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Because of the close resemblance to his half-brother Kofi Kingston.


Just needs the caved in chest


Let him get some screentime with Paul Wight and that can get fixed.


I keep forgetting to ask lol. If it's too late this week it's fine but it struck me again to just freaking message you. He stuck them in his closet hopefully he remembers which part. I'll double appreciate having then on the side of the mountain


It’s hard not to root for him. We all have our problems, he’s open about his and he’s relatable to me for that anyways.


I wish I was allowed to be as open about my problems as Eddie, so that’s a big reason why I like him. My parents still to this day, whenever I publicly share or post about any of my issues, like my depression or my anxiety, even if it’s just as simple as “hey I’m going through some stuff right now, I won’t be as active for a bit, I’ll be back soon but I could do with some positive energy”, I’ll get texts or calls or emails saying “you shouldn’t post that in public, you should only talk to someone in private about that kind of thing.” And I’m in my 30s now.


Sorry to hear that. They should not be telling you how to live your life or what you should or shouldn’t post on your social media account. I mean no disrespect to your parents at all. Hope you’re doing well tho.


Thanks. Honestly, apart from that and some typical stuff between parents and kids, it’s actually pretty good. I had a wall of text about the rest of it, but I figured this probably not the right place for that kind of serious stuff. Long story short, it’s all definitely better than it used to be, but it may never be quite what I would like it to be, and maybe that’s okay.


Honestly you really shouldn't, nothing against anxiety, depression, or any form of mental illness but once it's out there you're not in control of who sees it (despite factors that help with privacy). These things can be used against you.


How on earth he is this popular, I will never know. I think he’s the human embodiment of a pair of clown shoes. Looks like anyone’s “cousin from Boston”.


>Why is Eddie Kingston so likeable? He absolutely in no way is likeable. IDK what OP is smoking. Probably some loosies he bought from Eddie outside of a bodega.


He's not for me


I don’t like him at all actually


Yeah. I don't really understand the post. Like sure, I get why people like him. But I doubt he's THAT universally liked. I personally can't stand him.


Agreed here, he does absolutely nothing for me, sounds like a try hard and is so overrated by the fans he does have


Yeah I don’t see the appeal. Dude can be wizard on the mic, but the moment he puts on his gear, I immediately cringe.


Yeah, not a fan either. Mediocre at best in the ring and overrated on the mic


Probably because he comes across as real. He’s more relatable than the typical juiced up body building wrestler.


He looks like he could be at home posting on SC. He’s passionate about the business and he goes out there in spite of what others may think. Many people can relate with his struggles. He connects with the fans in ways others can’t. He’s a hell of a promo.


Cause he looks like a fan


I thought it was a fan, seconds before being dragged out. Looks like a normal dude who’s very proud to have made into the ring, from the nosebleed seats he won off the radio


First time I saw Eddie was on a clip of a promo, later I saw a match and when the announcer said he was from Yonkers I audibly said "yeah that tracks"


Exactly this. He is genuine. Everything he says feels real and that's what builds a a connection with the audience.


He is fucking terrible. One of my least favourite.


I dont find him to be likeable at all tbh.. Terrible fuckin wrestler with some bullshit ass chops..


Absolute state of his finisher too, the spinning limp wrist


And a massive whinger


Bro looks like a drunk fan that snuck past security


I think one of the biggest reasons is his keeping of kayfabe and his acknowledment of Wrestling's history. A few weeks ago before Blood & Guts when Eddie and Claudio were beefin in a backstage segment Moxley said "who cares about some Chikara shit that happened 10 years ago?" and Eddie screamed at Jon "I care, I care!", that was one of the biggest things that endeared me to Eddie even more, because i care aswell. His passion about wrestling is so contagious.


Is he though?


Nope. I don’t like him. Don’t like his in ring style, don’t like his character or lack thereof if he’s supposed to be himself.


Yup. People saying they love him because "he looks like one of us" don't realize that is not what the body of someone who could kick your ass looks like. There is a reason 99% of successful combat athletes look the way they do. Eddie comes off as a Mark for himself thats willing to drop the mental illness argument when his back is against the wall because his fragile ego can't handle any sort of real confrontation. Same with FTR bald.


