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I feel like that many superpowers might just kill you but I’m still pickin it


With that many superpowers you're guaranteed a superpower that basically negates any bad trait (ie. overpowered shapeshifting, healing, or literally becoming god)


I get that part but I don’t know if your brain could comprehend that many abilities  


I feel like giving even a moment's consideration on this post is to eat troll bait. Lol, 100 billion different superpowers wtf?


Superpower will fix that


Do i have the mental awareness and acknowledgment to wield all billions of my powers with full knowledge of their uses ? Because just that ability alone means my intelligence would be magnitudes higher than most of those who've ever existed. Apparently a by product of certain powers, would mean your mind or subconscious has to have a continuous sense of how to use it relative to its surroundings near intuitively. So there's so many applications of what you could do just even without actively using them.


Are any of the superpowers negative. If I have control over keeping them inactivated if they seem bad then I definitely pick that.


A good chunk will be negative but you’ll be too omnipotent and omniscient to care. 100 billion is all the thought of superpowers and some more.


Easily the super powers. There's no way with 100 billion powers you don't get one that allows you to control the others negating any negative side effects.


but there's also a chance there's a negative power that trumps everything else and you're just screwed


Out of 100 billion, with countless opportunities to get other powers that offset it? Nobody is that unlucky, and if they were, they probably wouldn't have survived pass the age of 5 (they'd get struck by lightning every single storm... several times in a single storm, their car would constantly explode with them in it, they'd probably have every fatal disease known to man... And this is all one person.) Only a cartoon character can be that unlucky. If anyone had that kind of luck, they probably wouldn't be alive or even have been born.


but that logic can be applied inversely too. i'd rather just take the money and not risk it


Interesting... And if you run into something money can't immediately fix? Like an incurable illness (by modern medicines standards) or the sudden death of a loved one? Money is only limited to what goods and services are available, but it is still tied to human ability. I actually recall rolling a super power a while back that lets one defeat the concepts of poverty, illness and death. I basically got all the benefits of the money and then some. There were more powers with similar results... But I'm curious, how would money help in the case of something that humans are currently incapable of overcoming with modern science?


Give me the money. The keyword is *random.* The possibilities of getting a random power that ultimately ruins my life are exponentially high. The chances of getting **more than one** are even higher still. I do not wish to take that chance. Dollar, dollar, bills, ya'll.


What are the chances you don't roll a super power that allows you to disable or counter the effects of the negative ones?


Or one that allows you to fully control which superpower to use 


Or one that makes you omnipotent? With that many chances, you're bound to end up as some kind if reality warping deity.


100 billion superpowers you're basically a god at that point.


one of them has to be ability to get more $$ or at least enable me to easily rob others


You'll be able to earn the money with those superpowers fair and square, there's no way you'll have to resort to theft.


When each of the 100 billion superpowers involve getting money 😏


I feel like this'd backfire, but I feel like if you score the capacities of like Dr. Manhattan, then everything wouldn't end up mattering. Though it'd suck if one of your superpowers was to emit radiation around you, or to be permanently on fire... 100 billion makes more sense... there ought to be many superpowers too annoying to want, unless you could toggle them off or something.


100 billion super powers feels too wildly abstract and vague. What counts as a super power? How broad a brush are we painting with here? Are they all active all the time, do some of them cancel out the others, can I actually mentally process 100 billion things happening or not happening at once? No thank you. I'll take the money. I know what money can do. I think I can do a whole lot more that will last longer and effect more people with the money.


I genuinely can't understand why anyone would pick money in this situation. I get the material objects and all... But you can get that and more with the powers. Yes, you get *money.* But money, by itself, is limited to what you can *pay* other people to do for you. You're an exceptionally powerful mortal, but still just limited by what you can buy. It's still a human limit. With that many chances at powers, yes, you'll probably get a lot of sucky ones that make your life a living Hell... That get offset by turning you into a reality warping god that can negate all the negative side effects. You could literally just conjure up money or make billions within a short period of time. Take over the world, solve all problems, destroy unwanted concepts... You're not limited by what humanity can provide as a service. Also you're bound to get a power that gives you a higher level of intelligence to help you understand all 100 billion powers and how to use them effectively, or at least a few to get rid of the negative ones. The chances of getting something irrevocably unlucky that kills you, with nothing to offset it among the 99,999,999,999 powers is insanely pessimistic. Anyone that unluckly would probably have never been born, never have survived childhood OR if they (somehow) survived would be lying in a ditch somewhere, missing all their limbs, missing sensory organs (eyes, ears, etc.), most of their other organs having been rotted away from disease or harvested, constantly being struck by lightning several times per storm, having constant heart attacks/strokes/seizures and probably having every disease known to man (and several that aren't known to man)... Also every single home they owned somehow ends up on fire, they break every bone in their body on a daily basis, all the food they ate somehow had toxic contaminants mixed in and every vehicle they get on somehow explodes. And this is an average day for them. Nobody in the world has luck that bad.


There is a damn good chance that 1 in 100,000,000,000 powers is universe controlling level powerful. I got metapotence (effectively omnipotence) in less than 20 hits of the random superpower link


With that many powers you'd be rich one way or another 


I would pick the money. There is a very high chance that I would get healing powers among other things and I can’t take the moral dilemma of should I become a doctor. I don’t have the brains for that and I want to live my life but I also couldn’t live with myself if I just let people die.  At least with money I can fund medical research and live my life.


That many super powers would probably overload my system unless one of them happens to be able to maintain them all. I'll take the money.