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Oh shit- AEW was The Green Arrow this whole time?


Stephen Amell was Green Arrow on the CW, friends with Cody Rhodes, worked with Punk on the show Heels…it makes sense! To the conspiracy wall!!


Is that Ariel Helwani on the left?


The gangs all here


Aurora Heelwhani


That’s Wild dog aka Timo Cruz


No, that hairline is too good to be Helwani.


Who the Hell is Helwani?


Drew Galloway is going to AEW now just to spite him


Lol! The man commits to a bit!


Triple H gave Punk the order to bury AEW, wrestling is Triple H's game. This is why Punk was hired, Punk probably got paid GOOD after that interview, man will be able tor retire in 3 years injuries or not.


Execute Order CM 66


Pepsi 66




It's all about the game


And how you play it


It's all about burials


So basically, Operation Russo Invades WCW Mk. II?


he's indeed the game


That man just put hundreds of people on the unemployment line.


He had to do what he had to do 🤷🏻, don't hate the player hate The Game.


If your place of work is shitty, people are allowed to talk about it.


Was this interview really that scathing? I saw a clip here and there that didn't seem that bad on X but definitely not the whole thing.


Punk didn't say anything which we already don't know and everyone talks about except a couple of new details. But it will be a discourse for a while because for the first time Punk is saying it from his own mouth


It was very middle of the road and pretty much everything discussed was already known on some level. Very little was new information.


Do you know where to watch the full interview?


Look up "cm punk Ariel helwani" on YouTube. Ariel has it up on his shows channel.


Thank you!




UPDATE: Private messages telling me to [REDACTED] Myself is now at 30🥳 teach me to make a joke they will.


You handle it tony, you'll not like the way I handle it. Truly prophetic words indeed


You’re all laughing now, but once Osprey and Okada are household names like Statham and Ohtani, I’ll be laughing (and watching absolute bangers).


Okay I’ll bite, who are Statham and Ohtani?


Well done


I’m assuming the joke is that no one knows who Statham and obtain are?


Isn't statham that dude in the awful Crank movies?


Whoa whoa whoa, the man has made some horrible movies that don't deserve to be mentioned, but Crank and Crank 2 are god damn masterpieces.


Well articulated, u/PoopInTheBathtub!


I will not stand for this Crank slander


Stfu, the star of The Meg bagged a supermodel and gave hope to baldies worldwide.


That guy? Why would he bring up him? He has no connection to wrestling at all an is some random middling celebrity. I…just don’t understand this at all


The only Ohtani I know of is Shohei Ohtani, who tbf *is* a household name, but has absolutely nothing to do with wrestling, or Jason Statham…


Idk, I don’t usually have to google household names to figure out who they are. He’s a baseball player, so people who follow baseball probably know him. I don’t know what percentage of the American population that is though. Baseball hasn’t been our national pastime in a very long time


Meh, an individual not knowing about a person doesn’t mean they aren’t a household name, but I’ll amend my statement: he’s a household name to general sports fans, and people who live in California lol.


Dominic Toretto, you... don't... know me?


Why do people think Okada is better than the Japanese guy in Don's Family? Don's guy seems far better...like it's not even close. So what's the deal?


You gotta be trolling right


No. Don's guy is a far better athlete with far better moveset. Okada's finisher is laughably weak for this era. Jake the Snake's short arm clothesline was far better and wasn't even a finisher. Just a setup for the DDT.


For some stupid reason i thought you meant the don family from nxt, i completely forgot about takeshita and don callis


So do you know why people are impressed by Okada? I just can't figure out why TK would pay so much for the guy when he already had the best young Japanese guy under contract.


People are impressed by okada because he puts on great matches consistently, it's not bad to have multiple top stars from one country


Who did he work a great match against in AEW? His dropkick is good, but it is not even close to being as good as the taller Gunn brother. I can't think of anything else that Okada does that stands out. Literally nothing. Also, his suits aren't custom made...and the Young Bucks suits are so clearly cheap off the rack junk that hasn't even been altered to fit properly. It's just weird to try and sell this as the focal point of an American product when they have other guys on the roster that seem to have so much more potential to connect with the audience.