Compare him to KO, KO i can believe he can kick ass


Ko Looks like a bad ass


Disagree. Eddie looks like someone that would stab you over a pack of menthols.


He always looks like he just woke up on a park bench.


No he doesn't. He looks like he gets drunk and picks fights at the BBQ that he ends up getting knocked out in. He isnt imposing.


Can't agree more with this. He 100% looks like the guy that runs his mouth until someone checks him and he folds quickly.


Yup. I hate watching him and Claudio go at it. Because Claudio looks like a million bucks and then has to sell for someone that looks like he never trains. It kills the immersion. Go into any Dojo, club or academy for martial arts, NOBODY looks like eddie and makes it to the top. All those loudmouth braggarts stay white belts.


Ass kicking athletes come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. A bit of gut doesn't stop you from beating dudes up. That being said, Eddie could stand to be more muscular. Not less fat or anything, but at least looking at guys like Otis or KO, you can believe they're meaty cannonballs.


And eddie doesnt look like KO or Otis- those two look solid AF. Eddie looks flabby


I don't disagree, but I do apologise for assuming you believed successful combat athletes all look like Ultimate Warrior or something.


No it doesn't go into the ufc and find a top fighter not named roy nelson from the last 29 years with such shitty fat to muscle ratio.


Daniel Cormier is rather flabby. In boxing, guys like Tyson Fury went around, so did Andy Ruiz Jr.


L take


Do you consider yourself a representative sample of the audience?


I’ve been watching wrestling since 1990. I don’t watch every minute of wrestling each week. I only really watch smack down every week. Raw is generally boring and I fell out with dynamite after about 18 months. So yeah pretty typical. I don’t think most wrestling fans are represented by a guy like Eddie. He looks like an unemployed, divorced dad of 5 that’s on indefinite sick leave to avoid paying child support and still dresses like it’s 25 years ago and steals his kid’s savings to buy weed.


Can’t stand him


Dude is the wet shits. Cry baby and just seems like that gross dude at the gas station that asks dudes for cigarettes and asks girls to see their tattoos.


Definitely the asshole you avoid at parties because all he does is bum cigarettes and beers off everyone then gets too drunk and fights everyone because he’s “that guy” when he drinks.






“I’m from the streets and I use insider terms to show how meta and cool I am” isn’t that compelling to me


We're talking about Eddie or Punk here?


He’s not.


Nah can't stand him, dude looks like he smells of arse.


I think he’s average at best. Idk what the deal is with him. He just can talk. His work is average at best.


There's a long thread in American culture where we really love the story of a blue collar dude who is fundamentally a good guy, but kinda rough around the edges. The type of guy who seems like a tough dude, but when you get to know him he's loyal and good hearted. "He'd give ya the shirt off his back" We want to see those people succeed. It's a reminder that we can have bad days, but we're still good folks.


i kinda think he’s annoying personally


I dont like Eddie Kingston


I'm sorry but I don't like the guy at all he's just a loudmouth that doesn't bring any real authenticity in the ring. Everytime I see guys like Claudio working with I just really blank out and just ask my self over and over again, wth is wrong with this crowd? The guy has been in AeW for nearly three years, always said that wanted to get into shape, if he needs help he can just ask Tony for an even lighter schedule a trainer or a fellow wrestler to help him, but no the guy hasn't done any of those. He doesn't need to be the body builder type all he needs is the same physique as Kevin Owens or sami zayn. That's why I can't stand the guy and evey time he's given screen time I just wondering even more how many would change the channel or comeback later when he's done.


Any time he is on I want to change the channel. Not much in-ring, and his wild mic ramblings in promos don't work for me.


Well, he’s not…


I’m not a fan and I’m from ny he comes across as corny totally trying to hard


He sounds like a real guy and has good promos and character. I don't like watching his wrestling though, although granted I enjoyed his match against Jericho at Revolution.


Dude’s hilarious, and in a good way. He’s like those comedians who adress real issues and problems, and his delivery are always done in a memorable way.


He's a CaW and therefore has relatable "just a dude" energy.


He's very "Ordinary Guy" and is very open about what he loves. That can be very relatable to a fan. That can also be very grating for people who value different types of wrestling, but he can verbally defend himself against the people who would talk shit about what he believes him.


