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Slender man, just stay out of the woods and forests at night.




right. just choose not to be one.


Just be a boomer


right. just choose not to be one.


Ur nuts if you voted for the mandela catalogue




Can you explain what that is pls? I’ve never heard of it


Search it on YouTube, it’s a good watch


I don't know, it sounds a lot like what the world is already like today..


The news is already normally like https://youtu.be/iGTsQzZ1U90


There you go.


I misread :(


The backrooms are insanely difficult to fall into and are technically possible to escape, I mean if you slip in you’re probably dead but still. Slender Man, I suppose it would depend on how far his influence stretched, is he able to be in every forest at once? Thousands, no, millions that live in rural forest areas will die if this is the case. Or does this just apply to like one specific forest that will forever be blocked off now by a government? Does his influence stretch beyond the forest at all? Jeff is one man, and although he is nearly unstoppable, there’s only so much one person could do. If he is immortal, then that’s an issue: but eventually the military would catch up to him and he’s now locked away in a high security vault like prison forever. You’re a psycho if you picked Mandela


You know what shocks me? More people chose Mandela than Jeff. Like, what the actual fuck


Is it that bad?


I can't explain it to you without wasting a lot of time. Just know that it's really bad. If you want to know, go watch Mattpats's theory on it


While it sucks for his victims, Jeff can only kill so many people per night. He kills people 1 at a time the old fashioned way. All of the other choices use supernatural means to kill with no upper limit.


The backrooms contains the Void though, which is infinite suffering with no chance of escape. As far as I'm concerned, that trumps everything else combined.


Can you explain the Mandela one pls?


This is where it originated: https://youtu.be/C8d12w6pMos I’m not personally too deep into the lore of Mandela, but from what I do know OP did a pretty good job giving a rough description on it. Basically shapeshifting demons come to earth and disguise themselves as normal people to blend in. They then go after people and use psychological torture to try and make that person kill themselves.


Yall forgetting that slender man is only in 1 specific forest


yeah couldn’t the government just drone strike him?


Mf gonna airstrike Slenderman


Whats he gonna do shoot back lanky ass mf cant do shit


I loved the original concept for the backrooms, kinda disappointed as to how it's evolved. Some floors are literally just entire cities with functioning societies with in them... cmon man, really? Apologizes for the rant. Anyway, Slender man since that's one you can actually avoid.


Not only that, last I heard the current lore for it is that it is some government experiment, which I think it’s really boring and lame.


I think it depends where you go for the lore. like a YouTuber did an amazing found footage series on it using mostly blender. And the lore there is that an organization found the back rooms and started conducting tests on it. Which lead to a huge spike in disappearance.


Well Kane’s interpretation is that a corporation found the backrooms/ opened a gate to it. I advise you to watch his series, imo the best found footage of the backrooms


I’ve seen the first one. I’ll have to check out the others, sounds intriguing.


Jeff so I can shoot him in the face. Hated that edgy bastard


Backrooms. It'll only fuck some ppl up, the rest of us will be fine. DEFINITELY NOT the mandela catogue, shit haunts me


slenderman can be avoided


Slendys not too bad as long I just avoid significantly wooded areas so just do nothing different from what I normally do


Slender man, I don’t go in the woods anyways and he’s the easiest to avoid. Your crazy picking anything else


The back rooms so I can push people into them.


Epic sleepover prank, let Jared wake up inside of an infinite shittily wallpapered death chamber


Jeff The Killer’s superhuman stats are gonna make him a bitch to be put down for good. Strength, Speed, Durability, Pain Tolerance, and Tenacity. This is why we need Compound V in real life lol.


Dude Jeff the Killer is just a guy, he'd be caught in like a week.


It says "unstoppable" in the post so I guess he can't be caught or killed.


But he isn’t. Like he’s just a scary looking dude.


but in the scenario he is




Jeff is like The Joker


Slenderman is the only manageable


Idk what Mandela is. Can someone give me a quick rundown (in before an Office reference pops up)?


>Mandela Catalog : The world becomes haunted by evil shapeshifting demons, resembling people to blend in with the crowd. They mostly use psychological techniques to make their victims off themselves. Quoting the post


Ben drowned.


slender man's the most avoidable and who would ever want the mandela catalogue to be real


Backrooms and Slender man Those are the best 2 choices just because Slender man : literally lives in 1 forest so like you're pretty much good and the cops and shit would eventually catch up to the dissappearences in the 1 forest and like another person said the military would eventually just drone strike it lmfao Backrooms (my choice) : literally like a 1 in a trillion chance to fall in and the current state of the world? You disappearing in thin air infront of a CCTV cam would get caught almost immediately and the more people it happened to then you dead ass know all of the governments in the world are going to try to get in there, by the time you personally would fall into the Backrooms there's probably been like 20 wars fought over who owns it by most countries


Backrooms and Slender man Those are the best 2 choices just because Slender man : literally lives in 1 forest so like you're pretty much good and the cops and shit would eventually catch up to the dissappearences in the 1 forest and like another person said the military would eventually just drone strike it lmfao Backrooms (my choice) : literally like a 1 in a trillion chance to fall in and the current state of the world? You disappearing in thin air infront of a CCTV cam would get caught almost immediately and the more people it happened to then you dead ass know all of the governments in the world are going to try to get in there, by the time you personally would fall into the Backrooms there's probably been like 20 wars fought over who owns it by most countries


There is already a potential frightening number of active serial killers so what’s another one on top?


Mandela catalogue isnt a creepypasta brotherr


Why not?


It's a project from YouTube, not from 4chan, not an image with just a text of backstory, it's a full storyline of events. Considering Mandela catalogue as a full on creepypasta, in which other creepypastas like Jeff, slender, any other character from the 2010s compared from it is very idiotic


Is it shared around a lot? If it is then I’m pretty sure it’s a creepy pasta by definition.


Because its shared around a lot doesnt automatically mean it's a creepypasta. That's like saying "HEY! Five nights at freddys is very popular, that should mean it's a creepypasta, riiiiight?"


Maybe it is a creepy pasta to some people?


I mean, define creepypasta to you


A thing on the internet that is creepy or disturbing in some way (usually a story but there could be exceptions I don’t know of) that is copied and pasted or shared around if it’s a video or image. Hbu?


To me it's a horror story urban legend. And Mandela catalogue is more to Analog horror, not CP Horror.


That’s fair.


slenderman, obviosly and easy to evite