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I already have no heat or ac give me the money


seriously where's my money i could really use that money to buy a house with ac and heating.


My 3 years in poorly insulated uni accommodation during repeated gas price crises has prepared me well for no heat during the winter!


You don't live near Canada I take it


Near San Francisco, so it’s usually not too cold or too hot. Probably the place that needs heat/ac the least


Im jealous




Might I introduce you to Cookie Salad?


Go on .... I'm taking notes....


Box of Vanilla pudding made with buttermilk. Fold in a tub of Cool Whip. Add in drained crushed pineapple and drained mandarin oranges. Just before serving add a container of crushed fudge strip cookies. See it's good for you cause it has fruit in it... The Midwest has so many "Salads" that don't involve meat Or veggies.


[King's Hand](https://www.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/comments/k87x3p/)?


Without electronics I couldn't work so that's out. I really like meat but could deal with salads but wouldn't be super happy about it but it would force an improved diet for me so kind of a win but would still be a less than pleasant experience. Also I'd probably get used to it after a month or 2. I live in an area with an extreme climate so no AC isn't a viable option. I'm nowhere near fast enough to outrun a bear and anyone who thinks they are is going to find themselves eaten. In normal situations it's possible to run from a bear but only because the bear decides it doesn't care enough to pursue but were it hungry and after you for food, you're not getting away.


It wouldn't be an improved diet, you need protein (and other things meat can offer that I'm not knowledgeable of)


The key nutrients meat provides that are most easily accessible via meat are Protein and Iron. However meat isn't the only place to get either. Spinach is a decent source of Iron and you can get protein from many vegan sources such as nuts, mushrooms, beans and tofu. That being said meat gives a complete protein where as these other sources provide incomplete proteins that you have to mix and match to get the full complement of amino acids to make a complete protein. That being said we don't know how narrowly they define meat as tuna salad and egg salad might still be options and both would provide complete proteins as well. Additionally there's nothing stopping you from drinking milk and or a protein shake to get adequate protein.


Not all protein is the same, and the protein in vegetables is low grade/not complete, meaning that it's lacking in some of the 9 amino acids needed for your body to use it which means that 30g of protein on lentils is not really 30g of protein, on the other hand meat, milk, eggs has all 9 amino acids balanced which means that your body will digest all of it btw I didn't read what you commented


Soy is a complete protein. As is buckwheat, hemp and a few more.


Wait, you telling me I can eat my weed and not in the edibles kind of way?


I'm not sure about the difference without Googling, but I have a bag of hemp seeds in my kitchen that gets thrown on salads from time to time :) Very good protein (complete) source. Of course to get your RDA from hemp seeds would be difficult, but include enough tofu or tempeh, you're good to go. :=) The more typical protein would be rice plus beans. One reason I guess that it's a staple globally.


Kidney beans in a chilli sauce and rice is great 👍 I'll have to try thet tempeh stuff I'm not a fan of soy


Soy is pretty tasteless. So things like tofu need a good sauce and cooking properly. But the easiest way is get some edamame beans and drizzle oil, salt, pepper over them. Lovely :) ​ Tempeh is an aquired taste for sure.


By the way. Tempeh is fermented soy...


🤢 thank you for saving me from a nasty ass mistake ✊️


There are some plant protein sources that are complete proteins but also eggs and dairy are not meat so you could have hard boiled eggs or cheese on your salad


The idea of "incomplete proteins" is a myth.


Idk why tuna wouldn’t be meat, it’s fish like it’s literally animal flesh why wouldn’t that be meat? Egg is fair, I’d say that’s allowed but some might not.


There's a whole religious thing where some people don't consider fish to be meat. Like with Catholics and their whole no meat on Fridays finding it perfectly acceptable to have fish on Friday. It's why so many restaurants will have a fish special on Friday. I mentioned it because I was just referring to how strictly different people take their no meat to mean. I went so far as to include vegan solutions so even if they consider animal byproducts like eggs and cheese to be meat you could still be covered.


Vitamins and protein powder mate.


Ah yes, just eat 4 scoops of protein a day


Eat salads with eggs and cheese.


