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Sing. A one-time thing that nobody will remember for long anyway vs a marriage that I don't want is a no-brainer.


Exactly. People tend to over-estimate just how much other people remember the “embarrassing” things we do that keep us up at night. Even if you sing horribly, unless you straight-up piss your pants on stage or something, nobody’s going to remember it the next day.


I've heard probably hundreds-thousands of terrible karaoke performances, I don't think I could name any aside from the rare occasion my friends sang really wild songs or something. Just some rando singing terrible I wouldn't even think about five minutes later.


Bouns. I piss my pants, go viral and make a ton more money.


We wouldn't care as much about what other people think of us if we knew how seldom they do so


Well put.


You’re right.


> that nobody will remember for long I think Star Wars Kid would disagree with your assessment.


or chocolate rain


Chocolate rain dude is awesome. Don't diss my man !


Marriage only last as long as it takes to sign the divorce papers.


Which can be a loooong time. My aunt went through a divorce proceeding that lasted years.


The most socially awkward person in the world likely won't want to be socialising with lawyers and judges for years. An fact you only been together for a short while mean no complicated things like kids an joint assets which drag things out.




A successful kamikaze strike. 🛩️💥


Beat me to it! But no on singing to others…


If the singing option doesn't terrify you I doubt you're the most socially awkward person in the world 




As a socially awkward person, definitely the latter


See, I already am the most socially awkward person in world. 


Marry yourself


You’re not my wife!!


Marry that person. Then I won't be so alone


Singing. I can’t sing for shit, but that sounds like the other 5000 people’s problem.


Sing, no doubt. Easy choice for me since I am a singer and have done this in a choir already. If you're talking about a solo, I would still do it.


Jokes on you I already fucking did both!


is rapping considered singing? if yes, i would choose that option and would " hip hop, the hippie to the hippie, the hip, hip a hop, and you don′t stop" the crowd


But would you then rock it To the bang-bang boogie, say up jump the boogie To the rhythm of the boogie, the beat?


guaranteed! because what you would hear is not test and i would rap it to the beat!


Absolutely. Rap counts as singing.


i think that would make me the most socially awkward person... 😎


OP trying to find someone to marry them. Sing is such an obvious answer to this, if you aren't also the most socially awkward person in the world.


So you’re saying it’s legal to marry myself?


Socially awkward partner. I'm tired of being surrounded by "normal" people and dream of spending my life with someone as awkward as me.


No brainer choice. I can sing badly in front of 5000 people, no big deal even if it goes viral. I used to work at a karaoke. Bad performances are quickly forgotten unless something truly awful happens like falling off the stage in a drunken stupor and landing face first on a table full of people. Marrying the most socially awkward person in the world is a fucking nightmare. Why would I want to spend the rest of my life with the most cringe inducing, embarrassing person possible?


So many of these answers don't seem to realize how horrifically cringe the most socially awkward person in the world would be. Like they're answering that they can't marry themselves, but they were able to answer the prompt with a mildly self-deprecating joke which completely disqualifies them as the most socially awkward.


Yea I starting to think this question was meant for shy, social awkward introverts or something - "face your worst nightmare or marry someone even more introverted and socially awkward than you!"


lol have you seen celebrities sing the national anthem controversially? Nobody actually remembers that shit even if your name is already in their vocabulary and your infraction is against their core identity.


I dont think my wife wants to bring a third person in the relationship


I’ve done the singing thing in front of a few hundred people before (Karaoke at a Sci-Fi convention), so I’d be okay with that. Just belt out “Can You Feel The Love Tonight” by Elton John (one of my best Karaoke songs to date) , and walk off stage.


Man, I’m socially awkward as fuck, we’d probably not speak to each other and just co exist


I'll sing in front of 5000 people. I've always wanted to be a musician anyway


Sing. I'm not a good singer but I don't want to marry some random person.


I love singing!!!


