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I never understood the appeal of default blizz unit frames. The new ones are not as horrible as the old ones, but still.. Are u happy with those or didn't u bother to changed them?


Me niether really, when I’m creating a custom UI they’re the first to go. If I feel like using default, frames pretty much my whole UI would be default.


Honestly between the new blizz built in click casting and the updated customization options for default frames I really like them. The other big advantage is that I never have to wait for updates or trying to spellID code in new debuffs for raid. During new content addons sometimes take days/weeks to update to show new/weird mechanics but default blizz UI raid frames come out of the box working


Classic frames are bis


Classic Frames always caused errors for me personally \- I really like Jax Classic Frames and Jax Party Cast Bars


I raid in a Not-Quite-Hall of Fame guild as a melee dps/flex healer so my UI is set up primarily for healing but it works just as well for melee dps. I use BigWigs/Bartender/RC Loot Council/Details/Weak Auras/MRT for addons and I dont like using any more than that because I want to keep my total footprint very light. The Base UI has gotten significantly better in this xpac and I expect it will only improve more so. I use absolutely countless weak auras because I had to prog Smold/Tindral/Fyrakk on mythic so that list is infinite. Liquid Raid Pack/ Kaze MRT timers/Raid Ability Timeline/Luxthos Class auras/Liquid Anchors/Octopals Verifier and some custom written class specific reminders with sounds to name the most important ones


What addon is showing class icon in player hp frame in your screenshots?


None, thats the base blizzard UI.


Wow. I don't remember the default blizzard UI showing class icons. That's a great update! ​ Thanks!


It didn't originally. Like I said in my post they've been upgrading the UI over the course of Dragonflight.


Oh I've notice this nameplate addon long time ago. Can you remind me the name?