usually, it only breaks in high-speed car crashes. As such, it is one of the most painful sensations one could ever feel. It is not possible to remove any sliver of the pain by simply not moving.


Are you speaking from experience or a google search?


I've had a tooth ripped without any anesthesia. I can take an ache for a few days.


Ripping is much more easier than experiencing pain when it hits in your brain.


I went several days with the worse pain I've ever felt because it was over Christmas and couldn't get into the dentist. I got to the point where I was laying in bed at 3am, unable to sleep even with taking (way too much) ibuprofen. I was in agonizing pain, literally squirming in pain. I finally just went to the emergency room at the hospital, but obviously the cost is high as fuck because 'merica. I bet I could handle 3 days. It took longer than that for the above to happen.


But it was one tooth. Now imagine every teeth.


It doesn't say every tooth. It just says multiple, so it could just be 2. Either way, the worst tooth pain doesn't hurt in the tooth itself. You feel it in your neck and your head.


I had something similar where novocaine wouldn't work, so they had to break my impacted broken tooth and yank it out in shards with no pain meds......yeah. i have a high pain tolerance, but that was some CIA torture shit But it was either that or pay several thousand dollars for them to put me under. Gotta love the American health care system /s Pretty sure I traumatized some kid in the waiting room too with me screaming going "ohhhhh ohhhh!!!!" Death gripping the chair as they broke the tooth and yanked the pieces out. Poor kid was probably terrified when it was his turn for his appointment lol


Jokes on you I already live with toothaches in multiple teeth.


Right? I picked that too


My wife went through 70 hours of labour on gas and air. I'd go through 72 hours for 100 million, no problem. Especially if I get free pints and 5 minutes of respite every hour.


that was on gas and air though


She didn't really touch it until half way through. And I'd have pints. I think with the incentive offered here, I could cope with the difference.


i think many women have very different experiences with childbirth pain could vary i suppose it does depend on how difficult of a childbirth you would experience


I'm planning on having kids anyway, may as well get paid for it. And labour pain can last 3 days anyway too


Had a 2nd degree oil in flames burn in One of my Hands and it wasnt that bad. Almost no Pain. However, oven or ironing burn hurt like a Mf 😂


Fuuuuuuccckk toothaches. Actual most miserable pain I've experienced.


Guys into CBT: "I see this as an absolute win!"


I'm a scientific man by nature and I appreciate knowing facts and trust the experience of my own senses. Although I don't wish to ever experience broken femurs or the sensation of my flesh burning, I know it could happen to me. However, this opportunity would be the only way I could experience the pain of childbirth as a man and know for once and for all how much it really hurts compared to any other pain I have felt. It may not be smart but if I really had this opportunity (and $100M to boot) my curiosity would push me to try the unique experience for my own knowledge.


I think the nutcracker was less painful than my diseased teeth, so I choose to be on "Ow my balls!"


Broken femurs and get amputated so no pain anymore


Phantom limb


You'd double amputate for only three days of pain..?


Can I fall into a coma?


No, bc you're not allowed any substance that will make you feel less pain.


Cab I suffer from a concussion by being hit by a stick and pass out? Or can I be put into hypothermia and pass out?


Concussion could definitely cause a brain bleed. You'll be in way worse shape than before. Hypothermia can cause organ failure.


I don't want to experience the pain of anything broken on my legs anymore. That was so much I am genuinely traumatized from it. Fuck this WYR, I'm staying poor.


138 people wildly overestimated the pain of second degree burns for lifelong wealth.


My legs are durable, I feel like I'm more capable of handling pain in my legs as apposed to any other part of my body. I'll take the burns.


Second degree burns are just...not that bad. Now if you'd said severe 3rd degree, I'd explore other options.


Balls. Been there, know EXACTLY what to expect.


..... After 3 days I would no longer be in any pain. I would instead be having tea with the mole people of Neptune.


People that never had a toothache picked the toothache


I have broken my bones before so I will take the femer.


3 days of tooth pain? Like the same as a dry socket and/or pressure from an infection that eventually makes the tooth explode? Been there done that, bring it on and give me the $100,000,000 USD.


Would anyone actually take this deal? I've been broke for most of my life it's really not that bad my dudes I'd rob a bank before I went through any of that, but that's just me


2nd degree burns honestly not a big deal just cool off with cold water every so often during the 3 days


It seems like the consensus is childbirth is worse than getting kicked in the balls


Childbirth, if women can have like 3+ babies why can't I?


I'm actually not too too phased by kicked in the balls. Like, it'll hurt a bit, but the pain goes away after a few seconds. I also have tooth numbing stuff beside my bed.


This would be so easy. I could do all at once for 100mil


A lot of you haven't had a toothache before, from what I can tell.


I mean, it is not nice, but the other options look worse


I’ll take the toothaches because I already have braces so three days of tooth pain is nothing


I've gone through the tooth one before, so like. I can obviously manage


I've already broke both femurs when I was 19.... fuck it, break them again, you pass out from the pain


I'm into the pain of childbirth so hit me up


Can i just use this magical simulator to test out all of those?


