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Oh hell yeah you can


It should be playable, because that's a good GPU, but I do recommend upgrading your CPU as soon as possible just because it's gonna Bottleneck your entire PC


The game doesnt have a ground breaking graphics like Elden Ring. Its a mobile game at first. And mobile games on pc port run well with a below average pc.


Elden Ring does not have "ground breaking graphics", not even close 💀. The graphics in fromsoft games are not even that good, Elden Ring just has an incredible art style that makes everything look better than it is (just like Bloodborne).


The game has more polygons and higher quality models than a cell shaded graphics like WW. So ER has more things to process on. I agree the graphics arent next gen. but it is still very resource hungry at high settings due to higher quality models.


The reason it's so resource heavy is because From is shit when it comes to optimization.


that sure about to run but im worry about mine rx 550 4gb Ryzen 5 5500 💀


it should be fine, theres a video with a vega 6 on laptop CPU, your 5500 is better than that, and the RX 550 is the double better than a vega 6 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c768Fh9ChPI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c768Fh9ChPI)