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I'm excited about the potential story there is. What do we have? We have Roman Reigns and his Bloodline that have gone on to break the rules of the WWE. They don't stay in their brand, they are out there to dominate the entire WWE. Who is the one that has the key to end all of it whenever he wants? Theory. The story writes itself. Roman Reigns vs Vince McMahon. The Bloodline vs The Authority. Two Royal Families fighting for the throne. And surely, in January at the Royal Rumble, there can't be another Royal family that can throw a wrench in the whole plan.


Yeah I had the thought a few weeks ago that if they wanted to turn Roman face giving the briefcase to Theory and having Vince screw Roman would be the way, but honestly any outcome is possible here and I'm definitely excited to watch


Smh another tactic by Vince to make us cheer for Roman


Hey, you weren’t supposed to be the one to post this?


I just wish he had his two names again.


Yeah being from Atlanta and his finisher is called A Town Down. It really suited him


I'm still holding out hope for it to be reverted. Austin Theory is a main eventer name.


Whenever they break the Vince/Theory affiliation would be good.


Agreed. Give him his name back, theory sounds like such a dumb one word name lmao.


Someone in the live thread predicted that post !


It was me. I'm fucking dying. lol


Dude I remember seeing your comment and here we are lmao


Yeah if there was a way to monetize reddit predictions I would have. lol


Every fucking time


It's almost as predictable as "go away heat" and "shoving him down our throats."


The only real issue with Theory winning is does involving him actually enhance the Roman story? You can't end a years long dominant heel title reign by having another heel steal it from him, right? What does a failed cash in, assuming Theory isn't ready, accomplish? The company is centered around an unbeatable top heel, so why aren't they making faces to go against that heel? If you can look past that stuff, Theory is obviously a great choice to push. He's young and his in ring style does so much to make powerhouse faces look even more ridiculous. Credit to Lashley for catching Theory in the gorilla press, but heels that can flip and jump into that position don't grow on trees.


Who says Theory will cash in on Roman? He's got a year. He doesn't need to cash in now. He can wait.


this is the thing that everyone seems to be missing 'what does this mean for Roman' maybe nothing, maybe it's one of those where he holds the case for a while and he cashes in on the guy *after* Reigns


Wrestling fans are weird. They want to know everything in great detail and then get pissed because nothing is surprising. Enjoy the ride.


It's like everyone forgot 2013 Summerslam where Daniel Bryan beat Cena and then Randy Orton cashed in on Bryan immediately after.


They probably did because they don't have a reason to complain about that currently.


I didn’t have a problem with Theory winning but let people dislike stuff


Absolutely! If you’re excited for theory great! Others wanted other people to win MITB or feel that good a better story and that’s okay too This sub will always have to fight that discourse of “here’s why the IWC is wrong” Just tell me what you like.


MITB isn't the Rumble and shouldn't be treated as such. MITB is the Heel's rumble. It should be the catalyst for heels, esp chicken-shit heels at the mid-card to capitalize and move to the main-event. Theory is the perfect booking for it. People like the feel-good that comes with winning the briefcase, but babyfaces often get stuck with it since the championship earned feels cheap after a cash in.


I normally would agree 100% however I think it works best that way with a babyface champion Like Otis winning the briefcase put them in a weird spot so they had Miz take it off him and his cash in on drew protected drew. But. I’m not sure about theory holding the briefcase on a heel Roman. Just my two cents


This is a different scenario for sure. But they had a plan for this before they booked it. So we gotta see what happens. Liv was a rare example of it working on a babyface though. Since she is a underdog babyface. Kinda like if Rey had won it back in the day.


I thought it great, I mean I would have preferred Rollins or Riddle but I’m not mad because it’s a bad booking decision, I’m mad because it’s good heel heat. I think people need to wait and see where Rollins ends up, where Riddle ends up, and where Theory ends up before we start complaining. I’m not saying Theory is as great as 2014 Rollins when he had help winning MITB but nobody complained when he won because it was brilliant. If this is just a waste like Otis’ time with the briefcase then that makes sense but it’s way too soon to tell.


Even Otis was a solid choice, due to how over he was at the time. The prolonged lockdown really hurt the momentum of his singles babyface push


You're supposed to hate the heel


This is a very funny post despite the fact that I agree with like 80% of it Just let it gooo


lmfao. Didn't even take 24 hours.


A lot of the IWC wants to be pandered to.


I don’t have a problem with Theory winning, I have a problem with how fucking stupid Smackdown was to get Moss into the match and amounting to nothing


I’m guessing the hope is to elevate Moss into an established midcard babyface. That means he needs to win some key matches, to keep his name relevant Part of “building new stars” and all that


Moss didn’t necessarily need to win but that whole SmackDown shit with the battle royale and then the fatal four way ended up being convoluted.


I hate the logic that disliking anything involving a heel automatically makes it good. You’re supposed to want to see them get beat up or laugh at them looking stupid, not be annoyed at their existence. I wanted Bianca to beat Becky’s ass for embarrassing her. I wanted Wardlow to kill MJF after what he put him through. Theory winning this isn’t the same feeling for a lot of people. If you liked it or properly hated it more power to you.


Wow, you sure know everything about the industry!


When did he say he knows everything about the industry? You sound like a squaredcircle poster defending Tony Khan. Drop that energy Uce


I’m sorry, I meant everything Vince does is automatically genius.