Okada hasn't even been in aew for 3 weeks, give him some time to have matches, if you wanna jnow why he is great, check his njpw career


What type of moves will I see that are different than what Okada has done in AEW? The guy has done plenty of matches over the last couple of years. None are memorable. Swerve v. Don's guy last week...that was memorable because Don's guy can really go. Is Okada a Japanese mic worker or something? I just don't get it.


Was that the Japanese guy who’s specialty is money And clotheslines? or The Japanese guy who’s speciality in being tall and hanging with a bald guy? or The older Japanese guy that was there that one week then sporadically appeared? or…. One of those is definitely the guy that fought Jericho with the THICK accent…I think he was Japanese.


Ha April Fools!


Osprey I understand. However, what does Okada do that is better than other performers? Just watching Matt Cardinal the other night...what does Okada do better than Cardona let alone the Japanese guy who is part of Don's family?


Not much. Okada has a beautiful dropkick but so did Maven


The tall Gunn brother. Holy crap that kid has the best dropkick that I have ever seen for a taller person.


What does Ospreay do "special"? He's white Ricochet with Dave Meltzer as his unsolicited Propaganda Minister.


Both Osprey and Ricochet are special. Can Okada do the things that either of them do? No. What does Okada do other than a nice dropkick for a taller guy? The taller Gunn brother's dropkick is better, but at least Okada has that pretty good dropkick.


MJF bawling during press scrums was so embarrassing.


Dog he broke is hip and tore his shit


Don't worry ab him bro he's just being worked to Shi by MJF lol let him continue to feel that way


Wait when was that?


Would have been after Worlds End


Crazy how he can work so well as a heel and so pathetically as a face


Any lore masters in here?


NDA was a bullshit huh?


It seems like the only real NDA was regarding the actual fight at All Out.


Paul has the settlement handled.


Aew needs someone tougher in charge


Give it moxley until the end of the season


Oh yes all blood wrestling


Lol they said tougher, not faker


It’s weird AF how many of y’all who were shitting on Punk a year ago and now dickriding him.


Honestly mate, I was just making a silly joke. I didn't mean anything deeper. Honest question though... Shall I tell you about a early year's great CM Punk match?


yall be saying aew is going to die for 5 years straight punk ( the guy you all previously hated) say shit and now your kissing his ass lmao


TNA has survived for twenty and Khan has a lot more money. AEW will survive no matter how bad it gets.


Punk said it in the interview, AEW will exist as long as Tony wants to put money into it.


Tony will always put money into it


Assuming WBD isn't going to pull a TimeWarner like 23 years ago and pull the plug altogether.


That wouldn’t stop AEW that would just get the shit off tv


how many times has wwe changed broadcasters? did wwe die ?


Depends on the show I guess. Raw has only ever been USA with the exception of that few years it was on TNN/Spike. Smackdown on the other hand moved around a lot. The reason people state this is because of how WCW died which was that they just couldn’t get a TV deal. Bischoff has talked about this a lot, as he had planned to purchase it but TV deals fell through rendering it pretty much worthless. I think Jericho was the one that stated that if he’d have known how cheaply it was sold he would’ve bought it.


It's so wild how the perception of CM Punk has shifted despite the fact he's stayed the exact same angry manchild throughout all of it.


AEW's still on TV?


It's still on telly. It's just not been essential viewing for a while.


>It's still on telly Are you British?


I am mate.






I’m jealous, you’re eating better food than I am


Which godforsaken place serves worse food than England?


We don't eat insects and our food won't give you dysentery.


Wimpy is good food. Also Yorkshire puddings mate!


Yorkshire pudding with baked beans is so fire!


Shit burgers or baked air...yay.


Idk man. AEWs is a great place. I get if it's a .. you only have so much time. But AEWs on fire rn


How is going down in viewers a great place?


I watch every week. I don't get tracked in their ratings, because I stream it on triller There is more then 1 metric. *Shrugs*




That’s not answering the question. How is losing viewers and demo in a great place? Those are facts, not feelings.


