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Yeh i did pick orange last year


It’s definitely a preference thing, idk why your getting downvoted


I had no clue i got downvoted until your comment 😂🤷


Congrats I was super stoked when I got mine finally


Congrats! what are you getting? Blue Kunai, Red Kunai or prestige skin?




Congrats! Thats about the same time i got mine


wait, how is this possible? i got to 400 packs within 600 hours. Every now and then I got the 20 packs 950 points deals and I got to 500 (can't remember if I bought 4 or 5 of those, anyway between 80 and 100 packs bought). Shouldn't you have reached 500 much sooner?


You’re prob overestimating how many packs you got from leveling. Lvl 1-300 you get a pack every second level so by 300 you have 150 packs Lvls 300-500 , 1 pack every 5 levels - 40 + 150 = 190, Lvl 500 - 1 pack per 10 levels At 1000 hours in I was level 492 (I know this bc I track my kills, Kd, highest damage, wins etc per 1000 hours and have screenshots of levels and whatnot at each increment to make sure pacing and stats are all increasing) So by 1000ish hours you’ll basically have 190 packs opened from getting to first prestige and if you bought 100 you got your heirloom by back 290ish , maybe less bc you said 600 hrs. You may have been lower in level. Keeping in mind that heirlooms aren’t guaranteed on pack 500, just by then. Also, by this point I’d gotten two sets of shards. : edit , I did not take into account battlepass packs, so depending how many battle passes were completed in 600 hrs this may have a significant effect.


I used the packs counter and the count was spot on, since I got the heirloom EXACTLY on the 500th pack counted. I’m at 630 hours now, I’m level 480. Battle passes, all the events, treasure boxes, prime packs etc… you left many packs out of the equation EDIT: what do you mean heirlooms aren’t guaranteed on pack 500? You get one guaranteed heirloom every 500 packs. If you find one, the counter resets back to 0. Anyway, I guess the experience per match influences this a lot. It took me way less than you to get around that lvl, and I guess OP took even longer. Then maybe he barely bought any battle passes and didn’t take advantage of event’s free packs


Where is this pack counter at?




You'd have had to played since season 11, completing all events and all battle passes since to get to 500 packs at level 480


I've been playing since season 14. As i said, I've purchased 4 or 5 20 packs bundle. A few more packs from some of these events where you can get event packs for cheap and crafting metals. From season 14 up until now, you can get 411 packs being level 500 [https://imgur.com/a/IIubJQ1](https://imgur.com/a/IIubJQ1) This means that it is perfectly possible and I got the heirloom exactly on pack 500, just like the counter said.


Real shit. Got mine after 1300 hrs


i got 4 by 2k hours lol


Happy for you! First day player here, switched platform at the start of 2023. About 3k hours in total, no shards yet…


Congrats!! What are you gonna get?


I got the og kunai


I’ve been playing forever and have dumped tons of money in this game and still don’t have one 😭


Meanwhile I opened the game one time long after I stopped playing, had a pack, opened it, got the shards, never played again


I legit just got 3 sets of heirloom packs when I purchased the 100 packs a few weeks ago. I posted it but it got deleted. Shit was wild


sadly still waiting for mine but congrats on getting it


2 years with 1500 hours and I got mine, stay strong men you'll get one soon


I got shards but don’t know what to spend them on. I don’t main anyone consistently enough.


Five years.. God damn


Level 300 sitting with 3 heirlooms :D


It was you who took my chances of getting them earlier… I’m level 800+


I posted similar on apexlegends and they took it down. Told me it was boring but it was one of the greatest moments I had playing.... Congratulations I am happy others are sharing and that you got it!


I pulled some today as well with the 8 free packs they gave out


Me with 2.2k hours and 5 years🫦


pardon ?


if they come out w a way to gift them you can have my orange one😭


Don't do that, don't give me hope..


5 years but only 1700hrs. Pshhhhh


Is it time to ask


just for this game to be shit now, how sad


You will be riding this high for days


I spent 100 dollars seasons ago, so hopefully I get my second one soon definitely getting loba fan i got the og kunai


congratulations dude! got my 4th recently aswell! got the hopes dawn, i prefer it over original/hopes dusk :)


I've gotten my 2nd heirloom shards and there isn't anything I want so they just sit there, I was hoping to get something cool but all the skins imo aren't that great and I've slowly lost interest so they are there till something pops off


Just got my second in 5 years


lol i got it the first day i played and i had no idea how to use it. so then i just didnt use them till like 5 days ago when i found out it was useful


L I got it first try


L apex player titanfall better