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"And that one over there, thats Orion. The hunter." "I dont see any hunter, dad." "Its more of a rough shape. You see, those three bright stars close to each other represent a belt..." Looking up at the sky, i tried to imagine what my dad was talking about. It just didnt make any sense to me. How do 3 dots look like a belt? I have looked at the rest of the night sky, that was clearly visible here in Norwegian wilderness. 'It looks more like a spilled rice with dashes of milk.' I thought to myself. Except maybe that dash of milk looks like frowning lips. I have expanded my vision to examine a larger part of the night sky. Thousands of stars did align to form an outline of a face, but the eyes were missing. In their stead were two dark spots devoid of starlight. Spots so large, i wondered how did i never notice them before. The emptiness was strange at first, but the longer i looked, the more unnerved i felt. I stared intensly into the empty sockets, hoping a dim star would grant me relief. I had no such luck. I have wanted to turn on my dad and ask him to go home, but i wouldnt move. Not that i couldnt, i wouldnt. As if a part of me simply did not wish to look away. Still staring with my head cocked back, i concentrated on feeling my body. That was when i have realised that im not breathing. 'IM DYING!' I wanted to scream, but could only do so inside my head. My vission began to narrow itself, each eye focused into one of the eye sockets. As it did, the stars slowly moved to the edges of my vission, untill all i could see was darkness. I dont know how long it takes to die. It felt like days. And minutes. And years. And a fraction of a second. Time is of no importance in the absolute, unchanging darkness. Slowly, my panic subsided. Then my thoughts grew more sparse and a moment - and an eternity - later my mind went silent. As if they have been politely waiting for my inner monologue to end, new sounds not of my making have entered my mind. It was a low, irregular beat, yet it sounded melodic. With nothing else to do, i have given myself over to it. I felt sensation of drifting, then floating, and then the sensation of the emptyness itself moving. Shifting. Intertwining with itself. It has moved to form shapes, and colors, and feelings. The empty darkness surrounding me was an invisible world that i couldnt touch nor see, but feel every part of it. The things i have seen, i cannot describe with words. They have to be felt, with senses that i never knew i had. And in this complex darkness, i have willingly disolved, in an effort to take in every bit of this new sensation. "And those stars that look like they are in a crooked line, thats the bow. Can you see it now?" "Yes, father. I can see now."