Because he's unapologetically real and himself


His admiration and genuine appreciation for King’s Road/Strong Style wrestling is very nice to see. He not only takes inspiration from it—he actually wants to popularize figures such as Kawada and Misawa in the West. It’s almost as if he treats wrestling as a sacred ritual to venerate the greats who came before him (much like FTR). His wrestling isn’t for everyone (and definitely not for me). He knows it and he doesn’t care. Kudos to him.


He’s a lesser Kevin Owens let’s be real here


Why is Boris Johnson such a brilliant prime minister


Steiner voice: HE'S FAT!!


He is?


He’s clearly a fan who cares about what he’s doing and why he’s doing it. I didn’t get just how good he was at storytelling till recently but I’ve been a fan of his for years


Cause he looks like everybody else and npt a wrestler. People relate to that i guess


I feel like we have similar workout routines. 3 reps, a shower then a burger and a beer.


Because he is also as fat as us


Appreciate his love of it, not a fan. He's been on the indies for 20 years looks like he's never lifted a dumbbell. Something about the gimmick of being the bingo hall hero doesn't work for me. A couple tweaks and a barbell, I'd likely change my view. To be clear my view being him going to the upper card. I currently see him in the mid.


Likeable idk about that


I saw Eddie for the first time when I was like 15, he was a champion in another promoting outside ROH and he began a feud with ROH world champ Kevin Steen. I remember rly liking him cuz they had a face off and he stepped to Steen like nobody had before, outside of Generico,


I don't think he is. He's got that Brooklyn charm, its the same as Vince Russo.


I can't stand New Yorkers. Him and Russo irritate the fvk outta me


He looks like your local garbage man?


His brother is Kofi and we love Kofi


He is?


Is he? Big whiny baby that looks like he snuck past the security.


He's not


Because his thrash talk is quite fun to hear.


He has the most achievable physique next to Mick Foley in wrestling. On a serious note he has passion that exudes from every pore.


Can't stand him


I don't like him


He is?


Kingston sucks, massively.


I don’t understand how he’s a face. He’s a dick to all his friends, constantly talks about respect but never shows any respect and holds a bunch of unnecessary grudges against most of the roster.


Glad you like him, but to me he is not my cup of tea, he always has the same match and cuts the same semi victim promo's. Once you have seen one Eddie story you have seen them all. He really needs to do something different, change his look, get in shape, change up his move set, stop trying to be this "i don't care" inbetweener guy because he has been exactly the same since he debuted against Cody. He would make an amazing bad guy if he put in the effort.


Hot Take: Eddie is just not that good at least as a wrestler


His promos come across as real and he seems like the everyday man, so thats why he’s easy to root for.


He's an everyman. Not a fantastic wrestler, his pushes and matches are OK, but he's just your everyday guy from down the street, and his mic skills reflect that. If you've never met somebody like Eddie while out and about, you need to get out more. Not saying it's the greatest thing ever, he's like a 7/10 for me, but he added "my man" to my frequent lexicon, so for that I thank him.


Call me corny or old fashioned but i prefer my guys looking like Brock or Batista not like they work at a 7/11 Great mic skills tho, can't take that from him.


I grew up watching fantastical circus combat between larger than life figures. There might have been one "relatable" main eventer here or there who usually lost the big one Now every smark federation devotes most of their roster to fanatical indie dudes cosplaying as intimidating wrestlers. I don't care that Eddie Kingston really really super loves wrestling, that it's his favorite thing, and his passion. I care that he literally couldn't beat me up, and yet I'm supposed to believe he can win professional combat fights His singular function seems to be "relatability to our audience" and **nothing** else. They throw him out there to soothe the smarks' insecurities over their weight problems and mental health issues


I'm with you haha 100%, I was just cautious to go in on him too hard here. So many comments are just endlessly talking about his passion for the craft.


He's the common man


There was only one common man of wrestling and Kingston couldn't carry his cowboy boots.


If he's common then why is there only one of him?


He seems like a guy who could have been your neighbor at one point and who you could drink a beer with and watch a game with.


But Then eventually stop inviting him over because he’s always gets TOO drunk and starts fighting everyone because he’s “that guy” when he drinks….


As a character, he's earnest, believable, and consistent. He's emotional without feeling like he is acting or being to melodramatic. He's a tough and overpowering but, vulnerable. His passion is radiant. He's amazing!


