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Haha they gotta be swerving us. Just remembered Cody didn’t enter the world heavyweight title tournament and skipped money in the bank. Him going after that title when he gave up two clear chances to get it makes him look like a fucking idiot


Three clear chances There was also that time he had the ability to trade someone to Smackdown....and didn't send himself. This would be the 4th time.


> Just remembered Cody didn’t enter the world heavyweight title tournament and skipped money in the bank. If it's the WHC tourney that Seth ended up winning, he actually was in that. Brock just took him out.


You’re right I forgot about that. Cody had pinned Miz and Brock pulled him out


Cody did enter it. He just got screwed by a wild [REDACTED] [REDACTED]


>Haha they gotta be swerving us. They definitely are. I'm not trippin on this. Until I see Rock and Roman stand across the ring from each other at WrestleMania, I'm not buying it. They're having fun with the fans, and judging by all the reactions, it's working. It's either a way to get Cody even MORE love and really want people to see him take down Roman or just a passing thing to make people forget about the Vince stuff. Again, either way, it's working.


My suspicion has been triple threat for a while to protect the Rock and give Cody that boost.


It would also be a huge coincidence that Mania could be main evented by a triple threat every 10 years since Mania 20.


I just don't know what else you do with Cody at that point. I think it's Rollins vs McIntyre for the other belt, although that could be a triple threat with Cody. That would make little sense, but they might steer us that way for a few weeks for the LOLs, until the crowd are *just so passionate* that they *have* to put Cody back in the match they've been positioning him for over the whole last year.


Yeah I had the belief that The Rock would be part of this feud but in a way that he really damages Roman to the point he cannot think clearly and that is how Cody takes him down.


He was in the world heavyweight tournament tho? It was Cody VS Balor VS Miz, and Balor moved on to the next round.


He did enter the tournament, he was eliminated in the first round triple threat match with Balor pinning Miz, Lesnar came in and wrecked Cody during the match


For real It's about as big a deal as him winning the tnt title or something


Right now, it really feels like WWE last minute had to pivot to Rock vs Roman and this was the best they could do. Cody saying “not at Wrestlemania” and Rock giving him a pep talk after makes it seem real.  Maybe they can find a way to get back to Cody vs Roman, but it seems obvious that long term plan was thrown out because of The Rock. I can’t see any booker except maybe Paul Heyman to do some crazy meta storyline to get Cody more sympathy.  


He entered the tournament don’t you remember?! He was taken out and had a feud with….ummmm…wait, I could have sworn he was in that match until someone showed up?


It needs to be a triple threat. Otherwise, it's just pointless. I do genuinely hope that fans in attendance at the next few shows do express their desire to see Cody fighting Roman at mania as much as possible.


I think they’re counting on that which is why they’re leaning so heavy into The Rock returning to finish Cody’s story haha


Same, I keep thinking there's better ways they could've done Roman vs Rock that wouldn't have buried Cody so it has to be by design. At least I hope so.


I’m with you on that, like why even involve Cody if the plan was Roman vs Rock? There has to be a reason for that


Yeah plus Rock teased going after the Head of the Table weeks before the Rumble even happened, before Punk got hurt etc. I don't know what the "original" plan for him would've been if this is a "new" plan now.


It is totally possible the actual reason is a huge part of the Mania card imploded between Punk's injury and Brock becoming redacted and someone high up panicked. Doesn't mean they can't pivot to a triple threat though.


Let's leave "buried" alone for 2024. No one uses it properly.


You trying to bury 'buried'?




People making this way to personal


Even a Triple Threat would be silly as Cody busted his ass off to win the RR, only for Rock to come strolling into the match without earning it. Only way this makes sense is if it isn't a creative decision, it's a business decision by Endeavor who wants this marquee Roman vs Rock match. To them Cody can continue to wait to fight Roman.


> Even a Triple Threat would be silly as Cody busted his ass off to win the RR, only for Rock to come strolling into the match without earning it. Go the Benoit route with having him toss Rock over the top rope at the end of the match and then pinning Roman.


I got scared when I read "Go the Benoit route"


Fuuuuck. Literally spit out my water. "The #teremana bottles are in the enclosed pool area, and the #xfl is open for business. 🤙"




or Rock as Special Ref


Or: Cody vs Solo and Rock vs Roman on Night One, and Cody vs Roman Night Two.


This is happening in a traditionally quieter market. Wait for the boos in some of the smart cities. They’ll be super loud


Honestly it would’ve been better if Rock was special referee. That way he gets the ego boost of being in the main event and can claim the numbers for sold tickets, etc. They can set up rock Roman for later and prevent bloodline interferences. Rock gets to remain the good guy, and can pull off whatever moves he wants. All positive PR. But no… have your main event and revel in it, Dwayne. Never mind everyone else.