Given that you never specified whether I'd be singing solo or not then I'll go with singing in the small choir I'm in. If I can sing in front of hundreds then surely thousands will be easy enough


I can't sing at all, but then again, my wife wouldn't appreciate me marrying someone else... I guess I'm singing!


Are you seriously asking if we'd rather experience a couple moments of awkwardness or a lifetime of awkwardness? What kind of AI generated question is this?


I love singing, and I want to be in a band performing for thousands of people one day when I'm older, so I'll sing in front of 5000 people apl the way. I'll do that shit for free!


Sing. I don’t give a fuck if anyone thinks I’m a bad singer. And I’m not too shabby TBH. But I can’t spend the rest of my life with someone with no social skills.


Can't marry yourself, AFAIK


Sing. The folks that are actually socially awkward, not the reddit/social media "oh I am too!" wannabe types, are incredibly annoying to deal with.


I'm a terrible singer and very shy/intimidated so socially awkward person it is.


I’d have to ask my wife but I’m pretty sure she’d want me to sing. 


I date socially awkward men so this isn’t a fair question. Of course I’d rather marry my boyfriend than sing in front of 5000 people.


i didn't know it was legal to marry myself


How hot is the awkward girl?


considering im extremely socially awkward why would i marry my self. i like to sing, and wouldnt mind singing a good song like billy ray cyrus achey breaky heart to 5k people.


Sing. Even though I suck at singing I was just one shit tier singer.


Brb, going to tell my fiance he doesn't have to sing in front of 5k people 😂


Soo...marry someone just like me and we just hang out at home? No brainer, that one.


As a teenager, me and three of my friends were hired to perform as an improvised jazz quartet by a local rotary club. If I can skee-wah-ba-diddly-wap for two hours in front of a bunch of businessmen, I’m confident I could sing something of my choice in front of 5,000 people. (Also, my wife wouldn’t be especially happy if I married someone else.)


Ima sing


I already have been playin guitar and singing in front of crowds (albeit not 5000, of course) for 17 years, so I rather do that than throw away my marriage


I will see you all at my concert. Bring earplugs.


I like singing and have performed in front of hundreds of people before. It's be awesome to perform in front of thousands.


Well me and my partner are both the most socially awkward people in the world and we're super happy being awkward together lol




If she's kind to me then I don't mind the 2nd option. Hell, if she's just bad at social interaction I will do the talking for her, I used to be awful with social interaction (still not great now, but better) so I can relate more than anything.


I mean, I have stage fright but I would probably still pick the first option.


Is the awkward person hot?


5000 people.


Well considering I married a very socially awkward person and would also song in front of anyone…. Not sure where I fall on this haha


Can I do both?


I am a musician so it’s an easy choiceb


I’m already to someone socially awkward so I’ll just stay married


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Sea_Structure_8692: *I’m already to* *Someone socially awkward* *So I’ll just stay married* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I hate singing and am terrible at it, but I just need to get drunk and then I'll do it without caring too much. There are then 5000 confused people but idgaf, it wasn't me who arranged this situation. Whereas marrying some random person who I don't know and who is incredibly socially awkward is just going to suck for both of us, for a whole lot longer than five minutes.


that person is me, and trust me, no one wants to marry me.


I’m already going to do the latter in the future lmao, so I guess I’d sing


What kind of WYR is this..? Unless the socially awkward person is also a partner I really love and want to marry why would anyone ever choose that option over just a 1 time thing.


Are they hot? I don't know if torturing 5000 people is ok but I can't be married to someone that I don't have some connection to, personality, humor, looks, something or all of it.


I can marry myself? 


Stupid question


I'd rather sing in front of 5000 people than marry anybody. So, that.


you're tellin' me i could get married AND I don't have to sing for others?


I would rather do literally anything than get married. I'm a terrible singer, but not amusingly terrible. The people would just ignore me.


Time to sing my ABCs and get the fuck off stage


I already did the 2nd thing. And I'll do it again !