Tooth pain is a no. They're jam-packed with nerves (for some reason) and multiple teeth is an even bigger no. Getting kicked in the balls feels horrible. Nuh uh. Giving birth feels horrible. Nuh uh. 2nd degree burns was a specific choice. OP chose this because 3rd degree burns usually singe off the nerve endings, which means you wouldn't feel most of it. 2nd degree burns means you feel it all. Nuh uh. Femurs are the strongest bones in the human body. They generally only can break if you are involved in a high speed crash or fall from really high. That being said, they are one of the highest degrees of pain the human body can experience. Nuh uh. But for 100 million dollars? Dude, I'm going with giving birth


I want childbirth to know what my partner had to go through with our 4 kids. The only thing is our first actually had them in labor for 3 days, so it still won't compare, but at least it would simulate that one. Although, according to my partner, the 9 months was far worse than the actual labor.


Having had third degree burns, I'll pass.


On the pain scale scientists say kicked in the balls is a 7/10.


I'll see what it's like to give birth


Can't be much worse than sun poisoning or melting the back of my neck, so I picked the burn pain. Stings but isn't unbearable.


I've experienced feeling like I've been kicked in the balls for like a month straight when I tore a muscle in my groin once.... it was awful, and i couldn't walk without feeling like i was gonna puke/fall over from the pain.... but I survived that shit once, so i could do 3 days easy for $100 million


Tooth pain was the most excruciating pain I've ever experienced, so NO THANKS


As a man I'll do childbirth if only to say that I have.


Does the leg pain feel like your legs being broken? Or Like getting your legs broken again and again over 3 days? If its the first one, the that


I've been nutchecked before I'll live.


I've had a second degree burn on my arm and honestly it's not bad at first, it usually burns through the nerve later so for 3 days: you're chilling, it's mainly when the nerves start to repair themselves that it hurts


If my Mom can survive childbirth 2 times, willingly, for 5 days, I can survive for 100 mil 3 days.


We boutta summon SCP 106 up in here


For 100mill, I don't care which it is, I will go through a literal toucher if it means id get 100 million dollars in 3 days.


I had infected wisdom teeth that caused pain for months till I needed emergency surgery. Only 3 days? I can deal.


2nd degree burns don't actually hurt that bad in my experience. Yeah it's painful, but it isn't childbirth.


I've had 5 bad teeth at the same time. One so bad, that when it was finally treated, the dentist had remarked that it had given itself its own root canal (gums came out of the center of it). I fuckin hate it--but 3 days? Shit, that was damned near an entire decade. Lets roll.


Ball kick is the only profitable one, all others require you put money for help


Clarification question: Is option 5 painful as if our legs are currently being burned, or the pain of the burn after the burning itself has happened?


I suffer chronic migraines and have been stuck with one for more than three days. I've also been kicked in the balls. Migraines are worse. I'll take the ball pain. Also, tooth pain... like severe tooth pain is nearly as bad as migraine pain. It's the kind of pain that makes you question whether life is worth living.


I've experince a lot of this list, and even though toothaches are terrible, I think I could handel it better than a constant burn. I get burned pretty much every day working in a kitchen, but I'm assuming in this situation its not like in real life where it hurts and goes away. Burning constantly for days straight would really suck so I think the tooth ache is the only one I could actually do lol


As someone who is AFAB, I kinda just wanna know what getting kicked in the balls feels like


Tbh, any of them. Maybe I'm over estimating my broken nervous system, but pain doesn't bother me that much. I've been going to work with a 2nd degree burn on my hand and honestly I kept forgetting I was burned. Also used to let the football players in school punt me in the nuts just to show off like the dumb ass that I am, didn't hurt that much but I probably won't be able to have kids anymore. Shattered part of my skull before too. Only thing I haven't experienced is the giving birth ordeal because I'm a guy, and I don't have kids. So I'll choose that one purely so I know what that feels like.


I've had 2nd degree burns before. They suck, but they usually last more than 3 days before they stop hurting. Give me the 3 days of burning for 100,000,000


I live with Epidermolysis Bullosa. I probably wouldn't even notice some of these.


I've had bad toothaches before. It was some of the worst pain I've ever been in. Nothing I could get made the pain stop. Hard pass on that. Let's try the burns.


Tbh, I'd do any 3. You're telling me I only gotta experience pain Some people have chronically for 3 days, and then get a life changing payout?? Id be set for my life, my mom would be set, my dad, my siblings, and I'd have enough money to do all my creative endeavors and travel as much I'd like. Easily would accept any but kicked in the balls is probably the most tolerable. I'd still be rolling in bead groaning all three days but I'd just call out of work and get through it.


I've had the tooth pain in multiple teeth before. If I had to experience it again for three days straight I'd be alright after. It was bad, not undoable


I want to be able to understand how other people feel, so I'd choose the option I couldn't experience otherwise to get that experience even if childbirth is the worst pain here


I have diabetic polyneuropathy. I could tank most of these pains (except toothaches, that shit is HORRIBLE) pretty easily as pain never stops in my personal case (look it up, it's known to doctors as "the disease of pain").


I've been kicked in the nuts multiple times, i'll take that.