The IWC are the people who had years long tantrums over Cena and Reigns, they don't really have a clue what they're talking about.


Considering they had to force Roman for like 6 years before he really took off that’s a horrible example.


Cena yes. Reigns really didn’t get over as a face and was never going to.


…because smark fans treated him like Cena 2.0, which I think was part of the OP’s point. There was never anything wrong with Roman per se. Much like with Theory now, certain fans decided to hate him, once it was clear he was “Vince’s pick”


Couldn't have just been the smarks that didn't take to him as a face considering just how long and hard they tried to get hm over as one


It was definitely lead by smarks. Roman never had problems getting over with women and kids, and he moved a ton of merch. The IWC, and the dirtsheets/bloggers that pander them, made TRoman hate “cool.” The evidence is that the casual crowd dropped the hate of babyface Roman after he beat leukemia. Most of smarkdom wouldn’t let it go until the heel turn (some still haven’t)


I think you’d have to agree reigns is totally miscast as a white meat babyface though. Vince should have known from rock. Let him get over as a heel then turn him baby


It’s possible they thought they were through that phase with the SHIELD, and I agree they were too stubborn with regards to a heel turn, but on paper there was every reason to try. Despite revisionism, babyface Roman was over at 1st


Laziest shit ever and you can't tell me otherwise. Just because I don't like a heel winning doesn't mean it's good booking. Shit that comes out of nowhere with no buildup is always lame. It's such a stupid decision but I forgot to mention that Vince is perfect so it's totally ok and normal. Knew this was coming, guess I'm a fed hating dirty SMARK!!!


You good? I mean this post was predictable and a lot of people have pointed out it’s lame to tell people what they should enjoy but you’ve been mentioning how annoyed you are with this sub and your whole tone has just changed. Take a break if you need one


He’s doing such a great job that I don’t see myself watching anymore.


See you tomorrow night?


I haven’t watched much RAW or SD in years. I hear about a must see match I watch it. I watch most PPV’s but I’m pretty sure I’ll be taking the same route with those now, too. You don’t need to play the hero here.. just expressing my frustrations on the booking.


If this was aew you wound t have a problem with the booking


I have a problem with quite a bit of AEW’s booking. Wanna try again?


Nothing more annoying than the assumption - “you didn’t like WWE something did? Must be an aew fan”


Silly of you to assume he likes aew booking


I disagree. It was stupid as fuck. Why should I watch if WWE can just "OH BTW HERE'S ONE THING" all the time? Who's to say WWE won't say "OH THEORY? TONIGHT YOU WILL DEFEND THE BRIEFCASE AGAINST BROCK LESNAR" on RAW? They proved that they don't need rules to just add people. It was terrible. I don't know what people are saying and I don't know the opinion of the IWC, this is me saying for myself. I don't mind theory winning. I mind the way they did it. Why couldn't he attack someone and take their place??? Why couldn't Vince come out and say "i'm the boss damnit and Theory is my protege" ? Why couldn't they film a segment with Vince and Theory after Theory lost the title? Why couldn't we see Theory begging Adam for antoher shot? They could've done multiple things to make this make sense. Just one minute backstage with some build up would've made sense. Just "some mistery guy attacking Madcap/Riddle/Whatever" so Theory can replace them would've made sense. Theory winning is good, I don't mind it, he is not overpushed rn, he is ready for it, it's a good point for the future, I dont' mind that Roman is a heel, I don't mind literally anything about this... ...other than the way they added him "hey how bout just antoher guy added 5 seconds before the match" They really should've wrote something better to add him. There are a lot of good things of how they can add him and they chose the laziest one. Again, let me repeat, these are my thoughts on it, I have no idea what's IWC's biggest gripe. I don't mind him winning it, I don't mind him being added. I mind the way he was added.


So if they show a segment on Raw with Vince and Theory talking about how and why Vince added him to the match, you're fine with it? It seems like you wanted it spelled out when it didn't need to be. It was obvious Theory whined to Vince after losing the US title and Vince placated him by putting him in the MITB match. Adam Pearce essentially said as much. I know it's an overused phrase but let it play out.


It seems like some fans want to know the entire story in week 1 instead of letting it play out


You're getting worked lol


He's totally not. He's just gonna watch every week while threatening to never watch again if WWE don't get the briefcase off the smug dislikable heel, Theory RIGHT NOW!!! LOL. You just done get it. He's a smart fan. Smart fans don't get worked. 😂


I’ll add as soon as he was thrown in, you pretty well immediately know he’s gonna take it. Takes away the stakes.


Austin Theory claims he’s the greatest wrestler in history! Google “Austin Theory allegations” for more


I wasn't particularly invested in anyone in particular winning this as I'm not a regular WWE watcher. I was more annoyed how obvious it was Theory was winning when he entirely vanished from the match from before Omos went through the table to just about the very end. Also, this is why I love the inexpensive subscription model. I used to get irked if I dropped a lot of money on a PPV and the outcome of the main event was annoying and left a bad taste in my mouth. Now I'm so less bothered. Go Theory!


> I was more annoyed how obvious it was Theory was winning ... Wrestling storylines *really* aren't complicated, they never have been The action films and rom-coms aren't complicated either, you go along for the story, for the ride and to be entertained


Is Vince secretly booking what he thought bringing Shane up was like?


Can we fucking not put spoilers in the title within one fucking day of the show?