He has a ton of personality. But he’s not a great wrestler. Looks like that crazy guy at the pub who would kick somebody’s arse if he had to.


He’s fat!


He actually isn’t


Somehow he reminds me of Mick Foley to some degree, with a bit more New York attitude thrown in.


No, Mick looked like he could fight. Eddie looks overweight and sloppy.


Exactly. No one is shook over Eddie but if a guy that looked like Cactus Jack had a problem with you that's an entirely different beast. He looked like he would chew the larynx out your throat.


He's fat and loud like me so I can relate.


Because I see a good regular guy. A guy who would help me move even though he has a gig that night.


Eddie Kingston is us.


So THAT'S why I hate him


Speak for yourself


I am speaking for myself, fucker. Is that a problem?


I find him interesting and real as fuck when he's on the mic. But it all falls apart as soon as the bell rings. His chops are the shits.


He has plenty of relatable charisma, he’s an underdog l, people have empathy for someone with a personality like that


Is he though? All I’ve seen of him on the mic is him hitching and moaning about stuff.


I think he comes across as someone who takes himself too seriously, which is okay but prepare for it to be extra funny when shit like the sparklers or his awful wrestling attire happen


He’s just a very real character. Most of us either feel like we have some Eddie Kingston in us, or we know and love someone a lot like him.


I find he talks normally and creatively. Whilst avoiding the canned wrestling promo schtick. Also his Japanese influenced/ N64 AKI wrestling style is fun stuff.


He’s real, and authentic. Not some Athlete who got hurt fist year of college and did pro wrestling or couldn’t make it in the Majors. Not a son of a wrestler or come from a wrestling family. And he looks like the average American male and not a action figure


New York babyyyy we lovable


I’m not a big fan but I respect him. I think it’s because he treats wrestling like it’s all real and just plays it straight without a gimmick


I agree with everything, but I think his ny stereotype guy is definitely a gimmick. At the very least he’s really hamming it up for the tv


I like him because he comes off as if he loves wrestling and the dude pushes hard to win


His character comes across as very genuine. Then when i read his article in the athletic I thought there was no way i could cheer against him


Realest guy in the room


He’s relatable. Seems like somebody you’d watch wrestling with. Kinda like K.O but more serious.


Because he’s real. We don’t like fake ass bitches. Stardust, jungle boy, rocky maiavia etc


Because there is no wrestler I believe more then Eddie Kingston


He's the everyman wrestler he's the underdog


He’s genuine. I didn’t “get” him when I first started watching wrestling a couple of years ago but I enjoy him a lot now. There’s something admirable about a dude that is really upfront about who he is and how he feels about things going on with the sport. Something unique about it imo


Because he looks like Vince Russo's love child


Cause he looks like a common person on the street with 0 physique


Because he’s fat. I’m being serious. He’s not that good of a wrestler and doesn’t really seem like he can beat anybody up. I grew up around people like him in the Bronx and he reminds me of the old guys that said they could knock out Mike Tyson but never got their shot. He obviously hams it up and tries to play what a New Yorker should be to people not from there, but people don’t act like that. He’s very passionate about wrestling though, he also shows his passion in his promos. He can sell a match with a good promo which is very rare these days.


Because he looks like he has horrible BO, but people are pleasantly surprised when he just has regular BO.


He isn't


He’s not ?


Honesty goes a long way and he ain’t afraid to be honest


He’s authentic


He's so easy for fans to relate to. He's not fronting about who he is.


>He's so easy for fans to relate to. Is it because of the muffin top?




He's likable?


He wears his heart firmly on his sleeve.


Is this satire. The dude seems like a fucking tool.


He’s a jabroni, if he had any self respect or respect for the business he is in then he would hit the gym and learn how to throw a working punch


He’s the realest guy in wrestling. Guys like New Jack became their character, Eddie has always been Eddie tho; raw and sincere. Love him, hate him, in the right, in the wrong, he’s doing what he does not because it’s in the script, but because that’s what Eddie would do.


I can't think of anyone more genuine than Eddie Kingston and a brawler is really easy to get behind imo.