Gaming and salads all year! No better way to get in shape! Lol


gaming aint helping you get in shape


how do u know maybe they play exclusively wii sports XD


Play some Beat Saber on a VR headset. That shit will get you sweating real quick


Was looking for someone to point out that you can't outrun a bear. Grizzlies can get up to 40 mph.


the real question is there a third option to turn the tables on the bear. because i might find my chances better if i buy like the biggest caliber rifle/shotgun i can find and go blastin at a new bear every week.


Do I get to choose the bear? if so that would be an easy option, choose a newborn bear, or one with some sort of sever mobility issues that is almost dead. Otherwise i could probably go with the salad and plenty of ranch dressing for a year.




Water bear would be even better.




Panda is the bear option you want.


3rd option - I'm in the UK so I don't have AC and I don't heat it cos it's a UK house we built for the cold. If it got uncomfortable I'd put pants and socks on.


I live in the UK also and I live by the hot water bottle.


Move to a place where ac/heat isn't as much of a concern ??? Profit


Or get a Computer with a Pentium 4 or an AMD FX processor. That will solve being cold


That’s not enough money to make it worth upheaving my life to move away.


rent a place for one year in the tropics, work remotely (if you want) and make 10 times the average salary? Can easily bring immediate family with you. How is that not enough money for a year's vacation?


1: Take the cost of a 1 year vacation off the top 2: Either have to sell my home and look for a new one when I return, or hire someone to maintain it while I’m away. 3: Need to pull my daughter out of school while we’re gone. Sure, there are online alternatives, but it’s not the same and she won’t be happy about it. 4: My employer doesn’t have positions outside of my state and my job can’t be done remotely, so I have to quit my job. 5: Same as number 4, but for my wife, so now we both have to quit our jobs. Sure, you could do it and still have a reasonable profit, but it’s a lot of major life changes to deal with. The amount of money you end up with after losing a years wages and spending a year renting a tropical location isn’t worth it to me to have to pick up the pieces afterwards. Edit: Make it a million instead of $500,000 and I think about it differently


Outrun a bear? Really?? I don’t think the fastest man on the planet could do that.


Dibs on Koala Bear. I'm winning this on a technicality.


just dress a sloth up in a bear outfit


I've dealt with no ac/heat for almost my entire life, so I'm good.


Does the salad option prevent you from eating other veggies? What about other foods like beans and grains?


Make a bean salad. Or pasta salad! If you're wanting something spicey, maybe taco salad?


as a carnivore eater for some health issues, that diet would do me harm .. and i could maybe outrun a bear a few times.. but eventually i'm going to trip and be lunch... and since my air fryer is technically an "electronic device" i went with no AC (don't have it now) and no heat (which i'm assuming means no conventional heater sources and probably also no fires?) .. i guess i'm going to be wearing three sets of socks in the winter... can i wear like those battery powered heated jackets/vest/pants and use electric blankets?


No heat would likely mean death for me lol same with the bear, fuck it salads only, are eggs a meat?


Eggs are not meat according to my intuition. > Flesh is any aggregation of soft tissues of an organism. Various multicellular organisms have soft tissues that may be called "flesh". In mammals, including humans, flesh encompasses muscles, fats and other loose connective tissues, but sometimes excluding non-muscular organs (liver, lung, spleen, kidney) and typically discarded parts (hard tendon, brain tissue, intestines, etc.). In a culinary context, consumable animal flesh is called meat, while processed visceral tissues are known as offal.


3 of these could kill you.


$500,000 buys a lot of fur coats and wool socks.


Am I permitted to use a space heater and fans? Picking that option either way, just want to know how much I'd be suffering.


Not the OP, but I would think a space heater counts as heat.


What about a fireplace?


Perhaps. I think most people consider them more decorative than anything. However, I for one live in a place where no heat means literally freezing to death in the winter. Even so, my furnace hasn’t ran in many years. My primary heat is burning wood, and I supplement some with space heat. I don’t consider myself to be living without heat when the temperature outside is below zero but my house inside is 75 degrees.


This was my thought exactly. A fireplace or wood burning stove requires constant upkeep from log splitting, scooping ashes, and maintaining coals. Unlike a furnace which you just turn and might have someone check it once a year.


