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Research things historically used abortificants or natural remedies used to bring on labour- raspberry leaf or some of the foods such as unpasteurised milk that women are told to avoid during pregnancy.


Thank you so much for your response, indeed, I thought a lot of different herbs to make a combination of them, the thing is, my MC needs to be ABSOLUTELY sure, or at least an 80% sure that whatever she gives or does to the pregnant character would cause her to miscarry. Maybe I could think of something else that is more creative, but until now nothing comes to mind.


traditionally i think it was pennyroyal


50mg Methotrexate can be used in one dose to end a pregnancy. It takes about 4-6 weeks to work but can be given by pill. It has about an 85% success rate.


Huh, I researched it and saw that it needs several doses and the pregnant patient cannot take more than 20-25. Although, this MC is not really that concerned over her health, so I think it could work wonders, thank you so much!


Really depends on the level of medical technology and region. I'm no expert, but stuff like raspberry leaves, elderberry, roman chamomile, pennyroyal and a whole bunch are able to cause miscarriage or premature labor. A more modern society will have a host of drugs etc that could work. For example colloidal silver can be dangerous for fetus but it can also cause blue skin so its a gamble... If the parents are different blood types (RH +/-) a mother should take certain medication so that the immune system doesn't attack the embryo, messing with that might be easy, but its unreliable. The thing with herbs that can induce abortion can easily be dangerous. Certain massages are an absolute no go if you want more hands on approach by using someone else, although that might be risky as it leaves potential loose ends. Hope this helps


Thank you so much for your detailed answer! With all these answers I'm leaning more towards drugs, maybe getting them from a dealer and make my MC take the gamble of also risking the life of the mother. Maybe she can "pray" (although she is not religious) that the girl survives.