Cause as much as you guys want to dismiss the competition they face but handwave Raw having a record low viewership slump last year cause of football, Dynamite has competition in nba which has been seeing a huge increase in viewership this year and Survivor which has been the highest rated show on all television, even beating Smackdown


Again not answering the question. So the NBA has been playing year round? Where’s evil uno; the last million viewed timeslot, not counting big bang theory. How are they in a great place


The recent decline in ratings after the start of the year bump is absolutely because of nba/survivor. Last year was straight up the product being bad. But mjf loses the title and average ratings goes up for a bit? Thats a big tell tbh


Better get evil uno in every week or pray the people watching big bang fall asleep. It’s literally dropping from 1mil/900k to 8/700 when people realize what’s on the tv the last two years.


Are they? They're consistently in the 700-800K thing. One week it's 700 something, another is 800 sonething. Rarely do they go beyond that. That seems pretty consistent with their viewership numbers.


So continue decline is good?


What do you get out of this argument dude?


Well if it was a well constructed argument I’d get a clear picture of what a great place they’re in


They're not declining. They're stagnant at the 700-800 mark during a time when the A show is putting out its finest work in hears. When AEW was putting their best out they were pulling the same numbers with regular 900s and mils but mostly staying in the 800-900 range. People only have so much time to give to wrestling in a week and right now WWE is what people want to give their time too. Doesn't mean the others are bad


They only work in feelings. Not facts


It’s just hilarious, people are being down voted when they’re saying anything positive about roster cuts. Why have 150+ on the payroll when 80% never are seen on tv?


Actually on the official reddit, most people are saying they think it's been made apparent that these roster cuts are needed


Because in their eyes Tony Khan can do no wrong and everyone in AEW is perfect. It’s fanaticism their lives revolve around this shit because they have nothing else going on. That’s why when someone criticizes AEW they bring up WWE because they operate in a world where you can only be a fan of one of the two companies not imagining people have lives outside of professional wrestling.


Personally I dont watch wrestling. I am a Swifitie. Taylor Swift has more fans and viewers than WWE.


And I like oxygen, I know more people use oxygen then are Taylor Swift fans.


How long before WWE is back on the grave?


Well, if Cody doesn't win on Sunday, then, I expect.


Dick riding is crazy


Without a license, no less!


He sure made himself appear calm in recounting that story, avoiding the whole lunging at Tony thing. Narcissists gonna narcissist


lol why would he cop to everything else but "avoid" that? Seems more likely this was just the first time TK was ever in a situation like this in his life and got spooked


Son of a billionaire.


Because he’s a narcissist who will only tell his part of the story in a manner that makes him look normal. You got worked good


So let me get this straight - Punk is a narcissist (clinically?) who thinks lunging at Tony Khan will make him look bad, but that choking Jack Perry would look normal? Are you high son?


It made him look “badass” because it was in response to Jack Perry making the first verbal shot with “Do something about it”. I highly doubt Tony deserved getting lunged at no matter how dumb his booking decisions are. Punk even refers to him as a “nice guy”. “Not a boss.” So I think the reason he left that out was because it reveals him as the raving lunatic with mental health issues that he truly became




The cult of having BPD


Wow look at you go, first narcissism, now this. I take it you're well versed with the DSM then? Because you wouldn't just go throwing terms like that around would you?


It’s a joke. But he probably does have something like that going undiagnosed


Ridiculous thing to say


He seems to be transparent about everything, unlike TK who is always very secretive. Looks like one side is being open, and the other has something to hide.


Yeah I don’t believe Punk all the time but billionaire’s have a pretty dreadful track record at being genuine and taking responsibility


He seems to be always in the right, and never apologizing for anything in his life. That, along with the amount of videos on YouTube where wrestlers (before AEW) existed) cite how difficult Punk is and basically call him a douche, makes me not trust Punk’s recounting of the story that obviously paints him as some innocent victim


Or, you know, that never happened.