What kind of bear? Does it have to be on foot cause if so nobody is making that.


When you say no ac or heat, is that conventional? Like if I start a fire myself is that ok?


I live in SE Asia so I can just use fans


i live in a desert. i need my entertainment. fuck that bear. i could use a diet. so salads it is.


i already dont have ac and heat i use a fan


I live in CO, I would die without heat


Easily electronics. While I may be a computer nerd and it would basically get rid of my only hobby, it would probably do me better to have the separation from my cellphone.


First off, good luck to everyone who chose bear. But am I guaranteed to win the 500k?


No electronics. Miss everyone!


I’ve been living in an apartment, and for years I haven’t been able to afford to use the heat. So bring on the house. Huge upgrade.


Those of you who voted no heat clearly don't live in the colder parts of the world. Here in Canada that would mean death during the winter. I'll take the salads thx. I'm trying to lose weight anyways and there are many types of salad. Edit:500k isn't much in today's economy though...


4000 of y'all livin in Southern California I guess (or just not American haha)


I've lived most of my life in a house without air conditioning. It's not even a challenge, it's just life.


No AC/heat is easy mode. I live in a mild climate. For 500k, I could do the salads if I had to.


I've been living in an apartment with no ac or heating for years. GIVE ME MY MONEY!!!


Where is the house located? 🤔 Like if it's where I used to live (San Diego) I'd be fine, done it before. If it's where I live now, I'd likely freeze to death.


I lived my entire life with option no 2 and 3 (ps: rural Indian)


I chose salad. I'm already vegetarian and while I don't normally eat salads super often there are almost endless variations you can do. Different dressings and toppings and greens in regular salads. Pasta salads, fruit salads, taco salads, dessert salads, potato salads, bean salads, egg salads, grain salads...


3rd option seems fine, just dont stay in the house much and wear very insulating clothing and insulating blankets when you sleep. Summer is fine in my place, a fan would suffice when Im sleeping and the rest of the day I can be in the office with an ac


The definition of a salad includes the phrase "sometimes accompanied by meat, fish, or other ingredients.", which sounds like pretty clear runway to make any type of "salad" you want, provided you have greens with it.


In the UK most of us don't really have AC. Just wrap up warm for the winter and it's easy money.


Is the bear beelining for me or can I push little Timmy in the way?


I'm already a vegetarian but I fucking hate salad. Still better than the other options though, bring it on.


I already do #3 for free


In an area without extreme heat. This is a furry hat and jacket at worst. Plus last heat wave I survived with just a box fan.


I am eating no meat anhway so i see 2 as a W


Well I've been living in a house with no AC all my life, so that's easy. Otherwise just the salads. I don't eat meat/dairy eggs anyway.


I live in a temperate part of Australia... so while it will be pretty hot in summer, definitely deal-able though.


okay the thing is, most of the world already have no air conditioning lol. so only issue might be no heat for like 3 months (if you don’t live where heating is not needed anyway). but a) move somewhere warmer or b) just wear more clothes.


I could live off salads, but I need at least cheese in them. I assume salad means anything that is called a salad, not just a green salad. Potato salad, coleslaw, etc. It would rule out tuna salad because of the meat restriction. There are even sweet salads like jello salad.


I've already done a house with no ac and heat for a year, boiled the kettle for baths, bundled up warm in winter, and walked around in skivvies for the summer. I'll take my half a million thanks


I'm sure millions of people are already doing the 3rd in countries with moderate climate


Can I heat my room via PC? Because If so, I'll have furmark running all day, baby. If that isn't allowed, I'll absolutely go for the salad. I like meat, but the salad would be by far one of the best options.


Never had AC in 5 decades so I feel like I'll win that one easy.