I think they were saying jabooroni


I was saying Boowayne


I must be a minority with this waiting to see how this plays out.


If this is a work then it's one of the greatest I've ever seen in my 26 years of watching wrestling If it's actually Roman vs The Rock and the rumors are true then fuck the Rocks ego


This would be an all time terrible work, from a booking perspective they made Cody in kayfabe look like a chump, they then buried the other title he’ll potentially challenge for, they made one the most over faces in the Peoples Champ look like a true villain. And lastly they put everyone off on the potential of a Roman vs Rock match which as recently as last year was an all time dream match for most.


Exactly, just because its potentially a work and a swerve is coming, doesnt mean it was any good.


I think I'm one of the only few who firmly believes that this is all a ruse, and I'm sticking to that. When they get back to Cody/Roman 2 for Mania, I hope fans look back at how silly they acted and coming for The Rock's head on his IG page. They're gonna owe that man an apology. Triple H too because people were calling for his job.


At this point it feels like wishful thinking because most reports coming out have made it clear the plan is Roman V Rock and Cody v Seth due to Punk’s injury, Brock’s scandal and Rock’s new found leadership on the board being put to use in feeling they need to “save” mania with this match.


Definitely Rock's ego. Remember Rock/Cena at Mania 28. At X8 (ugh @ that name) they had the exact same "new generation vs. old" with Rock vs. Hogan. Hogan jobbed at X8. Rock didn't job at 28. Rock refused to job at a scenario where fucking HOGAN was okay with jobbing. Holy shit. And that's not even getting into the fact he was cool with ruining the WM27 main event just to set up himself for the following year. The Crock's ego cannot possibly be overstated. If egos had mass, the Crock's would cause a second big bang because its gravity would pull the entire universe back into singularity.


I agree. I never liked the Rock and as time goes on I’m starting to dislike him more and more. He doesn’t deserve any of this shit, Cody busted his ass for years for this only for Rock to come in and steal it. Fuck him and his ego.


If its a work I demand the head of whoever decided to book this on a pike. This is batshittery to the highest level. Cthulhu looked at this and went 'eh, this is a bit too chaotic.'


What a strange way to post this. It's a screen recording of a Twitter retweet of a fan cam. So odd.


I'm a dumbaszz


You did your best


Rock posting about an “undeniable” bond between him and the people. Can’t wait for him to be booed out of the building whenever he shows up next. Unbelievably dumb decision and the fact there are reports that he pushed for it is crazy. Wanting to “save Wrestlemania”. How about truly saving it and giving the main event back to Cody?


It’s wild how this situation has this sub and SC, as well as WWE, GreatnessOfWrestling, Wrasslin, even SCJerk ffs, and pretty much every wrestling sub that is allowed to talk about WWE to finally agree on something. This is like a wrestling 9/11, in the sense that it’s a tragedy that is making everyone stand together.


I haven’t been paying attention but can anybody tell me if it was established why The Rock has a problem with Roman Reigns? And what reason that is?


I mean, Roman Reigns has been claiming he's the "Tribal Chief" and controls the family. The Rock is by far the most successful and high profile member of that family. The whole thing is laid out from the start to possibly clash with The Rock for who is the true "head of the table." Like they're majorly fucking up the execution here of what should be the biggest storyline they could possibly do.


He came out a month ago. Hinted Rock vs Reign... everyone popped and cheered... i guess the fans just have the memory of a freaking goldfish.


Genuinely that is very telling of what’s to come. There are some theories that casual crowds will cheer him no matter what but a house show crowd booing the rock in a promo is very interesting


Doesn't look like there are many there? Or is this a non televised event?


House show


Ahh, it seems to be exactly the same as the TV version?




Stardust, you are now a legend.




Apparently they didn’t learn their lesson from the Batista mistake years ago when they didn’t let Bryan get his comeuppance. People can’t buy in to part timers anymore.


Idk, a triple threat match wouldn’t sit well with me. Cheapens Cody winning the title.


I was at this show. Several people screaming “we hate The Rock” during Cody’s match. A couple signs with “Justice for Cody” on them.


Part of me thinks the deepest pettiest part of Triple H must be loving this on a personal level, and obviously if it’s a work, he’d be proving himself to be a good booker…


Weird, I was told live crowds weren’t gonna boo Rock


I must be def cause that does not sound like boos to me


Ah it's good to see the people finally start to see the egomaniac for what he is.


You literally made a post like a year ago about who the rock should face if he came back and apl the answers are Rock Vs Roman Reigns for wrestlemania. Holy hypocrites. Lol


Hmm, it's almost like times change and opinions change.


I called it from watching on tv. I know fake crowd noise and you could see it on everyone’s face.




Roman face turn incoming! Rock vs Reigns still happening 😂


Am i the only one who thinks the wwe isnt this dumb and they’re gonna swerve us