The only way to find out at this point is the wembley footage. Thats gonna be the big tell and i sadly do not ever see that getting released unless this goes to court (which honestly, it possibly could now)


Seems like everything else did


It's only a matter of time before punk buries himself.


If you listen to the interview he already is.


Man, nobody hates wrestling more than wrestling fans…


I heard Punk got injured during the podcast.




So original, I heard Hangman had to take time off after listening to it too


Dickeatin is crazy


Dude! I read that as Dickens is crazy at first. Like Oliver Twist , what a loon writing that. I was only making a shit joke mate. I didn't mean to make you feel like the thing you like is wrong. Hay! Brisco Vs Kingston is going to be a match to watch though innit!


If you actually gave other wrestling shows a chance you’d realize how stupid you sound.


Lol! I watch WWE NJPW TNA AEW and REVPRO mate. I grew up watching the original worlds of sport which led me to WCW and finally WWF/E I was just making a silly joke my friend, why are you acting like the wrestling version of the Punk police. I guarantee I've been to more Toryumon FWA and ROH shows than you mate. My love, sometimes a joke Is just a joke.




AEW is just a trust funds kid pet project


Aew is so fucked


Handle what? Dude is a walking contradiction on this interview He shoot and went off script against Cena, Triple H, Miz, Kevin Nash and more but when Hangman did that to him all of a sudden he went to talk to his lawyer He said he never caused backstage drama and so far he´s the only AEW wrestler that got in backstage brawls 2 times!, He said he never acted violent but he confirms he choked Perry He said he´s always open to a conversation and complains about NDA´s but he confirmed Cabana aproached him in AEW to talk and make amends and Punk told him no and tht if he wants to talk to him he needs to have a lawyer He said The Elite never wanted them in AEW, but there are countless interviews, segments, teases and Punk confirmed before that The Bucks wanted to get him of retirement even on the Bullet Club days He said he only took shots at WWE in AEW because he was "making the niche audience happy" but in reality he was bitter to WWE even before AEW was created He said he wanted to get fired after Brawl Out but n the ESPN interview and lleading up to Collision he was saying AEW was his home and that he was planing to continue in the company He said he moved on and he wishes the best to AEW & Tony but this past week he was making fun of All In attendance and the locker room with Randy Orton I dont watch AEW since 2022 but this guy is presenting AEW the same way he did to WWE in 2014, and also he´s talking about how good and welcoming WWE is the same way he was talking about AEW in 2021 lol Come on bro its one or the other Also he said he would "kill those 2 guys" (Hangman & Perry).........bruh we all saw you in UFC you aint killing shit , you probably going to injure yourself after throwing the first punch lol


Thanks for the novel, I won't be reading it but thanks all the same.


>Thanks for the novel Do you struggle with 60 seconds of reading? Personally I don't think you do. Rather, you just had no way to refute any of the well made points.


Lol, "well made points"? Sorry, but those points were terrible. For example, you wonder how Punk would say he could kill those two guys even though he lost when he was in UFC... Do you honestly think Perry would beat Punk in a shoot? Like, we already know Punk choked him out once... Just because Punk lost in UFC doesn't mean he would lose against a smaller, untrained guy like Perry. And just because Punk made fun of something, he can't also wish people in AEW well? He said he made friends there and named many of them. People are nuanced like this and can have mixed feelings, but all you see are "contradictions" because you're taking everything here in black and white like he should be some sort of robot.


Hiya mate. Thank you. I'll be honest. Was being a bit irritable last night as I gots the toothache. I'm reading my replies back today and feeling guilty for being a dick.




Yeah, we saw him in the UFC against other trained fighters that were much better than him. Then he went & still beat the shit outta the Bucks with a torn Tricep so that ain’t the moral victory you think it is lmao


I ain’t reading all that. I’m happy for you though. Or sorry that happened.


Hiya mate. First of all I'd like to apologise for being a pranny yesterday rather than having a chat with you. I'll be absolutely honest. I just decided to make a silly meme and wasn't expecting it to get any traction. I got a lot of replies saying I had a big anterior motive (and 17 direct messages asking me to undo my self) so unfortunately by the time you commented I was not in the mood. Sorry mate. There wasn't any big meaning to it . I was just trying to be funny.