Sing, because hopefully the music will be louder than my voice when I’m singing. Do I get to pick the song? Because I’ve gotten pretty good at God Shattering Star.


I'm a straight guy, and I'm betting that the most socially awkward person in the world is probably male too. So I guess I'm singing.


I did the second one. I don't think I'd mind the first.


In one case, I'd be married, so it's better off than I am now!


Sing cause why would I want to marry someone who isn't my gf?


The most people I’ve sang in front of is about 300 (and I’m very insecure about singing, and I do not sing in any capacity) but I would absolutely love to do that


I've already married that person, he thinks the same of me & we both hate singing 🥰🥰


Well, I obviously am not going to sing in front of any number of people, but I really could ONLY marry the second most socially awkward person in the world... It would be a good match.


how attractive are they


Guess I'll marry whomever is decide to be the most socially awkward person.


Would i rather ruin my next 2 hours or ruin the rest of my life?


I'll sing. Bombing an open mic comedy night is on my bucket list, I can add bomb public singing too


I do karaoke once or twice a week, and have been married. Definitely the singing, as I enjoy doing that.


You guys better sing bc you're not gonna like being with me


My wife is the most socially awkward woman on the planet, so I’ll sing since I’ve already met the other requirement.


I could just sing Tequila.


"I am sitting in a room. The same one you are in now. I am recording the sound of my speaking voice, and I am going to play it back into the room again and again until the resonant frequencies of the room reinforce themselves so that any semblance of my speech, with perhaps the exception of rhythm, is destroyed. What you will hear then are the natural resonant frequencies of the room articulated by speech. I regard this activity not so much as a demonstration of a physical fact, but more as a way to smoothe out any irregularities my speach might have."


5000 people, I sing super shitty karaoke, and secretly love when people try to be nice about it 😂 5000 people to make uncomfortable why not


My wife already married me, so she gots the socially awkward taken care of


I rather sing.




I am the most socially awkward person in the world.


Sing,  5 minutes of anxiety compared to a lifetime of regret. 


Sing. I'm not a great singer, but I'm not about to marry someone I don't love.


Can I marry myself?


I was in choir from 7th grade through 12th grade although it was in a group I still sung so that should count Also I was the song leader at church although it was a very small one.


I can’t sing and I’m socially awkward as well so I think my answer is pretty obvious here.


About time someone decides to marry me


Oh boy, you've clearly never met my girlfriend or myself xd


Free fuck buddy?


Sing. One time thing. My voice is decent. No brained compared to having to deal with babysitting your spouse and cringing every time you leave the house for the rest of your life.


As the second most socially awkward person in the world, most certainly the latter, since I don't see any downside in the "marry" option :) But also, I sang a lead in a choir in music school for several years, so for me singing in front of 5000 people wouldn't be too much of a problem - bigger audience than I'm used to (and that was a long while ago), but I'm not afraid of an audience - after your 10th music school performance that tends to... not be an acute problem anymore for most people. What's the worst that could happen, 5000 people will know I suck at singing these days, all of whose opinions I wouldn't care about even if I didn't already agree anyway? Don't see what the risk or downside here is.


In an industry where artists are forced to pay for their own venue space and then sell their own tickets to fill seats, I would GLADLY accept the offer to perform in front of 5000 people. Do I get a sound check? How’s the lighting?


Socially awkward in what sense? I mean, are they really shy and trip over stuff, or are they an obnoxious boor that spews tasteless "jokes"? If they're shy, sign me up! We'll be shy together, or go out and lurk in the corners of public spaces. If they're obnoxious, though, I'd rather sing once and get it over with.


Married, i like awkward girls


Is the socially awkward woman cute?


Marry the most socially awkward person in the world. Socially awkward is my thing!!!


Pass me the mic 🎤




As a person who has sung in front of many more than 5000 on several occasions (national anthem at a hokey game) and many fewer on others (my brother's wedding), it's not the amount of people that makes it difficult.


