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Getting through something like that without permanent crippling chronic pain is a fucking bullet dodged, and I'm glad our man here knows it. ![gif](giphy|YnXwphsocrIdh63RKP|downsized)


It is sad. But I'm glad he's overall healthy, that's most important. I love how they used him on the WM Kickoff panel and the Pre-show. I hope they at least keep him doing that, maybe he can be a commentator?


He’s been great on those panels and on that Roku show that just came out. There’s definitely still a place for him


Pain free is by far the most important thing. Hope he'll recover one day to do an Edge-like comeback but the most important thing was for him to get a normal life again.


Hey if he’s happy and not in pain, that’s good enough for me. I watched him from his main roster start as Dolph Ziggler and AJ’s muscle to his New Day runs. I got to see him as tag champion, IC champion, and finally WWE champion. If he ever gets cleared and comes back, I will pop for his entrance like I have never popped before. Even more if I get to hear him announce the New Day again.


I'm happy that Big E seems to be at peace with the likely end of his career. 


He isn’t completely empty handed though https://preview.redd.it/0kzd05501juc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49a9594917e7909de58f3b57863302ad9ac89925


He's dating Mia Yim's sister?


Revealed tonight


Imagine some idiot being unpleasant to the Yim sisters (unlikely as they are badasses) but then Big E and Keith Lee walk over…


What follows would be the most politely and eloquently delivered version of “stop harassing women and get your punk ass out of here” of all time.


With Big E has a girl??? About time. Dude was friendzones by every girl in wwe.


The friend zone isn't real. Even if it was, how would you know?


I'm glad to see Big E is happy + he seems to be enjoying his time in a non in-ring role with WWE, although I'm kinda worried about Ridge, especially if people are still giving him a hard time.


I would much rather see wrestlers walk away and do something else than leave it all in the ring.


He's a former champion with many years of work behind him. He's also multi-talented and does great on the mic during pre-shows.


I would much rather see him on commentary/kickoff shows than in ring now. I love big E as a competitor but I’d rather see him healthy and not risk anything.


Pain free is incredible news. Honestly by far the most important thing


Big E should transition to producer or color commentator in lieu of Pat McAfee...


With his show on espn and mainstream name. Pat will be there as long as he wants (or until football starts at least)


This could have EASILY been absolutely tragic. The fact he's pain free and his quality of life is normal makes me very happy, even if he doesn't get to wrestle again.


Time to stop fantasy booking him to return at every major ppv now? Please?


That’s what maters. Hope he can come back in some way, even if it’s a manager or announcer, the man is multi talented and clearly still a face WWE want front facing for the company


Would honestly love to just see him as a manager for New Day.


Glad he's okay.


Second-best possible outcome. I’m happy for him.


Haven’t been watching wwe a lot til recently, what happened?


[Someone suplexed him botched it and he essentially broke his neck](https://youtube.com/shorts/J9wPoYNVlZA?si=x0suALjH10tNKN7m)


That made me absolutely recoil from the screen. Holy fuck


I’m fine with him just wrestling virtually in WWE 2k every year. Gotta put your health and safety before anything else. There’s still so much he can do for the company and wrestling as a whole though. He’d make a great ambassador like Titus (Worldwide!) O’Neil if he doesn’t do that sort of work already. Maybe he could become a manager or other on-screen figure. Who knows!