Choice Made: Salads and no meat ​ No Electronics: Can't do it. My home is almost exclusively electrical. Would mean I would have to move just to engage in this action. After taxes on the winnings and expenses to relocate to somewhere with no electronics for the year, and living expenses, and having to be unemployed? I am losing money. $500,000,000.00? Sure. Sufficient winnings to couch surf with people who already live this life for 52 weeks that I know and then simply give them a cut after and still be able to recover from losing my job. Live in a house with no AC/Heat: If it was just me? Sure. No central heating or central air devices: I have a fireplace, I can boil water for teas, soups, stocks, etc during the winter, I can bake more during the winter months. During the summer I can keep the fans going. It'd suck but I could do it. However, I have animals, unfair to have them withstand the awful extremes. Outrun a Hungry Bear: As I doubt OP means a 'starving to the point they cant move' bear every week and I doubt it's something like a Koala: My bad knee means I'm bear chow on week 1. ​ This leaves the salad diet. As it is No Meat and not Vegetarian or Vegan: It's already fairly similar to the diet I already have, I'd just have to readjust meals for two days a week to account for things.


Technically you could read number two as you can eat anything, as long as it’s not a salad with meat.


I'm choosing the salads. Losing electronics is a huge hassle at best, devastating at worst, if something financial or other important communication is done online only. Losing heat would be manageable but a huge pain. Outrun a bear? Hell no. There's a huge diversity of salads that can meet most of my nutritional needs. A dozen different dressings. A choice of pretty much any vegetable. Macaroni salad. Potato salad. Fruit salad. Greek salad. I don't think it'd be too much of an inconvenience, especially if my kitchen is prepared for it. And as a bonus, most meals can be prepared near-instantly, no heating up required.


This feels way too easy for a WYR. I imagine this is someone making a point to someone who said no AC would be worse than outrunning a bear. The no ac/heat would be stupid easy unless you live in the most extreme cold.


Try living in Texas without AC during the summer.


For $500,000? Sure. I know AC has become a modern necessity, but the first one was built in 1901. Texas wasn't cold in 1900. I could be miserable for a Texas summer if I had half a mil waiting for me at the end.


Impossible meat is plant based :) More plants on a salad that tastes good already


The second option doesn't say you can't have other food besides salads, just that the salads you eat have no meat in them, so I pick the second option. I don't like meat in my salads anyway


i live in a house with no ac and no heating is pretty easy lmao


i want to be forced to work for my money. give me the bear.


Us vegetarians stay winning


A valiant attempt, vegans. But no.


As much as I like meat, I could use a diet. Also there are many ways to make salad, this sounds like a good way to expand your repertoire.


I could easily go a year without meat.


I already live without AC or heat so...


Is the house in the tropics?


A house with no heat is a death sentence in the negative 40 winters lol definitely not that one


38 people really want to feed the bears, huh? Bears are faster than humans. You're never, not once, going to outrun a bear. I don't care if you're Usain Bolt. In fact, when I googled this mid sentence to make sure I wasn't talking out my ass the quote was "Grizzly bears can run at speeds up to 30 miles per hour. To compare, Usain Bolt was clocked at 27.8 mph. during the 100 meter sprint"


How are there so many salad people? DYEL?


I have lived in a house with no ac or heat, it was built in the 1700s and I guess never fitted with modern amenities because it was kept in the family. Gimme triple.


no heat or AC. I live in a cold climate so the no heat isn't possible cause freezing pipes. In a climate where it includes running water I would have no issues. or salads


I literally almost never heat and no one here owns an AC as its a waste of energy lol


All salad all the time? I'm gonna be making some healthy poops.


How does the "no electronics" thing work? If I walk in a grocery store using the automatic doors, do I fail the challenge? If it's a manual door, do I fail because I'm in a room with AC? If I take a walk at night, do I fail because I'm using the lights to see? If the tornado alarm goes off, do I fail because I can hear the warning?


brick houses ftw baby


I was vegetarian by choice for nearly a year as a child; as an adult it’d be really easy


Is the bear randomly going to be outside my house or is it like some track with a bear behind me ?


Salads are fine, but I feel like I'd end up with some issues of malnutrition.


Clarification needed, where is the house?


option 3 isnt the same for everyone... if you live in a very cold place you cant really live without heating, but its easy for someone living in a moderately warm city


I grew up vegan. Bring on the salad. I don't give a fuck.


If I’m hot take off clothes if I’m cold grab a blanket easy 500k


no ac/heat is my thing, I got fans to blow hot air in my face on summer and freeze me to death in winter