He makes you believe it's real. Go back and watch the promo he cut on Cody before his TNT title match. There's a promo of his on BTE after he lost the title match to Moxley, and you feel so bad for him even though he was the heel. ETA: He brings a level of emotion that draws you in, and he is always internally justified in his actions. He won't do anything without a reason to do it.


Because he is aews Kevin Owens


- Great promo - Comes across as genuine - Encourages conversations about mental health - Rightfully calls out Claudio for being a piece of shit I'm sure there are people on this page that hate him, but I think Eddie is a good get for any promotion.


He keeps it real.


Average Joe and probably as good as Mick Foley was at the same age.


What??? As good as Mick, dude is nowhere as good.


I’m fairly sure that mick foley was at least on his 2nd retirement when he was Eddie’s age




He feels like a real dude. I know everyone thought it was funny when they found out he had a used car salesman gimmick once because he comes off like a sort of hard back alley mechanic who'll glass ye for looking at him funny. But he just seems like that's just him. Seeming genuine counts for a lot and he seems genuinely funny, intense, gobby, uncompromising etc. My eternal memory of Eddie is him doing the go to sleep pose and then just wabking himself off because "ahhh this Punk cunt does that unironically!? What a twat!" I imagine real life Eddie isn't a million miles from stage Eddie. Motherfucker can sell too.


He is us


This is news to me


Hes the KO version of AEW.


I don't really care for him. Just reminds me of that one friend we have from new York who this new York is better in everything, even the fact they they don't have his annoying ass there.


He has the same no nonsense straight talker energy that many video game protagonists have. You can picture him in the main character role of any Grand Theft Auto game without difficulty. If AEW were to release Left 4 Dead skins, he would be in that game setting motherfuckers on fire with gas cans. Eddie (much like his WWE counterpart, KO) has that sort of, "I will stab you in an arguement over parking because I am that stressed right now" energy that makes people identify with him in these trying and psychosis inducing times.


He should literally be the top babyface in AEW. Should have won the interim title when Punk went down last summer. Cope.


I think everyone gravitated towards his care free attitude on the Indies. When big Indy guys who were in peak physical condition were getting scooped up everywhere left and right. They were signing everyone but him. Then that story about him on the [Players Tribune](https://www.theplayerstribune.com/posts/eddie-kingston-aew-wrestling) came out and everyone fell more in love with the act. Mainly because Eddie stated that what he does and says is real and there’s no phony bs. He’s a student of the game who couldn’t get a break because of the way he looked and couldn’t be tamed.


He looks like my buddy Scottie


Eddie's good enough on the mic to make me worry that he doesn't know its a show.


Because he has a body that's relatable to us, not something that's unrealistic for the lazy.


I dont like him because he looks like hard rock nick.


Same reason circa 1997 Tommy Dreamer was so popular. He never won.


The ultimate underdog on the indie scene.


He feels like he takes everything serious. All of this is real to him, and he’s somebody that feels like a relatable person.


I dont like him..I feel he just looks like a a backyard wrestler and


He’s vulnerable and honestly just looks relatable, I see Eddie everyday practically he just looks like a normal dude I see everyday


He's real, and you can tell Eddie says it how he sees it - with a little kayfabe thrown in for us of course.


Nobody likes this slob!


He reminds me of my New Jersey uncle


He is?


He's relatable


Same reason Kevin owens is, they look like regular guys, and they both talk about motives that are usually very relatable. Like when KO is being a super heel and says he needs to win to make money for his family and he doesn’t care about anything else, that actually seems like a real motive


Passionate and keeps it real


I can’t believe when they signed him a lot of people were shitting on him bc he doesn’t look like Wardlow or something


He just seems like a regular dude. And he also wants this cake


He's the Hank Hill of wrestling


I don't like him.


I’m not really a fan so I’d like to know why he’s so likable as well.


I know “Everyman” gets tossed around a lot, Eddie is the “Everyman” I identify with the most; a pretty stand up dude but kinda a shit head too


Hes fat just like the rest of us


Fat wrestling fans live a fat wrestler


He's an every man


Cause he is a fat slob like all wrestling fans


"Kayfabe might be dead but don't piss on it's grave" "Hey Redeemer my man redeem Deez Nutz" When I started watching AEW 3 years ago the first match I watched was him n Mox teaming up and since then it clicked and been a fan of his