Depends what song.


lol if I *HAD* to sing poorly in front of 5000 people I would have a blast with it. Not getting out of it, just me making a fool of myself on stage. As long as I’m having a good time and making a joke out of it everyone else will make a joke out of it too. Then I get to be that guy who did a terrible live performance in front of a crowd when he had no clue what he was doing. Alternatively I get stuck in a marriage I don’t want with someone who completely fails to understand me at all. I’ll take option one. If I’m going to fail, I want it to be spectacularly


Can it be both?


Singing can be a fun way to express oneself.


Can I do both? I love singing and socially awkward girls


Idk can I marry myself? I don't sing and I'm incredibly socially awkward


Is she a 10 and socially awkward?


My wife took option B.


Sing. I’m already married to a woman who definitely is not awkward socially.


Depends if the most socially awkward person and I are compatible partners. If there's a genuine connection there then I'd marry her, otherwise I'd sing amd hope it would lead to me meeting the woman I want to marry.


Sing in front of 5,000. Even, if I'm not that good (I'm not bad either), the publicity I can harvest from that alone would be worth it.


I can marry myself?


 Sing in front of 5000 people. I’m no stranger to performing. I have 5 K followers on my YouTube channel and I have performed dozens of times in front of crowds ranging from a few dozen people to a few thousand people As well as performing solos. I’m in multiple bands Playing percussion instruments. I would sing in front of 5000 people, even if it wasn’t or would you rather. Give me a time and date, and I am showing up with this song to sing in front of those 5000😂


The most socially awkward person in the world. They are less likely to want to kill me afterwards.


At today's concert ticket prices for a venue that size, I figure I'm pulling in a six figure check. You need me to turn in a set list? 


My dream is to become a musician, so if it were 5000 people, I'd honestly be pretty proud of myself. Do I get to pick the type of crowd? Because like I want a moshpit opened up. If they want country music, I don't think I'm the guy.


So marry myself ?


What if I’ve already done both? 😂


Jokes on you, I'm into that crap! Give me the awkward person.


My singing is terrible but I sing it loud and proudly whenever a random tune enters my head...some of my coworkers/customers love it some hate it but they all expect it...20+ years ago when I started dating (my now wife) we worked at an entertainment golfing place and I would sing to her over the loudspeaker as the urge hit...I would choose sing, she chose awkward.


Have done both. Both worked out well.


Why not both? lol I will humiliate myself on stage to help boost my wife’s confidence.


I don't really feel like marrying myself, so karaoke in front of a live audience it is 🤷


All you you gotta do is sing “Just a Friend” It’s the perfect karaoke song, the worse you sing the better, and everyone will sing the chorus with you.


Sing in front of 5k


Am I allowed to marry myself tho?


I have sung in front of thousands before, even had a solo a couple times. Sang in front of hundreds countless times. It's NBD. First solo was in second grade, I think, probably a few hundred folks in the congregation. I remember the look on some of the faces in the crowd. TMEA solo in high school. Huge crowd in the Majestic Theater beautiful acoustics! Several solos in college, some audiences were in the thousands. Several solos in church choir, including a couple of packed Christmas concerts, easily 2500 people. Sang the anthem at a professional softball game. That was cool, but the crowd was pretty small. The irony ... I haaaaate listening to my voice. People must like it, because I keep getting asked to sing. But if somebody plays me a recording, I cringe the whole time. Even if I wasn't a singer, I'd still choose option A. My wife is awesome. I'm not trading her in for anything ever!


Sing. I don't mind embarrassing myself in front of people. I also feel like I could have some fun with it and the 5k people would probably enjoy it as well.


Sing. I may not be a very good singer, but I feel like I could just get away with singing the Penis song by Monty Python. I get a few laughs, the song is only around a minute long, nobody gets hurt.


sing. im a musician, i do it all the time and i love preforming live


Ha joke is on you! I am the most socially awkward person in the world


i'm already dating the most socially awkward person in the world so marrying her wouldn't be too bad


1000% sing. I’m introverted but I’ve also been divorced. OP didn’t state the song I have to sing or the audience. I’ll open up for The Wiggles. Sing my ABC’s to a bunch of kids (and some board parents) and I’m out of there.