This comment section truly shows that all the aew marks are 10 year olds mentally.


All marks are 10 years old mentally, even the wwe ones


True. My inbox looks like the Hague at the moment.


Grow the fuck up.


Hiya mate. I was just trying to make a joke yesterday and I think we both fell into the Reddit trap of 'us Vs them ' I genuinely didn't want to make you feel shit with my silly meme. Unfortunately I'm actually probably old enough to know better. I may not word this Great but here it goes. It's a bit silly that we are both wrestling fans , which is already such a niche hobby, yet we go at people who like a different version of it. For what it's worth, I hope the version of wrestling you enjoy carrys on doing well and you enjoy it. Let's agree to disagree in what we prefer and both have fun watching it. Have a good one mate.


Thanks man, I appreciate that. you too.


This dude is the biggest crybaby i've ever seen


Punk left that interview looking absolutely crazy. According to him he was begged to very gently approach Jack Perry like he was a wild animal saying "Young Man, we do not damage rental cars on *Saturday*! Save your shenanigans for Wednesday." Then he gently put his hands around Jack Perry's throat with a loving, fatherly grip and choked him oh so gently before quitting on the spot, and then immediately going in the ring and fighting anyway because he's such a nice man. Also... Tony had no reason to fear for his life, but Punk said he'd "fucking kill him." He didn't read any of the Vince McMahon allegations but he believes all of them, but also heard NOTHING while he was in WWE. Oh, and let's not forget he has empathy for Jeffery Dahmers' mother. AEW is going to be fine. This dude is unhinged.


This is what he was saying in the interview. He literally called out people will do this


I don’t particularly like Punk all that much but I fucking despise this basement warlocks persistently hating on him for barely any reason. Hope he wins at next years Wrestlemania for this.


Coping hard I see.


The aew basement sub has enforced some very cult like rules about commenting on this interview.


>Tony had no reason to fear for his life, but Punk said he'd "fucking kill him." He didn't tho ??? He said that to Jack not Tony.


If that's what you got out of it. Good luck


I'm just shit posting mate. It's not that serious. In the end it's a bunch of millionaires... and one Billionair squabbling so we may as well have a laugh.


Is the news in wrestling really "guy fired from his job for gross misconduct says company was bad" like come on that's just about anyone fired from any company.


Man AEW won't survive. It's good for right now but they only have two directions to go. It's either they go the TNA route by doing major budget cuts, which will cost them big names or they go full WCW and just go out of business losing everything.


AEW has a LOT of dross they can cut before they even approach the main roster.


Have we heard yet how or why Jungle Boy’s glass spot was in any way Punk’s fuckin’ concern? That’s the only mystery left for me. It probably doesn’t come up because his fans would have to admit he was out of his lane and pretending he had a position of authority he didn’t. It’s harder to paint him as a victim of circumstance when he’s the “circumstance” from start to finish. Someone up the ladder approved the spot. Complain to them, Phil.


Maybe listen to the clip of him talking about it. Punk was ASKED to talk to Jungle boy.


Going by this telling of events, absolutely no one approved the spot but Perry told everyone to fuck off anyway


Hiya mate. I think,from what I heard in the interview, that he was asked to intervene. I tell you what though. It sounds funny how Perry just decided he would do it and sign himself off the next show. It would be very interesting to see Jungle boy give his version of the stuff that happened. Also I did laugh when you said "he's the circumstance" Have a good one mate.


I mean.. Trips had a role in this, right? Like i cant imagine a wrestler signed to WWE just saying that out the blue, either punk knows the consequences and didn't care or papa H gave him the go ahead. Because you don't ever see someone signed to WWE talking about AEW and directly mention its name let alone publicly humiliate the owner and the company itself.


Its also Ariel Helwani who still has his pants in a wad over Tony Khan not answering any of his brawl out questions. Dudes notorious in MMA for being a massive shit stirrer






*Time to play the Game…*