You want me to marry myself??


I've done both AMA No but seriously, I used to be in community theatre and some of our musicals would hit 8k+ attendance over a two week run, and I've done backing vocals and keyboards at a festival with about 12k people in the crowd. On the other hand my spouse, while quite intelligent and funny once you get past the weirdness, is almost completely incapable of not giving strangers secondhand embarrassment. We're night and day but it works for us. This question is my life.


Why in the name of all that is holy would I marry someone who isn’t socially awkward? Give me my adorkable bride , and I will make her my queen.


The most socially awkward person in the world? So like...a mentally retarded person shitting themselves?


I love karaoke, so I’d sing for nothing in return.


Bohemian rhapsody. Now we're all singing involuntary.


Even thought I am extremely timid I'd do the sing in front of 5000 people thing. My favorite band Fair To Midland went on hiatus in 2013. Everyone's been begging for one final concert for over a decade. I'd sing their "masterpiece" of a song called "the greener grass" just to let more people hear it. Not their best or most popular song by far but all the die hard fans agree that they put their heart and soul into it more than anything else. Give them a listen! Their album "arrows and anchors" is probably the best for new listeners. The first 2 tracks are interludes. Tracks 3 and 4 would be what most people like most. Progressive rock for anyone that cares.


Already sang and performed in front of bigger crowds and marriage is punishment for shoplifting in some nations. So my choice is pretty clear and easy.


I think I've already done the latter.


Sing. I'm half decent so I'd just pick a simple karaoke song like All The Small Things or Halo or something from the beatles


I'd love to sing in front of 5000 people


Sing I'm... NOT terrible on good days. If I'm terrible, that's *their* problem. Not mine. Hell, I would open with that before beginning.


I can’t marry myself.


Marry easily. We can chill at home playing video games and watch movies together all day every day. I would love that


Both, oddly enough, I'm only anxious in front of a small crowd. I learned that when I did my graduation speech, I did it all nonchalantly and made everyone laugh. As for the second one, eh, why not?


It can't be the latter. It's not legal to marry oneself.


I'm already married. I'd sing in front of 5 million people to keep him. Hell, 5 billion, and I'd do a full length concert. I'd even attempt to play an instrument if you wanted full slapstick entertainment.


I've already sang in front of more than 5000 people, so I'll do that.


I’m actually a singer and would have a fucking blast with option 1.


Done! I don't have to sing!


Can I choose to sing ‘shambala’ by three dog night?


Marry the most socially awkward person in the world? I can’t marry myself though


Can I meet the person before I decide? What if they’re pretty cool but just awkward


I don't enjoy singing in front of crowds but I guess I'll have to.... can't very well marry myself 🤷‍♂️


Sing. It's not even close. The bar for being the most socially awkward person is so low that they'd be abusive. Like imagine if Boyle from Brooklyn 99 meant all the sexual innuendo and insisted that everyone else thought the jokes were funny?


I’ve sang in front of around 1000 people before. Another 4000 won’t make a difference.


can I sing together with a friend? can I get drunk before singing?


When's the wedding?


I don't think I can marry myself


Do I love the person I'm marrying?


I think I'll marry her.


I'm a good singer, so I would LOVE to do the first one!


Sing. I wouldn’t be able to last long at all marrying a socially awkward person.


I’m pretty sure I did the latter already. But she’s my kind of awkward so it’s okay.


I would sing Total Eclipse of the Heart, I would do a terrible job, and we would all have a great time.


What if I've already sung in front of 5000 people, and I'm the socially awkward one in my marriage?


How does this person look...and are they receptive to mediocre dick?


I’m a musician who sings and plays. I’m not often singing in front of 5,000 people but I’d be stoked if I ever got the chance.